Georgiy Kirillin
+49 (0)30 64181 669
+49 (0)30 64181 700
Müggelseedamm 310, 12587 Berlin
Umwelt-Strömungsmechanik, Physikalische Limnologie und Ozeanographie, Wärme- und Stoffaustausch zwischen Seen und der Atmosphäre, Grenzschichtphysik, Zirkulation und Mischung in natürlichen Gewässer, numerische Modellierung, Klimawandel und natürliche Gewässer
- seit 2002 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am IGB
- 1999-2002 Promotion am IGB
- November 2002: Dr. rer. nat. an der Humboldt-Universität Berlin; Thema der Doktorarbeit "Modeling of the vertical heat exchange in shallow lakes"
- 1996-1999 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Limnologie der Russischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, St. Petersburg, Rußland
März 2025
Fatemeh Sadat Sharifi; Reinhard Hinkelmann; Tore Hattermann; Georgiy Kirillin
Three-dimensional modeling of diffusion-gravity flows in ice-covered lakes
Environmental Fluid Mechanics. - 25(2019)16, XX-XX
November 2024
Sofia La Fuente; Eleanor Jennings; John D. Lenters; Piet Verburg; Georgiy Kirillin; Tom Shatwell; Raoul-Marie Couture; Marianne Côté; C. Love Råman Vinnå; R. Iestyn Woolway
Increasing warm-season evaporation rates across European lakes under climate change
Climatic Change. - 177(2024), Art. 173
Oktober 2024
Liu Liu; Xin Zhang; Sina Schorn; Tomy Doda; Manchun Kang; Damien Bouffard; Georgiy Kirillin; Jana Milucka; Xiaotao Shi; Hans-Peter Grossart
Strong Subseasonal Variability of Oxic Methane Production Challenges Methane Budgeting in Freshwater Lakes
Environmental Science & Technology. - 58(2024)44, 19690–19701
Oktober 2023
Rachel M. Pilla; Craig E. Williamson; Erin P. Overholt; Kevin C. Rose; Stella A. Berger; Raoul-Marie Couture; Heleen A. de Wit; Ignacio Granados; Hans-Peter F. Grossart; Georgiy B. Kirillin; Alo Laas; Jens C. Nejstgaard; James A. Rusak; Mark W. Swinton; Manuel Toro; Huaxia Yao
Deepwater dissolved oxygen shows little ecological memory between lake phenological seasons
Inland Waters. - 13(2023)3, 327-338
Dezember 2022
von: Stephan Garack, Marco Neubert, Axel Sauer, Juliane Albrecht Leibniz-Institut für ökologische Raumentwicklung (IÖR) e. V., Dresden; Kerstin Günther, Martin Friedrichs-Manthey, Sabine Wollrab, Sonja Jähnig, Stella A. Berger, Ulrike Kienel, Georgiy Kirillin, Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei (IGB) im Forschungsverbund Berlin e. V., Berlin. Herausgeber: Umweltbundesamt
Dezember 2022
Georgiy Kirillin; Matti Leppäranta
Lake Ice Formation and Melt. Under-Ice Dynamics
Encyclopedia of Inland Waters / Editors-in-Chief: Thomas Mehner, Klement Tockner. San Diego, California. 2nd ed., 2022. - Vol. 1, S. 534-545
Dezember 2022
Manuel C. Almeida; Yurii Shevchuk; Georgiy Kirillin; Pedro M. M. Soares; Rita M. Cardoso; José P. Matos; Ricardo M. Rebelo; António C. Rodrigues; Pedro S. Coelho
Modeling reservoir surface temperatures for regional and global climate models: a multi-model study on the inflow and level variation effects
Geoscientific Model Development. - 15(2022), 173–197
Dezember 2022
Lijuan Wen; Chan Wang; Zhaoguo Li; Lin Zhao; Shihua Lyu; Matti Leppäranta; Georgiy Kirillin; Shiqiang Chen
Thermal responses of the largest freshwater lake in the tibetan plateau and its nearby saline lake to climate change
Remote Sensing. - 14(2021)8, Art. 1774
Dezember 2022
Mengxiao Wang; Lijuan Wen; Zhaoguo Li; Matti Leppäranta; Victor Stepanenko; Yixin Zhao; Ruijia Niu; Liuyiyi Yang; Georgiy Kirillin
Mechanisms and effects of under-ice warming water in Ngoring Lake of Qinghai–Tibet Plateau
The Cryosphere. - 16(2022) 3635–3648
Dezember 2022
Dongsheng Su; Lijuan Wen; Anning Huang; Yang Wu; Xiaoqing Gao; Mengxiao Wang; Yixin Zhao; Georgiy Kirillin
Simulation of the potential impacts of lakes on glacier behavior over the Tibetan Plateau in summer
Climate Dynamics. - XX(2022)XX, XX
Dezember 2022
Sofia La Fuente; Eleanor Jennings; Gideon Gal; Georgiy Kirillin; Tom Shatwell; Robert Ladwig; Tadhg Moore; Raoul-Marie Couture; Marianne Côté; C. Love Råman Vinnå; R. Iestyn Woolway
Multi-model projections of future evaporation in a sub-tropical lake
Journal of Hydrology. - 615(2022)Part A, Art. 128729
November 2022
Georgiy Kirillin ... Liu Liu ... Asiya Murakaeva ... Hauke Dämpfling ... Hans-Peter Grossart
November 2022
Aleksandr P Tolomeev ... Georgiy Kirillin ... Hans-Peter Grossart ...
Degradation of dead cladoceran zooplankton and their contribution to organic carbon cycling in stratified lakes: field observation and model prediction
Journal of Plankton Research. - 44(2022)3, 386–400
September 2022
Malgorzata Golub; Wim Thiery; Rafael Marcé; Don Pierson; Inne Vanderkelen; Daniel Mercado-Bettin; R. Iestyn Woolway; Luke Grant; Eleanor Jennings; Benjamin M. Kraemer; Jacob Schewe; Fang Zhao; Katja Frieler; Matthias Mengel; Vasiliy Y. Bogomolov; Damien Bouffard ... Georgiy Kirillin ... Tom Shatwell ... Rita Adrian ... Sabine Wollrab ...
