Werner Kloas
Müggelseedamm 310, 12587 Berlin
Endokrinologie, Physiologie, Ökotoxikologie, Aquakultur
- 08/2010 - 03/2024 W3-Professur für Endokrinologie an der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin und Abteilungsleiter der Abteilung Ökophysiologie und Aquakultur am Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei
- 2002 W2-Professur für Endokrinologie an der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
- 1999-2002 Abteilungsleiter der Abteilung Ökophysiologie und Aquakultur am Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei
- 1999 Abteilungsleiter der Abteilung Zoologie an der Fakultät für Bio- und Geowissenschaften der Universität Karlsruhe
- 1996-1999 Associated professor and lecturer im Fach Zoologie an der Fakultät für Bio- und Geowissenschaften der Universität Karlsruhe
- 1992-1996 Assistant professor im Fach Zoologie an der Fakultät für Bio- und Geowissenschaften der Universität Karlsruhe (11/1992 gefördert durch die DFG (Kl 745/2-2))
- 12/1995 Habilitation im Fach Zoologie an der Fakultät für Bio- und Geowissenschaften der Universität Karlsruhe
- 1992-1995 Habilitandenstipendium der DFG (Kl 745/2)
- 1992-1993 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Zoologischen Institut II der Universität Karlsruhe (ab 11/1992 gefördert durch DFG Kl 745/2-2)
- 1991-1992 Postdoctoral fellow, European Institute for Peptide Research, CNRS, INSERM,University of Rouen, Mont-Saint-Aignan, France; Stipendiat der DFG (Kl 745/1-1)
- 1986-1990 Promotion an der Fakultät für Bio- und Geowissenschaften der Universität Karlsruhe; Durchführung der Arbeiten zu ungefähr gleichen Teilen am Zoologischen Institut II der Universität Karlsruhe und der Abtlg. Reproduktionsbiologie des Deutschen Primaten Zentrums Göttingen
- 1986-1991 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Zoologischen Institut II der Universität Karlsruhe (ab 08/1988 gefördert durch DFG Ha78/36)
- 1979-1986 Studium der Biologie und Sport für das höhere Lehramt an Gymnasien, Staatsexamina an der Universität Karlsruhe Thema der Zulassungsarbeit: "Untersuchungen zur Regulation der Nebennierensekretion von Amphibien (Xenopus laevis) durch humorale Faktoren und Metopiron in vitro"
Januar 2025
Koushik Roy; Jaroslav Bernas; Radek Gebauer; Anil Axel Tellbuscher; Ondrej Nikl; Christopher Shaw; Ewumi Azeez Folorunso; Werner Kloas; Joel Aubin; Jan Mraz
Dezember 2024
S. Tatge ; M. Boerjan ; I. Halle ; W. Kloas ; B. Tzschentke
Long lasting effects of short-term temperature training during the hatching phase under commercial incubation conditions on performance and physiological parameters in male and female broiler chickens: Langzeiteffekte eines kurzzeitigen Temperaturtraining
European Poultry Science. - 88(2024)XX, XX-XX
November 2024
Alessandra Escurra-Alegre; Fritz A. Francisco; Fabian Schäfer; Sven Wuertz; Werner Kloas; David Bierbach
Behavioral repertoire of Arapaima gigas (Schinz, 1822) reared in captivity and its implication for welfare protocols
Behavior of the arapaima . - 2(2024)1, e5730
November 2024
Alessandra Escurra-Alegre; Fritz A. Francisco; Fabian Schäfer; Sven Wuertz; Werner Kloas; David Bierbach
November 2024
Michael G. Bertram; Werner Kloas
EthoCRED: a framework to guide reporting and evaluation of the relevance and reliability of behavioural ecotoxicity studies
Biological Reviews. - XX(2024)X, XX-XX
Juli 2024
Wael Yakti; Christopher Shaw; Marcus Müller; Inga Mewis; Werner Kloas; Christian Ulrichs
Tracing the journey of elements from fish feed to Nile tilapia faeces to black soldier fly larvae: a comparative approach
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. - 11(2024), Art. 1298885
Juni 2024
Heiner Kuhl; Peter T. Euclide; Christophe Klopp; Cédric Cabau; Margot Zahm; Céline Lopez‑Roques; Carole Iampietro; Claire Kuchly; Cécile Donnadieu; Romain Feron; Hugues Parrinello; Charles Poncet; Lydia Jaffrelo; Carole Confolent; Ming Wen; Amaury Herpin; Elodie Jouanno; Anastasia Bestin; Pierrick Haffray; Romain Morvezen; Taina Rocha de Almeida; Thomas Lecocq; Bérénice Schaerlinger; Dominique Chardard; Daniel Żarski; Wesley A. Larson; John H. Postlethwait; Serik Timirkhanov; Werner Kloas; Sven Wuertz; Matthias Stöck; Yann Guiguenh
Juni 2024
Heiner Kuhl; Wen Hui Tan; Christophe Klopp; Wibke Kleiner; Baturalp Koyun; Mitica Ciorpac; Romain Feron; Martin Knytl; Werner Kloas; Manfred Schartl; Christoph Winkler; Matthias Stöck
A candidate sex determination locus in amphibians which evolved by structural variation between X- and Y-chromosomes
Nature Communications. - 15(2024), Art. 4781
Mai 2024
Mohamed F. El-Sawy; Ahmed E. A. Badrey; Mahmoud M. S. Farrag; Werner Kloas; Aldoushy Mahdy; Alaa G. M. Osman
Polyculture of the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and the Crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) Under Various Conditions in the ASTAF-Pro Aquaponic System
Egyptian journal of aquatic biology and fisheries. - 28(2024)2, 903-314
März 2024
Sara Pinho; Laura Cammarisano; Hendrik Monsees; Tundra Ramírez; Werner Kloas; Oliver Körner
Latitude-dependent implications of lighting regimes on lettuce physiology and resource utilisation in decoupled aquaponics systems
Environmental and Experimental Botany. - 220(2024), Art. 105711
März 2024
Ahmed E. A. Badrey; Mohamed F. El‑Sawy; Aldoushy Mahdy; Mahmoud M. S. Farrag; Werner Kloas; Alaa G. M. Osman
The Impact of Water Quality on the Production of Lettuce (Lactuca sativaL.) Using Polyculture Effluent in ASTAF−Pro Aquaponic System
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. - XX(2024), XX-XX
Februar 2024
Shaw, Christopher; Knopf, Klaus; Roy, Koushik; Ulrichs, Christian; Kloas, Werner
Februar 2024
Kloas, Werner; Stöck, Matthias; Lutz, Ilka; Ziková-Kloas, Andrea
Endocrine disruption in teleosts and amphibians is mediated by anthropogenic and natural environmental factors: implications for risk assessment
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 379(2024)1898, Art. 20220505
Januar 2024
Sara Pinho; Margarida Meneses Leal; Christopher Shaw; Daniela Baganz; Gösta Baganz; Georg Staaks; Werner Kloas; Oliver Körner; Hendrik Monsees
Insect-based fish feed in decoupled aquaponic systems: Effect on lettuce production and resource use
PLoS ONE. - 19(2024)1, Art. e0295811
Januar 2024
Christopher Naas; Harish Muhammad; Werner Kloas; Andreas Müller‑Belecke
Sodium chloride (NaCl) as a treatment against trichodiniasis for pike perch (Sander lucioperca) in recirculating aquaculture systems
Aquaculture international. - XX(2024), XX-XX
Januar 2024
Fabian J. Schäfer; Jörn Gessner; Werner Kloas; Klaus Knopf; Thomas Meinelt; Hendrik Monsees; Christopher Shaw
Gegen den Strom - Aquakultur in Deutschland
Zeitschrift für Fischerei. - 3(2023), Art. 10, 1-10.
November 2023
Jeffrey J. Jones; Christopher Shaw; Tsu-Wei Chen; Christopher Martin Staß; Christian Ulrichs; David Riewe; Werner Kloas; Christoph-Martin Geilfus
September 2023
R. Gebauer; R. Seeger; T. Gebauer; J. Wegener; W. Kloas; F.J. Schaefer
Growth performance and fatty acids profile of common carp fed with raw black soldier fly larvae and honey bee drone brood
Journal of Insects as Food and Feed. - 0(2023), S. 1-13
Juni 2023
Aya H. Khalil; Ahmed E. A. Badrey; Ahmed S. Harabawy; Ahmed Th. A Ibrahim; Werner Kloas; Alaa G. M. Osman
Impact of polyculture in aquaponics on the hemato-serological and health status of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and carp (Cyprinus carpio)
Egyptian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. - 10(2023)1, 410–419
Mai 2023
Christopher Shaw; Klaus Knopf; Laura Klatt; Gabina Marin Arellano; Werner Kloas
März 2023
Werner Kloas; Klaus Knopf; Laura Klatt; Alaa Osman; Radek Gebauer; Andrea Zikova-Kloas; Christopher Shaw
Aquaponics - combining sustainability and resilience f or a reliable food security
Innowacje w gospodarce rybackiej. (2023), S. 107-120
Februar 2023
Radek Gebauer; Anneliese Brügmann; Ewumi Azeez Folorunso; Tobias Goldhammer; Tatyana Gebauer; Viola Schöning; Sandra Bittmann; Klaus Knopf; Jan Mráz; Werner Kloas
Januar 2023
Aya H. Khalil; Ahmed E. A. Badrey; Ahmed S. Harabawy; Ahmed T. A. Ibrahim; Werner Kloas; Alaa G. M. Osman
Effect of polyculture and monoculture of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) on water quality, growth performance and productivity of vegetables in an aquaponics system (ASTAF-PRO)
Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation- 15(2022)6, 3171-3180
Dezember 2022
Zohier M.A. Khedr ; Mahmoud M.S. Farrag ; Ahmed E.A. Badrey ; Werner Kloas ; Alaa G.M. Osman
Growth performance of the monosex Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus in aquaponics vs traditional earthen pond
Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation- 15(2022)6, 2930-2937
Dezember 2022
Gösta F.M. Baganz ; Axel Timpe ; Daniela Baganz ; Georg Staaks ; Bernd Hunger ; Werner Kloas ; Frank Lohrberg
City or hinterland – site potentials for upscaled aquaponics in a Berlin case study
npj urban Sustainability. - 2(2022), Art. 29
Dezember 2022
Christopher Shaw ... Klaus Knopf ... Werner Kloas
September 2022
Sven Wuertz; Cem Hinrich Pahl; Werner Kloas
August 2022
Radek Gebauer; Liliana Lehman; Hendrik Monsees; Bernhard Rennert; Jan Mráz; Werner Kloas
Nitrogen recovery in a decoupled aquaponic system with lamellar settler and trickling biofilter: implications for system management
Aquaculture international. - XX(2022)XX, Art. e13676
April 2022
Thora Lieke; Christian E.W. Steinberg; Thomas Meinelt; Klaus Knopf; Werner Kloas
Modification of the chemically induced inflammation assay reveals the Janus face of a phenol rich fulvic acid
Scientific Reports. - 12(2022), Art. 5886
März 2022
Christopher Shaw; Klaus Knopf; Werner Kloas
Dezember 2021
Gösta F. M. Baganz; Ranka Junge; Maria C. Portella; Simon Goddek; Karel J. Keesman; Daniela Baganz; Georg Staaks; Christopher Shaw; Frank Lohrberg; Werner Kloas
The aquaponic principle - it is all about coupling
Reviews in Aquaculture. - 14(2022)1, 252-264
November 2021
Mateus C. Adolfi; Kang Du; Susanne Kneitz; Cédric Cabau; Margot Zahm; Christophe Klopp; Romain Feron; Rômulo V. Paixão; Eduardo S. Varela; Fernanda L. de Almeida; Marcos A. de Oliveira; Rafael H. Nóbrega; Céline Lopez-Roques; Carole Iampietro; Jérôme Lluch; Werner Kloas; Sven Wuertz; Fabian Schaefer; Matthias Stöck; Yann Guiguen; Manfred Schartl
A duplicated copy of id2b is an unusual sex-determining candidate gene on the Y chromosome of arapaima (Arapaima gigas)
Scientific Reports. - 11(2021), Art. 21544
Oktober 2021
Gösta F. M. Baganz; Elias Baganz; Daniela Baganz; Werner Kloas; Frank Lohrberg
Urban rooftop uses: competition and potentials from the perspective of farming and aquaponics - a Berlin case study
REAL CORP. - 26(2021), S. 1015-1028
Juli 2021
Franziska Kupprat; Franz Hölker; Klaus Knopf; Torsten Preuer; Werner Kloas
Innate immunity, oxidative stress and body indices of Eurasian perch Perca fluviatilis after two weeks of exposure to artificial light at night
Journal of Fish Biology. - 99(2021)1, 118-130
Juli 2021
Gösta F. M. Baganz; Manfred Schrenk; Oliver Körner; Daniela Baganz; Karel J. Keesman; Simon Goddek; Zorina Siscan; Elias Baganz; Alexandra Doernberg; Hendrik Monsees; Thomas Nehls; Werner Kloas; Frank Lohrberg
Juli 2021
Thora Lieke; Christian E.W. Steinberg; Sandra Bittmann; Sascha Behrens; Seyed H. Hoseinifar; Thomas Meinelt; Klaus Knopf; Werner Kloas
Fulvic acid accelerates hatching and stimulates antioxidative protection and the innate immune response in zebrafish larvae
Science of the Total Environment. - 796(2021), Art. 148780
Juli 2021
Heiner Kuhl; Yann Guiguen; Christin Höhne; Eva Kreuz; Kang Du; Christophe Klopp; Céline Lopez-Roques; Elena Santidrian Yebra-Pimentel; Mitica Ciorpac; Jörn Gessner; Daniela Holostenco; Wibke Kleiner; Klaus Kohlmann; Dunja K. Lamatsch; Dmitry Prokopov; Anastasia Bestin; Emmanuel Bonpunt; Bastien Debeuf; Pierrick Haffray; Romain Morvezen; Pierre Patrice; Radu Suciu; Ron Dirks; Sven Wuertz; Werner Kloas; Manfred Schartl; Matthias Stöck
A 180 Myr-old female-specific genome region in sturgeon reveals the oldest known vertebrate sex determining system with undifferentiated sex chromosomes
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 376(2021)1832, 20200089
Juni 2021
Alaa G. M. Osman; Mahmoud M. S. Farrag; Ahmed E. A. Badrey; Zohier M. A. Khedr; Werner Kloas
Water quality and health status of the monosex Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticuscultured in aquaponics system (ASTAF-PRO)
Egyptian journal of aquatic biology and fisheries. - 25(2021)2, 785-802
Juni 2021
Franziska Kupprat; Werner Kloas; Angela Krüger; Claudia Schmalsch; Franz Hölker
Misbalance of thyroid hormones after two weeks of exposure to artificial light at night in Eurasian perch Perca fluviatilis
Conservation Physiology. - 9(2021)1, coaa124
Juni 2021
Alex T. Ford; Marlene Ågerstrand; Bryan W. Brooks; Joel Allen; Michael G. Bertram; Tomas Brodin; ZhiChao Dang; Sabine Duquesne; René Sahm; Frauke Hoffmann; Henner Hollert; Stefanie Jacob; Nils Klüver; James M. Lazorchak; Mariana Ledesma; Steven D. Melvin; Silvia Mohr; Stephanie Padilla; Gregory G. Pyle; Stefan Scholz; Minna Saaristo; Els Smit; Jeffery A. Steevens; Sanne van den Berg; Werner Kloas; Bob B.M. Wong; Michael Ziegler; Gerd Maack
The role of behavioral ecotoxicology in environmental protection
Environmental Science and Technology. - 55(2021), 5620-5628
Januar 2021
Thora Lieke; Christian E. W. Steinberg; Bo Pan; Irina V. Perminova; Thomas Meinelt; Klaus Knopf; Werner Kloas
Dezember 2020
Nora Baberschke; Fabian Schaefer; Thomas Meinelt; Werner Kloas
Ion-rich potash mining effluents affect sperm motility parameters of European perch, Percafluviatilis, and impair early development of the common roach, Rutilus rutilus
Science of the Total Environment. - 752(2021), Art. 141938
Dezember 2021
Gösta F. M. Baganz; Daniela Baganz; Werner Kloas; Frank Lohrberg
Urban planning and Corona spaces: scales, walls and COVID-19 coincidences
REAL CORP. - 25(2020), S. 1251-1261
Dezember 2020
Redaktion: Johannes Graupner; Verantwortliche Autoren: Jörn Gessner; Werner Kloas; Klaus Knopf; Klaus Kohlmann; Thomas Meinelt; Hendrik Monsees; Fabian Schäfer; Georg Staaks
Oktober 2020
Gösta F. M. Baganz; Gundula Proksch; Werner Kloas; Wolf Lorleberg; Daniela Baganz; Georg Staaks; and Frank Lohrberg
Site resource inventories - a missing link in the circular city´s information flow
Advances in Geosciences. - 54(2020), S. 23-32
Juni 2020
Gösta F. M. Baganz; Daniela Baganz; Georg Staaks; Hendrik Monsees; Werner Kloas
Profitability of multi-loop aquaponics: year-long production data, economic scenarios and a comprehensive model case
Aquaculture Research. - 51(2020)7, S. 2711-2724
Juni 2020
Franziska Kupprat; Franz Hölker; Werner Kloas
Can skyglow reduce nocturnal melatonin concentrations in Eurasian perch?
