Ilka Lutz
Müggelseedamm 301, 12587 Berlin
- seit 2005 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am IGB
- 2000-2005 Postdoktorandin am IGB
- 1996-1999 Dissertation unter der Leitung von PD Dr. Werner Kloas am Zoologischen Institut II der Universität Karlsruhe (TH) zum Thema: Xenopus laevis als Studienmodell zum Nachweis östrogener Wirkungen von Umweltchemikalien
- 1995-1996 Diplomarbeit unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Hanke am Zoologischen Institut II der Universität Karlsruhe (TH) zum Thema: Vergleichende Analyse der Corticosteroid -Rezeptoren in der Leber von zwei Amphibienspezies: Xenopus laevis und Ambystoma mexicanum
- 1988-1995 Studium der Biologie an der Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
Februar 2024
Kloas, Werner; Stöck, Matthias; Lutz, Ilka; Ziková-Kloas, Andrea
Endocrine disruption in teleosts and amphibians is mediated by anthropogenic and natural environmental factors: implications for risk assessment
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 379(2024)1898, Art. 20220505
Oktober 2023
Michal Pech; Christoph Steinbach; Martin Kocour; Ilona Prokopová; Marie Šandová; Adam Bořík; Ilka Lutz; Hana Kocour Kroupová
Dezember 2022
Christoph Steinbach; Ilka Lutz; Marie Šandová; Michal Pech; Eva Šálková; Adam Bořík; Olga Valentová; Hana Kocour Kroupová
Dezember 2022
Eva Šálková; Heike Schmidt-Posthaus; Ilka Lutz; Hana Kocour Kroupová; Christoph Steinbach
Juli 2019
Beata Rozenblut-Koscisty; Maria Ogielska; Juliane Hahn; Denise Kleemann; Ronja Kossakowski; Stephanie Tamschick; Viola Schöning; Angela Krüger; Ilka Lutz; Petros Lymberakis; Werner Kloas; Matthias Stöck
Dezember 2018
Ahmed A. H. Abdellatif; Heba A. Abou-Taleb; Ahmed A. Abd El Ghany; Ilka Lutz; Abdellatif Bouazzaoui
Targeting of somatostatin receptors expressed in blood cells using quantum dots coated with vapreotide
Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal. - 26(2018)8, S. 1162-1169
Januar 2018
Claudia Lorenz; Angela Krüger; Viola Schöning; Ilka Lutz
The progestin norethisterone affects thyroid hormone-dependent metamorphosis of Xenopus laevis tadpoles at environmentally relevant concentrations
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. - 150(2018), S. 86-95
Juni 2017
Andrea Zikova; Claudia Lorenz; Frauke Hoffmann; Wibke Kleiner; Ilka Lutz; Matthias Stöck; Werner Kloas
August 2016
Stephanie Tamschick; Beata Rozenblut-Koscisty; Maria Ogielska; Andreas Lehmann; Petros Lymberakis; Frauke Hoffmann; Ilka Lutz; Rudolf J. Schneider; Werner Kloas; Matthias Stöck
August 2016
Claudia Lorenz; Robert Opitz; Achim Trubiroha; Ilka Lutz; Andrea Zikova; Werner Kloas
April 2016
Stephanie Tamschick; Beata Rozenblut-Koscisty; Maria Ogielska; Andreas Lehmann; Petros Lymberakis; Frauke Hoffmann; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas; Matthias Stöck
März 2015
Frederike Gröner; Andrea Zikova; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Effects of the pharmaceuticals diclofenac and metoprolol on gene expression levels of enzymes of biotransformation, excretion pathways and estrogenicity in primary hepatocytes of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C. - 167(2015), S. 51-58
Juli 2014
H. K. Kroupova; A. Trubiroha; C. Lorenz; V. Contardo-Jara; I. Lutz; R. Grabic; M. Kocour; W. Kloas
The progestin levonorgestrel disrupts gonadotropin expression and sex steroid levels in pubertal roach (Rutilus rutilus)
Aquatic Toxicology. - 154(2014), S. 154-162
März 2014
Ralph Urbatzka; Claudia Lorenz; Caterina Wiedemann; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Steroid exposure during larval development of Xenopus laevis affects RNA expression of the reproductive pituitary-gonodal axis in a sex- and stage-dependent manner
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C. - 160(2014), S. 1-8
Mai 2013
Andrea Ziková; Claudia Lorenz; Ilka Lutz; Stephan Pflugmacher; Werner Kloas
Physiological responses of Xenopus laevis tadpoles exposed to cyanobacterial biomass containing microcystin-LR
Aquatic Toxicology. - 128-129(2013), S. 25-33
Dezember 2011
Claudia Lorenz; Valeska Contardo-Jara; Achim Trubiroha; Angela Krüger; Viola Viehmann; Claudia Wiegand; Stephan Pflugmacher; Gunnar Nützmann; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Oktober 2011
Claudia Lorenz; Valeska Contardo-Jara; Stephan Pflugmacher; Claudia Wiegand; Gunnar Nützmann; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
The synthetic gestagen levonorgestrel impairs metamorphosis in Xenopus laevis by disruption of the thyroid system
Toxicological sciences. - 123(2011)1, S. 94-102
Februar 2011
Werner Kloas; Ilka Lutz
The hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis in anuran amphibians