A framework for ensemble modelling of climate change impacts on lakes worldwide: the ISIMIP Lake Sector
Geoscientific Model Development. - 15(2022), 4597–4623
März 2022
Stephan Garack (Dresden); Sabine Wollrab; Sonja Jähnig; Kerstin Günther; Stella A. Berger (Berlin); Marco Neubert; Juliane Albrecht (Dresden); Martin Friedrichs-Manthey (Berlin/Leipzig); Axel Sauer (Dresden); Georgyi Kirillin (Berlin)
Entwicklung der ökologischen Beschaffenheit von Oberflächengewässern im Klimawandel
KW Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft. - 15(2022)2, 98-107
Januar 2022
Ilya Aslamov; Georgiy Kirillin; Mikhail Makarov; Konstantin Kucher; Ruslan Gnatovsky; Nikolay Granin
Autonomous system for lake ice monitoring
Sensors. - 21(2021)24, Art. 8505
Dezember 2021
S. Volkov, S. Bogdanov, G. Zdorovennova, A. Terzhevik, R. Zdorovennov, N. Palshin, T. Efremova, G. Kirillin
Fundamentalʹnaja i prikladnaja gidrofizika. - 14(2021)1, 86–96
Dezember 2021
S. Bogdanov; R. Zdorovennov; N. Palshin; G. Zdorovennova; A. Y. Terzhevik; G. Gavrilenko; S. Y. Volkov; T. Efremova; N. Kuldin; G. Kirillin
Deriving of turbulent stresses in a convectively mixed layer in a shallow lake under ice by coupling two ADCPs: РАСЧЕТ ТУРБУЛЕНТНЫХ НАПРЯЖЕНИЙ В КОНВЕКТИВНО-ПЕРЕМЕШАННОМ СЛОЕ В МЕЛКОВОДНОМ ОЗЕРЕ ПОДО ЛЬДОМ С ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕМ ДВУХ ADCP
Fundamentalʹnaja i prikladnaja gidrofizika. - 14(2021)2, 17–28
Dezember 2021
Marco Günthel; Daphne Donis; Georgiy Kirillin; Danny Ionescu; Mina Bizic; Daniel F. McGinnis; Hans-Peter Grossart; Kam W. Tang
Reply to ‘Oxic methanogenesis is only a minor source of lake-wide diffusive CH4 emissions from lakes’
Nature Communications. - 12(2021), Art. 1205
Dezember 2021
Xin Zhang; Kaicun Wang; Georgiy Kirillin
An automatic method to detect lake ice phenology using MODIS daily temperature imagery
Remote Sensing. - 13(2021)14, Art. 2711
Dezember 2021
Xin Zhang; Abilgazi Kurbaniyazov; Georgiy Kirillin
Changing pattern of water level trends in eurasian endorheic lakes as a response to the recent climate variability
Remote Sensing. - 13(2021)18, Art. 3705
Dezember 2021
Luke Grant; Inne Vanderkelen; Lukas Gudmundsson; Zeli Tan; Marjorie Perroud; Victor M. Stepanenko; Andrey V. Debolskiy; Bram Droppers; Annette B. G. Janssen; R. Iestyn Woolway; Margarita Choulga; Gianpaolo Balsamo; Georgiy Kirillin; Jacob Schewe; Fang Zhao; Iliusi Vega del Valle; Malgorzata Golub; Don Pierson; Rafael Marcé; Sonia I. Seneviratne; Wim Thiery
Attribution of global lake systems change to anthropogenic forcing
Nature Geoscience. - 14(2021), 849–854
Dezember 2021
Alexander S. Izhitskiy; Georgiy B. Kirillin; Igor V. Goncharenko; Abilgazy K. Kurbaniyazov; Peter O. Zavialov
The world's largest heliothermal lake newly formed in the Aral Sea basin
Environmental research letters. - 16(2021), Art.115009
Juli 2021
Georgiy B. Kirillin; Tom Shatwell; Lijuan Wen
Ice-covered lakes of Tibetan Plateau as solar heat collectors
Geophysical Research Letters. - 48(2021)14, Art. e2021GL093429
Juni 2021
Jonathan P. Doubek, Orlane Anneville, Gaël Dur, Aleksandra M. Lewandowska, Vijay P. Patil, James A. Rusak, Nico Salmaso, Christian Torsten Seltmann, Dietmar Straile, Pablo Urrutia-Cordero, Patrick Venail, Rita Adrian, María B. Alfonso, Curtis L. DeGasperi, Elvira de Eyto, Heidrun Feuchtmayr, Evelyn E. Gaiser, Scott F. Girdner, Jennifer L. Graham, Hans-Peter Grossart, Josef Hejzlar, Stéphan Jacquet, Georgiy Kirillin, María E. Llames, Shin-Ichiro S. Matsuzaki, Emily R. Nodine, Maria Cintia Piccolo, Don C. Pierson, Alon Rimmer, Lars G. Rudstam, Steven Sadro, Hilary M. Swain, Stephen J. Thackeray, Wim Thiery, Piet Verburg, Tamar Zohary, Jason D. Stockwell
The extent and variability of storm-induced temperature changes in lakes measured with long-term and high-frequency data
Limnology and Oceanography. - 66(2021)5, 1979-1992
Mai 2021
Keilor Rojas-Jimenez; Alex Araya-Lobo; Fabio Quesada-Perez; Johana Akerman-Sanchez; Brayan Delgado-Duran; Lars Ganzert; Peter O. Zavialov; Salmor Alymkulov; Georgiy Kirillin; Hans-Peter Grossart
Variation of bacterial communities along the vertical gradient in Lake Issyk Kul, Kyrgyzstan
Environmental Microbiology Reports. - 13(2021)3, 337-347
April 2021
P. O. Zavialov; A. S. Izhitskiy; G. B. Kirillin; V. Yu. Rezvov; S. A. Alymkulov; K. M. Zhumaliev; A. K. Kurbaniyazov
Features of thermohaline structure and circulation in Lake Issyk-Kul
Oceanology. - 60(2020)3, 297-307
April 2021
Dongsheng Su; Lijuan Wen; Xiaoqing Gao; Matti Leppäranta; Xingyu Song; Qianqian Shi; Georgiy Kirillin
Effects of the largest lake of the Tibetan Plateau on the regional climate
Journal of Geophysical Research : Atmospheres. - 125(2020)22, e2020JD033396
Dezember 2020
Stefano Simoncelli; Giulia Valerio; Michael Hupfer; Sylvia Jordan; Marco Pilotti; Georgiy Kirillin
Sources and scales of near-bottom turbulent mixing in large meromictic Lake Iseo
Journal of Great Lakes Research. - 46(2020)6, S. 1581-1594
August 2020
Sapna Sharma; Michael F. Meyer; Joshua Culpepper; Xiao Yang; Stephanie Hampton; Stella A. Berger; Matthew R. Brousil; Steven C. Fradkin; Scott N. Higgins; Kathi Jo Jankowski; Georgiy Kirillin; Adrianne P. Smits; Emily C. Whitaker; Foad Yousef; Shuai Zhang
Integrating perspectives to understand lake ice dynamics in a changing world
Journal of Geophysical Research : Biogeosciences. - 125(2020)8, e2020JG005799
Mai 2020
Georgiy Kirillin; Ilya Aslamov; Vladimir Kozlov; Roman Zdorovennov; Nikolai Granin
Turbulence in the stratified boundary layer under ice: observations from Lake Baikal and a new similarity model
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. - 24(2020)4, S. 1691-1708
März 2020
Jan F. Hartmann; Marco Günthel; Thomas Klintzsch; Georgiy Kirillin; Hans-Peter Grossart; Frank Keppler; Margot Isenbeck-Schröter
High spatiotemporal dynamics of methane production and emission in oxic surface water
Environmental Science and Technology. - 54(2020)3, S. 1451-1463
Januar 2020
N. G. Granin; I. A. Aslamov; V. V. Kozlov; M. M. Makarov; G. Kirillin; D. F. McGinnis; K. M. Kucher; V. V. Blinov; V. G. Ivanov; I. B. Mizandrontsev; A. A. Zhdanov; A. S. Anikin; M. N. Granin; R. Yu. Gnatovsky
Methane hydrate emergence from Lake Baikal: direct observations, modelling, and hydrate footprints in seasonal ice cover
Scientific Reports. - 9(2019)art. 19361
Dezember 2019
Matti Leppäranta; Elisa Lindgren; Lijuan Wen; Georgiy Kirillin
Ice cover decay and heat balance in Lake Kilpisjärvi Arctic tundra
Journal of Limnology. - 78(2019)2, S. 163-175
Dezember 2019
Marco Günthel; Daphne Donis; Georgiy Kirillin; Danny Ionescu; Mina Bizic; Daniel F. McGinnis; Hans-Peter Grossart; Kam W. Tang
Contribution of oxic methane production to surface methane emission in lakes and its global importance
Nature Communications. - 10(2019)art. 5497
Dezember 2019