Environmental Pollution. - 262(2020), art. 114324
Juni 2020
Isabelle Weindl; Mario Ost; Petra Wiedmer; Monika Schreiner; Susanne Neugart; Rebecca Klopsch; Holger Kühnhold; Werner Kloas; Ina M. Henkel; Oliver Schlüter; Sara Bußler; Sonoko D. Bellingrath-Kimura; Hua Ma; Tilman Grune; Susanne Rolinski; Susanne Klaus
Sustainable food protein supply reconciling human and ecosystem health: a Leibniz position
Global Food Security. - 25(2020), 100367
Juni 2020
Henrik Holbech; Peter Matthiessen; Martin Hansen; Gerrit Schüürmann; Dries Knapen; Marieke Reuver; Frédéric Flamant; Laurent Sachs; Werner Kloas; Klara Hilscherova; Marc Leonard; Jürgen Arning; Volker Strauss; Taisen Iguchi; Lisa Baumann
ERGO: breaking down the wall between human health and environmental testing of endocrine disrupters
International Journal of Molecular Sciences. - 21(2020)8, 2954
Juni 2020
Kang Du; Matthias Stöck; Susanne Kneitz; Christophe Klopp; Joost M. Woltering; Mateus Contar Adolfi; Romain Feron; Dmitry Prokopov; Alexey Makunin; Ilya Kichigin; Cornelia Schmidt; Petra Fischer; Heiner Kuhl; Sven Wuertz; Jörn Gessner; Werner Kloas; Cédric Cabau; Carole Iampietro; Hugues Parrinello; Chad Tomlinson; Laurent Journot; John H. Postlethwait; Ingo Braasch; Vladimir Trifonov; Wesley C. Warren; Axel Meyer; Yann Guiguen; Manfred Schartl
The sterlet sturgeon genome sequence and the mechanisms of segmental rediploidization
Nature Ecology & Evolution. - 4(2020)6, S. 841-852
Januar 2020
Rashad E. M. Said; Hamdy E. Hasieb; Mohsen A. Moustafa; Salah M. E. Soliman; Werner Kloas; Alaa G. M. Osman
Haematological, serological and genotoxic findings in the African catfish Clarias gariepinus after the administration of copper nanoparticles and penconazole
EC Veterinary Science. - 4(2019)10, S. 1-14
Januar 2020
Alaa G. M. Osman; Ali G. Gadel-Rab; Fatma A. Mahmoud; Heba S. Hamed; Mohamed M. Elshehaby; Ahmed E. Ali; Werner Kloas
Blood characteristics and tissue histology of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus niloticus) fed a diet containing cheese skipper (Piophila casei) larvae
Scholarly Journal of Food and Nutrition. - 2(2019)3, S. 219-228
Januar 2020
J. Suhl; D. Baganz; W. Kloas; D. Dannehl; S. Jobs; G. Scheibe; U. Schmidt
The potential of double recirculating aquaponic systems for intensive tomato production
Acta Horticulturae. - 1242(2019), S. 679-686
Januar 2020
Katja Irob; Marit Wagler; Nora Baberschke; Thomas Meinelt; Werner Kloas
Potash mining effluents induce moderate effects on histopathological and physiological endpoints of adult zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Science of the Total Environment. - 694(2019)133471
Januar 2020
Daniela Baganz; Gösta F. M. Baganz; Georg Staaks; Werner Kloas
INAPRO, innovative model and demonstration based water management for resource efficiency in integrated multitrophic agriculture and aquaculture systems: collaborative project ; start date of project: 01/01/2014
25 S.
September 2019
Matthias Stöck; Florian Reisch; Morten Elmeros; Doreen Gabriel; Werner Kloas; Eva Kreuz; Pia Lassen; Alexandra Esther
August 2019
Konrad M. Wanka; Carsten Schulz; Werner Kloas; Sven Wuertz
Administration of host-derived probiotics does not affect utilization of soybean meal enriched diets in juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus)
Journal of Applied Ichthyology. - 35(2019)4, S. 1004-1015
August 2019
Fabian J. Schaefer; Moritz Tielmann; Julia L. Overton; Angela Krüger; Sven Wuertz; Werner Kloas; Carsten Schulz; Stefan Meyer
Juli 2019
Nora Baberschke; Laura Schulzik; Torsten Preuer; Klaus Knopf; Thomas Meinelt; Werner Kloas
Potash mining effluents and ion imbalances cause transient stress in adult common roach, Rutilus rutilus
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. - 180(2019)S. 733-741
Juli 2019
Beata Rozenblut-Koscisty; Maria Ogielska; Juliane Hahn; Denise Kleemann; Ronja Kossakowski; Stephanie Tamschick; Viola Schöning; Angela Krüger; Ilka Lutz; Petros Lymberakis; Werner Kloas; Matthias Stöck
Juni 2019
Hendrik Monsees; Johanna Suhl; Maurice Paul; Werner Kloas; Dennis Dannehl; Sven Wuertz
Juni 2019
Anderson Abel de Souza Machado; Chung W. Lau; Werner Kloas; Joana Bergmann; Julien B. Bachelier; Erik Faltin; Roland Becker; Anna S. Görlich; Matthias C. Rillig
Microplastics can change soil properties and affect plant performance
Environmental Science and Technology. - 53(2019)10, S. 6044-6052
Mai 2019
Johanna Suhl; Berry Oppedijk; Daniela Baganz; Werner Kloas; Uwe Schmidt; Bert van Duijn
Oxygen consumption in recirculating nutrient film technique in aquaponics
Scientia Horticulturae. - 255(2019), S. 281-291
Mai 2019
Anderson Abel de Souza Machado; Chris M. Wood; Werner Kloas
Novel concepts for novel entities: updating ecotoxicology for a sustainable anthropocene
Environmental Science and Technology. - 53(2019)9, S. 4680-4682
Mai 2019
Pavla Sehonova; Andrea Zikova; Jana Blahova; Zdenka Svobodova; Petr Chloupek; Werner Kloas
April 2019
Kang Du; Sven Wuertz; Mateus Adolfi; Susanne Kneitz; Matthias Stöck; Marcos Oliveira; Rafael Nobrega; Jenny Ormanns; Werner Kloas; Romain Feron; Christophe Klopp; Hugues Parrinello; Laurent Journot; Shunping He; John Postlethwait; Axel Meyer; Yann Guiguen; Manfred Schartl
März 2019
Nora Baberschke; Katja Irob; Torsten Preuer; Thomas Meinelt; Werner Kloas
Potash mining effluents and ion imbalances cause transient osmoregulatory stress, affect gill integrity and elevate chronically plasma sulfate levels in adult common roach, Rutilus rutilus
Environmental Pollution. - 249(2019), S. 181-190
Januar 2019
J. Suhl; D. Dannehl; L. Zechmeister; D. Baganz; W. Kloas; B. Lehmann; G. Scheibe; U. Schmidt
Prospects and challenges of double recirculating aquaponic systems (DRAPS) for intensive plant production
Acta Horticulturae. - 1227(2018), S. 449-456
Januar 2019
Anderson Abel de Souza Machado; Chung Wai Lau; Jennifer Till; Werner Kloas; Anika Lehmann; Roland Becker; Matthias C. Rillig
Impacts of microplastics on the soil biophysical environment
Environmental Science and Technology. - 52(2018)17, S. 9656-9665
Januar 2019
B. A. Rumpold; H. Speckmann; O. Schlüter; W. Kloas; A. Prochnow
Potentials of a biogenic residue-based production of Hermetia illucens as fish meal replacement in aquafeed for Oncorhynchus mykiss in Germany
Journal of Insects as Food and Feed. - 4(2018)1, S. 5-17
Januar 2019
Johanna Suhl; Dennis Dannehl; Daniela Baganz; Uwe Schmidt; Werner Kloas
An innovative suction filter device reduces nitrogen loss in double recirculating aquaponic systems
Aquacultural Engineering. - 82(2018), S. 63-72
Januar 2019
Daniel Reyes Lastiri; Caspar Geelen; Hans J. Cappon; Huub H. M. Rijnaarts; Daniela Baganz; Werner Kloas; Divas Karimanzira; Karel J. Keesman
Model-based management strategy for resource efficient design and operation of an aquaponic system
Aquacultural Engineering. - 83(2018), S. 27-39
Dezember 2018
F. J. Schaefer; J. L. Overton; A. Krüger; W. Kloas; S. Wuertz
September 2018
K. Knopf; K. Buschmann; M. Hansel; J. Radinger; W. Kloas
Flash photography does not induce stress in the Ram cichlid Mikrogeophagus ramirezi (Myers &Harry, 1948) in aquaria
Journal of Applied Ichthyology. - 34(2018)4, S. 922-928
Mai 2018
F. J. Schaefer; J. L. Overton; W. Kloas; S. Wuertz
Length rather than year-round spawning, affects reproductive performance of RAS-reared F-generation pikeperch, Sander lucioperca (Linnaeus, 1758): insights from practice
Journal of Applied Ichthyology. - 34(2018)3, S. 617-621
April 2018
Anika Brüning; Werner Kloas; Torsten Preuer; Franz Hölker
März 2018
Anderson Abel de Souza Machado; Werner Kloas; Christiane Zarfl; Stefan Hempel; Matthias C. Rillig
Microplastics as an emerging threat to terrestrial ecosystems
Global Change Biology. - 24(2018)4, S. 1405-1416
März 2018
Alaa G. M. Osman; Khaled Y. AbouelFadl; Abd El Baset M. Abd El Reheem; Usama M. Mahmoud; Werner Kloas; Mohsen A. Moustafa
Blood biomarkers in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus niloticus and African catfish Clarias gariepinus to evaluate water quality of the river Nile
Journal of Fisheries Sciences. - 12(2018)1, S. 1-15
Februar 2018
Anika Brüning; Franz Hölker; Steffen Franke; Wibke Kleiner; Werner Kloas
Influence of light intensity and spectral composition of artificial light at night on melatonin rhythm and mRNA expression of gonadotropins in roach Rutilus rutilus
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. - 44(2018)1, S. 1-12
Februar 2018
Saskia Rehse; Werner Kloas; Christiane Zarfl
Microplastics reduce short-term effects of environmental contaminants: Part I: Effects of bisphenol A on freshwater zooplankton are lower in presence of polyamide particles
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. - 15(2018)2, 280
Januar 2018
Divas Karimanzira; Karel Keesman; Werner Kloas; Daniela Baganz; Thomas Rauschenbach
Efficient and economical way of operating a recirculation aquaculture system in an aquaponics farm
Aquaculture Economics & Management. - 21(2017)4, S. 470-486
Januar 2018
Martin Tschirner; Werner Kloas
Increasing the sustainability of aquaculture systems
Gaia. - 26(2017)4, S. 297-368
Januar 2018
Markus Venohr; Jörg Lewandowski; Werner Kloas; Hans-Peter Grossart; Mark O. Gessner; Christian Wolter; Jörn Geßner; Sven Wuertz
Schutz und Nutzung von Binnengewässern in Deutschland - Status Quo, Konflikte und politische Handlungsoptionen
IGB Policy Brief zur Bundestagswahl 2017
Oktober 2017
C. Cobo Labarca; J. Radinger; V. Schöning; R. Ariav; R. Jung; K. D. Thompson; W. Kloas; K. Knopf
Application of low-frequency sonophoresis and reduction of antibiotics in the aquatic systems
Journal of Fish Diseases. - 40(2017)11, S. 1635-1643
Oktober 2017
Hendrik Monsees; Werner Kloas; Sven Wuertz
September 2017
B. Hermelink; W. Kleiner; C. Schulz; W. Kloas; S. Wuertz
Photo-thermal manipulation for the reproductive management of pikeperch Sander lucioperca
Aquaculture International. - 25(2017)1, S. 1-20
August 2017
Hendrik Monsees; Laura Klatt; Werner Kloas; Sven Wuertz
Chronic exposure to nitrate significantly reduces growth and affects the health status of juvenile Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) in recirculating aquaculture systems
Aquaculture Research. - 48(2017)7, S. 3482-3492
August 2017
Frauke Hoffmann; Werner Kloas
Eignung des Rufverhaltens des Krallenfroschs als Endpunkt für die Erfassung der Effekte hormonell wirkender Stoffe auf aquatische Ökosysteme
Bericht im Auftrag des Bundesumweltamtes
Juni 2017
Andrea Zikova; Claudia Lorenz; Frauke Hoffmann; Wibke Kleiner; Ilka Lutz; Matthias Stöck; Werner Kloas
Juni 2017
Frederike Gröner; Christin Höhne; Wibke Kleiner; Werner Kloas
Chronic exposure to the ß-blocker metoprolol reduces growth and alters gene expression of gonadotropins and vitellogenin in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. - 141(2017), S. 271-279
April 2017
Mary S. Marty; Amy Blankinship; Janice Chambers; Lisa Constantine; Werner Kloas; Anupama Kumar; Laurent Lagadic; James Meador; Daniel Pickford; Tamar Schwarz; Tim Verslycke
Population-relevant endpoints in the evaluation of endocrine-active substances (EAS) for ecotoxicological hazard and risk assessment
Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. - 13(2017)2, S. 317-330
April 2017
Peter Matthiessen; Gerald T. Ankley; Ronald C. Biever; Poul Bjerregaard; Christopher Borgert; Kristin Brugger; Amy Blankinship; Janice Chambers; Katherine K. Coady; Lisa Constantine; Zhichao Dang; Nancy D. Denslow; David A. Dreier; Steve Dungrey; L. Earl Gray; Melanie Gross; Patrick D. Guiney; Markus Hecker; Henrik Holbech; Taisen Iguchi; Sarah Kadlec; Natalie K. Karouna-Renier; Ioanna Katsiadaki; ... Werner Kloas ... Kunihiko Yamazaki
Recommended approaches to the scientific evaluation of ecotoxicological hazards and risks of endocrine-active substances
Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. - 13(2017)2, S. 267-279
April 2017
Dibo Liu; Lars-Flemming Pedersen; David L. Straus; Werner Kloas; Thomas Meinelt
Februar 2017
Anderson Abel de Souza Machado; Christiane Zarfl; Saskia Rehse; Werner Kloas
Low-dose effects: nonmonotonic responses for the toxicity of a Bacillus thuringiensis biocide to Daphnia magna
Environmental Science and Technology. - 51(2017)3, S. 1679-1686
Februar 2017
Norah Johanna Efosa; Wibke Kleiner; Werner Kloas; Frauke Hoffmann
Januar 2017
Hendrik Monsees; Jonas Keitel; Maurice Paul; Werner Kloas; Sven Wuertz
Potential of aquacultural sludge treatment for aquaponics: evaluation of nutrient mobilization under aerobic and anaerobic conditions
Aquaculture Environment Interactions. - 9(2017), S. 9-18
November 2016
Frederike Gröner; Christin Höhne; Wibke Kleiner; Werner Kloas
Januar 2017
Divas Karimanzira; Karel J. Keesman; Werner Kloas; Daniela Baganz; Thomas Rauschenbach
Dynamic modeling of the INAPRO aquaponic system
Aquacultural Engineering. - 75(2016), S. 29-45
Oktober 2016
Johanna Suhl; Dennis Dannehl; Werner Kloas; Daniela Baganz; Sebastian Jobs; Günther Scheibe; Uwe Schmidt
Advanced aquaponics
Agricultural Water Management. - 178(2016), S. 335-344
Oktober 2016
F. J. Schaefer; J. L. Overton; J. Bossuyt; D. Zarski; W. Kloas; S. Wuertz
Management of pikeperch Sander lucioperca (Linnaeus, 1758) sperm quality after stripping
Journal of Applied Ichthyology. - 32(2016)6, S. 1099-1106
September 2016
Frauke Hoffmann; Werner Kloas
p,p'-Dichlordiphenyldichloroethylene (p,p'-DDE) can elicit antiandrogenic and estrogenic modes of action in the amphibian Xenopus laevis
Physiology & Behavior. - 167(2016), S. 172-178
August 2016
Stephanie Tamschick; Beata Rozenblut-Koscisty; Maria Ogielska; Andreas Lehmann; Petros Lymberakis; Frauke Hoffmann; Ilka Lutz; Rudolf J. Schneider; Werner Kloas; Matthias Stöck
August 2016
Claudia Lorenz; Robert Opitz; Achim Trubiroha; Ilka Lutz; Andrea Zikova; Werner Kloas
Juni 2016
Stephanie Tamschick; Beata Rozenblut-Koscisty; Maria Ogielska; David Kekenj; Franz Gajewski : Angela Krüger; Werner Kloas; Matthias Stöck
The plasticizer bisphenol A affects somatic and sexual development, but differently in pipid, hylid and bufonid anurans
Environmental Pollution. - 216(2016), S. 282-291
Juni 2016
Jörn F. Gerchen; Samuel J. Reichert; Johannes T. Röhr; Christoph Dietrich; Werner Kloas; Matthias Stöck
April 2016
Saskia Rehse; Werner Kloas; Christian Zarfl
April 2016
Stephanie Tamschick; Beata Rozenblut-Koscisty; Maria Ogielska; Andreas Lehmann; Petros Lymberakis; Frauke Hoffmann; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas; Matthias Stöck
Februar 2016
Amir Abbas Bazyar Lakeh; Hamid Farahmand; Werner Kloas; Alireza Mirvaghefi; Achim Trubiroha; Brian C. Peterson; Sven Wuertz
Growth enhancement of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) by passive immunization against somatostatin-14
Aquaculture International. - 24(2016)1, S. 11-21
Dezember 2015
Anika Brüning; Franz Hölker; Steffen Franke; Wibke Kleiner; Werner Kloas
Impact of different colours of artificial light at night on melatonin rhythm and gene expression of gonadotropins in European perch
Science of the Total Environment. - 543(2016), S. 214-222
Oktober 2015
Werner Kloas; Roman Groß; Daniela Baganz; Johannes Graupner; Hendrik Monsees; Uwe Schmidt; Georg Staaks; Johanna Suhl; Martin Tschirner; Bernd Wittstock; Sven Wuertz; Andrea Zikova; Bernhard Rennert
A new concept for aquaponic systems to improve sustainability, increase productivity, and reduce environmental impacts
Aquaculture Environment Interactions. - 7(2015)2, S. 179-192
September 2015
Anderson Abel de Souza Machado; Kate Spencer; Werner Kloas; Marco Toffolon; Christiane Zarfl
Metal fate and effects in estuaries
Science of the Total Environment. - 541(2015), S. 268-281
September 2015
V. Stancova; A. Zikova; Z. Svobodova; W. Kloas
Effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) naproxen on gene expression of antioxidant enzymes in zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology. - 40(2015)2, S. 343-348
September 2015