Endocrine toxicology. - 2010, S. 352-364
November 2010
Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas; Sakae Kikuyama
Sixth International Symposium on Amphibian and Reptilian Endocrinology and Neurobiology ISAREN 2009
General and comparative endocrinology. - 168(2010)2, S. 169-170
November 2010
Björn Hermelink; Ralph Urbatzka; Claudia Wiegand; Stephan Pflugmacher; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Aqueous leaf extracts display endocrine activities in vitro and disrupt sexual differentiation of male Xenopus laevis tadpoles in vivo
General and comparative endocrinology. - 168(2010)2, S. 245-255
November 2010
Jeffrey C. Wolf; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas; Timothy A. Springer; Larry R. Holden; Henry O. Krueger; Alan J. Hosmer
Effects of 17 ß-estradiol exposure on Xenopus laevis gonadal histopathology
Environmental toxicology and chemistry. - 29(2010)5, S. 1091-1105
Oktober 2010
R. Urbatzka; C. Lorenz; I. Lutz; W. Kloas
Expression profiles of LHß, FSHß and their gonadal receptor mRNAs during sexual differentiation of Xenopus laevis tadpoles
General and comparative endocrinology. - 168(2010)2, S. 239-244
Januar 2010
Frances Orton; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas; Edwin J. Routledge
Endocrine disrupting effects of herbicides and pentachlorophenol
Environmental science and technology. - 43(2009)6, S. 2144-2150
Januar 2010
Werner Kloas; Ilka Lutz; Timothy Springer; Henry Krueger; Jeff Wolf; Larry Holden; Alan Hosmer
Does atrazine influence larval development and sexual differentiation in Xenopus laevis?
Toxicological sciences. - 107(2009)2, S. 376-384
Januar 2010
Werner Kloas; Ralph Urbatzka; Robert Opitz; Sven Würtz; Thomas Behrends; Björn Hermelink; Frauke Hofmann; Oana Jagnytsch; Hana Kroupova; Claudia Lorenz; Nadja Neumann; Constanze Pietsch; Achim Trubiroha; Christoph van Ballegooy; Caterina Wiedemann; Ilka Lutz
Endocrine disruption in aquatic vertebrates
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. - 1163(2009), S. 187-200
Januar 2010
Jörg Oehlmann; Ulrike Schulte-Oehlmann; Werner Kloas; Oana Jagnytsch; Ilka Lutz; Kresten O. Kusk; Leah Wollenberger; Eduarda M. Santos; Gregory C. Paull; Katrien J. W. van Look; Charles R. Tyler
A critical analysis of the biological impacts of plasticizers on wildlife
Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London : ser. B, Biological sciences. - 364(2009), S. 2047-2062
Januar 2010
Werner Kloas; Ilka Lutz; Ralph Urbatzka; Tim Springer; Hank Krueger; Jeffrey Wolf; Larry Holden; Alan Hosmer
Does atrazine affect larval development and sexual differentiation of South African clawed frogs?
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. - 1163(2009), S. 437-440
Januar 2010
Claudia Lorenz; Robert Opitz; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Teratogenic effects of chronic treatment with cortocosterone on Tadpoles of Xenopus laevis
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. - 1163(2009), S. 454-456
Januar 2010
Claudia Lorenz; Robert Opitz; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Corticosteroids disrupt amphibian metamorphosis by complex modes of action including increased prolactin expression
Comparative biochemistry and physiology C. - 150(2009)2, S. 314-321
Januar 2010
R. Urbatzka; B. Watermann; I. Lutz; W. Kloas
Exposure of Xenopus laevis tadpoles to finasteride, an inhibitor of 5-a reductase activity, impairs spermatogenesis and alters hypophyseal feedback mechanisms
Journal of molecular endocrinology. - 43(2009)5, S. 209-219
Januar 2009
Jörg Oehlmann; Ulrike Sculte-Oehlmann; Matthias Oetken; Jens Bachmann; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Superfeminization as an effect of bisphenol A in Marisa cornuarietis
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety. - 69(2008)3, S. 577-579
August 2008
Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas; Timothy A. Springer; Larry R. Holden; Jeff C. Wolf; Henry O. Krueger; Alan J. Hosmer
Development, standardization and refinement of procedures for evaluating effects of endocrine active compounds on development and sexual differentiation of Xenopus laevis
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry. - 390(2008), S. 2031-2048
März 2008
R. Urbatzka; I. Lutz; W. Kloas
Aromatase, steroid-5-alpha-reductase type 1 and type 2 mRNA expression in gonads and in brain of Xenopus laevis during ontogeny
General and comparative endocrinology. - 153(2007), S. 280-288
März 2008
Heinz-R. Köhler; Werner Kloas; Martin Schirling; Ilka Lutz; Anna L. Reye; Jan-S. Langen; Rita Triebskorn; Roland Nagel; Gilbert Schönfelder
