Werner Kloas

Guest Scientist

Müggelseedamm 310, 12587 Berlin


Physiology, Endocrinology, Ecotoxicology, Aquaculture



1986 – 1990 Promotion at Department of Zoology II, University of Karlsruhe and Department of Reproductive Biology, German Primate Center, Göttingen, Germany

1979 - 1986 Studies of Biology and Sports, University of Karlsruhe, Germany

Professional appointments

08/2010 - 03/2024 Distinguished professor for Endocrinology at Humboldt University and Head of the Full professor for Endocrinology at Humboldt University and Head of the Department of Ecophysiology and Aquaculture at Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Berlin, Germany

2002 - 2010 Full professor for Endocrinology at Humboldt University and Head of the Full professor for Endocrinology at Humboldt University and Head of the Department of Ecophysiology and Aquaculture at Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Berlin, Germany

1999 - 2002 Head of the Department of Ecophysiology and Aquaculture at Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Berlin, Germany

1999 - 1999 Head of the Department of Zoology II, University of Karlsruhe, Germany

1996 - 1999 Associated professor and lecturer, Department of Zoology II, University of Karlsruhe, Germany

1992 - 1996 Assistant professor, Department of Zoology II, University of Karlsruhe, Germany (since 11/1992 granted by DFG (Kl 745/2-2))

1992 - 1995 Habilitation in Zoology at the Faculty of Biological and Geological Sciences, University of Karlsruhe, Germany

1991 - 1992 Postdoctoral fellow, European Institute for Peptide Research, France; granted by German Research Foundation (DFG) (Kl 745/1-1)




June 2024
Heiner Kuhl; Peter T. Euclide; Christophe Klopp; Cédric Cabau; Margot Zahm; Céline Lopez‑Roques; Carole Iampietro; Claire Kuchly; Cécile Donnadieu; Romain Feron; Hugues Parrinello; Charles Poncet; Lydia Jaffrelo; Carole Confolent; Ming Wen; Amaury Herpin; Elodie Jouanno; Anastasia Bestin; Pierrick Haffray; Romain Morvezen; Taina Rocha de Almeida; Thomas Lecocq; Bérénice Schaerlinger; Dominique Chardard; Daniel Żarski; Wesley A. Larson; John H. Postlethwait; Serik Timirkhanov; Werner Kloas; Sven Wuertz; Matthias Stöck; Yann Guiguenh


March 2023
Werner Kloas; Klaus Knopf; Laura Klatt; Alaa Osman; Radek Gebauer; Andrea Zikova-Kloas; Christopher Shaw

Aquaponics - combining sustainability and resilience f or a reliable food security

Innowacje w gospodarce rybackiej. (2023), S. 107-120


January 2023
Aya H. Khalil; Ahmed E. A. Badrey; Ahmed S. Harabawy; Ahmed T. A. Ibrahim; Werner Kloas; Alaa G. M. Osman

Effect of polyculture and monoculture of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) on water quality, growth performance and productivity of vegetables in an aquaponics system (ASTAF-PRO)

Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation- 15(2022)6, 3171-3180

December 2022
Zohier M.A. Khedr ; Mahmoud M.S. Farrag ; Ahmed E.A. Badrey ; Werner Kloas ; Alaa G.M. Osman

Growth performance of the monosex Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus in aquaponics vs traditional earthen pond

Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation- 15(2022)6, 2930-2937


November 2021
Mateus C. Adolfi; Kang Du; Susanne Kneitz; Cédric Cabau; Margot Zahm; Christophe Klopp; Romain Feron; Rômulo V. Paixão; Eduardo S. Varela; Fernanda L. de Almeida; Marcos A. de Oliveira; Rafael H. Nóbrega; Céline Lopez-Roques; Carole Iampietro; Jérôme Lluch; Werner Kloas; Sven Wuertz; Fabian Schaefer; Matthias Stöck; Yann Guiguen; Manfred Schartl
July 2021
Heiner Kuhl; Yann Guiguen; Christin Höhne; Eva Kreuz; Kang Du; Christophe Klopp; Céline Lopez-Roques; Elena Santidrian Yebra-Pimentel; Mitica Ciorpac; Jörn Gessner; Daniela Holostenco; Wibke Kleiner; Klaus Kohlmann; Dunja K. Lamatsch; Dmitry Prokopov; Anastasia Bestin; Emmanuel Bonpunt; Bastien Debeuf; Pierrick Haffray; Romain Morvezen; Pierre Patrice; Radu Suciu; Ron Dirks; Sven Wuertz; Werner Kloas; Manfred Schartl; Matthias Stöck
June 2021
Alex T. Ford; Marlene Ågerstrand; Bryan W. Brooks; Joel Allen; Michael G. Bertram; Tomas Brodin; ZhiChao Dang; Sabine Duquesne; René Sahm; Frauke Hoffmann; Henner Hollert; Stefanie Jacob; Nils Klüver; James M. Lazorchak; Mariana Ledesma; Steven D. Melvin; Silvia Mohr; Stephanie Padilla; Gregory G. Pyle; Stefan Scholz; Minna Saaristo; Els Smit; Jeffery A. Steevens; Sanne van den Berg; Werner Kloas; Bob B.M. Wong; Michael Ziegler; Gerd Maack


December 2021
Gösta F. M. Baganz; Daniela Baganz; Werner Kloas; Frank Lohrberg

Urban planning and Corona spaces: scales, walls and COVID-19 coincidences

REAL CORP. - 25(2020), S. 1251-1261
June 2020
Kang Du; Matthias Stöck; Susanne Kneitz; Christophe Klopp; Joost M. Woltering; Mateus Contar Adolfi; Romain Feron; Dmitry Prokopov; Alexey Makunin; Ilya Kichigin; Cornelia Schmidt; Petra Fischer; Heiner Kuhl; Sven Wuertz; Jörn Gessner; Werner Kloas; Cédric Cabau; Carole Iampietro; Hugues Parrinello; Chad Tomlinson; Laurent Journot; John H. Postlethwait; Ingo Braasch; Vladimir Trifonov; Wesley C. Warren; Axel Meyer; Yann Guiguen; Manfred Schartl


January 2020
Rashad E. M. Said; Hamdy E. Hasieb; Mohsen A. Moustafa; Salah M. E. Soliman; Werner Kloas; Alaa G. M. Osman

Haematological, serological and genotoxic findings in the African catfish Clarias gariepinus after the administration of copper nanoparticles and penconazole

EC Veterinary Science. - 4(2019)10, S. 1-14
January 2020
Daniela Baganz; Gösta F. M. Baganz; Georg Staaks; Werner Kloas

INAPRO, innovative model and demonstration based water management for resource efficiency in integrated multitrophic agriculture and aquaculture systems: collaborative project ; start date of project: 01/01/2014

25 S.
April 2019
Kang Du; Sven Wuertz; Mateus Adolfi; Susanne Kneitz; Matthias Stöck; Marcos Oliveira; Rafael Nobrega; Jenny Ormanns; Werner Kloas; Romain Feron; Christophe Klopp; Hugues Parrinello; Laurent Journot; Shunping He; John Postlethwait; Axel Meyer; Yann Guiguen; Manfred Schartl


March 2018
Alaa G. M. Osman; Khaled Y. AbouelFadl; Abd El Baset M. Abd El Reheem; Usama M. Mahmoud; Werner Kloas; Mohsen A. Moustafa

Blood biomarkers in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus niloticus and African catfish Clarias gariepinus to evaluate water quality of the river Nile

Journal of Fisheries Sciences. - 12(2018)1, S. 1-15


January 2018
Markus Venohr; Jörg Lewandowski; Werner Kloas; Hans-Peter Grossart; Mark O. Gessner; Christian Wolter; Jörn Geßner; Sven Wuertz