Stefano Simoncelli; Georgiy Kirillin; Aleksandr P. Tolomeev; Hans-Peter Grossart
A low-cost underwater particle tracking velocimetry system for measuring in situ particle flux and sedimentation rate in low-turbulence environments
Limnology and Oceanography : Methods. - 17(2019)12, S. 665-681
Juni 2019
Sergey Volkov; Sergey Bogdanov; Roman Zdorovennov; Galina Zdorovennova; Arkady Terzhevik; Nicolay Palshin; Damien Bouffard; Georgiy Kirillin
Fine scale structure of convective mixed layer in ice-covered lake
Environmental Fluid Mechanics. - 19(2019)3, S. 751-764
Mai 2019
Dongsheng Su; Xiuqing Hu; Lijuan Wen; Shihua Lyu; Xiaoqing Gao; Lin Zhao; Zhaoguo Li; Juan Du; Georgiy Kirillin
Numerical study on the response of the largest lake in China to climate change
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. - 23(2019)4, S. 2093-2109
April 2019
Tom Shatwell; Wim Thiery; Georgiy Kirillin
Future projections of temperature and mixing regime of European temperate lakes
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. - 23(2019)3, S. 1533-1551
Februar 2019
Georgiy Kirillin; Ilya Aslamov; Matti Leppäranta; Elisa Lindgren
Turbulent mixing and heat fluxes under lake ice: the role of seiche oscillations
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. - 22(2018)12, S. 6493-6504
Februar 2019
D. Franz; I. Mammarella; J. Boike; G. Kirillin; T. Vesala; N. Bornemann; E. Larmanou; M. Langer; T. Sachs
Lake-atmosphere heat flux dynamics of a thermokarst lake in arctic Siberia
Journal of Geophysical Research : Atmospheres. - 123(2018)10, S. 5222-5239
Februar 2019
Peter O. Zavialov; Alexander S. Izhitskiy; Georgiy B. Kirillin; Valentina M. Khan; Boris V. Konovalov; Peter N. Makkaveev; Vadim V. Pelevin; Nikolay A. Rimskiy-Korsakov; Salmor A. Alymkulov; Kubanychbek M. Zhumaliev
New profiling and mooring records help to assess variability of Lake Issyk-Kul and reveal unknown features of its thermohaline structure
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. - 22(2018)12, S. 6279-6295
Februar 2019
A. P. Tolomeev; G. Kirillin; O. P. Dubovskaya; Z. F. Buseva; M. I. Gladyshev
Numerical modeling of vertical distribution of living and dead copepods Arctodiaptomus salinus in Salt Lake Shira
Contemporary Problems of Ecology. - 11(2018)6, S. 543-550
Februar 2018
Robert Ladwig; Eiichi Furusato; Georgiy Kirillin; Reinhard Hinkelmann; Michael Hupfer
Februar 2018
Olga P. Dubrovakaya; Aleksandr P. Tolomeev; Georgiy Kirillin; Zhanna Buseva; Kam W. Tang; Michail I. Gladyshev
Effects of water column processes on the use of sediment traps to measure zooplankton non-predatory mortality: a mathematical and empirical assessment
Journal of Plankton Research. - 40(2018)1, S. 91-106
Dezember 2017
Peter Kasprzak; Tom Shatwell; Mark O. Gessner; Thomas Gonsiorczyk; Geogiy Kirillin; Geza Selmeczy; Judit Padisak; Christof Engelhardt
Extreme weather event triggers cascade towards extreme turbidity in a clear-water lake
Ecosystems. - 20(2017)8, S. 1407-1420
Juli 2017
I. A. Aslamov; V. V. Kozlov; G. B. Kirillin; I. B. Mizandrontsev; K. M. Kucher; M. M. Makarov; N. G. Granin
A study of heat transport at the ice base and structure of the under-ice water layer in southern Baikal
Water Resources. - 44(2017)3, S. 428-441
April 2017
Georgiy Kirillin; Lijuan Wen; Tom Shatwell
Seasonal thermal regime and climatic trends in lakes of the Tibetan highlands
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. - 21(2017)4, S. 1895-1909
April 2017
Darren P. Giling; Jens C. Nejstgaard; Stella A. Berger; Hans-Peter Grossart; Georgiy Kirillin; Armin Penske; Maren Lentz; Peter Casper; Jörg Sareyka; Mark O. Gessner
Thermocline deepening boosts ecosystem metabolism
Global Change Biology. - 23(2017)4, S. 1448-1462
März 2017
Gesa A. Weyhenmeyer; Murray Mackay; Jason D. Stockwell; Wim Thiery; Hans-Peter Grossart; Petala B. Augusto-Silva; Helen M. Baulch; Elvira de Eyto; Josef Hejzlar; Külli Kangur; Georgiy Kirillin; Don C. Pierson; James A. Rusak; Steven Sadro; R. Iestyn Woolway
Citizen science shows systematic changes in the temperature difference between air and inland waters with global warming
Scientific Reports. - 7(2017) art. 43890
Februar 2017
Ulrike Kienel; Georgiy Kirillin; Brian Brademann; Birgit Plessen; Reinhard Lampe; Achim Brauer
Effects of spring warming and mixing duration on diatom deposition in deep Tiefer See, NE Germany
Journal of Paleolimnology. - 57(2017)1, S. 37-49
Januar 2017
Lijuan Wen; Shihua Lyu; Georgiy Kirillin; Zhaoguo Li; Lin Zhao
Air lake boundary layer and performance of a simple lake parameterization scheme over the Tibetan highlands
Tellus A, Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography. - 68(2016)31091
Dezember 2016
M. Langer; S. Westermann; J. Boike; G. Kirillin; G. Grosse; S. Peng; G. Krinner
Rapid degradation of permafrost underneath waterbodies in tundra landscapes - towards a representation of thermokarst in land surface models
Journal of Geophysical Research : Earth Surface. - 121(2016)12, S. 2446-2470
September 2016
G. Kirillin; T. Shatwell
Generalized scaling of seasonal thermal stratification in lakes
Earth-Science Reviews. - 161(2016), S. 179-190
Mai 2016
Sebastian Schimmelpfennig; Georgiy Kirillin; Christof Engelhardt; Uwe Dünnbier; Gunnar Nützmann
Fate of pharmaceutical micro-pollutants in Lake Tegel (Berlin, Germany)
Environmental Earth Sciences. - 75(2016)10, art. 893
Mai 2016
Tom Shatwell; Rita Adrian; Georgiy Kirillin
Planktonic events may cause polymictic-domictic regime shifts in temperate lakes
Scientific Reports. - 6(2016) art.24361
April 2016
A. S. Izhitskiy; P. O. Zavialov; P. V. Sapozhnikov; G. B. Kirillin; H. P. Grossart; O. Y. Kalinina; A. K. Zalota; I. V. Goncharenko; A. K. Kurbaniyazov
Present state of the Aral Sea
Scientific Reports. - 6(2016) art.22906
Januar 2016
Franziska Pöschke; Jörg Lewandowski; Christof Engelhardt; Konrad Preuß; Martin Oczipka; Thomas Ruhtz; Georgiy Kirillin
Upwelling of deep water during thermal stratification onset
Water Resources Research. - 51(2015)12, S. 9612-9627
November 2015
J. Boike; C. Georgi; G. Kirillin; S. Muster; K. Abramova; I. Fedorova; A. Chetverova; M. Grigoriev; N. Bornemann; M. Langer
Thermal processes of thermokarst lakes in the continuous permafrost zone of northern Siberia
Biogeosciences. - 12(2015)20, S. 5941-5965
Juli 2015
Olga P. Dubovskaya; Kam W. Tang; Michail I. Gladyshev; Georgiy Kirillin; Zhanna Buseva; Peter Kasprzak; Aleksandr P. Tolomeev; Hans-Peter Grossart
Juni 2015
G. B. Kirillin; A. L. Forrest; K. E. Graves; A. Fischer; C. Engelhardt; B. E. Laval
Axisymmetric circulation driven by marginal heating in ice-covered lakes
Geophysical Research Letters. - 42(2015)8, S. 2893-2900
Juni 2015
G. Kirillin; M. S. Lorang; T. C. Lippmann; C. C. Gotschalk; S. Schimmelpfennig
Surface seiches in Flathead Lake
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. - 19(2015)6, S. 2605-2615