Sex steroid receptor evolution and signalling in aquatic invertebrates
Ecotoxicology. - 16(2007)1, S. 131-143
März 2008
Ralph Urbatzka; Anne van Cauwenberge; Silvia Maggioni; Luigi Viganò; Alberta Mandich; Emilio Benfenati; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
März 2008
Ralph Urbatzka; Sergio Bottero; Alberta Mandich; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Endocrine disrupters with (anti)estrogenic and (anti)androgenic modes of action affecting reproductive biology of Xenopus laevis
Comparative biochemistry and physiology C. - 144(2007)4,S. 310-318
Juli 2018
B. Sures; I. Lutz; W. Kloas
Oktober 2011
Robert Opitz;; Ilka Lutz; Ngoc-Ha Nguyen; Thomas S. Scanlan; Werner Kloas
Analysis of thyroid hormone receptor ßA mRNA expression in Xenopus laevis tadpoles as a means to detect agonism and antagonism of thyroid hormone action
Toxicology and applied pharmacology. - 212(2006)1, S. 1-13
Oktober 2011
Robert Opitz; Sabine Hartmann; Tobias Blank; Thomas Braunbeck; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Evaluation of histological and molecular endpoints for enhanced detection of thyroid system disruption in Xenopus laevis tadpoles
Toxicological sciences. - 90(2006)2, S. 337-348
Oktober 2010
R. Opitz; Achim Trubiroha; Claudia Lorenz; Ilka Lutz; Sabine Hartmann; Tobias Blank; Thomas Braunbeck; Werner Kloas
Expression of sodium-iodide symporter mRNA in the thyorid gland of Xenopus laevis tadpoles
Journal of endocrinology. - 190(2006)1, S. 157-170
August 2008
S. Wuertz; I. Lutz; J. Gessner; P. Loeschau; B. Hogans; F. Kirschbaum; W. Kloas
The influence of rearing density as environmental stressor on cortisol response of Shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum)
Journal of applied ichthyology. - 22(2006)Suppl. 1, S. 269-273
August 2008
Jörg Oehlmann; Ulrike Schulte-Oehlmann; Jean Bachmann; Matthias Oetken; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas; Thomas A. Ternes
Bisphenol A induces superfeminization in the ramshorn snail Marisa cornuarietis (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia) at environmentally relevant concentrations
Environmental health perspectives. - 114(2006)Suppl. 1, S. 127-133
August 2008
Werner Kloas; Ilka Lutz
Amphibians as model to study endocrine disrupters
Journal of chromatography A. - 1130(2006), S. 16-27
Juni 2008
Oana Jagnytsch; Robert Opitz; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Effects of tetrabromobisphenol A on larval development and thyroid hormone-regulated biomarkers of the amphibian Xenopus laevis
Environmental research. - 101(2006)3, S. 340-348
Mai 2008
R. Urbatzka; I. Lutz; R. Opitz; W. Kloas
Luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, and gonadotropin releasing hormone mRNA expression of Xenopus laevis in response to endocrine disrupting compounds affecting reproductive biology
General and comparative endocrinology. - 146(2006)2, S. 119-125
Januar 2006
Ilka Lutz; Zhang Jie; Robert Opitz; Werner Kloas; Xu Ying; Ralph Menzel; Christian E. W. Steinberg
Environmental signals
Chemosphere. - 61(2005)8, S. 1183-1188
Januar 2006
Ilka Lutz; Susanne Blödt; Werner Kloas
Regulation of estrogen receptors in primary cultured hepatocytes of the amphibian Xenopus laevis as estrogenic biomarker and its application in environmental monitoring
Comparative biochemistry and physiology C. - 141(2005)4, S. 384-392
Januar 2006
U. Schulte-Oehlmann; J. Bachmann; D. Candia Carnevali; G. Janer; S. Jobling; W. Kloas; O. Kusk; R. Lavado; I. Lutz; C. Porte; M. Sugni; B. Watermann; L. Wollenberger; J. Oehlmann
Quae nocent, docent: vergleichende Untersuchung zur Wirkung endokriner Disruptoren im Tierreich
3. Statusseminar Chemikalien in der Umwelt mit Wirkung auf das endokrine System / Umweltbundesamt. - Stuttgart, 2005. - S. 64-73
Januar 2006
W. Kloas; C. Bögi; A. Gaete; O. Jagnytsch; A. Krüger; G. Levy; C. Lorenz; N. Neumann; R. Opitz; C. Pietsch; W. Schumacher; A. Tillack; A. Trubiroha; R. Urbatzka; C. van Ballegooy; C. Wiedemann; S. Würtz; I. Lutz
Testverfahren bei Amphibien zum Nachweis von endocrine disruptors (ED) mit Wirkungen auf die Reproduktion und das Schilddrüsensystem
3. Statusseminar Chemikalien in der Umwelt mit Wirkung auf das endokrine System / Umweltbundesamt. - Stuttgart, 2005. - S. 38-47
Januar 2006
J. Oehlmann; U. Schulte-Oehlmann; J. Bachmann; M. Duft; M. Oetken; I. Lutz; W. Kloas; T. A. Ternes
Bisphenol A als Xeno-Östrogen bei Vorderkiemerschnecken
3. Statusseminar Chemikalien in der Umwelt mit Wirkung auf das endokrine System / Umweltbundesamt. - Stuttgart, 2005. - S. 19-37
Januar 2006
Werner Kloas; Ilka Lutz
Welche Wirkungen können Arzneimittel in der aquatischen Umwelt hervorrufen?