E. Sisperova; H. Modra; A. Zikova; W. Kloas; J. Blahova; I. Matejova; D. Zivna; Z. Svobodova
The effect of mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) on the oxidative stress markers in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum 1792)
Journal of Applied Ichthyology. - 31(2015)5, S. 855-861
Juni 2015
Alaa G. M. Osman; Khaled Y. AbouelFadl; Angela Krüger; Werner Kloas
Screening of multiple hormonal activities in water and sediment from the river Nile, Egypt, using in vitro bioassay and gonadal histology
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. - 187(2015)art. 317
Mai 2015
Josefin Garmshausen; Werner Kloas; Frauke Hoffmann
17α-ethinylestradiol can disrupt hemoglobin catabolism in amphibians
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C. - 171(2015), S. 34-40
Mai 2015
Stephanie Tamschick; Beata Rozenblut-Koscisty; Lucio Bonato; Christiphe Dufresnes; Petros Lymberakis; Werner Kloas; Maria Ogielska; Matthias Stöck
Sex chromosome conservation, DMRT1 phylogeny and gonad morphology in diploid palearctic green toads (Bufo viridis subgroup)
Cytogenetic and Genome Research. - 144(2014)4, S. 315-324
März 2015
Frederike Gröner; Andrea Zikova; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Effects of the pharmaceuticals diclofenac and metoprolol on gene expression levels of enzymes of biotransformation, excretion pathways and estrogenicity in primary hepatocytes of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C. - 167(2015), S. 51-58
Februar 2015
Cristobal Cobo Labarca; Mary Makhutu; Alexander E. Lumsdon; Kim D. Thompson; Rainer Jung; Werner Kloas; Klaus Knopf
Februar 2015
Anika Brüning; Franz Hölker; Steffen Franke; Torsten Preuer; Werner Kloas
Spotlight on fish
Science of the Total Environment. - 511(2015), S. 516-522
Dezember 2014
Glen J. van der Kraak; Alan J. Hosmer; Mark L. Hanson; Werner Kloas; Keith R. Solomon
Effects of atrazine in fish, amphibians, and reptiles
Critical Reviews in Toxicology. - 44(2014)S5, S. 1-66
Juli 2014
H. K. Kroupova; A. Trubiroha; C. Lorenz; V. Contardo-Jara; I. Lutz; R. Grabic; M. Kocour; W. Kloas
The progestin levonorgestrel disrupts gonadotropin expression and sex steroid levels in pubertal roach (Rutilus rutilus)
Aquatic Toxicology. - 154(2014), S. 154-162
April 2014
Constanze Pietsch; Christian Michel; Susanne Kersten; Hana Valenta; Sven Dänicke; Carsten Schulz; Werner Kloas; Patricia Burkhardt-Holm
In vivo effects of deoxynivalenol (DON) on innate immune responses of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)
Food and Chemical Toxicology. - 68(2014), S. 44-52
März 2014
Constanze Pietsch; Carsten Schulz; Pere Rovira; Werner Kloas; Patricia Burkhardt-Holm
März 2014
Ralph Urbatzka; Claudia Lorenz; Caterina Wiedemann; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Steroid exposure during larval development of Xenopus laevis affects RNA expression of the reproductive pituitary-gonodal axis in a sex- and stage-dependent manner
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C. - 160(2014), S. 1-8
April 2014
Steffen Franke; Anika Brüning; Franz Hölker; Werner Kloas
Study of biological action of light on fish
Journal of Light and Visual Environment. - 37(2013)4, S. 194-204
November 2013
Amir Abbas Bazyar Lakeh; Rainer Jung; Ra'anan Ariav; Werner Kloas; Thomas Meinelt; Klaus Knopf
Niederfrequenter Ultraschall und UV-C zur Abtötung von Parasiten und zur Keimreduktion in Kreislaufanlagen
Fischkrankheiten im Spannungsfeld Wirt-Erreger-Umwelt / EAFP. - Hannover. - S. 123-129
Oktober 2013
Valeska Contardo-Jara; Stephan Pflugmacher; Gunnar Nützmann; Werner Kloas; Claudia Wiegand
Juli 2013
B. Hermelink; S. Wuertz; B. Rennert; W. Kloas; C. Schulz
Juni 2013
Amir Abbas Bazyar Lakeh; Werner Kloas; Rainer Jung; Ra'anan Ariav; Klaus Knopf
Low frequency ultrasound and UV-C for elimination of pathogens in recirculating aquaculture systems
Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. - 20(2013)5, S. 1211-1216
Mai 2013
Andrea Ziková; Claudia Lorenz; Ilka Lutz; Stephan Pflugmacher; Werner Kloas
Physiological responses of Xenopus laevis tadpoles exposed to cyanobacterial biomass containing microcystin-LR
Aquatic Toxicology. - 128-129(2013), S. 25-33
März 2013
Werner Kloas
Fisch als Nahrungsmittel der Zukunft
Mensch, Fisch! : Katalog zur Sonderausstellung des Landesmuseums Natur und Mensch Oldenburg vom 10. November 2012 bis zum 07. April 2013. - Oldenburg, 2012. - S. 93-98
Januar 2013
Fabian Schäfer; Werner Kloas; Sven Wuertz
Arapaima: candidate for intensive freshwater culture
Global Aquaculture Advocate. - 15(2012)6, S. 50-51
Januar 2013
Sven Wuertz; Björn Hermelink; Werner Kloas; Carsten Schulz
Pike perch in recirculation aquaculture: temperature controls gonad maturation, growth performance
Global Aquaculture Advocate. - 15(2012)4, S. 46-47
Dezember 2012
Frauke Hoffmann; Werner Kloas
August 2012
Achim Trubiroha; Hana Kroupova; Sven Wuertz; Werner Kloas
Up-regulation of gonadotropin mRNA-expression at the onset of gametogenesis in the roach (Rutilus rutilus): evidence for an important role of brain-type aromatase (cyp 19a1b) in the pituitary
General and Comparative Endocrinology. - 178(2012)3, S. 529-538
August 2012
Alaa G. M. Osman; Khaled Y. Abuel-Fadl; Werner Kloas
In situ evaluation of the genotoxic potential of the river Nile
Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis. - 747(2012)1, S. 14-21
Juni 2012
H. Kroupova; A. Trubiroha; S. Wuertz; S. N. Frank; B. Sures; W. Kloas
Nutritional status and gene expression along the somatotropic axis in roach (Rutilus rutilus) infected with the tapeworm Ligula intestinalis
General and Comparative Endocrinology. - 177(2012)2, S. 270-277
Juni 2012
Frauke Hoffmann; Werner Kloas
The synthetic progestogen, Levonorgestrel, but not natural progesterone, affects male mate calling behavior of Xenopus laevis
General and Comparative Endocrinology. - 176(2012)3, S. 385-390
Juni 2012
Frauke Hoffmann; Werner Kloas
Mai 2012
Frauke Hoffmann; Werner Kloas
Estrogens can disrupt amphibian mating behavior
PLoS One. - 7(2012)2, e32097
Januar 2012
B. Rennert; R. Groß; C. van Ballegooy; W. Kloas
Ein Aquaponiksystem zur kombinierten Tilapia- und Tomatenproduktion
Fischer und Teichwirt. - 62(2011)6, S. 209-214
Januar 2012
C. Pietsch; N. Neumann; T. Preuer; W. Kloas
Januar 2012
Alaa G. M. Osman; Abd-El-Baset M. Abd El Reheem; Mohsen A. Moustafa; Usama M. Mahmoud; Khaled Y. Abuel-Fadl; Werner Kloas
In situ evaluation of the genotoxic potential of the river Nile
Toxicological and environmental chemistry. - 93(2011)5, S. 1002-1017
Januar 2012
I. Meric; S. Wuertz; W. Kloas; G. Wibbelt; C. Schulz
Cottonseed oilcake as a protein source in feeds for juvenile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
The Israeli journal of aquaculture - Bamidgeh. - 63(2011)588
Januar 2012
S. Reiser; S. Wuertz; J. P. Schroeder; W. Kloas; R. Hanel
Risks of seawater ozonation in recirculation aquaculture: effects of oxidative stress on animal welfare of juvenile turbot (Psetta maxima, L.)
Aquatic toxicology. - 105(2011)3-4, S. 508-517
Dezember 2011
Claudia Lorenz; Valeska Contardo-Jara; Achim Trubiroha; Angela Krüger; Viola Viehmann; Claudia Wiegand; Stephan Pflugmacher; Gunnar Nützmann; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Oktober 2011
Claudia Lorenz; Valeska Contardo-Jara; Stephan Pflugmacher; Claudia Wiegand; Gunnar Nützmann; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
The synthetic gestagen levonorgestrel impairs metamorphosis in Xenopus laevis by disruption of the thyroid system
Toxicological sciences. - 123(2011)1, S. 94-102
Oktober 2011
Valeska Contardo-Jara; Claudia Lorenz; Stephan Pflugmacher; Gunnar Nützmann; Werner Kloas; Claudia Wiegand
Exposure to human pharmaceuticals Carbamazepine, Ibuprofen and Bezafibrate causes molecular effects in Dreissena polymorpha
Aquatic toxicology. - 105(2011)3-4, S. 428-437
August 2011
Sabrina Nadine Frank; Steffen Faust; Martin Kalbe; Achim Trubiroha; Werner Kloas; Bernd Sures
April 2011
Hana Kroupova; Achim Trubiroha; Sven Wuertz; Werner Kloas
Stage-dependent differences in RNA composition and content affect the outcome of expression profiling in roach (Rutilus rutilus) ovary
Comparative biochemistry and physiology A. - 159(2011)2, S. 141-149
April 2011
Amir Abbas Bazyar Lakeh; Hamid Farahmand; Alireza Mirvaghefi; Werner Kloas; Brian C. Peterson; Sven Wuertz
April 2011
B. Hermelink; S. Wuertz; A. Trubiroha; B. Rennert; W. Kloas; C. Schulz
Influence of temperature on puberty and maturation of pikeperch, Sander lucioperca
General and comparative endocrinology. - 172(2011)2, S. 282-292
November 2010
Achim Trubiroha; Hana Kroupova; Sabrina N. Frank; Bernd Sures; Werner Kloas
Oktober 2010
Valeska Contardo-Jara; Claudia Lorenz; Stephan Pflugmacher; Gunnar Nützmann; Werner Kloas; Claudia Wiegand
Molecular effects and bioaccumulation of levonorgestrel in the non-target organism Dreissena polymorpha
Environmental pollution. - 159(2011)1, S. 38-44
Februar 2011
Werner Kloas; Ilka Lutz
The hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis in anuran amphibians
Endocrine toxicology. - 2010, S. 352-364
Januar 2011
Alaa G. M. Osman; Werner Kloas
Water quality and heavy metal monitoring in water, sediemnts, and tissues of the African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) from the River Nile, Egypt
Journal of environmental protection. - 1(2010)4, S. 389-400
Januar 2011
Franz Hölker; Timothy Moss; Barbara Griefahn; Werner Kloas; Christian C. Voigt; Dietrich Henckel; Andreas Hänel; Peter M. Kappeler; Stephan Völker; Axel Schwope; Steffen Franke; Dirk Uhrlandt; Jürgen Fischer; Reinhard Klenke; Christian Wolter; Klement Tockner
The dark side of light
Ecology and society. - 15(2010)4, art. 13
November 2010
Valeska Contardo-Jara; Stephan Pflugmacher; Gunnar Nützmann; Werner Kloas; Claudia Wiegand
The ß-receptor blocker metoprolol alters detoxification processes in the non-target organism Dreissena polymorpha
Environmental pollution. - 159(2010)6, S. 2059-2066
November 2010
Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas; Sakae Kikuyama
Sixth International Symposium on Amphibian and Reptilian Endocrinology and Neurobiology ISAREN 2009
General and comparative endocrinology. - 168(2010)2, S. 169-170
November 2010
Björn Hermelink; Ralph Urbatzka; Claudia Wiegand; Stephan Pflugmacher; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Aqueous leaf extracts display endocrine activities in vitro and disrupt sexual differentiation of male Xenopus laevis tadpoles in vivo
General and comparative endocrinology. - 168(2010)2, S. 245-255
November 2010
R. Opitz; W. Kloas
Developmental regulation of gene expression in the thyroid gland of Xenopus laevis tadpoles
General and comparative endocrinology. - 168(2010)2, S. 199-208
November 2010
A. Massari; R. Urbatzka; A. Cevasco; L. Canesi; C. Lanza; L. Scarabelli; W. Kloas; A. Mandich
Aromatase mRNA expression in the brain of adult Xenopus laevis exposed to Lambro river water and endocrine disrupting compounds
General and comparative endocrinology. - 168(2010)2, S. 262-268
November 2010
Thomas Behrends; Ralph Urbatzka; Sven Krackow; Andreas Elepfandt; Werner Kloas
Mate calling behavior of male South African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) is suppressed by the antiandrogenic endocrine disrupting compound flutamide
General and comparative endocrinology. - 168(2010)2, S. 269-274
November 2010
Jeffrey C. Wolf; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas; Timothy A. Springer; Larry R. Holden; Henry O. Krueger; Alan J. Hosmer
Effects of 17 ß-estradiol exposure on Xenopus laevis gonadal histopathology
Environmental toxicology and chemistry. - 29(2010)5, S. 1091-1105
November 2010
S. Reiser; J. P. Schroeder; S. Wuertz; W. Kloas; R. Hanel
November 2010
Frauke Hoffmann; Werner Kloas
An environmentally relevant endocrine-disrupting antiandrogen, vinclozolin, affects calling behavior of male Xenopus laevis
Hormones and behavior. - 58(2010)4, S. 653-659
Oktober 2010
Andrea Ziková; Achim Trubiroha; Claudia Wiegand; Sven Wuertz; Bernhard Rennert; Stephan Pflugmacher; Radovan Kopp; Jan Mares; Petr Spurný; Werner Kloas
Impact of microcystin containing diets on physiological performance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) concerning detoxification
Journal of environmental monitoring. - 12(2010)12, S. 2276-2281
Oktober 2010
Achim Trubiroha; Hana Kroupova; Sven Wuertz; Sabrina N. Frank; Bernd Sures; Werner Kloas
Naturally-induced endocrine disruption by the parasite Ligula intestinalis (Cestoda) in roach (Rutilus rutilus)
General and comparative endocrinology. - 166(2010)2, S. 234-240
Oktober 2010
Andrea Ziková; Achim Trubiroha; Claudia Wiegand; Sven Wuertz; Bernhard Rennert; Stephan Pflugmacher; Radovan Kopp; Jan Mares; Werner Kloas
Impact of microcystin containing diets on physiological performance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) concerning stress and growth
Environmental toxicology and chemistry. - 29(2010)3, S. 561-568
Oktober 2010
R. Urbatzka; C. Lorenz; I. Lutz; W. Kloas
Expression profiles of LHß, FSHß and their gonadal receptor mRNAs during sexual differentiation of Xenopus laevis tadpoles
General and comparative endocrinology. - 168(2010)2, S. 239-244
März 2010
K. Knopf; N. Neumann; C. Pietsch; W. Kloas; H. Kürzinger; B. B. ter Höfte; G. Großheider
Suche nach einem alternativem Fischmodell für Wirksamkeitsuntersuchungen immunstimulierender Futteradditive
Der Weg zum gesunden Fisch / Dirk Willem Kleingeld u. Dieter Steinhagen (Hrsg.). - Hannover, 2009. - S. 219-226
Februar 2010
Achim Trubiroha; Sabrina N. Frank; Sven Würtz; Bernd Sures; Werner Kloas
Endocrine disrupting effects in fish induced by prasites
Integrated environmental assessment and management. - 5(2009)2, S. 354-355
Januar 2010
Werner Kloas; Ilka Lutz; Timothy Springer; Henry Krueger; Jeff Wolf; Larry Holden; Alan Hosmer
Does atrazine influence larval development and sexual differentiation in Xenopus laevis?
Toxicological sciences. - 107(2009)2, S. 376-384
Januar 2010
Frances Orton; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas; Edwin J. Routledge
Endocrine disrupting effects of herbicides and pentachlorophenol
Environmental science and technology. - 43(2009)6, S. 2144-2150
Januar 2010
Werner Kloas; Ralph Urbatzka; Robert Opitz; Sven Würtz; Thomas Behrends; Björn Hermelink; Frauke Hofmann; Oana Jagnytsch; Hana Kroupova; Claudia Lorenz; Nadja Neumann; Constanze Pietsch; Achim Trubiroha; Christoph van Ballegooy; Caterina Wiedemann; Ilka Lutz
Endocrine disruption in aquatic vertebrates
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. - 1163(2009), S. 187-200
Januar 2010
R. Opitz; F. Schmidt; T. Braunbeck; S. Wuertz; W. Kloas
Perchlorate and ethylenethiourea induce different histological and molecular alterations in a non-mammalian vertebrate model of thyroid goitrogenesis
Molecular end cellular endocrinology. - 298(2009)1-2, S. 101-114
Januar 2010
Constanze Pietsch; Nadja Neumann; Klaus Knopf; Sven Wuertz; Werner Kloas
Progestogens cause immunosuppression of stimulated carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) leukocytes in vitro
Comparative biochemistry and physiology C. - 150(2009)1, S. 16-24
Januar 2010
Claudia Lorenz; Robert Opitz; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Corticosteroids disrupt amphibian metamorphosis by complex modes of action including increased prolactin expression
Comparative biochemistry and physiology C. - 150(2009)2, S. 314-321
Januar 2010
Achim Trubiroha; Sven Wuertz; Sabrina N. Frank; Bernd Sures; Werner Kloas
Expression of gonadotropin subunits in roach (Rutilus rutilus, Cyprinidae) infected with plerocercoids of the tapeworm Ligula intestinalis (Cestoda)
International journal for parasitology. - 39(2009)13, S. 1465-1473
Januar 2010
Werner Kloas; Ilka Lutz; Ralph Urbatzka; Tim Springer; Hank Krueger; Jeffrey Wolf; Larry Holden; Alan Hosmer
Does atrazine affect larval development and sexual differentiation of South African clawed frogs?