Februar 2015
Daniel F. McGinnis; Georgiy Kirillin; Kam W. Tang; Sabine Flury; Pascal Bodmer; Christof Engelhardt; Peter Casper; Hans-Peter Grossart
Enhancing surface methane fluxes from a oligotrophic lake
Environmental Science and Technology. - 49(2015)2, S. 873-880
September 2014
I. A. Aslamov; V. V. Kozlov; G. B. Kirillin; I. B. Mizandrontsev; K. M. Kucher; M. M. Makarov; A. Yu. Gornov; N. G. Granin
Ice-water heat exchange during ice growth in Lake Baikal
Journal of Great Lakes Research. - 40(2014)3, S. 599-607
Juli 2014
Christof Engelhardt; Georgiy Kirillin
Criteria for the onset and breakup of summer lake stratification based on routine temperature measurements
Fundamental and Applied Limnology. - 184(2014)3, S. 183-194
Mai 2014
Juliane Bernhardt; Georgiy Kirillin; Michael Hupfer
Periodic convection within littoral lake sediments on the background of seiche-driven oxygen fluctuations
Limnology and Oceanography : Fluids and Environments. - 4(2014), S. 17-33
März 2014
Kam W. Tang; Michail I. Gladyshev; Olgo P. Dubovskaya; Georgiy Kirillin; Hans-Peter Grossart
Zooplankton carcasses and non-predatory mortality in freshwater and inland sea environments
Journal of Plankton Research. - 36(2014)3, S. 597-612
März 2014
William Rizk; Georgiy Kirillin; Matti Leppäranta
Basin-scale circulation and heat fluxes in ice-covered lakes
Limnology and Oceanography. - 59(2014)2, S. 445-464
Dezember 2013
Jörg Lewandowski; Karin Meinikmann; Thomas Ruhtz; Franziska Pöschke; Georgiy Kirillin
Localization of lacustrine groundwater discharge (LGD) by airborne measurement of thermal infrared radiation
Remote Sensing of Environment. - 138(2013), S. 119-125
Oktober 2013
Juliane Bernhardt; Georgiy Kirillin
Seasonal pattern of rotation-affected internal seiches in a small temperate lake
Limnology and Oceanography. - 58(2013)4, S. 1344-1360
Oktober 2013
Stefan Bertilsson; Amy Burgin; Cayelan C. Carey; Samuel B. Fey; Hans-Peter Grossart; Lorena M. Grubisic; Ian D. Jones; Georgiy Kirillin; Jay T. Lennon; Ashley Shade; Robyn L. Smyth
The under-ice microbiome of seasonally frozen lakes
Limnology and Oceanography. - 58(2013)6, S. 1998-2012
Oktober 2013
Georgiy Kirillin; Tom Shatwell; Peter Kasprzak
Consequences of thermal pollution from a nuclear plant on lake temperature and mixing regime
Journal of Hydrology. - 496(2013), S. 47-56
März 2013
G. Kirillin; W. Phillip; C. Engelhardt; G. Nützmann
Net groundwater inflow in an enclosed lake
Hydrological Processes. - 27(2013)3, S. 347-359
März 2013
William Rizk; Georgiy Kirillin; Matti Leppäranta
Field investigation of the geostrophic motions in the ice-covered Lake Pääjärvi
Proceedings of the 21st IAHR International Symposium on Ice : Ice research for a sustainable environment. - Dalian, China, 2012. - 11 S.
März 2013
Georgiy Kirillin; William Rizk; Matti Leppäranta
Convectice mixing by solar radiation under lake ice
Proceedings of the 21st IAHR International Symposium on Ice : Ice research for a sustainable environment. - Dalian, China, 2012. - 11 S.
Dezember 2012
Sylvia Jordan; Friedemann Gohr; Helmut Rönicke; Georgiy Kirillin; Michael Hupfer
Langzeittrends physikalischer und chemischer Parameter des Arendsees (Sachsen-Anhalt)
Erweiterte Zusammenfassungen der Jahrestagung 2011 der DGL. - Hardegsen, 2012. - S. 282-286
Dezember 2012
Georgiy Kirillin; Matti Leppäranta; Arkady Terzhevik; Nikolai Granin; Juliane Bernhardt; Christof Engelhardt; Tatyana Efremova; Sergey Golosov; Nikolai Palshin; Pavel Sherstyankin; Galina Zdorovennova; Roman Zdorovennov
Physics of seasonally ice-covered lakes
Aquatic Sciences. - 74(2012)4, S. 659-682
September 2012
Susan Busch; Georgiy Kirillin; Thomas Mehner
Plasticity in habitat use determines metabolic response of fish to global warming in stratified lakes
Oecologia. - 170(2012)1, S. 275-287
August 2012
Sebastian Schimmelpfennig; Georgiy Kirillin; Christof Engelhardt; Gunnar Nützmann; Uwe Dünnbier
Seeking a compromise between pharmaceutical pollution and phosphorus load
Water Research. - 46(2012)13, S. 4153-4163
August 2012
Sebastian Schimmelpfennig; Georgiy Kirillin; Christof Engelhardt; Gunnar Nützmann
Effects of wind-driven circulation on river intrusion in Lake Tegel
Environmental Fluid Mechanics. - 12(2012)4, S. 321-339
August 2012
Peter Kasprzak; Tom Shatwell; Georgiy Kirillin
Warmwasser aus einem Kernkraftwerk und Klimawandel haben unterschiedlichen Einfluss auf Wassertemperaturen und thermische Schichtung des Stechlinsees
Erweiterte Zusammenfassungen der Jahrestagung 2011 der DGL. - Hardegsen, 2012. - S. 287-291
Juni 2012
Georgiy Kirillin; Hans-Peter Grossart; Kam W. Tang
Modeling sinking rate of zooplankton carcasses
Limnology and Oceanography. - 57(2012)3, S. 881-894
April 2012
Sergey Golosov; Arkady Terzhevik; Ilia Zverev; Georgiy Kirillin; Cristof Engelhardt
Climate change impact on thermal and oxygen regime of shallow lakes
Tellus A, Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography. - 64(2012)17264
März 2012
Juliane Bernhardt; Christof Engelhardt; Georgiy Kirillin; Jörg Matschullat
Lake ice phenology in Berlin-Brandenburg from 1947-2007
Climatic Change. - 112(2012)3-4, S. 791-817
Januar 2012
G. Kirillin; J. Hochschild; D. Mironov; A. Terzhevik; S. Golosov; G. Nützmann
Flake-Global: online lake model with worldwide coverage
Environmental modelling & software. - 26(2011)5, S. 683-684
Januar 2012
Georgiy Kirillin; Arkady Terzhevik
Thermal instability in freshwater lakes under ice
Cold regions science and technology. - 65(2011)2, S. 184-190
Februar 2011
G. Kirillin; W. Philipp; G. Nützmann; C. Engelhardt
The net water budget of a lake without surface in- and outflow
14th Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters. - 2010, S. 116-124
Februar 2011
G. Kirillin; C. Engelhardt; S. Golosov; M. Leppäranta; N. Palshin; A. Terzhevik; G. Zdorovennova; R. Zdorovennov
Internal seiching in ice-covered lakes
14th Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters. - 2010, S. 42-50
Februar 2011
J. Bernhardt; K. Frindte; S. Jordan; M. Hupfer; H.-P. Grossart; C. Engelhardt; G. Kirillin
Seiche-induced heat and mass exchange between the sediments and the near-bottom waters
14th Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters. - 2010, S. 83-85
Januar 2011
Sergey Golosov; Georgiy Kirillin
A parameterized model of heat storage by lake sediments
Environmental modelling & software. - 25(2010)6, S. 793-801
Januar 2011
Georgiy Kirillin
Modeling the impact of global warming on water temperature and seasonal mixing regimes in small temperate lakes
Boreal environment research. - 15(2010)2, S. 279-293
März 2010
Georgiy Kirillin; Christof Engelhardt; Sergey Golosov
Basin-scale internal waves in the bottom boundary layer of an ice-covered lake
Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters, Palermo. - 10 S.