Schutz und Nutzung von Binnengewässern in Deutschland - Status Quo, Konflikte und politische Handlungsoptionen

IGB Policy Brief zur Bundestagswahl 2017

April 2017
Peter Matthiessen; Gerald T. Ankley; Ronald C. Biever; Poul Bjerregaard; Christopher Borgert; Kristin Brugger; Amy Blankinship; Janice Chambers; Katherine K. Coady; Lisa Constantine; Zhichao Dang; Nancy D. Denslow; David A. Dreier; Steve Dungrey; L. Earl Gray; Melanie Gross; Patrick D. Guiney; Markus Hecker; Henrik Holbech; Taisen Iguchi; Sarah Kadlec; Natalie K. Karouna-Renier; Ioanna Katsiadaki; ... Werner Kloas ... Kunihiko Yamazaki


August 2017
Frauke Hoffmann; Werner Kloas

Eignung des Rufverhaltens des Krallenfroschs als Endpunkt für die Erfassung der Effekte hormonell wirkender Stoffe auf aquatische Ökosysteme

Bericht im Auftrag des Umweltbundesamtes




April 2014
Steffen Franke; Anika Brüning; Franz Hölker; Werner Kloas

Study of biological action of light on fish

Journal of Light and Visual Environment. - 37(2013)4, S. 194-204
November 2013
Amir Abbas Bazyar Lakeh; Rainer Jung; Ra'anan Ariav; Werner Kloas; Thomas Meinelt; Klaus Knopf

Niederfrequenter Ultraschall und UV-C zur Abtötung von Parasiten und zur Keimreduktion in Kreislaufanlagen

Fischkrankheiten im Spannungsfeld Wirt-Erreger-Umwelt / EAFP. - Hannover. - S. 123-129


March 2013
Werner Kloas

Fisch als Nahrungsmittel der Zukunft

Mensch, Fisch! : Katalog zur Sonderausstellung des Landesmuseums Natur und Mensch Oldenburg vom 10. November 2012 bis zum 07. April 2013. - Oldenburg, 2012. - S. 93-98
January 2013
Fabian Schäfer; Werner Kloas; Sven Wuertz

Arapaima: candidate for intensive freshwater culture

Global Aquaculture Advocate. - 15(2012)6, S. 50-51
January 2013
Sven Wuertz; Björn Hermelink; Werner Kloas; Carsten Schulz

Pike perch in recirculation aquaculture: temperature controls gonad maturation, growth performance

Global Aquaculture Advocate. - 15(2012)4, S. 46-47


January 2012
B. Rennert; R. Groß; C. van Ballegooy; W. Kloas

Ein Aquaponiksystem zur kombinierten Tilapia- und Tomatenproduktion

Fischer und Teichwirt. - 62(2011)6, S. 209-214
January 2012
I. Meric; S. Wuertz; W. Kloas; G. Wibbelt; C. Schulz

Cottonseed oilcake as a protein source in feeds for juvenile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)

The Israeli journal of aquaculture - Bamidgeh. - 63(2011)588


February 2011
Werner Kloas; Ilka Lutz

The hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis in anuran amphibians

Endocrine toxicology. - 2010, S. 352-364
January 2011
Franz Hölker; Timothy Moss; Barbara Griefahn; Werner Kloas; Christian C. Voigt; Dietrich Henckel; Andreas Hänel; Peter M. Kappeler; Stephan Völker; Axel Schwope; Steffen Franke; Dirk Uhrlandt; Jürgen Fischer; Reinhard Klenke; Christian Wolter; Klement Tockner

The dark side of light

Ecology and society. - 15(2010)4, art. 13


March 2010
K. Knopf; N. Neumann; C. Pietsch; W. Kloas; H. Kürzinger; B. B. ter Höfte; G. Großheider

Suche nach einem alternativem Fischmodell für Wirksamkeitsuntersuchungen immunstimulierender Futteradditive