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. - 1163(2009), S. 437-440
Januar 2010
Claudia Lorenz; Robert Opitz; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Teratogenic effects of chronic treatment with cortocosterone on Tadpoles of Xenopus laevis
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. - 1163(2009), S. 454-456
Januar 2010
R. Urbatzka; B. Watermann; I. Lutz; W. Kloas
Exposure of Xenopus laevis tadpoles to finasteride, an inhibitor of 5-a reductase activity, impairs spermatogenesis and alters hypophyseal feedback mechanisms
Journal of molecular endocrinology. - 43(2009)5, S. 209-219
Januar 2010
Jörg Oehlmann; Ulrike Schulte-Oehlmann; Werner Kloas; Oana Jagnytsch; Ilka Lutz; Kresten O. Kusk; Leah Wollenberger; Eduarda M. Santos; Gregory C. Paull; Katrien J. W. van Look; Charles R. Tyler
A critical analysis of the biological impacts of plasticizers on wildlife
Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London : ser. B, Biological sciences. - 364(2009), S. 2047-2062
September 2009
J. Gessner; C. M. Kamerichs; W. Kloas; S. Wuertz
Behavioural and physiological responses in early life phases of Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus Mitchill 1815) towards different substrates
Journal of applied ichthyology. - 25(2009)Suppl. 2, S. 83-90
Januar 2009
Constanze Pietsch; Reinhard Vogt; Nadja Neumann; Werner Kloas
Production of nitric oxide by carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) kidney leukocytes is regulated by cyclic 3',5'-adenosine monophosphate
Comparative biochemistry and physiology A. - 150(2008), S. 58-65
Januar 2009
Jörg Oehlmann; Ulrike Sculte-Oehlmann; Matthias Oetken; Jens Bachmann; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Superfeminization as an effect of bisphenol A in Marisa cornuarietis
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety. - 69(2008)3, S. 577-579
Januar 2009
Alessandra Cevasco; Ralph Urbatzka; Sergio Bottero; Alessandra Massari; Federico Pedemonte; Werner Kloas; Alberta Mandich
Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC) with (anti)estrogenic and (anti)androgenic modes of action affecting reproductive biology of Xenopus laevis
Comparative biochemistry and physiology C. - 147(2008),S. 241-251
Januar 2009
Luigi Viganò; Emilio Benfenati; Anne van Cauwenberge; Janne K. Eidem; Claudio Erratico; Anders Goksøyr; Werner Kloas; Silvia Mandich; Ralph Urbatzka
Januar 2009
Johnny Ogunji; Rahat-Ul-Ain Summan Toor; Carsten Schulz; Werner Kloas
Growth performance, nutrient utilization of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus fed housefly maggot meal (magmeal) diets
Turkish journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences. - 8(2008)1, S. 141-147
Januar 2009
J. O. Ogunji; W. Kloas; M. Wirth; N. Neumann; C. Pietsch
Effect of housefly maggot meal (magmeal) diets on the performance, concentration of plasma glucose, cortisol and blood characteristics of Oreochromis niloticus fingerlings
Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition. - 92(2008)4, S. 511-518
Januar 2009
Alaa G. M. Osman; Imam A. Mekkawy; Johan Verreth; Sven Wuertz; Werner Kloas; Frank Kirschbaum
Monitoring of DNA breakage in embryonic stages of the African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) after exposure to lead nitrate using alkaline comet assay
Environmental toxicology. - 23(2008)6, S. 679-687
Januar 2009
J. O. Ogunji; W. Kloas; M. Wirth; C. Schulz; B. Rennert
Housefly maggot meal (magmeal) as a protein source for Oreochromis niloticus (Linn.)
Asian fisheries science. - 21(2008)3, S. 319-331
August 2008
Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas; Timothy A. Springer; Larry R. Holden; Jeff C. Wolf; Henry O. Krueger; Alan J. Hosmer
Development, standardization and refinement of procedures for evaluating effects of endocrine active compounds on development and sexual differentiation of Xenopus laevis
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry. - 390(2008), S. 2031-2048
Juli 2008
Maaike Binner; Werner Kloas; Iris Hardewig
Energy allocation in juvenile roach and burbot under different temperature and feeding regimes
Fish physiology and biochemistry. - 34(2008)2, S. 103-116
September 2008
S. Wuertz; J. Gessner; F. Kirschbaum; W. Kloas
Expression of IGF-I and IGF-I receptor in male and female sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus - evidence for an important role in gonad maturation
Comparative biochemistry and physiology A. - 147(2007)1, S. 223-230
April 2008
Constanze Pietsch; Günter Kotterba; Klaus Knopf; Nadja Neumann; Werner Kloas
Immunmodulationen beim Karpfen durch Sexualsteroide
Gesunde Fische überall / EAFP. - Bern, 2007. - S. 1-5
April 2008
S. Wuertz; A. Nitsche; M. Jastroch; J. Gessner; M. Klingenspor; F. Kirschbaum; W. Kloas
The role of the IGF-I system for vitellogenesis in maturing female sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus Linnaeus, 1758
General and comparative endocrinology. - 150(2007)1, S. 140-150
März 2008
Heinz-R. Köhler; Werner Kloas; Martin Schirling; Ilka Lutz; Anna L. Reye; Jan-S. Langen; Rita Triebskorn; Roland Nagel; Gilbert Schönfelder
Sex steroid receptor evolution and signalling in aquatic invertebrates
Ecotoxicology. - 16(2007)1, S. 131-143
März 2008
Ralph Urbatzka; Anne van Cauwenberge; Silvia Maggioni; Luigi Viganò; Alberta Mandich; Emilio Benfenati; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
März 2008
Ralph Urbatzka; Sergio Bottero; Alberta Mandich; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Endocrine disrupters with (anti)estrogenic and (anti)androgenic modes of action affecting reproductive biology of Xenopus laevis
Comparative biochemistry and physiology C. - 144(2007)4,S. 310-318
März 2008
R. Urbatzka; I. Lutz; W. Kloas
Aromatase, steroid-5-alpha-reductase type 1 and type 2 mRNA expression in gonads and in brain of Xenopus laevis during ontogeny
General and comparative endocrinology. - 153(2007), S. 280-288
Juli 2018
B. Sures; I. Lutz; W. Kloas
Oktober 2011
Robert Opitz;; Ilka Lutz; Ngoc-Ha Nguyen; Thomas S. Scanlan; Werner Kloas
Analysis of thyroid hormone receptor ßA mRNA expression in Xenopus laevis tadpoles as a means to detect agonism and antagonism of thyroid hormone action
Toxicology and applied pharmacology. - 212(2006)1, S. 1-13
Oktober 2011
Robert Opitz; Sabine Hartmann; Tobias Blank; Thomas Braunbeck; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Evaluation of histological and molecular endpoints for enhanced detection of thyroid system disruption in Xenopus laevis tadpoles
Toxicological sciences. - 90(2006)2, S. 337-348
Oktober 2010
R. Opitz; Achim Trubiroha; Claudia Lorenz; Ilka Lutz; Sabine Hartmann; Tobias Blank; Thomas Braunbeck; Werner Kloas
Expression of sodium-iodide symporter mRNA in the thyorid gland of Xenopus laevis tadpoles
Journal of endocrinology. - 190(2006)1, S. 157-170
August 2008
S. Wuertz; I. Lutz; J. Gessner; P. Loeschau; B. Hogans; F. Kirschbaum; W. Kloas
The influence of rearing density as environmental stressor on cortisol response of Shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum)
Journal of applied ichthyology. - 22(2006)Suppl. 1, S. 269-273
August 2008
S. Wuertz; A. Nitsche; J. Gessner; F. Kirschbaum; W. Kloas
IGF-I and its role in maturing gonads of female sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus Linnaeus, 1758
Journal of applied ichthyology. - 22(2006)Suppl. 1, S. 346-352
August 2008
Werner Kloas; Ilka Lutz
Amphibians as model to study endocrine disrupters
Journal of chromatography A. - 1130(2006), S. 16-27
August 2008
Jörg Oehlmann; Ulrike Schulte-Oehlmann; Jean Bachmann; Matthias Oetken; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas; Thomas A. Ternes
Bisphenol A induces superfeminization in the ramshorn snail Marisa cornuarietis (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia) at environmentally relevant concentrations
Environmental health perspectives. - 114(2006)Suppl. 1, S. 127-133
Juni 2008
Oana Jagnytsch; Robert Opitz; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Effects of tetrabromobisphenol A on larval development and thyroid hormone-regulated biomarkers of the amphibian Xenopus laevis
Environmental research. - 101(2006)3, S. 340-348
Mai 2008
R. Urbatzka; I. Lutz; R. Opitz; W. Kloas
Luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, and gonadotropin releasing hormone mRNA expression of Xenopus laevis in response to endocrine disrupting compounds affecting reproductive biology
General and comparative endocrinology. - 146(2006)2, S. 119-125
August 2008
A. Mandich; E. Benfenati; M. T. D. Cronin; A. Goksøyr; B. E. Grøsvik; W. Kloas; A. van Cauwenberge; L. Viganò
Environmental agent susceptibility assessment using existing and novel biomarkers as rapid noninvasive testing methods
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. - 1040(2005), S. 381-386
Januar 2006
Ilka Lutz; Susanne Blödt; Werner Kloas
Regulation of estrogen receptors in primary cultured hepatocytes of the amphibian Xenopus laevis as estrogenic biomarker and its application in environmental monitoring
Comparative biochemistry and physiology C. - 141(2005)4, S. 384-392
Januar 2006
Werner Kloas; Ilka Lutz
Welche Wirkungen können Arzneimittel in der aquatischen Umwelt hervorrufen?
Arzneimittel in der Umwelt. -(Texte / Umweltbundesamt ; 2005/29). - S. 185-194
Januar 2006
U. Schulte-Oehlmann; J. Bachmann; D. Candia Carnevali; G. Janer; S. Jobling; W. Kloas; O. Kusk; R. Lavado; I. Lutz; C. Porte; M. Sugni; B. Watermann; L. Wollenberger; J. Oehlmann
Quae nocent, docent: vergleichende Untersuchung zur Wirkung endokriner Disruptoren im Tierreich
3. Statusseminar Chemikalien in der Umwelt mit Wirkung auf das endokrine System / Umweltbundesamt. - Stuttgart, 2005. - S. 64-73
Januar 2006
W. Kloas; C. Bögi; A. Gaete; O. Jagnytsch; A. Krüger; G. Levy; C. Lorenz; N. Neumann; R. Opitz; C. Pietsch; W. Schumacher; A. Tillack; A. Trubiroha; R. Urbatzka; C. van Ballegooy; C. Wiedemann; S. Würtz; I. Lutz
Testverfahren bei Amphibien zum Nachweis von endocrine disruptors (ED) mit Wirkungen auf die Reproduktion und das Schilddrüsensystem
3. Statusseminar Chemikalien in der Umwelt mit Wirkung auf das endokrine System / Umweltbundesamt. - Stuttgart, 2005. - S. 38-47
Januar 2006
Anja Klann; Gregor Levy; Ilka Lutz; Christian Müller; Werner Kloas; Jan-Peter Hildebrandt
Januar 2006
Robert Opitz; Thomas Braunbeck; Christian Bögi; Daniel B. Pickford; Gerrit Nentwig; Jörg Oehlmann; Osamu Tooi; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Description and initial evaluation of a Xenopus metamorphosis assay for detection of thyroid system-disrupting activities of environmental compounds
Environmental toxicology and chemistry. - 24(2005)3, S. 653-664
Januar 2006
J. Oehlmann; U. Schulte-Oehlmann; J. Bachmann; M. Duft; M. Oetken; I. Lutz; W. Kloas; T. A. Ternes
Bisphenol A als Xeno-Östrogen bei Vorderkiemerschnecken
3. Statusseminar Chemikalien in der Umwelt mit Wirkung auf das endokrine System / Umweltbundesamt. - Stuttgart, 2005. - S. 19-37
Januar 2006
Ilka Lutz; Zhang Jie; Robert Opitz; Werner Kloas; Xu Ying; Ralph Menzel; Christian E. W. Steinberg
Environmental signals
Chemosphere. - 61(2005)8, S. 1183-1188
November 2005
Werner Kloas
Die unsichtbare Gefahr
Umweltforschungs-Journal 2005 / Landesanstalt für Umweltschutz Baden-Württemberg. - Karlsruhe, 2005. - S. 36
Juli 2005
Martin Jastroch; Sven Würtz; Werner Kloas; Martin Klingenspor
Uncoupling protein 1 in fish uncovers an ancient evolutionary history of mammalian nonshivering thermogenesis
Physiological genomics. - 22(2005)2, S. 150-156
März 2012
Gregor Levy; Ilka Lutz; Angela Krüger; Werner Kloas
Bisphenol A induces feminization in Xenopus laevis tadpoles
Environmental research. - 94(2004)1, S. 102-111
Oktober 2004
Christian E. W. Steinberg; Sebastian Höss; Werner Kloas; Ilka Lutz; Thomas Meinelt; Stephan Pflugmacher; Claudia Wiegand
Hormonelike effects of humic substances on fish, amphibians, and invertebrates
Environmental toxicology. - 19(2004)4, S. 409-411
September 2004
Ilka Lutz; Zhang Jie; Robert Opitz; Werner Kloas; Xu Ying; Christian E. W. Steinberg
Endocrine disrupting effects of humic substances in amphibs
Humic substances and soil and water environment : proceedings 12th international meeting of IHSS / eds.: Ladislau Martin-Neto ... - Sao Pedro, Sao Paulo : Embrapa Instrumentacao Agropecuária, 2004. - S. 123-127
September 2004
A. P. Ekanem; T. Meinelt; W. Kloas; K. Knopf
Juni 2004
Frank Kirschbaum; Arne Ludwig; Emanuel Hensel; Sven Würtz; Werner Kloas; Patrick Williot; Ralph Tiedemann; Gerd-Michael Arndt; Eckhard Anders; Henning v. Nordheim; Jörn Geßner
Status of the project on protection and restoration of Atlantic sturgeon in Germany
Species differentiation and population identification in the sturgeons Acipenser sturio L. and Acipenser oxyrhinchus. - (BfN-Skripten / Bundesamt für Naturschutz ; 101). - S. 36-53
Juni 2004
Werner Kloas
Angiotensin, evolution of
Encyclopedia of endocrine diseases. - Vol. 1. - 2004. - S. 234-236
April 2004
A. P. Ekanem; A. Obiekezie; W. Kloas; K. Knopf
April 2004
Gregor Levy; Ilka Lutz; Angela Krüger; Wolf von Tümpling; Werner Kloas
Retinol-binding protein as a biomarker to assess endocrine-disrupting compounds in the environment
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry. - 378(2004)3, S. 676-683
April 2004
Yoshio Takei; Jean M. P. Joss; Werner Kloas; J. Cliff Rankin
Identification of angiotensin I in several vertebrate species
General and comparative endocrinology. - 135(2004)3, S. 286-292
November 2003
Werner Kloas; Gregor Levy; Robert Opitz; Christian Bögi; Sven Würtz; Jörg Oehlmann; Ulrike Schulte-Oehlmann; Christoph van Ballegoy; Ralph Urbatzka; Oana Jagnytsch; Ilka Lutz
Wirkungen endokrin wirksamer Substanzen auf aquatische Tiere
Spurenstoffe in Gewässern / Thomas Track ; Gerhard Kreysa (Hrsg.). - Weinheim : Wiley, 2003. - S. 185-196
Oktober 2003
C. Bögi; J. Schwaiger; H. Ferling; U. Mallow; C. Steineck; F. Sinowatz; W. Kalbfus; R. D. Negele; I. Lutz; W. Kloas
Endocrine effects of environmental pollution on Xenopus laevis and Rana temporaria
Environmental research. - 93(2003)2, S. 195-201
Februar 2003
Annette C. Schmid; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas; Manfred Reinecke
Thyroid hormone stimulates hepatic IGF-I mRNA expression in a bony fish, the tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus, in vitro and in vivo
General and comparative endocrinology. - 130(2003)2, S. 129-134
November 2006
Thomas Meinelt; Werner Kloas
Was sind endokrin wirksame Substanzen und wie beeinträchtigen sie unsere Fische?