November 2009
M. D. MacKay; P. J. Neale; C. D. Arp; L. N. De Senerpont Domis; X. Fang; G. Gal; K. D. Jöhnk; G. Kirillin; J. D. Lenters; E. Litchman; S. MacIntyre; P. Marsh; J. Melack; W. M. Mooij; F. Peeters; A. Quesada; S. G. Schladow; M. Schmid; C. Spence; S. L. Stokes
Modeling lakes and reservoirs in the climate system
Limnology and oceanography. - 54(2009)6,2, S. 2315-2329
September 2009
Georgiy Kirillin; Christof Engelhardt; Sergey Golosov
Transient convection in upper lake sediments produced by internal seiching
Geophysical research letters. - 36(2009), L18601
September 2009
A. Terzhevik; S. Golosov; N. Palshin; A. Mitrokhov; R. Zdorovennov; G. Zdorovennova; G. Kirillin; E. Shipunova; I. Zverev
Some features of the thermal and dissolved oxygen structure in boreal, shallow ice-covered Lake Vendyurskoe, Russia
Aquatic ecology. - 43(2009), S. 617-627
September 2009
Georgiy Kirillin; Christof Engelhardt; Sergey Golosov; Thomas Hintze
Basin-scale internal waves in the bottom boundary layer of ice-covered Lake Müggelsee, Germany
Aquatic ecology. - 43(2009), S. 641-651
April 2011
G. Kirillin; S. Golosov; D. Mironov; C. Engelhardt
Climate warming and shallow lakes
Proceedings of the Workshop Perspectives of Lake Modelling Towards Predicting Reaction to Trophic Change / eds.: Inke Schauser ; Torsten Strube. - Berlin, 2008. - (Schriftenreihe Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin ; 9), S. 77-81
Januar 2009
Georgiy Kirillin; Christof Engelhardt; Sergey Golosov
A mesoscale vortex in a small stratified lake
Environmental fluid mechanics. - 8(2008)4, S. 349-366
April 2008
S. Golosov; O. A. Maher; E. Schipunova; A. Terzhevik; G. Zdorovennova; G. Kirillin
Physical background of the development of oxygen depletion in ice-covered lakes
Oecologia. - 151(2007)2, S. 331-340
Oktober 2007
Georgiy Kirillin; Sergey Golosov; Peter Casper; Christof Engelhardt
Charakterisierung interner Wellen und mesoskaliger Wirbel im Srechlin
Tagungsbericht 2006 (Dresden) / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie. - Werder, 2007. - S. 400-404
April 2011
G. Kirillin; C. Engelhardt; S. Golosov
Observation of a cyclonic gyre produced by internal surge in a small deep lake
Berichte des IGB. - 23(2006), S. 55-64
April 2011
C. Engelhardt; S. Golosov; P. Casper; M. Hupfer; G. Kirillin
Seiche-induced convection in upper sediments
10th Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters / Francisco José Rueda Valdivia (ed.). - Granada, 2006. - S. 59-68
April 2011
G. Kirillin; C. Engelhardt; S. Golosov
Observation of a cyclonic gyre produced by internal surge in a small deep lake
9th Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters / Andrew M. Folkard and I. Jones (eds.). - Lancaster, 2005. - S. 61-68
Mai 2011
G. Kirillin; C. Engelhardt; N. Nikolaevich
Density-driven near-shore currents in small strongly stratified Lake Stechlin
Physical processes in natural waters : proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters / ed. by Lars Bengtsson and Osama Ali Maher. - Lund, 2004. - S. 13-17
August 2003
Georgiy Kirillin
Modelling of the shallow lake response to climate variability
Physical processes in natural waters : proceedings of the 7th workshop, 2-5 July 2003 Petrozavodsk, Russia / ed. by Arkady Terzhevik. - Petrozavodsk, 2003. - S. 144-148
August 2003
Georgiy Kirillin; Arkady Terzhevik
Radiative damping of convection near the maximum density temperature
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters, 2-5 July 2003, Petrozavodsk, Russia / ed. by Arkady Terzhevik. - Petrozavodsk, 2003. - S. 117-122
Juni 2002
Dmitrii Mironov; Arkady Terzhevik; Georgy Kirillin; Tobias Jonas; Joakim Malm; David Farmer
Radiatively driven convection in ice-covered lakes
Journal of geophysical research. - 107(2002)C4, S. 7-1-7-16
März 2025
Fatemeh Sadat Sharifi; Reinhard Hinkelmann; Tore Hattermann; Georgiy Kirillin
Three-dimensional modeling of diffusion-gravity flows in ice-covered lakes
Environmental Fluid Mechanics. - 25(2019)16, XX-XX
November 2024
Sofia La Fuente; Eleanor Jennings; John D. Lenters; Piet Verburg; Georgiy Kirillin; Tom Shatwell; Raoul-Marie Couture; Marianne Côté; C. Love Råman Vinnå; R. Iestyn Woolway
Increasing warm-season evaporation rates across European lakes under climate change
Climatic Change. - 177(2024), Art. 173
Oktober 2024
Liu Liu; Xin Zhang; Sina Schorn; Tomy Doda; Manchun Kang; Damien Bouffard; Georgiy Kirillin; Jana Milucka; Xiaotao Shi; Hans-Peter Grossart
Strong Subseasonal Variability of Oxic Methane Production Challenges Methane Budgeting in Freshwater Lakes
Environmental Science & Technology. - 58(2024)44, 19690–19701
Oktober 2023
Rachel M. Pilla; Craig E. Williamson; Erin P. Overholt; Kevin C. Rose; Stella A. Berger; Raoul-Marie Couture; Heleen A. de Wit; Ignacio Granados; Hans-Peter F. Grossart; Georgiy B. Kirillin; Alo Laas; Jens C. Nejstgaard; James A. Rusak; Mark W. Swinton; Manuel Toro; Huaxia Yao
Deepwater dissolved oxygen shows little ecological memory between lake phenological seasons
Inland Waters. - 13(2023)3, 327-338
Dezember 2022
von: Stephan Garack, Marco Neubert, Axel Sauer, Juliane Albrecht Leibniz-Institut für ökologische Raumentwicklung (IÖR) e. V., Dresden; Kerstin Günther, Martin Friedrichs-Manthey, Sabine Wollrab, Sonja Jähnig, Stella A. Berger, Ulrike Kienel, Georgiy Kirillin, Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei (IGB) im Forschungsverbund Berlin e. V., Berlin. Herausgeber: Umweltbundesamt
Dezember 2022
Georgiy Kirillin; Matti Leppäranta
Lake Ice Formation and Melt. Under-Ice Dynamics