Der Weg zum gesunden Fisch / Dirk Willem Kleingeld u. Dieter Steinhagen (Hrsg.). - Hannover, 2009. - S. 219-226
February 2010
Achim Trubiroha; Sabrina N. Frank; Sven Würtz; Bernd Sures; Werner Kloas

Endocrine disrupting effects in fish induced by prasites

Integrated environmental assessment and management. - 5(2009)2, S. 354-355


January 2009
Johnny Ogunji; Rahat-Ul-Ain Summan Toor; Carsten Schulz; Werner Kloas

Growth performance, nutrient utilization of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus fed housefly maggot meal (magmeal) diets

Turkish journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences. - 8(2008)1, S. 141-147
January 2009
J. O. Ogunji; W. Kloas; M. Wirth; C. Schulz; B. Rennert

Housefly maggot meal (magmeal) as a protein source for Oreochromis niloticus (Linn.)

Asian fisheries science. - 21(2008)3, S. 319-331


April 2008
Constanze Pietsch; Günter Kotterba; Klaus Knopf; Nadja Neumann; Werner Kloas

Immunmodulationen beim Karpfen durch Sexualsteroide

Gesunde Fische überall / EAFP. - Bern, 2007. - S. 1-5



January 2006
Werner Kloas; Ilka Lutz

Welche Wirkungen können Arzneimittel in der aquatischen Umwelt hervorrufen?

Arzneimittel in der Umwelt. -(Texte / Umweltbundesamt ; 2005/29). - S. 185-194
January 2006
J. Oehlmann; U. Schulte-Oehlmann; J. Bachmann; M. Duft; M. Oetken; I. Lutz; W. Kloas; T. A. Ternes

Bisphenol A als Xeno-Östrogen bei Vorderkiemerschnecken

3. Statusseminar Chemikalien in der Umwelt mit Wirkung auf das endokrine System / Umweltbundesamt. - Stuttgart, 2005. - S. 19-37
January 2006
U. Schulte-Oehlmann; J. Bachmann; D. Candia Carnevali; G. Janer; S. Jobling; W. Kloas; O. Kusk; R. Lavado; I. Lutz; C. Porte; M. Sugni; B. Watermann; L. Wollenberger; J. Oehlmann

Quae nocent, docent: vergleichende Untersuchung zur Wirkung endokriner Disruptoren im Tierreich

3. Statusseminar Chemikalien in der Umwelt mit Wirkung auf das endokrine System / Umweltbundesamt. - Stuttgart, 2005. - S. 64-73
January 2006
W. Kloas; C. Bögi; A. Gaete; O. Jagnytsch; A. Krüger; G. Levy; C. Lorenz; N. Neumann; R. Opitz; C. Pietsch; W. Schumacher; A. Tillack; A. Trubiroha; R. Urbatzka; C. van Ballegooy; C. Wiedemann; S. Würtz; I. Lutz

Testverfahren bei Amphibien zum Nachweis von endocrine disruptors (ED) mit Wirkungen auf die Reproduktion und das Schilddrüsensystem

3. Statusseminar Chemikalien in der Umwelt mit Wirkung auf das endokrine System / Umweltbundesamt. - Stuttgart, 2005. - S. 38-47
November 2005
Werner Kloas

Die unsichtbare Gefahr

Umweltforschungs-Journal 2005 / Landesanstalt für Umweltschutz Baden-Württemberg. - Karlsruhe, 2005. - S. 36


September 2004
Ilka Lutz; Zhang Jie; Robert Opitz; Werner Kloas; Xu Ying; Christian E. W. Steinberg

Endocrine disrupting effects of humic substances in amphibs

Humic substances and soil and water environment : proceedings 12th international meeting of IHSS / eds.: Ladislau Martin-Neto ... - Sao Pedro, Sao Paulo : Embrapa Instrumentacao Agropecuária, 2004. - S. 123-127
June 2004
Frank Kirschbaum; Arne Ludwig; Emanuel Hensel; Sven Würtz; Werner Kloas; Patrick Williot; Ralph Tiedemann; Gerd-Michael Arndt; Eckhard Anders; Henning v. Nordheim; Jörn Geßner