Fischerei & [und] Fischmarkt in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. - 2(2002)3, S. 40-42
Februar 2003
Christian Bögi; Gregor Levy; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Functional genomics and sexual differentiation in amphibians
Comparative biochemistry and physiology B. - 133(2002)4, S. 559-570
November 2002
S. Würtz; J. Gessner; F. Kirschbaum; W. Kloas
First identification of IGF-I mRNA in the genus Acipenser and its quantification in maturing gonads
Proceedings of the 21st Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, Bonn (Germany), August 26-30, 2002. - Bologna : Monduzzi Ed., 2002. - S. 253-257
November 2002
I. Lutz; S. Würtz; A. Schulz; G. Levy; C. Bögi; R. Opitz; W. Kloas
Establishment of estrogenreceptor-mRNA as estrogenic biomarker in the amphibian Rana temporaria
Proceedings of the 21st Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, Bonn (Germany), August 26-30, 2002. - Bologna : Monduzzi Ed., 2002. - S. 95-98
November 2002
W. Kloas; C. Bögi; G. Levy; S. Würtz; I. Lutz
Sexual differentiation in amphibians
Proceedings of the 21st Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, Bonn (Germany), August 26-30, 2002. - Bologna : Monduzzi Ed., 2002. - S. 87-90
August 2002
B. Sures; G. Scheef; B. Klar; W. Kloas; H. Taraschewski
Juni 2002
Werner Kloas
Amphibians as a model for the study of endocrine disruptors
International review of cytology. - 216(2002), S. 1-57
Juni 2002
G. Mosconi; O. Carnevali; M. F. Franzoni; E. Cottone; I. Lutz; W. Kloas; K. Yamamoto; S. Kikuyama; A. M. Polzonetti-Magni
Environmental estrogens and reproductive biology in amphibians
General and comparative endocrinology. - 126(2002), S. 125-129
März 2002
W. Kloas; G. Levy; C. Bögi; R. Opitz; I. Lutz
Effects of environmental chemicals on reproductive biology of amphibians
Endocrine disrupters : second statusseminar. - Berlin, 2002. - S. 55-58
März 2002
C. Bögi; J. Schwaiger; H. Ferling; U. Mallow; C. Steineck; W. Kalbfus; R. D. Negele; I. Lutz; W. Kloas
Endocrine effects of environmental pollution on amphibians
Endocrine disrupters : second statusseminar. - Berlin, 2002. - S. 59-61
August 2008
B. Sures; K. Knopf; W. Kloas
März 2001
Werner Kloas
Wirkungen von endokrin wirksamen Stoffen (endocrine disruptors) auf Fische und Amphibien
Wasser und Boden. - 53(2001)1+2, S. 16-21
Oktober 2001
I. David; R. Bosshard; W. Kloas; M. Reinecke
Insulin-like growth factor-I in the anterior pituitary of the clawed frog Xenopus laevis
Journal of neuroendocrinology. - 12(2000), S. 415-420
Oktober 2001
Werner Kloas; Bettina Schrag; Colin Ehnes; Helmut Segner
Binding of xenobiotics to hepatic estrogen receptor and plasma sex steroid binding protein in the teleost fish, the common carp (Cyprinus carpio)
General and comparative endocrinology. - 119(2000), S. 287-299
September 1993
A. C. Schmid; M. Reinecke; W. Kloas
Primary cultured hepatocytes of the bony fish, Oreochromis mossambicus, the tilapia
Journal of endocrinology. - 166(2000), S. 265-273
August 2008
Werner Kloas
Stress physiology in fish
Recent developments in comparative endocrinology and neurobiology / ed. by Eric W. Roubos ... - Maastricht, 1999. - S. 157-160
Oktober 2001
Annette C. Schmid; Esther Näf; Werner Kloas; Manfred Reinecke
Insulin-like growth factor-I and -II in the ovary of a bony fish, Oreochromis mossambicus, the tilapia
Molecular end cellular endocrinology. - 156(1999)1-2, S. 141-149
Oktober 2001
Werner Kloas; Ilka Lutz; Ralf Einspanier
Amphibians as a model to study endocrine disruptors
The science of the total environment. - 225(1999)1-2, S. 59-68
Oktober 2001
Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Amphibians as a model to study endocrine disruptors
The science of the total environment. - 225(1999)1-2, S. 49-57
Januar 2025
Koushik Roy; Jaroslav Bernas; Radek Gebauer; Anil Axel Tellbuscher; Ondrej Nikl; Christopher Shaw; Ewumi Azeez Folorunso; Werner Kloas; Joel Aubin; Jan Mraz
Dezember 2024
S. Tatge ; M. Boerjan ; I. Halle ; W. Kloas ; B. Tzschentke
Long lasting effects of short-term temperature training during the hatching phase under commercial incubation conditions on performance and physiological parameters in male and female broiler chickens: Langzeiteffekte eines kurzzeitigen Temperaturtraining
European Poultry Science. - 88(2024)XX, XX-XX
November 2024
Alessandra Escurra-Alegre; Fritz A. Francisco; Fabian Schäfer; Sven Wuertz; Werner Kloas; David Bierbach
Behavioral repertoire of Arapaima gigas (Schinz, 1822) reared in captivity and its implication for welfare protocols
Behavior of the arapaima . - 2(2024)1, e5730
November 2024
Alessandra Escurra-Alegre; Fritz A. Francisco; Fabian Schäfer; Sven Wuertz; Werner Kloas; David Bierbach
November 2024
Michael G. Bertram; Werner Kloas
EthoCRED: a framework to guide reporting and evaluation of the relevance and reliability of behavioural ecotoxicity studies
Biological Reviews. - XX(2024)X, XX-XX
Juli 2024
Wael Yakti; Christopher Shaw; Marcus Müller; Inga Mewis; Werner Kloas; Christian Ulrichs
Tracing the journey of elements from fish feed to Nile tilapia faeces to black soldier fly larvae: a comparative approach
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. - 11(2024), Art. 1298885
Juni 2024
Heiner Kuhl; Peter T. Euclide; Christophe Klopp; Cédric Cabau; Margot Zahm; Céline Lopez‑Roques; Carole Iampietro; Claire Kuchly; Cécile Donnadieu; Romain Feron; Hugues Parrinello; Charles Poncet; Lydia Jaffrelo; Carole Confolent; Ming Wen; Amaury Herpin; Elodie Jouanno; Anastasia Bestin; Pierrick Haffray; Romain Morvezen; Taina Rocha de Almeida; Thomas Lecocq; Bérénice Schaerlinger; Dominique Chardard; Daniel Żarski; Wesley A. Larson; John H. Postlethwait; Serik Timirkhanov; Werner Kloas; Sven Wuertz; Matthias Stöck; Yann Guiguenh
Juni 2024
Heiner Kuhl; Wen Hui Tan; Christophe Klopp; Wibke Kleiner; Baturalp Koyun; Mitica Ciorpac; Romain Feron; Martin Knytl; Werner Kloas; Manfred Schartl; Christoph Winkler; Matthias Stöck
A candidate sex determination locus in amphibians which evolved by structural variation between X- and Y-chromosomes
Nature Communications. - 15(2024), Art. 4781
Mai 2024
Mohamed F. El-Sawy; Ahmed E. A. Badrey; Mahmoud M. S. Farrag; Werner Kloas; Aldoushy Mahdy; Alaa G. M. Osman
Polyculture of the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and the Crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) Under Various Conditions in the ASTAF-Pro Aquaponic System
Egyptian journal of aquatic biology and fisheries. - 28(2024)2, 903-314
März 2024
Sara Pinho; Laura Cammarisano; Hendrik Monsees; Tundra Ramírez; Werner Kloas; Oliver Körner
Latitude-dependent implications of lighting regimes on lettuce physiology and resource utilisation in decoupled aquaponics systems
Environmental and Experimental Botany. - 220(2024), Art. 105711
März 2024
Ahmed E. A. Badrey; Mohamed F. El‑Sawy; Aldoushy Mahdy; Mahmoud M. S. Farrag; Werner Kloas; Alaa G. M. Osman
The Impact of Water Quality on the Production of Lettuce (Lactuca sativaL.) Using Polyculture Effluent in ASTAF−Pro Aquaponic System
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. - XX(2024), XX-XX
Februar 2024
Shaw, Christopher; Knopf, Klaus; Roy, Koushik; Ulrichs, Christian; Kloas, Werner
Februar 2024
Kloas, Werner; Stöck, Matthias; Lutz, Ilka; Ziková-Kloas, Andrea
Endocrine disruption in teleosts and amphibians is mediated by anthropogenic and natural environmental factors: implications for risk assessment
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 379(2024)1898, Art. 20220505
Januar 2024
Sara Pinho; Margarida Meneses Leal; Christopher Shaw; Daniela Baganz; Gösta Baganz; Georg Staaks; Werner Kloas; Oliver Körner; Hendrik Monsees
Insect-based fish feed in decoupled aquaponic systems: Effect on lettuce production and resource use
PLoS ONE. - 19(2024)1, Art. e0295811
Januar 2024
Christopher Naas; Harish Muhammad; Werner Kloas; Andreas Müller‑Belecke
Sodium chloride (NaCl) as a treatment against trichodiniasis for pike perch (Sander lucioperca) in recirculating aquaculture systems
Aquaculture international. - XX(2024), XX-XX
Januar 2024
Fabian J. Schäfer; Jörn Gessner; Werner Kloas; Klaus Knopf; Thomas Meinelt; Hendrik Monsees; Christopher Shaw
Gegen den Strom - Aquakultur in Deutschland
Zeitschrift für Fischerei. - 3(2023), Art. 10, 1-10.
November 2023
Jeffrey J. Jones; Christopher Shaw; Tsu-Wei Chen; Christopher Martin Staß; Christian Ulrichs; David Riewe; Werner Kloas; Christoph-Martin Geilfus
September 2023
R. Gebauer; R. Seeger; T. Gebauer; J. Wegener; W. Kloas; F.J. Schaefer
Growth performance and fatty acids profile of common carp fed with raw black soldier fly larvae and honey bee drone brood
Journal of Insects as Food and Feed. - 0(2023), S. 1-13
Juni 2023
Aya H. Khalil; Ahmed E. A. Badrey; Ahmed S. Harabawy; Ahmed Th. A Ibrahim; Werner Kloas; Alaa G. M. Osman
Impact of polyculture in aquaponics on the hemato-serological and health status of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and carp (Cyprinus carpio)
Egyptian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. - 10(2023)1, 410–419
Mai 2023
Christopher Shaw; Klaus Knopf; Laura Klatt; Gabina Marin Arellano; Werner Kloas
März 2023
Werner Kloas; Klaus Knopf; Laura Klatt; Alaa Osman; Radek Gebauer; Andrea Zikova-Kloas; Christopher Shaw
Aquaponics - combining sustainability and resilience f or a reliable food security
Innowacje w gospodarce rybackiej. (2023), S. 107-120
Februar 2023
Radek Gebauer; Anneliese Brügmann; Ewumi Azeez Folorunso; Tobias Goldhammer; Tatyana Gebauer; Viola Schöning; Sandra Bittmann; Klaus Knopf; Jan Mráz; Werner Kloas
Januar 2023
Aya H. Khalil; Ahmed E. A. Badrey; Ahmed S. Harabawy; Ahmed T. A. Ibrahim; Werner Kloas; Alaa G. M. Osman
Effect of polyculture and monoculture of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) on water quality, growth performance and productivity of vegetables in an aquaponics system (ASTAF-PRO)
Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation- 15(2022)6, 3171-3180
Dezember 2022
Zohier M.A. Khedr ; Mahmoud M.S. Farrag ; Ahmed E.A. Badrey ; Werner Kloas ; Alaa G.M. Osman
Growth performance of the monosex Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus in aquaponics vs traditional earthen pond
Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation- 15(2022)6, 2930-2937
Dezember 2022
Gösta F.M. Baganz ; Axel Timpe ; Daniela Baganz ; Georg Staaks ; Bernd Hunger ; Werner Kloas ; Frank Lohrberg
City or hinterland – site potentials for upscaled aquaponics in a Berlin case study
npj urban Sustainability. - 2(2022), Art. 29
Dezember 2022
Christopher Shaw ... Klaus Knopf ... Werner Kloas
September 2022
Sven Wuertz; Cem Hinrich Pahl; Werner Kloas
August 2022
Radek Gebauer; Liliana Lehman; Hendrik Monsees; Bernhard Rennert; Jan Mráz; Werner Kloas
Nitrogen recovery in a decoupled aquaponic system with lamellar settler and trickling biofilter: implications for system management
Aquaculture international. - XX(2022)XX, Art. e13676
April 2022
Thora Lieke; Christian E.W. Steinberg; Thomas Meinelt; Klaus Knopf; Werner Kloas
Modification of the chemically induced inflammation assay reveals the Janus face of a phenol rich fulvic acid
Scientific Reports. - 12(2022), Art. 5886
März 2022
Christopher Shaw; Klaus Knopf; Werner Kloas
Dezember 2021
Gösta F. M. Baganz; Ranka Junge; Maria C. Portella; Simon Goddek; Karel J. Keesman; Daniela Baganz; Georg Staaks; Christopher Shaw; Frank Lohrberg; Werner Kloas
The aquaponic principle - it is all about coupling
Reviews in Aquaculture. - 14(2022)1, 252-264
November 2021
Mateus C. Adolfi; Kang Du; Susanne Kneitz; Cédric Cabau; Margot Zahm; Christophe Klopp; Romain Feron; Rômulo V. Paixão; Eduardo S. Varela; Fernanda L. de Almeida; Marcos A. de Oliveira; Rafael H. Nóbrega; Céline Lopez-Roques; Carole Iampietro; Jérôme Lluch; Werner Kloas; Sven Wuertz; Fabian Schaefer; Matthias Stöck; Yann Guiguen; Manfred Schartl
A duplicated copy of id2b is an unusual sex-determining candidate gene on the Y chromosome of arapaima (Arapaima gigas)
Scientific Reports. - 11(2021), Art. 21544
Oktober 2021
Gösta F. M. Baganz; Elias Baganz; Daniela Baganz; Werner Kloas; Frank Lohrberg
Urban rooftop uses: competition and potentials from the perspective of farming and aquaponics - a Berlin case study
REAL CORP. - 26(2021), S. 1015-1028
Juli 2021
Franziska Kupprat; Franz Hölker; Klaus Knopf; Torsten Preuer; Werner Kloas
Innate immunity, oxidative stress and body indices of Eurasian perch Perca fluviatilis after two weeks of exposure to artificial light at night
Journal of Fish Biology. - 99(2021)1, 118-130
Juli 2021
Gösta F. M. Baganz; Manfred Schrenk; Oliver Körner; Daniela Baganz; Karel J. Keesman; Simon Goddek; Zorina Siscan; Elias Baganz; Alexandra Doernberg; Hendrik Monsees; Thomas Nehls; Werner Kloas; Frank Lohrberg
Juli 2021
Thora Lieke; Christian E.W. Steinberg; Sandra Bittmann; Sascha Behrens; Seyed H. Hoseinifar; Thomas Meinelt; Klaus Knopf; Werner Kloas
Fulvic acid accelerates hatching and stimulates antioxidative protection and the innate immune response in zebrafish larvae
Science of the Total Environment. - 796(2021), Art. 148780
Juli 2021
Heiner Kuhl; Yann Guiguen; Christin Höhne; Eva Kreuz; Kang Du; Christophe Klopp; Céline Lopez-Roques; Elena Santidrian Yebra-Pimentel; Mitica Ciorpac; Jörn Gessner; Daniela Holostenco; Wibke Kleiner; Klaus Kohlmann; Dunja K. Lamatsch; Dmitry Prokopov; Anastasia Bestin; Emmanuel Bonpunt; Bastien Debeuf; Pierrick Haffray; Romain Morvezen; Pierre Patrice; Radu Suciu; Ron Dirks; Sven Wuertz; Werner Kloas; Manfred Schartl; Matthias Stöck
A 180 Myr-old female-specific genome region in sturgeon reveals the oldest known vertebrate sex determining system with undifferentiated sex chromosomes
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 376(2021)1832, 20200089
Juni 2021
Alaa G. M. Osman; Mahmoud M. S. Farrag; Ahmed E. A. Badrey; Zohier M. A. Khedr; Werner Kloas
Water quality and health status of the monosex Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticuscultured in aquaponics system (ASTAF-PRO)
Egyptian journal of aquatic biology and fisheries. - 25(2021)2, 785-802
Juni 2021
Franziska Kupprat; Werner Kloas; Angela Krüger; Claudia Schmalsch; Franz Hölker
Misbalance of thyroid hormones after two weeks of exposure to artificial light at night in Eurasian perch Perca fluviatilis
Conservation Physiology. - 9(2021)1, coaa124
Juni 2021
Alex T. Ford; Marlene Ågerstrand; Bryan W. Brooks; Joel Allen; Michael G. Bertram; Tomas Brodin; ZhiChao Dang; Sabine Duquesne; René Sahm; Frauke Hoffmann; Henner Hollert; Stefanie Jacob; Nils Klüver; James M. Lazorchak; Mariana Ledesma; Steven D. Melvin; Silvia Mohr; Stephanie Padilla; Gregory G. Pyle; Stefan Scholz; Minna Saaristo; Els Smit; Jeffery A. Steevens; Sanne van den Berg; Werner Kloas; Bob B.M. Wong; Michael Ziegler; Gerd Maack
The role of behavioral ecotoxicology in environmental protection
Environmental Science and Technology. - 55(2021), 5620-5628
Januar 2021
Thora Lieke; Christian E. W. Steinberg; Bo Pan; Irina V. Perminova; Thomas Meinelt; Klaus Knopf; Werner Kloas
Dezember 2020
Nora Baberschke; Fabian Schaefer; Thomas Meinelt; Werner Kloas
Ion-rich potash mining effluents affect sperm motility parameters of European perch, Percafluviatilis, and impair early development of the common roach, Rutilus rutilus
Science of the Total Environment. - 752(2021), Art. 141938
Dezember 2021
Gösta F. M. Baganz; Daniela Baganz; Werner Kloas; Frank Lohrberg
Urban planning and Corona spaces: scales, walls and COVID-19 coincidences
REAL CORP. - 25(2020), S. 1251-1261
Dezember 2020
Redaktion: Johannes Graupner; Verantwortliche Autoren: Jörn Gessner; Werner Kloas; Klaus Knopf; Klaus Kohlmann; Thomas Meinelt; Hendrik Monsees; Fabian Schäfer; Georg Staaks
Oktober 2020
Gösta F. M. Baganz; Gundula Proksch; Werner Kloas; Wolf Lorleberg; Daniela Baganz; Georg Staaks; and Frank Lohrberg
Site resource inventories - a missing link in the circular city´s information flow
Advances in Geosciences. - 54(2020), S. 23-32
Juni 2020
Gösta F. M. Baganz; Daniela Baganz; Georg Staaks; Hendrik Monsees; Werner Kloas
Profitability of multi-loop aquaponics: year-long production data, economic scenarios and a comprehensive model case
Aquaculture Research. - 51(2020)7, S. 2711-2724
Juni 2020
Franziska Kupprat; Franz Hölker; Werner Kloas
Can skyglow reduce nocturnal melatonin concentrations in Eurasian perch?