Encyclopedia of Inland Waters / Editors-in-Chief: Thomas Mehner, Klement Tockner. San Diego, California. 2nd ed., 2022. - Vol. 1, S. 534-545
Dezember 2022
Manuel C. Almeida; Yurii Shevchuk; Georgiy Kirillin; Pedro M. M. Soares; Rita M. Cardoso; José P. Matos; Ricardo M. Rebelo; António C. Rodrigues; Pedro S. Coelho
Modeling reservoir surface temperatures for regional and global climate models: a multi-model study on the inflow and level variation effects
Geoscientific Model Development. - 15(2022), 173–197
Dezember 2022
Lijuan Wen; Chan Wang; Zhaoguo Li; Lin Zhao; Shihua Lyu; Matti Leppäranta; Georgiy Kirillin; Shiqiang Chen
Thermal responses of the largest freshwater lake in the tibetan plateau and its nearby saline lake to climate change
Remote Sensing. - 14(2021)8, Art. 1774
Dezember 2022
Mengxiao Wang; Lijuan Wen; Zhaoguo Li; Matti Leppäranta; Victor Stepanenko; Yixin Zhao; Ruijia Niu; Liuyiyi Yang; Georgiy Kirillin
Mechanisms and effects of under-ice warming water in Ngoring Lake of Qinghai–Tibet Plateau
The Cryosphere. - 16(2022) 3635–3648
Dezember 2022
Dongsheng Su; Lijuan Wen; Anning Huang; Yang Wu; Xiaoqing Gao; Mengxiao Wang; Yixin Zhao; Georgiy Kirillin
Simulation of the potential impacts of lakes on glacier behavior over the Tibetan Plateau in summer
Climate Dynamics. - XX(2022)XX, XX
Dezember 2022
Sofia La Fuente; Eleanor Jennings; Gideon Gal; Georgiy Kirillin; Tom Shatwell; Robert Ladwig; Tadhg Moore; Raoul-Marie Couture; Marianne Côté; C. Love Råman Vinnå; R. Iestyn Woolway
Multi-model projections of future evaporation in a sub-tropical lake
Journal of Hydrology. - 615(2022)Part A, Art. 128729
November 2022
Georgiy Kirillin ... Liu Liu ... Asiya Murakaeva ... Hauke Dämpfling ... Hans-Peter Grossart
November 2022
Aleksandr P Tolomeev ... Georgiy Kirillin ... Hans-Peter Grossart ...
Degradation of dead cladoceran zooplankton and their contribution to organic carbon cycling in stratified lakes: field observation and model prediction
Journal of Plankton Research. - 44(2022)3, 386–400
September 2022
Malgorzata Golub; Wim Thiery; Rafael Marcé; Don Pierson; Inne Vanderkelen; Daniel Mercado-Bettin; R. Iestyn Woolway; Luke Grant; Eleanor Jennings; Benjamin M. Kraemer; Jacob Schewe; Fang Zhao; Katja Frieler; Matthias Mengel; Vasiliy Y. Bogomolov; Damien Bouffard ... Georgiy Kirillin ... Tom Shatwell ... Rita Adrian ... Sabine Wollrab ...
A framework for ensemble modelling of climate change impacts on lakes worldwide: the ISIMIP Lake Sector
Geoscientific Model Development. - 15(2022), 4597–4623
März 2022
Stephan Garack (Dresden); Sabine Wollrab; Sonja Jähnig; Kerstin Günther; Stella A. Berger (Berlin); Marco Neubert; Juliane Albrecht (Dresden); Martin Friedrichs-Manthey (Berlin/Leipzig); Axel Sauer (Dresden); Georgyi Kirillin (Berlin)
Entwicklung der ökologischen Beschaffenheit von Oberflächengewässern im Klimawandel
KW Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft. - 15(2022)2, 98-107
Januar 2022
Ilya Aslamov; Georgiy Kirillin; Mikhail Makarov; Konstantin Kucher; Ruslan Gnatovsky; Nikolay Granin
Autonomous system for lake ice monitoring
Sensors. - 21(2021)24, Art. 8505
Dezember 2021
S. Volkov, S. Bogdanov, G. Zdorovennova, A. Terzhevik, R. Zdorovennov, N. Palshin, T. Efremova, G. Kirillin
Fundamentalʹnaja i prikladnaja gidrofizika. - 14(2021)1, 86–96
Dezember 2021
S. Bogdanov; R. Zdorovennov; N. Palshin; G. Zdorovennova; A. Y. Terzhevik; G. Gavrilenko; S. Y. Volkov; T. Efremova; N. Kuldin; G. Kirillin
Deriving of turbulent stresses in a convectively mixed layer in a shallow lake under ice by coupling two ADCPs: РАСЧЕТ ТУРБУЛЕНТНЫХ НАПРЯЖЕНИЙ В КОНВЕКТИВНО-ПЕРЕМЕШАННОМ СЛОЕ В МЕЛКОВОДНОМ ОЗЕРЕ ПОДО ЛЬДОМ С ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕМ ДВУХ ADCP
Fundamentalʹnaja i prikladnaja gidrofizika. - 14(2021)2, 17–28
Dezember 2021
Marco Günthel; Daphne Donis; Georgiy Kirillin; Danny Ionescu; Mina Bizic; Daniel F. McGinnis; Hans-Peter Grossart; Kam W. Tang
Reply to ‘Oxic methanogenesis is only a minor source of lake-wide diffusive CH4 emissions from lakes’
Nature Communications. - 12(2021), Art. 1205
Dezember 2021
Xin Zhang; Kaicun Wang; Georgiy Kirillin
An automatic method to detect lake ice phenology using MODIS daily temperature imagery
Remote Sensing. - 13(2021)14, Art. 2711
Dezember 2021
Xin Zhang; Abilgazi Kurbaniyazov; Georgiy Kirillin
Changing pattern of water level trends in eurasian endorheic lakes as a response to the recent climate variability
Remote Sensing. - 13(2021)18, Art. 3705
Dezember 2021
Luke Grant; Inne Vanderkelen; Lukas Gudmundsson; Zeli Tan; Marjorie Perroud; Victor M. Stepanenko; Andrey V. Debolskiy; Bram Droppers; Annette B. G. Janssen; R. Iestyn Woolway; Margarita Choulga; Gianpaolo Balsamo; Georgiy Kirillin; Jacob Schewe; Fang Zhao; Iliusi Vega del Valle; Malgorzata Golub; Don Pierson; Rafael Marcé; Sonia I. Seneviratne; Wim Thiery
Attribution of global lake systems change to anthropogenic forcing
Nature Geoscience. - 14(2021), 849–854
Dezember 2021
Alexander S. Izhitskiy; Georgiy B. Kirillin; Igor V. Goncharenko; Abilgazy K. Kurbaniyazov; Peter O. Zavialov
The world's largest heliothermal lake newly formed in the Aral Sea basin
Environmental research letters. - 16(2021), Art.115009
Juli 2021
Georgiy B. Kirillin; Tom Shatwell; Lijuan Wen
Ice-covered lakes of Tibetan Plateau as solar heat collectors
Geophysical Research Letters. - 48(2021)14, Art. e2021GL093429
Juni 2021