Arzneimittel in der Umwelt. -(Texte / Umweltbundesamt ; 2005/29). - S. 185-194
Januar 2006
Robert Opitz; Thomas Braunbeck; Christian Bögi; Daniel B. Pickford; Gerrit Nentwig; Jörg Oehlmann; Osamu Tooi; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Description and initial evaluation of a Xenopus metamorphosis assay for detection of thyroid system-disrupting activities of environmental compounds
Environmental toxicology and chemistry. - 24(2005)3, S. 653-664
Januar 2006
Anja Klann; Gregor Levy; Ilka Lutz; Christian Müller; Werner Kloas; Jan-Peter Hildebrandt
März 2012
Gregor Levy; Ilka Lutz; Angela Krüger; Werner Kloas
Bisphenol A induces feminization in Xenopus laevis tadpoles
Environmental research. - 94(2004)1, S. 102-111
Oktober 2004
Christian E. W. Steinberg; Sebastian Höss; Werner Kloas; Ilka Lutz; Thomas Meinelt; Stephan Pflugmacher; Claudia Wiegand
Hormonelike effects of humic substances on fish, amphibians, and invertebrates
Environmental toxicology. - 19(2004)4, S. 409-411
September 2004
Ilka Lutz; Zhang Jie; Robert Opitz; Werner Kloas; Xu Ying; Christian E. W. Steinberg
Endocrine disrupting effects of humic substances in amphibs
Humic substances and soil and water environment : proceedings 12th international meeting of IHSS / eds.: Ladislau Martin-Neto ... - Sao Pedro, Sao Paulo : Embrapa Instrumentacao Agropecuária, 2004. - S. 123-127
April 2004
Gregor Levy; Ilka Lutz; Angela Krüger; Wolf von Tümpling; Werner Kloas
Retinol-binding protein as a biomarker to assess endocrine-disrupting compounds in the environment
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry. - 378(2004)3, S. 676-683
November 2003
Werner Kloas; Gregor Levy; Robert Opitz; Christian Bögi; Sven Würtz; Jörg Oehlmann; Ulrike Schulte-Oehlmann; Christoph van Ballegoy; Ralph Urbatzka; Oana Jagnytsch; Ilka Lutz
Wirkungen endokrin wirksamer Substanzen auf aquatische Tiere
Spurenstoffe in Gewässern / Thomas Track ; Gerhard Kreysa (Hrsg.). - Weinheim : Wiley, 2003. - S. 185-196
Oktober 2003
C. Bögi; J. Schwaiger; H. Ferling; U. Mallow; C. Steineck; F. Sinowatz; W. Kalbfus; R. D. Negele; I. Lutz; W. Kloas
Endocrine effects of environmental pollution on Xenopus laevis and Rana temporaria
Environmental research. - 93(2003)2, S. 195-201
Februar 2003
Annette C. Schmid; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas; Manfred Reinecke
Thyroid hormone stimulates hepatic IGF-I mRNA expression in a bony fish, the tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus, in vitro and in vivo
General and comparative endocrinology. - 130(2003)2, S. 129-134
Februar 2003
Christian Bögi; Gregor Levy; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Functional genomics and sexual differentiation in amphibians
Comparative biochemistry and physiology B. - 133(2002)4, S. 559-570
November 2002
I. Lutz; S. Würtz; A. Schulz; G. Levy; C. Bögi; R. Opitz; W. Kloas
Establishment of estrogenreceptor-mRNA as estrogenic biomarker in the amphibian Rana temporaria
Proceedings of the 21st Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, Bonn (Germany), August 26-30, 2002. - Bologna : Monduzzi Ed., 2002. - S. 95-98
November 2002
W. Kloas; C. Bögi; G. Levy; S. Würtz; I. Lutz
Sexual differentiation in amphibians
Proceedings of the 21st Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, Bonn (Germany), August 26-30, 2002. - Bologna : Monduzzi Ed., 2002. - S. 87-90
Juni 2002
G. Mosconi; O. Carnevali; M. F. Franzoni; E. Cottone; I. Lutz; W. Kloas; K. Yamamoto; S. Kikuyama; A. M. Polzonetti-Magni
Environmental estrogens and reproductive biology in amphibians
General and comparative endocrinology. - 126(2002), S. 125-129
März 2002
C. Bögi; J. Schwaiger; H. Ferling; U. Mallow; C. Steineck; W. Kalbfus; R. D. Negele; I. Lutz; W. Kloas
Endocrine effects of environmental pollution on amphibians
Endocrine disrupters : second statusseminar. - Berlin, 2002. - S. 59-61
März 2002
W. Kloas; G. Levy; C. Bögi; R. Opitz; I. Lutz
Effects of environmental chemicals on reproductive biology of amphibians
Endocrine disrupters : second statusseminar. - Berlin, 2002. - S. 55-58
Oktober 2001
Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Amphibians as a model to study endocrine disruptors
The science of the total environment. - 225(1999)1-2, S. 49-57
Oktober 2001
Werner Kloas; Ilka Lutz; Ralf Einspanier
Amphibians as a model to study endocrine disruptors
The science of the total environment. - 225(1999)1-2, S. 59-68
Februar 2024
Kloas, Werner; Stöck, Matthias; Lutz, Ilka; Ziková-Kloas, Andrea
Endocrine disruption in teleosts and amphibians is mediated by anthropogenic and natural environmental factors: implications for risk assessment
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 379(2024)1898, Art. 20220505
Oktober 2023
Michal Pech; Christoph Steinbach; Martin Kocour; Ilona Prokopová; Marie Šandová; Adam Bořík; Ilka Lutz; Hana Kocour Kroupová
Dezember 2022
Christoph Steinbach; Ilka Lutz; Marie Šandová; Michal Pech; Eva Šálková; Adam Bořík; Olga Valentová; Hana Kocour Kroupová