Environmental Pollution. - 262(2020), art. 114324
Juni 2020
Isabelle Weindl; Mario Ost; Petra Wiedmer; Monika Schreiner; Susanne Neugart; Rebecca Klopsch; Holger Kühnhold; Werner Kloas; Ina M. Henkel; Oliver Schlüter; Sara Bußler; Sonoko D. Bellingrath-Kimura; Hua Ma; Tilman Grune; Susanne Rolinski; Susanne Klaus
Sustainable food protein supply reconciling human and ecosystem health: a Leibniz position
Global Food Security. - 25(2020), 100367
Juni 2020
Henrik Holbech; Peter Matthiessen; Martin Hansen; Gerrit Schüürmann; Dries Knapen; Marieke Reuver; Frédéric Flamant; Laurent Sachs; Werner Kloas; Klara Hilscherova; Marc Leonard; Jürgen Arning; Volker Strauss; Taisen Iguchi; Lisa Baumann
ERGO: breaking down the wall between human health and environmental testing of endocrine disrupters
International Journal of Molecular Sciences. - 21(2020)8, 2954
Juni 2020
Kang Du; Matthias Stöck; Susanne Kneitz; Christophe Klopp; Joost M. Woltering; Mateus Contar Adolfi; Romain Feron; Dmitry Prokopov; Alexey Makunin; Ilya Kichigin; Cornelia Schmidt; Petra Fischer; Heiner Kuhl; Sven Wuertz; Jörn Gessner; Werner Kloas; Cédric Cabau; Carole Iampietro; Hugues Parrinello; Chad Tomlinson; Laurent Journot; John H. Postlethwait; Ingo Braasch; Vladimir Trifonov; Wesley C. Warren; Axel Meyer; Yann Guiguen; Manfred Schartl
The sterlet sturgeon genome sequence and the mechanisms of segmental rediploidization
Nature Ecology & Evolution. - 4(2020)6, S. 841-852
Januar 2020
Rashad E. M. Said; Hamdy E. Hasieb; Mohsen A. Moustafa; Salah M. E. Soliman; Werner Kloas; Alaa G. M. Osman
Haematological, serological and genotoxic findings in the African catfish Clarias gariepinus after the administration of copper nanoparticles and penconazole
EC Veterinary Science. - 4(2019)10, S. 1-14
Januar 2020
Alaa G. M. Osman; Ali G. Gadel-Rab; Fatma A. Mahmoud; Heba S. Hamed; Mohamed M. Elshehaby; Ahmed E. Ali; Werner Kloas
Blood characteristics and tissue histology of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus niloticus) fed a diet containing cheese skipper (Piophila casei) larvae
Scholarly Journal of Food and Nutrition. - 2(2019)3, S. 219-228
Januar 2020
J. Suhl; D. Baganz; W. Kloas; D. Dannehl; S. Jobs; G. Scheibe; U. Schmidt
The potential of double recirculating aquaponic systems for intensive tomato production
Acta Horticulturae. - 1242(2019), S. 679-686
Januar 2020
Katja Irob; Marit Wagler; Nora Baberschke; Thomas Meinelt; Werner Kloas
Potash mining effluents induce moderate effects on histopathological and physiological endpoints of adult zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Science of the Total Environment. - 694(2019)133471
Januar 2020
Daniela Baganz; Gösta F. M. Baganz; Georg Staaks; Werner Kloas
INAPRO, innovative model and demonstration based water management for resource efficiency in integrated multitrophic agriculture and aquaculture systems: collaborative project ; start date of project: 01/01/2014
25 S.
September 2019
Matthias Stöck; Florian Reisch; Morten Elmeros; Doreen Gabriel; Werner Kloas; Eva Kreuz; Pia Lassen; Alexandra Esther
August 2019
Konrad M. Wanka; Carsten Schulz; Werner Kloas; Sven Wuertz
Administration of host-derived probiotics does not affect utilization of soybean meal enriched diets in juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus)
Journal of Applied Ichthyology. - 35(2019)4, S. 1004-1015
August 2019
Fabian J. Schaefer; Moritz Tielmann; Julia L. Overton; Angela Krüger; Sven Wuertz; Werner Kloas; Carsten Schulz; Stefan Meyer
Juli 2019
Nora Baberschke; Laura Schulzik; Torsten Preuer; Klaus Knopf; Thomas Meinelt; Werner Kloas
Potash mining effluents and ion imbalances cause transient stress in adult common roach, Rutilus rutilus
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. - 180(2019)S. 733-741
Juli 2019
Beata Rozenblut-Koscisty; Maria Ogielska; Juliane Hahn; Denise Kleemann; Ronja Kossakowski; Stephanie Tamschick; Viola Schöning; Angela Krüger; Ilka Lutz; Petros Lymberakis; Werner Kloas; Matthias Stöck
Juni 2019
Hendrik Monsees; Johanna Suhl; Maurice Paul; Werner Kloas; Dennis Dannehl; Sven Wuertz
Juni 2019
Anderson Abel de Souza Machado; Chung W. Lau; Werner Kloas; Joana Bergmann; Julien B. Bachelier; Erik Faltin; Roland Becker; Anna S. Görlich; Matthias C. Rillig
Microplastics can change soil properties and affect plant performance
Environmental Science and Technology. - 53(2019)10, S. 6044-6052
Mai 2019
Johanna Suhl; Berry Oppedijk; Daniela Baganz; Werner Kloas; Uwe Schmidt; Bert van Duijn
Oxygen consumption in recirculating nutrient film technique in aquaponics
Scientia Horticulturae. - 255(2019), S. 281-291
Mai 2019
Anderson Abel de Souza Machado; Chris M. Wood; Werner Kloas
Novel concepts for novel entities: updating ecotoxicology for a sustainable anthropocene
Environmental Science and Technology. - 53(2019)9, S. 4680-4682
Mai 2019
Pavla Sehonova; Andrea Zikova; Jana Blahova; Zdenka Svobodova; Petr Chloupek; Werner Kloas
April 2019
Kang Du; Sven Wuertz; Mateus Adolfi; Susanne Kneitz; Matthias Stöck; Marcos Oliveira; Rafael Nobrega; Jenny Ormanns; Werner Kloas; Romain Feron; Christophe Klopp; Hugues Parrinello; Laurent Journot; Shunping He; John Postlethwait; Axel Meyer; Yann Guiguen; Manfred Schartl
März 2019
Nora Baberschke; Katja Irob; Torsten Preuer; Thomas Meinelt; Werner Kloas
Potash mining effluents and ion imbalances cause transient osmoregulatory stress, affect gill integrity and elevate chronically plasma sulfate levels in adult common roach, Rutilus rutilus
Environmental Pollution. - 249(2019), S. 181-190
Januar 2019
J. Suhl; D. Dannehl; L. Zechmeister; D. Baganz; W. Kloas; B. Lehmann; G. Scheibe; U. Schmidt
Prospects and challenges of double recirculating aquaponic systems (DRAPS) for intensive plant production
Acta Horticulturae. - 1227(2018), S. 449-456
Januar 2019
Anderson Abel de Souza Machado; Chung Wai Lau; Jennifer Till; Werner Kloas; Anika Lehmann; Roland Becker; Matthias C. Rillig
Impacts of microplastics on the soil biophysical environment
Environmental Science and Technology. - 52(2018)17, S. 9656-9665
Januar 2019
B. A. Rumpold; H. Speckmann; O. Schlüter; W. Kloas; A. Prochnow
Potentials of a biogenic residue-based production of Hermetia illucens as fish meal replacement in aquafeed for Oncorhynchus mykiss in Germany
Journal of Insects as Food and Feed. - 4(2018)1, S. 5-17
Januar 2019
Johanna Suhl; Dennis Dannehl; Daniela Baganz; Uwe Schmidt; Werner Kloas
An innovative suction filter device reduces nitrogen loss in double recirculating aquaponic systems
Aquacultural Engineering. - 82(2018), S. 63-72
Januar 2019
Daniel Reyes Lastiri; Caspar Geelen; Hans J. Cappon; Huub H. M. Rijnaarts; Daniela Baganz; Werner Kloas; Divas Karimanzira; Karel J. Keesman
Model-based management strategy for resource efficient design and operation of an aquaponic system
Aquacultural Engineering. - 83(2018), S. 27-39
Dezember 2018
F. J. Schaefer; J. L. Overton; A. Krüger; W. Kloas; S. Wuertz
September 2018
K. Knopf; K. Buschmann; M. Hansel; J. Radinger; W. Kloas
Flash photography does not induce stress in the Ram cichlid Mikrogeophagus ramirezi (Myers &Harry, 1948) in aquaria
Journal of Applied Ichthyology. - 34(2018)4, S. 922-928
Mai 2018
F. J. Schaefer; J. L. Overton; W. Kloas; S. Wuertz
Length rather than year-round spawning, affects reproductive performance of RAS-reared F-generation pikeperch, Sander lucioperca (Linnaeus, 1758): insights from practice
Journal of Applied Ichthyology. - 34(2018)3, S. 617-621
April 2018
Anika Brüning; Werner Kloas; Torsten Preuer; Franz Hölker
März 2018
Anderson Abel de Souza Machado; Werner Kloas; Christiane Zarfl; Stefan Hempel; Matthias C. Rillig
Microplastics as an emerging threat to terrestrial ecosystems
Global Change Biology. - 24(2018)4, S. 1405-1416
März 2018
Alaa G. M. Osman; Khaled Y. AbouelFadl; Abd El Baset M. Abd El Reheem; Usama M. Mahmoud; Werner Kloas; Mohsen A. Moustafa
Blood biomarkers in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus niloticus and African catfish Clarias gariepinus to evaluate water quality of the river Nile
Journal of Fisheries Sciences. - 12(2018)1, S. 1-15
Februar 2018
Anika Brüning; Franz Hölker; Steffen Franke; Wibke Kleiner; Werner Kloas
Influence of light intensity and spectral composition of artificial light at night on melatonin rhythm and mRNA expression of gonadotropins in roach Rutilus rutilus
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. - 44(2018)1, S. 1-12
Februar 2018
Saskia Rehse; Werner Kloas; Christiane Zarfl
Microplastics reduce short-term effects of environmental contaminants: Part I: Effects of bisphenol A on freshwater zooplankton are lower in presence of polyamide particles
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. - 15(2018)2, 280
Januar 2018
Divas Karimanzira; Karel Keesman; Werner Kloas; Daniela Baganz; Thomas Rauschenbach
Efficient and economical way of operating a recirculation aquaculture system in an aquaponics farm
Aquaculture Economics & Management. - 21(2017)4, S. 470-486
Januar 2018
Martin Tschirner; Werner Kloas
Increasing the sustainability of aquaculture systems
Gaia. - 26(2017)4, S. 297-368
Januar 2018
Markus Venohr; Jörg Lewandowski; Werner Kloas; Hans-Peter Grossart; Mark O. Gessner; Christian Wolter; Jörn Geßner; Sven Wuertz
Schutz und Nutzung von Binnengewässern in Deutschland - Status Quo, Konflikte und politische Handlungsoptionen
IGB Policy Brief zur Bundestagswahl 2017
Oktober 2017
C. Cobo Labarca; J. Radinger; V. Schöning; R. Ariav; R. Jung; K. D. Thompson; W. Kloas; K. Knopf
Application of low-frequency sonophoresis and reduction of antibiotics in the aquatic systems
Journal of Fish Diseases. - 40(2017)11, S. 1635-1643
Oktober 2017
Hendrik Monsees; Werner Kloas; Sven Wuertz
September 2017
B. Hermelink; W. Kleiner; C. Schulz; W. Kloas; S. Wuertz
Photo-thermal manipulation for the reproductive management of pikeperch Sander lucioperca
Aquaculture International. - 25(2017)1, S. 1-20
August 2017
Hendrik Monsees; Laura Klatt; Werner Kloas; Sven Wuertz
Chronic exposure to nitrate significantly reduces growth and affects the health status of juvenile Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) in recirculating aquaculture systems
Aquaculture Research. - 48(2017)7, S. 3482-3492
August 2017
Frauke Hoffmann; Werner Kloas
Eignung des Rufverhaltens des Krallenfroschs als Endpunkt für die Erfassung der Effekte hormonell wirkender Stoffe auf aquatische Ökosysteme
Bericht im Auftrag des Bundesumweltamtes
Juni 2017
Andrea Zikova; Claudia Lorenz; Frauke Hoffmann; Wibke Kleiner; Ilka Lutz; Matthias Stöck; Werner Kloas
Juni 2017
Frederike Gröner; Christin Höhne; Wibke Kleiner; Werner Kloas
Chronic exposure to the ß-blocker metoprolol reduces growth and alters gene expression of gonadotropins and vitellogenin in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. - 141(2017), S. 271-279
April 2017
Mary S. Marty; Amy Blankinship; Janice Chambers; Lisa Constantine; Werner Kloas; Anupama Kumar; Laurent Lagadic; James Meador; Daniel Pickford; Tamar Schwarz; Tim Verslycke
Population-relevant endpoints in the evaluation of endocrine-active substances (EAS) for ecotoxicological hazard and risk assessment
Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. - 13(2017)2, S. 317-330
April 2017
Peter Matthiessen; Gerald T. Ankley; Ronald C. Biever; Poul Bjerregaard; Christopher Borgert; Kristin Brugger; Amy Blankinship; Janice Chambers; Katherine K. Coady; Lisa Constantine; Zhichao Dang; Nancy D. Denslow; David A. Dreier; Steve Dungrey; L. Earl Gray; Melanie Gross; Patrick D. Guiney; Markus Hecker; Henrik Holbech; Taisen Iguchi; Sarah Kadlec; Natalie K. Karouna-Renier; Ioanna Katsiadaki; ... Werner Kloas ... Kunihiko Yamazaki
Recommended approaches to the scientific evaluation of ecotoxicological hazards and risks of endocrine-active substances
Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. - 13(2017)2, S. 267-279
April 2017
Dibo Liu; Lars-Flemming Pedersen; David L. Straus; Werner Kloas; Thomas Meinelt
Februar 2017
Anderson Abel de Souza Machado; Christiane Zarfl; Saskia Rehse; Werner Kloas
Low-dose effects: nonmonotonic responses for the toxicity of a Bacillus thuringiensis biocide to Daphnia magna
Environmental Science and Technology. - 51(2017)3, S. 1679-1686
Februar 2017
Norah Johanna Efosa; Wibke Kleiner; Werner Kloas; Frauke Hoffmann
Januar 2017
Hendrik Monsees; Jonas Keitel; Maurice Paul; Werner Kloas; Sven Wuertz
Potential of aquacultural sludge treatment for aquaponics: evaluation of nutrient mobilization under aerobic and anaerobic conditions
Aquaculture Environment Interactions. - 9(2017), S. 9-18
November 2016
Frederike Gröner; Christin Höhne; Wibke Kleiner; Werner Kloas
Januar 2017
Divas Karimanzira; Karel J. Keesman; Werner Kloas; Daniela Baganz; Thomas Rauschenbach
Dynamic modeling of the INAPRO aquaponic system
Aquacultural Engineering. - 75(2016), S. 29-45
Oktober 2016
Johanna Suhl; Dennis Dannehl; Werner Kloas; Daniela Baganz; Sebastian Jobs; Günther Scheibe; Uwe Schmidt
Advanced aquaponics
Agricultural Water Management. - 178(2016), S. 335-344
Oktober 2016
F. J. Schaefer; J. L. Overton; J. Bossuyt; D. Zarski; W. Kloas; S. Wuertz
Management of pikeperch Sander lucioperca (Linnaeus, 1758) sperm quality after stripping
Journal of Applied Ichthyology. - 32(2016)6, S. 1099-1106
September 2016
Frauke Hoffmann; Werner Kloas
p,p'-Dichlordiphenyldichloroethylene (p,p'-DDE) can elicit antiandrogenic and estrogenic modes of action in the amphibian Xenopus laevis
Physiology & Behavior. - 167(2016), S. 172-178
August 2016
Stephanie Tamschick; Beata Rozenblut-Koscisty; Maria Ogielska; Andreas Lehmann; Petros Lymberakis; Frauke Hoffmann; Ilka Lutz; Rudolf J. Schneider; Werner Kloas; Matthias Stöck
August 2016
Claudia Lorenz; Robert Opitz; Achim Trubiroha; Ilka Lutz; Andrea Zikova; Werner Kloas
Juni 2016
Stephanie Tamschick; Beata Rozenblut-Koscisty; Maria Ogielska; David Kekenj; Franz Gajewski : Angela Krüger; Werner Kloas; Matthias Stöck
The plasticizer bisphenol A affects somatic and sexual development, but differently in pipid, hylid and bufonid anurans
Environmental Pollution. - 216(2016), S. 282-291
Juni 2016
Jörn F. Gerchen; Samuel J. Reichert; Johannes T. Röhr; Christoph Dietrich; Werner Kloas; Matthias Stöck
April 2016
Saskia Rehse; Werner Kloas; Christian Zarfl
April 2016
Stephanie Tamschick; Beata Rozenblut-Koscisty; Maria Ogielska; Andreas Lehmann; Petros Lymberakis; Frauke Hoffmann; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas; Matthias Stöck
Februar 2016
Amir Abbas Bazyar Lakeh; Hamid Farahmand; Werner Kloas; Alireza Mirvaghefi; Achim Trubiroha; Brian C. Peterson; Sven Wuertz
Growth enhancement of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) by passive immunization against somatostatin-14
Aquaculture International. - 24(2016)1, S. 11-21
Dezember 2015
Anika Brüning; Franz Hölker; Steffen Franke; Wibke Kleiner; Werner Kloas
Impact of different colours of artificial light at night on melatonin rhythm and gene expression of gonadotropins in European perch
Science of the Total Environment. - 543(2016), S. 214-222
Oktober 2015
Werner Kloas; Roman Groß; Daniela Baganz; Johannes Graupner; Hendrik Monsees; Uwe Schmidt; Georg Staaks; Johanna Suhl; Martin Tschirner; Bernd Wittstock; Sven Wuertz; Andrea Zikova; Bernhard Rennert
A new concept for aquaponic systems to improve sustainability, increase productivity, and reduce environmental impacts
Aquaculture Environment Interactions. - 7(2015)2, S. 179-192
September 2015
Anderson Abel de Souza Machado; Kate Spencer; Werner Kloas; Marco Toffolon; Christiane Zarfl
Metal fate and effects in estuaries
Science of the Total Environment. - 541(2015), S. 268-281
September 2015
V. Stancova; A. Zikova; Z. Svobodova; W. Kloas
Effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) naproxen on gene expression of antioxidant enzymes in zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology. - 40(2015)2, S. 343-348
September 2015
E. Sisperova; H. Modra; A. Zikova; W. Kloas; J. Blahova; I. Matejova; D. Zivna; Z. Svobodova
The effect of mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) on the oxidative stress markers in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum 1792)
Journal of Applied Ichthyology. - 31(2015)5, S. 855-861
Juni 2015
Alaa G. M. Osman; Khaled Y. AbouelFadl; Angela Krüger; Werner Kloas
Screening of multiple hormonal activities in water and sediment from the river Nile, Egypt, using in vitro bioassay and gonadal histology
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. - 187(2015)art. 317
Mai 2015
Josefin Garmshausen; Werner Kloas; Frauke Hoffmann
17α-ethinylestradiol can disrupt hemoglobin catabolism in amphibians
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C. - 171(2015), S. 34-40
Mai 2015
Stephanie Tamschick; Beata Rozenblut-Koscisty; Lucio Bonato; Christiphe Dufresnes; Petros Lymberakis; Werner Kloas; Maria Ogielska; Matthias Stöck
Sex chromosome conservation, DMRT1 phylogeny and gonad morphology in diploid palearctic green toads (Bufo viridis subgroup)
Cytogenetic and Genome Research. - 144(2014)4, S. 315-324
März 2015
Frederike Gröner; Andrea Zikova; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Effects of the pharmaceuticals diclofenac and metoprolol on gene expression levels of enzymes of biotransformation, excretion pathways and estrogenicity in primary hepatocytes of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C. - 167(2015), S. 51-58
Februar 2015
Cristobal Cobo Labarca; Mary Makhutu; Alexander E. Lumsdon; Kim D. Thompson; Rainer Jung; Werner Kloas; Klaus Knopf
Februar 2015
Anika Brüning; Franz Hölker; Steffen Franke; Torsten Preuer; Werner Kloas
Spotlight on fish
Science of the Total Environment. - 511(2015), S. 516-522
Dezember 2014