Status of the project on protection and restoration of Atlantic sturgeon in Germany

Species differentiation and population identification in the sturgeons Acipenser sturio L. and Acipenser oxyrhinchus. - (BfN-Skripten / Bundesamt für Naturschutz ; 101). - S. 36-53
June 2004
Werner Kloas

Angiotensin, evolution of

Encyclopedia of endocrine diseases. - Vol. 1. - 2004. - S. 234-236


November 2003
Werner Kloas; Gregor Levy; Robert Opitz; Christian Bögi; Sven Würtz; Jörg Oehlmann; Ulrike Schulte-Oehlmann; Christoph van Ballegoy; Ralph Urbatzka; Oana Jagnytsch; Ilka Lutz

Wirkungen endokrin wirksamer Substanzen auf aquatische Tiere

Spurenstoffe in Gewässern / Thomas Track ; Gerhard Kreysa (Hrsg.). - Weinheim : Wiley, 2003. - S. 185-196


November 2006
Thomas Meinelt; Werner Kloas

Was sind endokrin wirksame Substanzen und wie beeinträchtigen sie unsere Fische?

Fischerei & [und] Fischmarkt in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. - 2(2002)3, S. 40-42
November 2002
S. Würtz; J. Gessner; F. Kirschbaum; W. Kloas

First identification of IGF-I mRNA in the genus Acipenser and its quantification in maturing gonads

Proceedings of the 21st Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, Bonn (Germany), August 26-30, 2002. - Bologna : Monduzzi Ed., 2002. - S. 253-257
November 2002
I. Lutz; S. Würtz; A. Schulz; G. Levy; C. Bögi; R. Opitz; W. Kloas

Establishment of estrogenreceptor-mRNA as estrogenic biomarker in the amphibian Rana temporaria

Proceedings of the 21st Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, Bonn (Germany), August 26-30, 2002. - Bologna : Monduzzi Ed., 2002. - S. 95-98
November 2002
W. Kloas; C. Bögi; G. Levy; S. Würtz; I. Lutz

Sexual differentiation in amphibians

Proceedings of the 21st Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, Bonn (Germany), August 26-30, 2002. - Bologna : Monduzzi Ed., 2002. - S. 87-90
June 2002
G. Mosconi; O. Carnevali; M. F. Franzoni; E. Cottone; I. Lutz; W. Kloas; K. Yamamoto; S. Kikuyama; A. M. Polzonetti-Magni

Environmental estrogens and reproductive biology in amphibians

General and comparative endocrinology. - 126(2002), S. 125-129
March 2002
C. Bögi; J. Schwaiger; H. Ferling; U. Mallow; C. Steineck; W. Kalbfus; R. D. Negele; I. Lutz; W. Kloas

Endocrine effects of environmental pollution on amphibians

Endocrine disrupters : second statusseminar. - Berlin, 2002. - S. 59-61
March 2002
W. Kloas; G. Levy; C. Bögi; R. Opitz; I. Lutz

Effects of environmental chemicals on reproductive biology of amphibians

Endocrine disrupters : second statusseminar. - Berlin, 2002. - S. 55-58


March 2001
Werner Kloas

Wirkungen von endokrin wirksamen Stoffen (endocrine disruptors) auf Fische und Amphibien

Wasser und Boden. - 53(2001)1+2, S. 16-21



August 2008
Werner Kloas

Stress physiology in fish

Recent developments in comparative endocrinology and neurobiology / ed. by Eric W. Roubos ... - Maastricht, 1999. - S. 157-160
Awards & achievements
  • 2013 / 2014 Award for the aquaponic system ASTAF-PRO „Germany – Land of Ideas”
  • Dec 2012 - German Sustainability Prize category "Sustainable Developments" for the aquaponic system ASTAF-PRO