Dezember 2022
Eva Šálková; Heike Schmidt-Posthaus; Ilka Lutz; Hana Kocour Kroupová; Christoph Steinbach
Juli 2019
Beata Rozenblut-Koscisty; Maria Ogielska; Juliane Hahn; Denise Kleemann; Ronja Kossakowski; Stephanie Tamschick; Viola Schöning; Angela Krüger; Ilka Lutz; Petros Lymberakis; Werner Kloas; Matthias Stöck
Dezember 2018
Ahmed A. H. Abdellatif; Heba A. Abou-Taleb; Ahmed A. Abd El Ghany; Ilka Lutz; Abdellatif Bouazzaoui
Targeting of somatostatin receptors expressed in blood cells using quantum dots coated with vapreotide
Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal. - 26(2018)8, S. 1162-1169
Januar 2018
Claudia Lorenz; Angela Krüger; Viola Schöning; Ilka Lutz
The progestin norethisterone affects thyroid hormone-dependent metamorphosis of Xenopus laevis tadpoles at environmentally relevant concentrations
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. - 150(2018), S. 86-95
Juni 2017
Andrea Zikova; Claudia Lorenz; Frauke Hoffmann; Wibke Kleiner; Ilka Lutz; Matthias Stöck; Werner Kloas
August 2016
Stephanie Tamschick; Beata Rozenblut-Koscisty; Maria Ogielska; Andreas Lehmann; Petros Lymberakis; Frauke Hoffmann; Ilka Lutz; Rudolf J. Schneider; Werner Kloas; Matthias Stöck
August 2016
Claudia Lorenz; Robert Opitz; Achim Trubiroha; Ilka Lutz; Andrea Zikova; Werner Kloas
April 2016
Stephanie Tamschick; Beata Rozenblut-Koscisty; Maria Ogielska; Andreas Lehmann; Petros Lymberakis; Frauke Hoffmann; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas; Matthias Stöck
März 2015
Frederike Gröner; Andrea Zikova; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Effects of the pharmaceuticals diclofenac and metoprolol on gene expression levels of enzymes of biotransformation, excretion pathways and estrogenicity in primary hepatocytes of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C. - 167(2015), S. 51-58
Juli 2014
H. K. Kroupova; A. Trubiroha; C. Lorenz; V. Contardo-Jara; I. Lutz; R. Grabic; M. Kocour; W. Kloas
The progestin levonorgestrel disrupts gonadotropin expression and sex steroid levels in pubertal roach (Rutilus rutilus)
Aquatic Toxicology. - 154(2014), S. 154-162
März 2014
Ralph Urbatzka; Claudia Lorenz; Caterina Wiedemann; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Steroid exposure during larval development of Xenopus laevis affects RNA expression of the reproductive pituitary-gonodal axis in a sex- and stage-dependent manner
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C. - 160(2014), S. 1-8
Mai 2013
Andrea Ziková; Claudia Lorenz; Ilka Lutz; Stephan Pflugmacher; Werner Kloas
Physiological responses of Xenopus laevis tadpoles exposed to cyanobacterial biomass containing microcystin-LR
Aquatic Toxicology. - 128-129(2013), S. 25-33
Dezember 2011
Claudia Lorenz; Valeska Contardo-Jara; Achim Trubiroha; Angela Krüger; Viola Viehmann; Claudia Wiegand; Stephan Pflugmacher; Gunnar Nützmann; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Oktober 2011
Claudia Lorenz; Valeska Contardo-Jara; Stephan Pflugmacher; Claudia Wiegand; Gunnar Nützmann; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
The synthetic gestagen levonorgestrel impairs metamorphosis in Xenopus laevis by disruption of the thyroid system
Toxicological sciences. - 123(2011)1, S. 94-102
Februar 2011
Werner Kloas; Ilka Lutz
The hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis in anuran amphibians
Endocrine toxicology. - 2010, S. 352-364
November 2010
Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas; Sakae Kikuyama
Sixth International Symposium on Amphibian and Reptilian Endocrinology and Neurobiology ISAREN 2009
General and comparative endocrinology. - 168(2010)2, S. 169-170
November 2010
Björn Hermelink; Ralph Urbatzka; Claudia Wiegand; Stephan Pflugmacher; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Aqueous leaf extracts display endocrine activities in vitro and disrupt sexual differentiation of male Xenopus laevis tadpoles in vivo
General and comparative endocrinology. - 168(2010)2, S. 245-255
November 2010
Jeffrey C. Wolf; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas; Timothy A. Springer; Larry R. Holden; Henry O. Krueger; Alan J. Hosmer
Effects of 17 ß-estradiol exposure on Xenopus laevis gonadal histopathology
Environmental toxicology and chemistry. - 29(2010)5, S. 1091-1105
Oktober 2010
R. Urbatzka; C. Lorenz; I. Lutz; W. Kloas
Expression profiles of LHß, FSHß and their gonadal receptor mRNAs during sexual differentiation of Xenopus laevis tadpoles
General and comparative endocrinology. - 168(2010)2, S. 239-244
Januar 2010
Frances Orton; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas; Edwin J. Routledge
Endocrine disrupting effects of herbicides and pentachlorophenol
Environmental science and technology. - 43(2009)6, S. 2144-2150
Januar 2010
Werner Kloas; Ilka Lutz; Timothy Springer; Henry Krueger; Jeff Wolf; Larry Holden; Alan Hosmer
Does atrazine influence larval development and sexual differentiation in Xenopus laevis?