Jonathan P. Doubek, Orlane Anneville, Gaël Dur, Aleksandra M. Lewandowska, Vijay P. Patil, James A. Rusak, Nico Salmaso, Christian Torsten Seltmann, Dietmar Straile, Pablo Urrutia-Cordero, Patrick Venail, Rita Adrian, María B. Alfonso, Curtis L. DeGasperi, Elvira de Eyto, Heidrun Feuchtmayr, Evelyn E. Gaiser, Scott F. Girdner, Jennifer L. Graham, Hans-Peter Grossart, Josef Hejzlar, Stéphan Jacquet, Georgiy Kirillin, María E. Llames, Shin-Ichiro S. Matsuzaki, Emily R. Nodine, Maria Cintia Piccolo, Don C. Pierson, Alon Rimmer, Lars G. Rudstam, Steven Sadro, Hilary M. Swain, Stephen J. Thackeray, Wim Thiery, Piet Verburg, Tamar Zohary, Jason D. Stockwell
The extent and variability of storm-induced temperature changes in lakes measured with long-term and high-frequency data
Limnology and Oceanography. - 66(2021)5, 1979-1992
Mai 2021
Keilor Rojas-Jimenez; Alex Araya-Lobo; Fabio Quesada-Perez; Johana Akerman-Sanchez; Brayan Delgado-Duran; Lars Ganzert; Peter O. Zavialov; Salmor Alymkulov; Georgiy Kirillin; Hans-Peter Grossart
Variation of bacterial communities along the vertical gradient in Lake Issyk Kul, Kyrgyzstan
Environmental Microbiology Reports. - 13(2021)3, 337-347
April 2021
P. O. Zavialov; A. S. Izhitskiy; G. B. Kirillin; V. Yu. Rezvov; S. A. Alymkulov; K. M. Zhumaliev; A. K. Kurbaniyazov
Features of thermohaline structure and circulation in Lake Issyk-Kul
Oceanology. - 60(2020)3, 297-307
April 2021
Dongsheng Su; Lijuan Wen; Xiaoqing Gao; Matti Leppäranta; Xingyu Song; Qianqian Shi; Georgiy Kirillin
Effects of the largest lake of the Tibetan Plateau on the regional climate
Journal of Geophysical Research : Atmospheres. - 125(2020)22, e2020JD033396
Dezember 2020
Stefano Simoncelli; Giulia Valerio; Michael Hupfer; Sylvia Jordan; Marco Pilotti; Georgiy Kirillin
Sources and scales of near-bottom turbulent mixing in large meromictic Lake Iseo
Journal of Great Lakes Research. - 46(2020)6, S. 1581-1594
August 2020
Sapna Sharma; Michael F. Meyer; Joshua Culpepper; Xiao Yang; Stephanie Hampton; Stella A. Berger; Matthew R. Brousil; Steven C. Fradkin; Scott N. Higgins; Kathi Jo Jankowski; Georgiy Kirillin; Adrianne P. Smits; Emily C. Whitaker; Foad Yousef; Shuai Zhang
Integrating perspectives to understand lake ice dynamics in a changing world
Journal of Geophysical Research : Biogeosciences. - 125(2020)8, e2020JG005799
Mai 2020
Georgiy Kirillin; Ilya Aslamov; Vladimir Kozlov; Roman Zdorovennov; Nikolai Granin
Turbulence in the stratified boundary layer under ice: observations from Lake Baikal and a new similarity model
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. - 24(2020)4, S. 1691-1708
März 2020
Jan F. Hartmann; Marco Günthel; Thomas Klintzsch; Georgiy Kirillin; Hans-Peter Grossart; Frank Keppler; Margot Isenbeck-Schröter
High spatiotemporal dynamics of methane production and emission in oxic surface water
Environmental Science and Technology. - 54(2020)3, S. 1451-1463
Januar 2020
N. G. Granin; I. A. Aslamov; V. V. Kozlov; M. M. Makarov; G. Kirillin; D. F. McGinnis; K. M. Kucher; V. V. Blinov; V. G. Ivanov; I. B. Mizandrontsev; A. A. Zhdanov; A. S. Anikin; M. N. Granin; R. Yu. Gnatovsky
Methane hydrate emergence from Lake Baikal: direct observations, modelling, and hydrate footprints in seasonal ice cover
Scientific Reports. - 9(2019)art. 19361
Dezember 2019
Matti Leppäranta; Elisa Lindgren; Lijuan Wen; Georgiy Kirillin
Ice cover decay and heat balance in Lake Kilpisjärvi Arctic tundra
Journal of Limnology. - 78(2019)2, S. 163-175
Dezember 2019
Marco Günthel; Daphne Donis; Georgiy Kirillin; Danny Ionescu; Mina Bizic; Daniel F. McGinnis; Hans-Peter Grossart; Kam W. Tang
Contribution of oxic methane production to surface methane emission in lakes and its global importance
Nature Communications. - 10(2019)art. 5497
Dezember 2019
Stefano Simoncelli; Georgiy Kirillin; Aleksandr P. Tolomeev; Hans-Peter Grossart
A low-cost underwater particle tracking velocimetry system for measuring in situ particle flux and sedimentation rate in low-turbulence environments
Limnology and Oceanography : Methods. - 17(2019)12, S. 665-681
Juni 2019
Sergey Volkov; Sergey Bogdanov; Roman Zdorovennov; Galina Zdorovennova; Arkady Terzhevik; Nicolay Palshin; Damien Bouffard; Georgiy Kirillin
Fine scale structure of convective mixed layer in ice-covered lake
Environmental Fluid Mechanics. - 19(2019)3, S. 751-764
Mai 2019
Dongsheng Su; Xiuqing Hu; Lijuan Wen; Shihua Lyu; Xiaoqing Gao; Lin Zhao; Zhaoguo Li; Juan Du; Georgiy Kirillin
Numerical study on the response of the largest lake in China to climate change
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. - 23(2019)4, S. 2093-2109
April 2019
Tom Shatwell; Wim Thiery; Georgiy Kirillin
Future projections of temperature and mixing regime of European temperate lakes
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. - 23(2019)3, S. 1533-1551
Februar 2019
Georgiy Kirillin; Ilya Aslamov; Matti Leppäranta; Elisa Lindgren
Turbulent mixing and heat fluxes under lake ice: the role of seiche oscillations
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. - 22(2018)12, S. 6493-6504
Februar 2019
D. Franz; I. Mammarella; J. Boike; G. Kirillin; T. Vesala; N. Bornemann; E. Larmanou; M. Langer; T. Sachs
Lake-atmosphere heat flux dynamics of a thermokarst lake in arctic Siberia
Journal of Geophysical Research : Atmospheres. - 123(2018)10, S. 5222-5239
Februar 2019
Peter O. Zavialov; Alexander S. Izhitskiy; Georgiy B. Kirillin; Valentina M. Khan; Boris V. Konovalov; Peter N. Makkaveev; Vadim V. Pelevin; Nikolay A. Rimskiy-Korsakov; Salmor A. Alymkulov; Kubanychbek M. Zhumaliev
New profiling and mooring records help to assess variability of Lake Issyk-Kul and reveal unknown features of its thermohaline structure
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. - 22(2018)12, S. 6279-6295
Februar 2019
A. P. Tolomeev; G. Kirillin; O. P. Dubovskaya; Z. F. Buseva; M. I. Gladyshev
