Sai Hariharan
Zur alten Fischerhütte 2
16775 Stechlin OT Neuglobsow
1. Metagenomics: Have experience and expertise in the study of metagenomics, exploring the genetic composition and functional potential of microbial communities in various environments.
2. Bioinformatics: Deployment of computational tools and methods to analyze large-scale biological data, unraveling complex patterns and extracting valuable insights.
3. Computational Biology: Use innovative algorithms and models to understand biological systems, integrating data from diverse sources to gain comprehensive perspectives.
4. Molecular Biology: Apply advanced laboratory techniques to investigate the intricate mechanisms governing biological processes at the molecular level.
5. Microbial Ecology: Studying the interactions and dynamics of microbial communities within ecosystems, shedding light on their roles in nutrient cycling, disease, and environmental sustainability.
Doctoral Student, IGB
- Metagenomic analysis of the ODER river studying the change in Microbial diversity post the catastrophe of August 2022.