Toxicological sciences. - 107(2009)2, S. 376-384
Januar 2010
Werner Kloas; Ralph Urbatzka; Robert Opitz; Sven Würtz; Thomas Behrends; Björn Hermelink; Frauke Hofmann; Oana Jagnytsch; Hana Kroupova; Claudia Lorenz; Nadja Neumann; Constanze Pietsch; Achim Trubiroha; Christoph van Ballegooy; Caterina Wiedemann; Ilka Lutz
Endocrine disruption in aquatic vertebrates
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. - 1163(2009), S. 187-200
Januar 2010
Jörg Oehlmann; Ulrike Schulte-Oehlmann; Werner Kloas; Oana Jagnytsch; Ilka Lutz; Kresten O. Kusk; Leah Wollenberger; Eduarda M. Santos; Gregory C. Paull; Katrien J. W. van Look; Charles R. Tyler
A critical analysis of the biological impacts of plasticizers on wildlife
Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London : ser. B, Biological sciences. - 364(2009), S. 2047-2062
Januar 2010
Werner Kloas; Ilka Lutz; Ralph Urbatzka; Tim Springer; Hank Krueger; Jeffrey Wolf; Larry Holden; Alan Hosmer
Does atrazine affect larval development and sexual differentiation of South African clawed frogs?
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. - 1163(2009), S. 437-440
Januar 2010
Claudia Lorenz; Robert Opitz; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Teratogenic effects of chronic treatment with cortocosterone on Tadpoles of Xenopus laevis
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. - 1163(2009), S. 454-456
Januar 2010
Claudia Lorenz; Robert Opitz; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Corticosteroids disrupt amphibian metamorphosis by complex modes of action including increased prolactin expression
Comparative biochemistry and physiology C. - 150(2009)2, S. 314-321
Januar 2010
R. Urbatzka; B. Watermann; I. Lutz; W. Kloas
Exposure of Xenopus laevis tadpoles to finasteride, an inhibitor of 5-a reductase activity, impairs spermatogenesis and alters hypophyseal feedback mechanisms
Journal of molecular endocrinology. - 43(2009)5, S. 209-219
Januar 2009
Jörg Oehlmann; Ulrike Sculte-Oehlmann; Matthias Oetken; Jens Bachmann; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Superfeminization as an effect of bisphenol A in Marisa cornuarietis
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety. - 69(2008)3, S. 577-579
August 2008
Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas; Timothy A. Springer; Larry R. Holden; Jeff C. Wolf; Henry O. Krueger; Alan J. Hosmer
Development, standardization and refinement of procedures for evaluating effects of endocrine active compounds on development and sexual differentiation of Xenopus laevis
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry. - 390(2008), S. 2031-2048
März 2008
R. Urbatzka; I. Lutz; W. Kloas
Aromatase, steroid-5-alpha-reductase type 1 and type 2 mRNA expression in gonads and in brain of Xenopus laevis during ontogeny
General and comparative endocrinology. - 153(2007), S. 280-288
März 2008
Heinz-R. Köhler; Werner Kloas; Martin Schirling; Ilka Lutz; Anna L. Reye; Jan-S. Langen; Rita Triebskorn; Roland Nagel; Gilbert Schönfelder
Sex steroid receptor evolution and signalling in aquatic invertebrates
Ecotoxicology. - 16(2007)1, S. 131-143
März 2008
Ralph Urbatzka; Anne van Cauwenberge; Silvia Maggioni; Luigi Viganò; Alberta Mandich; Emilio Benfenati; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
März 2008
Ralph Urbatzka; Sergio Bottero; Alberta Mandich; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Endocrine disrupters with (anti)estrogenic and (anti)androgenic modes of action affecting reproductive biology of Xenopus laevis
Comparative biochemistry and physiology C. - 144(2007)4,S. 310-318
Juli 2018
B. Sures; I. Lutz; W. Kloas
Oktober 2011
Robert Opitz;; Ilka Lutz; Ngoc-Ha Nguyen; Thomas S. Scanlan; Werner Kloas
Analysis of thyroid hormone receptor ßA mRNA expression in Xenopus laevis tadpoles as a means to detect agonism and antagonism of thyroid hormone action