Glen J. van der Kraak; Alan J. Hosmer; Mark L. Hanson; Werner Kloas; Keith R. Solomon
Effects of atrazine in fish, amphibians, and reptiles
Critical Reviews in Toxicology. - 44(2014)S5, S. 1-66
Juli 2014
H. K. Kroupova; A. Trubiroha; C. Lorenz; V. Contardo-Jara; I. Lutz; R. Grabic; M. Kocour; W. Kloas
The progestin levonorgestrel disrupts gonadotropin expression and sex steroid levels in pubertal roach (Rutilus rutilus)
Aquatic Toxicology. - 154(2014), S. 154-162
April 2014
Constanze Pietsch; Christian Michel; Susanne Kersten; Hana Valenta; Sven Dänicke; Carsten Schulz; Werner Kloas; Patricia Burkhardt-Holm
In vivo effects of deoxynivalenol (DON) on innate immune responses of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)
Food and Chemical Toxicology. - 68(2014), S. 44-52
März 2014
Constanze Pietsch; Carsten Schulz; Pere Rovira; Werner Kloas; Patricia Burkhardt-Holm
März 2014
Ralph Urbatzka; Claudia Lorenz; Caterina Wiedemann; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Steroid exposure during larval development of Xenopus laevis affects RNA expression of the reproductive pituitary-gonodal axis in a sex- and stage-dependent manner
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C. - 160(2014), S. 1-8
April 2014
Steffen Franke; Anika Brüning; Franz Hölker; Werner Kloas
Study of biological action of light on fish
Journal of Light and Visual Environment. - 37(2013)4, S. 194-204
November 2013
Amir Abbas Bazyar Lakeh; Rainer Jung; Ra'anan Ariav; Werner Kloas; Thomas Meinelt; Klaus Knopf
Niederfrequenter Ultraschall und UV-C zur Abtötung von Parasiten und zur Keimreduktion in Kreislaufanlagen
Fischkrankheiten im Spannungsfeld Wirt-Erreger-Umwelt / EAFP. - Hannover. - S. 123-129
Oktober 2013
Valeska Contardo-Jara; Stephan Pflugmacher; Gunnar Nützmann; Werner Kloas; Claudia Wiegand
Juli 2013
B. Hermelink; S. Wuertz; B. Rennert; W. Kloas; C. Schulz
Juni 2013
Amir Abbas Bazyar Lakeh; Werner Kloas; Rainer Jung; Ra'anan Ariav; Klaus Knopf
Low frequency ultrasound and UV-C for elimination of pathogens in recirculating aquaculture systems
Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. - 20(2013)5, S. 1211-1216
Mai 2013
Andrea Ziková; Claudia Lorenz; Ilka Lutz; Stephan Pflugmacher; Werner Kloas
Physiological responses of Xenopus laevis tadpoles exposed to cyanobacterial biomass containing microcystin-LR
Aquatic Toxicology. - 128-129(2013), S. 25-33
März 2013
Werner Kloas
Fisch als Nahrungsmittel der Zukunft
Mensch, Fisch! : Katalog zur Sonderausstellung des Landesmuseums Natur und Mensch Oldenburg vom 10. November 2012 bis zum 07. April 2013. - Oldenburg, 2012. - S. 93-98
Januar 2013
Fabian Schäfer; Werner Kloas; Sven Wuertz
Arapaima: candidate for intensive freshwater culture
Global Aquaculture Advocate. - 15(2012)6, S. 50-51
Januar 2013
Sven Wuertz; Björn Hermelink; Werner Kloas; Carsten Schulz
Pike perch in recirculation aquaculture: temperature controls gonad maturation, growth performance
Global Aquaculture Advocate. - 15(2012)4, S. 46-47
Dezember 2012
Frauke Hoffmann; Werner Kloas
August 2012
Achim Trubiroha; Hana Kroupova; Sven Wuertz; Werner Kloas
Up-regulation of gonadotropin mRNA-expression at the onset of gametogenesis in the roach (Rutilus rutilus): evidence for an important role of brain-type aromatase (cyp 19a1b) in the pituitary
General and Comparative Endocrinology. - 178(2012)3, S. 529-538
August 2012
Alaa G. M. Osman; Khaled Y. Abuel-Fadl; Werner Kloas
In situ evaluation of the genotoxic potential of the river Nile
Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis. - 747(2012)1, S. 14-21
Juni 2012
H. Kroupova; A. Trubiroha; S. Wuertz; S. N. Frank; B. Sures; W. Kloas
Nutritional status and gene expression along the somatotropic axis in roach (Rutilus rutilus) infected with the tapeworm Ligula intestinalis
General and Comparative Endocrinology. - 177(2012)2, S. 270-277
Juni 2012
Frauke Hoffmann; Werner Kloas
The synthetic progestogen, Levonorgestrel, but not natural progesterone, affects male mate calling behavior of Xenopus laevis
General and Comparative Endocrinology. - 176(2012)3, S. 385-390
Juni 2012
Frauke Hoffmann; Werner Kloas
Mai 2012
Frauke Hoffmann; Werner Kloas
Estrogens can disrupt amphibian mating behavior
PLoS One. - 7(2012)2, e32097
Januar 2012
B. Rennert; R. Groß; C. van Ballegooy; W. Kloas
Ein Aquaponiksystem zur kombinierten Tilapia- und Tomatenproduktion
Fischer und Teichwirt. - 62(2011)6, S. 209-214
Januar 2012
C. Pietsch; N. Neumann; T. Preuer; W. Kloas
Januar 2012
Alaa G. M. Osman; Abd-El-Baset M. Abd El Reheem; Mohsen A. Moustafa; Usama M. Mahmoud; Khaled Y. Abuel-Fadl; Werner Kloas
In situ evaluation of the genotoxic potential of the river Nile
Toxicological and environmental chemistry. - 93(2011)5, S. 1002-1017
Januar 2012
I. Meric; S. Wuertz; W. Kloas; G. Wibbelt; C. Schulz
Cottonseed oilcake as a protein source in feeds for juvenile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
The Israeli journal of aquaculture - Bamidgeh. - 63(2011)588
Januar 2012
S. Reiser; S. Wuertz; J. P. Schroeder; W. Kloas; R. Hanel
Risks of seawater ozonation in recirculation aquaculture: effects of oxidative stress on animal welfare of juvenile turbot (Psetta maxima, L.)
Aquatic toxicology. - 105(2011)3-4, S. 508-517
Dezember 2011
Claudia Lorenz; Valeska Contardo-Jara; Achim Trubiroha; Angela Krüger; Viola Viehmann; Claudia Wiegand; Stephan Pflugmacher; Gunnar Nützmann; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Oktober 2011
Claudia Lorenz; Valeska Contardo-Jara; Stephan Pflugmacher; Claudia Wiegand; Gunnar Nützmann; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
The synthetic gestagen levonorgestrel impairs metamorphosis in Xenopus laevis by disruption of the thyroid system
Toxicological sciences. - 123(2011)1, S. 94-102
Oktober 2011
Valeska Contardo-Jara; Claudia Lorenz; Stephan Pflugmacher; Gunnar Nützmann; Werner Kloas; Claudia Wiegand
Exposure to human pharmaceuticals Carbamazepine, Ibuprofen and Bezafibrate causes molecular effects in Dreissena polymorpha
Aquatic toxicology. - 105(2011)3-4, S. 428-437
August 2011
Sabrina Nadine Frank; Steffen Faust; Martin Kalbe; Achim Trubiroha; Werner Kloas; Bernd Sures
April 2011
Hana Kroupova; Achim Trubiroha; Sven Wuertz; Werner Kloas
Stage-dependent differences in RNA composition and content affect the outcome of expression profiling in roach (Rutilus rutilus) ovary
Comparative biochemistry and physiology A. - 159(2011)2, S. 141-149
April 2011
Amir Abbas Bazyar Lakeh; Hamid Farahmand; Alireza Mirvaghefi; Werner Kloas; Brian C. Peterson; Sven Wuertz
April 2011
B. Hermelink; S. Wuertz; A. Trubiroha; B. Rennert; W. Kloas; C. Schulz
Influence of temperature on puberty and maturation of pikeperch, Sander lucioperca
General and comparative endocrinology. - 172(2011)2, S. 282-292
November 2010
Achim Trubiroha; Hana Kroupova; Sabrina N. Frank; Bernd Sures; Werner Kloas
Oktober 2010
Valeska Contardo-Jara; Claudia Lorenz; Stephan Pflugmacher; Gunnar Nützmann; Werner Kloas; Claudia Wiegand
Molecular effects and bioaccumulation of levonorgestrel in the non-target organism Dreissena polymorpha
Environmental pollution. - 159(2011)1, S. 38-44
Februar 2011
Werner Kloas; Ilka Lutz
The hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis in anuran amphibians
Endocrine toxicology. - 2010, S. 352-364
Januar 2011
Alaa G. M. Osman; Werner Kloas
Water quality and heavy metal monitoring in water, sediemnts, and tissues of the African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) from the River Nile, Egypt
Journal of environmental protection. - 1(2010)4, S. 389-400
Januar 2011
Franz Hölker; Timothy Moss; Barbara Griefahn; Werner Kloas; Christian C. Voigt; Dietrich Henckel; Andreas Hänel; Peter M. Kappeler; Stephan Völker; Axel Schwope; Steffen Franke; Dirk Uhrlandt; Jürgen Fischer; Reinhard Klenke; Christian Wolter; Klement Tockner
The dark side of light
Ecology and society. - 15(2010)4, art. 13
November 2010
Valeska Contardo-Jara; Stephan Pflugmacher; Gunnar Nützmann; Werner Kloas; Claudia Wiegand
The ß-receptor blocker metoprolol alters detoxification processes in the non-target organism Dreissena polymorpha
Environmental pollution. - 159(2010)6, S. 2059-2066
November 2010
Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas; Sakae Kikuyama
Sixth International Symposium on Amphibian and Reptilian Endocrinology and Neurobiology ISAREN 2009
General and comparative endocrinology. - 168(2010)2, S. 169-170
November 2010
Björn Hermelink; Ralph Urbatzka; Claudia Wiegand; Stephan Pflugmacher; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Aqueous leaf extracts display endocrine activities in vitro and disrupt sexual differentiation of male Xenopus laevis tadpoles in vivo
General and comparative endocrinology. - 168(2010)2, S. 245-255
November 2010
R. Opitz; W. Kloas
Developmental regulation of gene expression in the thyroid gland of Xenopus laevis tadpoles
General and comparative endocrinology. - 168(2010)2, S. 199-208
November 2010
A. Massari; R. Urbatzka; A. Cevasco; L. Canesi; C. Lanza; L. Scarabelli; W. Kloas; A. Mandich
Aromatase mRNA expression in the brain of adult Xenopus laevis exposed to Lambro river water and endocrine disrupting compounds
General and comparative endocrinology. - 168(2010)2, S. 262-268
November 2010
Thomas Behrends; Ralph Urbatzka; Sven Krackow; Andreas Elepfandt; Werner Kloas
Mate calling behavior of male South African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) is suppressed by the antiandrogenic endocrine disrupting compound flutamide
General and comparative endocrinology. - 168(2010)2, S. 269-274
November 2010
Jeffrey C. Wolf; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas; Timothy A. Springer; Larry R. Holden; Henry O. Krueger; Alan J. Hosmer
Effects of 17 ß-estradiol exposure on Xenopus laevis gonadal histopathology
Environmental toxicology and chemistry. - 29(2010)5, S. 1091-1105
November 2010
S. Reiser; J. P. Schroeder; S. Wuertz; W. Kloas; R. Hanel
November 2010
Frauke Hoffmann; Werner Kloas
An environmentally relevant endocrine-disrupting antiandrogen, vinclozolin, affects calling behavior of male Xenopus laevis
Hormones and behavior. - 58(2010)4, S. 653-659
Oktober 2010
Andrea Ziková; Achim Trubiroha; Claudia Wiegand; Sven Wuertz; Bernhard Rennert; Stephan Pflugmacher; Radovan Kopp; Jan Mares; Petr Spurný; Werner Kloas
Impact of microcystin containing diets on physiological performance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) concerning detoxification
Journal of environmental monitoring. - 12(2010)12, S. 2276-2281
Oktober 2010
Achim Trubiroha; Hana Kroupova; Sven Wuertz; Sabrina N. Frank; Bernd Sures; Werner Kloas
Naturally-induced endocrine disruption by the parasite Ligula intestinalis (Cestoda) in roach (Rutilus rutilus)
General and comparative endocrinology. - 166(2010)2, S. 234-240
Oktober 2010
Andrea Ziková; Achim Trubiroha; Claudia Wiegand; Sven Wuertz; Bernhard Rennert; Stephan Pflugmacher; Radovan Kopp; Jan Mares; Werner Kloas
Impact of microcystin containing diets on physiological performance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) concerning stress and growth
Environmental toxicology and chemistry. - 29(2010)3, S. 561-568
Oktober 2010
R. Urbatzka; C. Lorenz; I. Lutz; W. Kloas
Expression profiles of LHß, FSHß and their gonadal receptor mRNAs during sexual differentiation of Xenopus laevis tadpoles
General and comparative endocrinology. - 168(2010)2, S. 239-244
März 2010
K. Knopf; N. Neumann; C. Pietsch; W. Kloas; H. Kürzinger; B. B. ter Höfte; G. Großheider
Suche nach einem alternativem Fischmodell für Wirksamkeitsuntersuchungen immunstimulierender Futteradditive
Der Weg zum gesunden Fisch / Dirk Willem Kleingeld u. Dieter Steinhagen (Hrsg.). - Hannover, 2009. - S. 219-226
Februar 2010
Achim Trubiroha; Sabrina N. Frank; Sven Würtz; Bernd Sures; Werner Kloas
Endocrine disrupting effects in fish induced by prasites
Integrated environmental assessment and management. - 5(2009)2, S. 354-355
Januar 2010
Werner Kloas; Ilka Lutz; Timothy Springer; Henry Krueger; Jeff Wolf; Larry Holden; Alan Hosmer
Does atrazine influence larval development and sexual differentiation in Xenopus laevis?
Toxicological sciences. - 107(2009)2, S. 376-384
Januar 2010
Frances Orton; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas; Edwin J. Routledge
Endocrine disrupting effects of herbicides and pentachlorophenol
Environmental science and technology. - 43(2009)6, S. 2144-2150
Januar 2010
Werner Kloas; Ralph Urbatzka; Robert Opitz; Sven Würtz; Thomas Behrends; Björn Hermelink; Frauke Hofmann; Oana Jagnytsch; Hana Kroupova; Claudia Lorenz; Nadja Neumann; Constanze Pietsch; Achim Trubiroha; Christoph van Ballegooy; Caterina Wiedemann; Ilka Lutz
Endocrine disruption in aquatic vertebrates
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. - 1163(2009), S. 187-200
Januar 2010
R. Opitz; F. Schmidt; T. Braunbeck; S. Wuertz; W. Kloas
Perchlorate and ethylenethiourea induce different histological and molecular alterations in a non-mammalian vertebrate model of thyroid goitrogenesis
Molecular end cellular endocrinology. - 298(2009)1-2, S. 101-114
Januar 2010
Constanze Pietsch; Nadja Neumann; Klaus Knopf; Sven Wuertz; Werner Kloas
Progestogens cause immunosuppression of stimulated carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) leukocytes in vitro
Comparative biochemistry and physiology C. - 150(2009)1, S. 16-24
Januar 2010
Claudia Lorenz; Robert Opitz; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Corticosteroids disrupt amphibian metamorphosis by complex modes of action including increased prolactin expression
Comparative biochemistry and physiology C. - 150(2009)2, S. 314-321
Januar 2010
Achim Trubiroha; Sven Wuertz; Sabrina N. Frank; Bernd Sures; Werner Kloas
Expression of gonadotropin subunits in roach (Rutilus rutilus, Cyprinidae) infected with plerocercoids of the tapeworm Ligula intestinalis (Cestoda)
International journal for parasitology. - 39(2009)13, S. 1465-1473
Januar 2010
Werner Kloas; Ilka Lutz; Ralph Urbatzka; Tim Springer; Hank Krueger; Jeffrey Wolf; Larry Holden; Alan Hosmer
Does atrazine affect larval development and sexual differentiation of South African clawed frogs?
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. - 1163(2009), S. 437-440
Januar 2010
Claudia Lorenz; Robert Opitz; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Teratogenic effects of chronic treatment with cortocosterone on Tadpoles of Xenopus laevis
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. - 1163(2009), S. 454-456
Januar 2010
R. Urbatzka; B. Watermann; I. Lutz; W. Kloas
Exposure of Xenopus laevis tadpoles to finasteride, an inhibitor of 5-a reductase activity, impairs spermatogenesis and alters hypophyseal feedback mechanisms
Journal of molecular endocrinology. - 43(2009)5, S. 209-219
Januar 2010
Jörg Oehlmann; Ulrike Schulte-Oehlmann; Werner Kloas; Oana Jagnytsch; Ilka Lutz; Kresten O. Kusk; Leah Wollenberger; Eduarda M. Santos; Gregory C. Paull; Katrien J. W. van Look; Charles R. Tyler
A critical analysis of the biological impacts of plasticizers on wildlife
Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London : ser. B, Biological sciences. - 364(2009), S. 2047-2062
September 2009
J. Gessner; C. M. Kamerichs; W. Kloas; S. Wuertz
Behavioural and physiological responses in early life phases of Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus Mitchill 1815) towards different substrates
Journal of applied ichthyology. - 25(2009)Suppl. 2, S. 83-90
Januar 2009
Constanze Pietsch; Reinhard Vogt; Nadja Neumann; Werner Kloas
Production of nitric oxide by carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) kidney leukocytes is regulated by cyclic 3',5'-adenosine monophosphate
Comparative biochemistry and physiology A. - 150(2008), S. 58-65
Januar 2009
Jörg Oehlmann; Ulrike Sculte-Oehlmann; Matthias Oetken; Jens Bachmann; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Superfeminization as an effect of bisphenol A in Marisa cornuarietis
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety. - 69(2008)3, S. 577-579
Januar 2009
Alessandra Cevasco; Ralph Urbatzka; Sergio Bottero; Alessandra Massari; Federico Pedemonte; Werner Kloas; Alberta Mandich
Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC) with (anti)estrogenic and (anti)androgenic modes of action affecting reproductive biology of Xenopus laevis
Comparative biochemistry and physiology C. - 147(2008),S. 241-251
Januar 2009
Luigi Viganò; Emilio Benfenati; Anne van Cauwenberge; Janne K. Eidem; Claudio Erratico; Anders Goksøyr; Werner Kloas; Silvia Mandich; Ralph Urbatzka
Januar 2009
Johnny Ogunji; Rahat-Ul-Ain Summan Toor; Carsten Schulz; Werner Kloas
Growth performance, nutrient utilization of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus fed housefly maggot meal (magmeal) diets
Turkish journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences. - 8(2008)1, S. 141-147
Januar 2009
J. O. Ogunji; W. Kloas; M. Wirth; N. Neumann; C. Pietsch
Effect of housefly maggot meal (magmeal) diets on the performance, concentration of plasma glucose, cortisol and blood characteristics of Oreochromis niloticus fingerlings
Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition. - 92(2008)4, S. 511-518
Januar 2009
Alaa G. M. Osman; Imam A. Mekkawy; Johan Verreth; Sven Wuertz; Werner Kloas; Frank Kirschbaum
Monitoring of DNA breakage in embryonic stages of the African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) after exposure to lead nitrate using alkaline comet assay
Environmental toxicology. - 23(2008)6, S. 679-687
Januar 2009
J. O. Ogunji; W. Kloas; M. Wirth; C. Schulz; B. Rennert
Housefly maggot meal (magmeal) as a protein source for Oreochromis niloticus (Linn.)