Toxicology and applied pharmacology. - 212(2006)1, S. 1-13
Oktober 2011
Robert Opitz; Sabine Hartmann; Tobias Blank; Thomas Braunbeck; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Evaluation of histological and molecular endpoints for enhanced detection of thyroid system disruption in Xenopus laevis tadpoles
Toxicological sciences. - 90(2006)2, S. 337-348
Oktober 2010
R. Opitz; Achim Trubiroha; Claudia Lorenz; Ilka Lutz; Sabine Hartmann; Tobias Blank; Thomas Braunbeck; Werner Kloas
Expression of sodium-iodide symporter mRNA in the thyorid gland of Xenopus laevis tadpoles
Journal of endocrinology. - 190(2006)1, S. 157-170
August 2008
S. Wuertz; I. Lutz; J. Gessner; P. Loeschau; B. Hogans; F. Kirschbaum; W. Kloas
The influence of rearing density as environmental stressor on cortisol response of Shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum)
Journal of applied ichthyology. - 22(2006)Suppl. 1, S. 269-273
August 2008
Jörg Oehlmann; Ulrike Schulte-Oehlmann; Jean Bachmann; Matthias Oetken; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas; Thomas A. Ternes
Bisphenol A induces superfeminization in the ramshorn snail Marisa cornuarietis (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia) at environmentally relevant concentrations
Environmental health perspectives. - 114(2006)Suppl. 1, S. 127-133
August 2008
Werner Kloas; Ilka Lutz
Amphibians as model to study endocrine disrupters
Journal of chromatography A. - 1130(2006), S. 16-27
Juni 2008
Oana Jagnytsch; Robert Opitz; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Effects of tetrabromobisphenol A on larval development and thyroid hormone-regulated biomarkers of the amphibian Xenopus laevis
Environmental research. - 101(2006)3, S. 340-348
Mai 2008
R. Urbatzka; I. Lutz; R. Opitz; W. Kloas
Luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, and gonadotropin releasing hormone mRNA expression of Xenopus laevis in response to endocrine disrupting compounds affecting reproductive biology
General and comparative endocrinology. - 146(2006)2, S. 119-125
Januar 2006
Ilka Lutz; Zhang Jie; Robert Opitz; Werner Kloas; Xu Ying; Ralph Menzel; Christian E. W. Steinberg
Environmental signals
Chemosphere. - 61(2005)8, S. 1183-1188
Januar 2006
Ilka Lutz; Susanne Blödt; Werner Kloas
Regulation of estrogen receptors in primary cultured hepatocytes of the amphibian Xenopus laevis as estrogenic biomarker and its application in environmental monitoring
Comparative biochemistry and physiology C. - 141(2005)4, S. 384-392
Januar 2006
U. Schulte-Oehlmann; J. Bachmann; D. Candia Carnevali; G. Janer; S. Jobling; W. Kloas; O. Kusk; R. Lavado; I. Lutz; C. Porte; M. Sugni; B. Watermann; L. Wollenberger; J. Oehlmann
Quae nocent, docent: vergleichende Untersuchung zur Wirkung endokriner Disruptoren im Tierreich
3. Statusseminar Chemikalien in der Umwelt mit Wirkung auf das endokrine System / Umweltbundesamt. - Stuttgart, 2005. - S. 64-73
Januar 2006
W. Kloas; C. Bögi; A. Gaete; O. Jagnytsch; A. Krüger; G. Levy; C. Lorenz; N. Neumann; R. Opitz; C. Pietsch; W. Schumacher; A. Tillack; A. Trubiroha; R. Urbatzka; C. van Ballegooy; C. Wiedemann; S. Würtz; I. Lutz
Testverfahren bei Amphibien zum Nachweis von endocrine disruptors (ED) mit Wirkungen auf die Reproduktion und das Schilddrüsensystem
3. Statusseminar Chemikalien in der Umwelt mit Wirkung auf das endokrine System / Umweltbundesamt. - Stuttgart, 2005. - S. 38-47
Januar 2006
J. Oehlmann; U. Schulte-Oehlmann; J. Bachmann; M. Duft; M. Oetken; I. Lutz; W. Kloas; T. A. Ternes
Bisphenol A als Xeno-Östrogen bei Vorderkiemerschnecken
3. Statusseminar Chemikalien in der Umwelt mit Wirkung auf das endokrine System / Umweltbundesamt. - Stuttgart, 2005. - S. 19-37
Januar 2006
Werner Kloas; Ilka Lutz
Welche Wirkungen können Arzneimittel in der aquatischen Umwelt hervorrufen?
Arzneimittel in der Umwelt. -(Texte / Umweltbundesamt ; 2005/29). - S. 185-194
Januar 2006
Robert Opitz; Thomas Braunbeck; Christian Bögi; Daniel B. Pickford; Gerrit Nentwig; Jörg Oehlmann; Osamu Tooi; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Description and initial evaluation of a Xenopus metamorphosis assay for detection of thyroid system-disrupting activities of environmental compounds
Environmental toxicology and chemistry. - 24(2005)3, S. 653-664
Januar 2006
Anja Klann; Gregor Levy; Ilka Lutz; Christian Müller; Werner Kloas; Jan-Peter Hildebrandt
März 2012
Gregor Levy; Ilka Lutz; Angela Krüger; Werner Kloas
Bisphenol A induces feminization in Xenopus laevis tadpoles
Environmental research. - 94(2004)1, S. 102-111
Oktober 2004
Christian E. W. Steinberg; Sebastian Höss; Werner Kloas; Ilka Lutz; Thomas Meinelt; Stephan Pflugmacher; Claudia Wiegand
Hormonelike effects of humic substances on fish, amphibians, and invertebrates
Environmental toxicology. - 19(2004)4, S. 409-411
September 2004
Ilka Lutz; Zhang Jie; Robert Opitz; Werner Kloas; Xu Ying; Christian E. W. Steinberg
Endocrine disrupting effects of humic substances in amphibs
Humic substances and soil and water environment : proceedings 12th international meeting of IHSS / eds.: Ladislau Martin-Neto ... - Sao Pedro, Sao Paulo : Embrapa Instrumentacao Agropecuária, 2004. - S. 123-127
April 2004
Gregor Levy; Ilka Lutz; Angela Krüger; Wolf von Tümpling; Werner Kloas
Retinol-binding protein as a biomarker to assess endocrine-disrupting compounds in the environment
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry. - 378(2004)3, S. 676-683
November 2003
Werner Kloas; Gregor Levy; Robert Opitz; Christian Bögi; Sven Würtz; Jörg Oehlmann; Ulrike Schulte-Oehlmann; Christoph van Ballegoy; Ralph Urbatzka; Oana Jagnytsch; Ilka Lutz
Wirkungen endokrin wirksamer Substanzen auf aquatische Tiere
Spurenstoffe in Gewässern / Thomas Track ; Gerhard Kreysa (Hrsg.). - Weinheim : Wiley, 2003. - S. 185-196
Oktober 2003
C. Bögi; J. Schwaiger; H. Ferling; U. Mallow; C. Steineck; F. Sinowatz; W. Kalbfus; R. D. Negele; I. Lutz; W. Kloas
Endocrine effects of environmental pollution on Xenopus laevis and Rana temporaria
Environmental research. - 93(2003)2, S. 195-201
Februar 2003
Annette C. Schmid; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas; Manfred Reinecke
Thyroid hormone stimulates hepatic IGF-I mRNA expression in a bony fish, the tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus, in vitro and in vivo
General and comparative endocrinology. - 130(2003)2, S. 129-134
Februar 2003
Christian Bögi; Gregor Levy; Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Functional genomics and sexual differentiation in amphibians
Comparative biochemistry and physiology B. - 133(2002)4, S. 559-570
November 2002
I. Lutz; S. Würtz; A. Schulz; G. Levy; C. Bögi; R. Opitz; W. Kloas
Establishment of estrogenreceptor-mRNA as estrogenic biomarker in the amphibian Rana temporaria
Proceedings of the 21st Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, Bonn (Germany), August 26-30, 2002. - Bologna : Monduzzi Ed., 2002. - S. 95-98
November 2002
W. Kloas; C. Bögi; G. Levy; S. Würtz; I. Lutz
Sexual differentiation in amphibians
Proceedings of the 21st Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, Bonn (Germany), August 26-30, 2002. - Bologna : Monduzzi Ed., 2002. - S. 87-90
Juni 2002
G. Mosconi; O. Carnevali; M. F. Franzoni; E. Cottone; I. Lutz; W. Kloas; K. Yamamoto; S. Kikuyama; A. M. Polzonetti-Magni
Environmental estrogens and reproductive biology in amphibians
General and comparative endocrinology. - 126(2002), S. 125-129
März 2002
C. Bögi; J. Schwaiger; H. Ferling; U. Mallow; C. Steineck; W. Kalbfus; R. D. Negele; I. Lutz; W. Kloas
Endocrine effects of environmental pollution on amphibians
Endocrine disrupters : second statusseminar. - Berlin, 2002. - S. 59-61
März 2002
W. Kloas; G. Levy; C. Bögi; R. Opitz; I. Lutz
Effects of environmental chemicals on reproductive biology of amphibians
Endocrine disrupters : second statusseminar. - Berlin, 2002. - S. 55-58
Oktober 2001
Ilka Lutz; Werner Kloas
Amphibians as a model to study endocrine disruptors
The science of the total environment. - 225(1999)1-2, S. 49-57
Oktober 2001
Werner Kloas; Ilka Lutz; Ralf Einspanier
Amphibians as a model to study endocrine disruptors
The science of the total environment. - 225(1999)1-2, S. 59-68