Asian fisheries science. - 21(2008)3, S. 319-331
August 2008
Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas; Timothy A. Springer; Larry R. Holden; Jeff C. Wolf; Henry O. Krueger; Alan J. Hosmer
Development, standardization and refinement of procedures for evaluating effects of endocrine active compounds on development and sexual differentiation of Xenopus laevis
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry. - 390(2008), S. 2031-2048
Juli 2008
Maaike Binner; Werner Kloas; Iris Hardewig
Energy allocation in juvenile roach and burbot under different temperature and feeding regimes
Fish physiology and biochemistry. - 34(2008)2, S. 103-116
September 2008
S. Wuertz; J. Gessner; F. Kirschbaum; W. Kloas
Expression of IGF-I and IGF-I receptor in male and female sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus - evidence for an important role in gonad maturation
Comparative biochemistry and physiology A. - 147(2007)1, S. 223-230
April 2008
Constanze Pietsch; Günter Kotterba; Klaus Knopf; Nadja Neumann; Werner Kloas
Immunmodulationen beim Karpfen durch Sexualsteroide
Gesunde Fische überall / EAFP. - Bern, 2007. - S. 1-5
April 2008
S. Wuertz; A. Nitsche; M. Jastroch; J. Gessner; M. Klingenspor; F. Kirschbaum; W. Kloas
The role of the IGF-I system for vitellogenesis in maturing female sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus Linnaeus, 1758
General and comparative endocrinology. - 150(2007)1, S. 140-150
März 2008
Heinz-R. Köhler; Werner Kloas; Martin Schirling; Ilka Lutz; Anna L. Reye; Jan-S. Langen; Rita Triebskorn; Roland Nagel; Gilbert Schönfelder
Sex steroid receptor evolution and signalling in aquatic invertebrates
Ecotoxicology. - 16(2007)1, S. 131-143
März 2008
Ralph Urbatzka; Anne van Cauwenberge; Silvia Maggioni; Luigi Viganò; Alberta Mandich; Emilio Benfenati; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
März 2008
Ralph Urbatzka; Sergio Bottero; Alberta Mandich; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Endocrine disrupters with (anti)estrogenic and (anti)androgenic modes of action affecting reproductive biology of Xenopus laevis
Comparative biochemistry and physiology C. - 144(2007)4,S. 310-318
März 2008
R. Urbatzka; I. Lutz; W. Kloas
Aromatase, steroid-5-alpha-reductase type 1 and type 2 mRNA expression in gonads and in brain of Xenopus laevis during ontogeny
General and comparative endocrinology. - 153(2007), S. 280-288
Juli 2018
B. Sures; I. Lutz; W. Kloas
Oktober 2011
Robert Opitz;; Ilka Lutz; Ngoc-Ha Nguyen; Thomas S. Scanlan; Werner Kloas
Analysis of thyroid hormone receptor ßA mRNA expression in Xenopus laevis tadpoles as a means to detect agonism and antagonism of thyroid hormone action
Toxicology and applied pharmacology. - 212(2006)1, S. 1-13
Oktober 2011
Robert Opitz; Sabine Hartmann; Tobias Blank; Thomas Braunbeck; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Evaluation of histological and molecular endpoints for enhanced detection of thyroid system disruption in Xenopus laevis tadpoles
Toxicological sciences. - 90(2006)2, S. 337-348
Oktober 2010
R. Opitz; Achim Trubiroha; Claudia Lorenz; Ilka Lutz; Sabine Hartmann; Tobias Blank; Thomas Braunbeck; Werner Kloas
Expression of sodium-iodide symporter mRNA in the thyorid gland of Xenopus laevis tadpoles
Journal of endocrinology. - 190(2006)1, S. 157-170
August 2008
S. Wuertz; I. Lutz; J. Gessner; P. Loeschau; B. Hogans; F. Kirschbaum; W. Kloas
The influence of rearing density as environmental stressor on cortisol response of Shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum)
Journal of applied ichthyology. - 22(2006)Suppl. 1, S. 269-273
August 2008
S. Wuertz; A. Nitsche; J. Gessner; F. Kirschbaum; W. Kloas
IGF-I and its role in maturing gonads of female sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus Linnaeus, 1758
Journal of applied ichthyology. - 22(2006)Suppl. 1, S. 346-352
August 2008
Werner Kloas; Ilka Lutz
Amphibians as model to study endocrine disrupters
Journal of chromatography A. - 1130(2006), S. 16-27
August 2008
Jörg Oehlmann; Ulrike Schulte-Oehlmann; Jean Bachmann; Matthias Oetken; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas; Thomas A. Ternes
Bisphenol A induces superfeminization in the ramshorn snail Marisa cornuarietis (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia) at environmentally relevant concentrations
Environmental health perspectives. - 114(2006)Suppl. 1, S. 127-133
Juni 2008
Oana Jagnytsch; Robert Opitz; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Effects of tetrabromobisphenol A on larval development and thyroid hormone-regulated biomarkers of the amphibian Xenopus laevis
Environmental research. - 101(2006)3, S. 340-348
Mai 2008
R. Urbatzka; I. Lutz; R. Opitz; W. Kloas
Luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, and gonadotropin releasing hormone mRNA expression of Xenopus laevis in response to endocrine disrupting compounds affecting reproductive biology
General and comparative endocrinology. - 146(2006)2, S. 119-125
August 2008
A. Mandich; E. Benfenati; M. T. D. Cronin; A. Goksøyr; B. E. Grøsvik; W. Kloas; A. van Cauwenberge; L. Viganò
Environmental agent susceptibility assessment using existing and novel biomarkers as rapid noninvasive testing methods
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. - 1040(2005), S. 381-386
Januar 2006
Ilka Lutz; Susanne Blödt; Werner Kloas
Regulation of estrogen receptors in primary cultured hepatocytes of the amphibian Xenopus laevis as estrogenic biomarker and its application in environmental monitoring
Comparative biochemistry and physiology C. - 141(2005)4, S. 384-392
Januar 2006
Werner Kloas; Ilka Lutz
Welche Wirkungen können Arzneimittel in der aquatischen Umwelt hervorrufen?
Arzneimittel in der Umwelt. -(Texte / Umweltbundesamt ; 2005/29). - S. 185-194
Januar 2006
U. Schulte-Oehlmann; J. Bachmann; D. Candia Carnevali; G. Janer; S. Jobling; W. Kloas; O. Kusk; R. Lavado; I. Lutz; C. Porte; M. Sugni; B. Watermann; L. Wollenberger; J. Oehlmann
Quae nocent, docent: vergleichende Untersuchung zur Wirkung endokriner Disruptoren im Tierreich
3. Statusseminar Chemikalien in der Umwelt mit Wirkung auf das endokrine System / Umweltbundesamt. - Stuttgart, 2005. - S. 64-73
Januar 2006
W. Kloas; C. Bögi; A. Gaete; O. Jagnytsch; A. Krüger; G. Levy; C. Lorenz; N. Neumann; R. Opitz; C. Pietsch; W. Schumacher; A. Tillack; A. Trubiroha; R. Urbatzka; C. van Ballegooy; C. Wiedemann; S. Würtz; I. Lutz
Testverfahren bei Amphibien zum Nachweis von endocrine disruptors (ED) mit Wirkungen auf die Reproduktion und das Schilddrüsensystem
3. Statusseminar Chemikalien in der Umwelt mit Wirkung auf das endokrine System / Umweltbundesamt. - Stuttgart, 2005. - S. 38-47
Januar 2006
Anja Klann; Gregor Levy; Ilka Lutz; Christian Müller; Werner Kloas; Jan-Peter Hildebrandt
Januar 2006
Robert Opitz; Thomas Braunbeck; Christian Bögi; Daniel B. Pickford; Gerrit Nentwig; Jörg Oehlmann; Osamu Tooi; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Description and initial evaluation of a Xenopus metamorphosis assay for detection of thyroid system-disrupting activities of environmental compounds
Environmental toxicology and chemistry. - 24(2005)3, S. 653-664
Januar 2006
J. Oehlmann; U. Schulte-Oehlmann; J. Bachmann; M. Duft; M. Oetken; I. Lutz; W. Kloas; T. A. Ternes
Bisphenol A als Xeno-Östrogen bei Vorderkiemerschnecken
3. Statusseminar Chemikalien in der Umwelt mit Wirkung auf das endokrine System / Umweltbundesamt. - Stuttgart, 2005. - S. 19-37
Januar 2006
Ilka Lutz; Zhang Jie; Robert Opitz; Werner Kloas; Xu Ying; Ralph Menzel; Christian E. W. Steinberg
Environmental signals
Chemosphere. - 61(2005)8, S. 1183-1188
November 2005
Werner Kloas
Die unsichtbare Gefahr
Umweltforschungs-Journal 2005 / Landesanstalt für Umweltschutz Baden-Württemberg. - Karlsruhe, 2005. - S. 36
Juli 2005
Martin Jastroch; Sven Würtz; Werner Kloas; Martin Klingenspor
Uncoupling protein 1 in fish uncovers an ancient evolutionary history of mammalian nonshivering thermogenesis
Physiological genomics. - 22(2005)2, S. 150-156
März 2012
Gregor Levy; Ilka Lutz; Angela Krüger; Werner Kloas
Bisphenol A induces feminization in Xenopus laevis tadpoles
Environmental research. - 94(2004)1, S. 102-111
Oktober 2004
Christian E. W. Steinberg; Sebastian Höss; Werner Kloas; Ilka Lutz; Thomas Meinelt; Stephan Pflugmacher; Claudia Wiegand
Hormonelike effects of humic substances on fish, amphibians, and invertebrates
Environmental toxicology. - 19(2004)4, S. 409-411
September 2004
Ilka Lutz; Zhang Jie; Robert Opitz; Werner Kloas; Xu Ying; Christian E. W. Steinberg
Endocrine disrupting effects of humic substances in amphibs
Humic substances and soil and water environment : proceedings 12th international meeting of IHSS / eds.: Ladislau Martin-Neto ... - Sao Pedro, Sao Paulo : Embrapa Instrumentacao Agropecuária, 2004. - S. 123-127
September 2004
A. P. Ekanem; T. Meinelt; W. Kloas; K. Knopf
Juni 2004
Frank Kirschbaum; Arne Ludwig; Emanuel Hensel; Sven Würtz; Werner Kloas; Patrick Williot; Ralph Tiedemann; Gerd-Michael Arndt; Eckhard Anders; Henning v. Nordheim; Jörn Geßner
Status of the project on protection and restoration of Atlantic sturgeon in Germany
Species differentiation and population identification in the sturgeons Acipenser sturio L. and Acipenser oxyrhinchus. - (BfN-Skripten / Bundesamt für Naturschutz ; 101). - S. 36-53
Juni 2004
Werner Kloas
Angiotensin, evolution of
Encyclopedia of endocrine diseases. - Vol. 1. - 2004. - S. 234-236
April 2004
A. P. Ekanem; A. Obiekezie; W. Kloas; K. Knopf
April 2004
Gregor Levy; Ilka Lutz; Angela Krüger; Wolf von Tümpling; Werner Kloas
Retinol-binding protein as a biomarker to assess endocrine-disrupting compounds in the environment
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry. - 378(2004)3, S. 676-683
April 2004
Yoshio Takei; Jean M. P. Joss; Werner Kloas; J. Cliff Rankin
Identification of angiotensin I in several vertebrate species
General and comparative endocrinology. - 135(2004)3, S. 286-292
November 2003
Werner Kloas; Gregor Levy; Robert Opitz; Christian Bögi; Sven Würtz; Jörg Oehlmann; Ulrike Schulte-Oehlmann; Christoph van Ballegoy; Ralph Urbatzka; Oana Jagnytsch; Ilka Lutz
Wirkungen endokrin wirksamer Substanzen auf aquatische Tiere
Spurenstoffe in Gewässern / Thomas Track ; Gerhard Kreysa (Hrsg.). - Weinheim : Wiley, 2003. - S. 185-196
Oktober 2003
C. Bögi; J. Schwaiger; H. Ferling; U. Mallow; C. Steineck; F. Sinowatz; W. Kalbfus; R. D. Negele; I. Lutz; W. Kloas
Endocrine effects of environmental pollution on Xenopus laevis and Rana temporaria
Environmental research. - 93(2003)2, S. 195-201
Februar 2003
Annette C. Schmid; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas; Manfred Reinecke
Thyroid hormone stimulates hepatic IGF-I mRNA expression in a bony fish, the tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus, in vitro and in vivo
General and comparative endocrinology. - 130(2003)2, S. 129-134
November 2006
Thomas Meinelt; Werner Kloas
Was sind endokrin wirksame Substanzen und wie beeinträchtigen sie unsere Fische?
Fischerei & [und] Fischmarkt in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. - 2(2002)3, S. 40-42
Februar 2003
Christian Bögi; Gregor Levy; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Functional genomics and sexual differentiation in amphibians
Comparative biochemistry and physiology B. - 133(2002)4, S. 559-570
November 2002
S. Würtz; J. Gessner; F. Kirschbaum; W. Kloas
First identification of IGF-I mRNA in the genus Acipenser and its quantification in maturing gonads
Proceedings of the 21st Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, Bonn (Germany), August 26-30, 2002. - Bologna : Monduzzi Ed., 2002. - S. 253-257
November 2002
I. Lutz; S. Würtz; A. Schulz; G. Levy; C. Bögi; R. Opitz; W. Kloas
Establishment of estrogenreceptor-mRNA as estrogenic biomarker in the amphibian Rana temporaria
Proceedings of the 21st Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, Bonn (Germany), August 26-30, 2002. - Bologna : Monduzzi Ed., 2002. - S. 95-98
November 2002
W. Kloas; C. Bögi; G. Levy; S. Würtz; I. Lutz
Sexual differentiation in amphibians
Proceedings of the 21st Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, Bonn (Germany), August 26-30, 2002. - Bologna : Monduzzi Ed., 2002. - S. 87-90
August 2002
B. Sures; G. Scheef; B. Klar; W. Kloas; H. Taraschewski
Juni 2002
Werner Kloas
Amphibians as a model for the study of endocrine disruptors
International review of cytology. - 216(2002), S. 1-57
Juni 2002
G. Mosconi; O. Carnevali; M. F. Franzoni; E. Cottone; I. Lutz; W. Kloas; K. Yamamoto; S. Kikuyama; A. M. Polzonetti-Magni
Environmental estrogens and reproductive biology in amphibians
General and comparative endocrinology. - 126(2002), S. 125-129
März 2002
W. Kloas; G. Levy; C. Bögi; R. Opitz; I. Lutz
Effects of environmental chemicals on reproductive biology of amphibians
Endocrine disrupters : second statusseminar. - Berlin, 2002. - S. 55-58
März 2002
C. Bögi; J. Schwaiger; H. Ferling; U. Mallow; C. Steineck; W. Kalbfus; R. D. Negele; I. Lutz; W. Kloas
Endocrine effects of environmental pollution on amphibians
Endocrine disrupters : second statusseminar. - Berlin, 2002. - S. 59-61
August 2008
B. Sures; K. Knopf; W. Kloas
März 2001
Werner Kloas
Wirkungen von endokrin wirksamen Stoffen (endocrine disruptors) auf Fische und Amphibien
Wasser und Boden. - 53(2001)1+2, S. 16-21
Oktober 2001
I. David; R. Bosshard; W. Kloas; M. Reinecke
Insulin-like growth factor-I in the anterior pituitary of the clawed frog Xenopus laevis
Journal of neuroendocrinology. - 12(2000), S. 415-420
Oktober 2001
Werner Kloas; Bettina Schrag; Colin Ehnes; Helmut Segner
Binding of xenobiotics to hepatic estrogen receptor and plasma sex steroid binding protein in the teleost fish, the common carp (Cyprinus carpio)
General and comparative endocrinology. - 119(2000), S. 287-299
September 1993
A. C. Schmid; M. Reinecke; W. Kloas
Primary cultured hepatocytes of the bony fish, Oreochromis mossambicus, the tilapia
Journal of endocrinology. - 166(2000), S. 265-273
August 2008
Werner Kloas
Stress physiology in fish
Recent developments in comparative endocrinology and neurobiology / ed. by Eric W. Roubos ... - Maastricht, 1999. - S. 157-160
Oktober 2001
Annette C. Schmid; Esther Näf; Werner Kloas; Manfred Reinecke
Insulin-like growth factor-I and -II in the ovary of a bony fish, Oreochromis mossambicus, the tilapia
Molecular end cellular endocrinology. - 156(1999)1-2, S. 141-149
Oktober 2001
Werner Kloas; Ilka Lutz; Ralf Einspanier
Amphibians as a model to study endocrine disruptors
The science of the total environment. - 225(1999)1-2, S. 59-68
Oktober 2001
Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Amphibians as a model to study endocrine disruptors
The science of the total environment. - 225(1999)1-2, S. 49-57