Numerical modeling of vertical distribution of living and dead copepods Arctodiaptomus salinus in Salt Lake Shira
Contemporary Problems of Ecology. - 11(2018)6, S. 543-550
Februar 2018
Robert Ladwig; Eiichi Furusato; Georgiy Kirillin; Reinhard Hinkelmann; Michael Hupfer
Februar 2018
Olga P. Dubrovakaya; Aleksandr P. Tolomeev; Georgiy Kirillin; Zhanna Buseva; Kam W. Tang; Michail I. Gladyshev
Effects of water column processes on the use of sediment traps to measure zooplankton non-predatory mortality: a mathematical and empirical assessment
Journal of Plankton Research. - 40(2018)1, S. 91-106
Dezember 2017
Peter Kasprzak; Tom Shatwell; Mark O. Gessner; Thomas Gonsiorczyk; Geogiy Kirillin; Geza Selmeczy; Judit Padisak; Christof Engelhardt
Extreme weather event triggers cascade towards extreme turbidity in a clear-water lake
Ecosystems. - 20(2017)8, S. 1407-1420
Juli 2017
I. A. Aslamov; V. V. Kozlov; G. B. Kirillin; I. B. Mizandrontsev; K. M. Kucher; M. M. Makarov; N. G. Granin
A study of heat transport at the ice base and structure of the under-ice water layer in southern Baikal
Water Resources. - 44(2017)3, S. 428-441
April 2017
Georgiy Kirillin; Lijuan Wen; Tom Shatwell
Seasonal thermal regime and climatic trends in lakes of the Tibetan highlands
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. - 21(2017)4, S. 1895-1909
April 2017
Darren P. Giling; Jens C. Nejstgaard; Stella A. Berger; Hans-Peter Grossart; Georgiy Kirillin; Armin Penske; Maren Lentz; Peter Casper; Jörg Sareyka; Mark O. Gessner
Thermocline deepening boosts ecosystem metabolism
Global Change Biology. - 23(2017)4, S. 1448-1462
März 2017
Gesa A. Weyhenmeyer; Murray Mackay; Jason D. Stockwell; Wim Thiery; Hans-Peter Grossart; Petala B. Augusto-Silva; Helen M. Baulch; Elvira de Eyto; Josef Hejzlar; Külli Kangur; Georgiy Kirillin; Don C. Pierson; James A. Rusak; Steven Sadro; R. Iestyn Woolway
Citizen science shows systematic changes in the temperature difference between air and inland waters with global warming
Scientific Reports. - 7(2017) art. 43890
Februar 2017
Ulrike Kienel; Georgiy Kirillin; Brian Brademann; Birgit Plessen; Reinhard Lampe; Achim Brauer
Effects of spring warming and mixing duration on diatom deposition in deep Tiefer See, NE Germany
Journal of Paleolimnology. - 57(2017)1, S. 37-49
Januar 2017
Lijuan Wen; Shihua Lyu; Georgiy Kirillin; Zhaoguo Li; Lin Zhao
Air lake boundary layer and performance of a simple lake parameterization scheme over the Tibetan highlands
Tellus A, Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography. - 68(2016)31091
Dezember 2016
M. Langer; S. Westermann; J. Boike; G. Kirillin; G. Grosse; S. Peng; G. Krinner
Rapid degradation of permafrost underneath waterbodies in tundra landscapes - towards a representation of thermokarst in land surface models
Journal of Geophysical Research : Earth Surface. - 121(2016)12, S. 2446-2470
September 2016
G. Kirillin; T. Shatwell
Generalized scaling of seasonal thermal stratification in lakes
Earth-Science Reviews. - 161(2016), S. 179-190
Mai 2016
Sebastian Schimmelpfennig; Georgiy Kirillin; Christof Engelhardt; Uwe Dünnbier; Gunnar Nützmann
Fate of pharmaceutical micro-pollutants in Lake Tegel (Berlin, Germany)
Environmental Earth Sciences. - 75(2016)10, art. 893
Mai 2016
Tom Shatwell; Rita Adrian; Georgiy Kirillin
Planktonic events may cause polymictic-domictic regime shifts in temperate lakes
Scientific Reports. - 6(2016) art.24361
April 2016
A. S. Izhitskiy; P. O. Zavialov; P. V. Sapozhnikov; G. B. Kirillin; H. P. Grossart; O. Y. Kalinina; A. K. Zalota; I. V. Goncharenko; A. K. Kurbaniyazov
Present state of the Aral Sea
Scientific Reports. - 6(2016) art.22906
Januar 2016
Franziska Pöschke; Jörg Lewandowski; Christof Engelhardt; Konrad Preuß; Martin Oczipka; Thomas Ruhtz; Georgiy Kirillin
Upwelling of deep water during thermal stratification onset
Water Resources Research. - 51(2015)12, S. 9612-9627
November 2015
J. Boike; C. Georgi; G. Kirillin; S. Muster; K. Abramova; I. Fedorova; A. Chetverova; M. Grigoriev; N. Bornemann; M. Langer
Thermal processes of thermokarst lakes in the continuous permafrost zone of northern Siberia
Biogeosciences. - 12(2015)20, S. 5941-5965
Juli 2015
Olga P. Dubovskaya; Kam W. Tang; Michail I. Gladyshev; Georgiy Kirillin; Zhanna Buseva; Peter Kasprzak; Aleksandr P. Tolomeev; Hans-Peter Grossart
Juni 2015
G. B. Kirillin; A. L. Forrest; K. E. Graves; A. Fischer; C. Engelhardt; B. E. Laval
Axisymmetric circulation driven by marginal heating in ice-covered lakes
Geophysical Research Letters. - 42(2015)8, S. 2893-2900
Juni 2015
G. Kirillin; M. S. Lorang; T. C. Lippmann; C. C. Gotschalk; S. Schimmelpfennig
Surface seiches in Flathead Lake
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. - 19(2015)6, S. 2605-2615
Februar 2015
Daniel F. McGinnis; Georgiy Kirillin; Kam W. Tang; Sabine Flury; Pascal Bodmer; Christof Engelhardt; Peter Casper; Hans-Peter Grossart
Enhancing surface methane fluxes from a oligotrophic lake
Environmental Science and Technology. - 49(2015)2, S. 873-880
September 2014
I. A. Aslamov; V. V. Kozlov; G. B. Kirillin; I. B. Mizandrontsev; K. M. Kucher; M. M. Makarov; A. Yu. Gornov; N. G. Granin
Ice-water heat exchange during ice growth in Lake Baikal
Journal of Great Lakes Research. - 40(2014)3, S. 599-607
Juli 2014
Christof Engelhardt; Georgiy Kirillin
Criteria for the onset and breakup of summer lake stratification based on routine temperature measurements
Fundamental and Applied Limnology. - 184(2014)3, S. 183-194
Mai 2014
Juliane Bernhardt; Georgiy Kirillin; Michael Hupfer
Periodic convection within littoral lake sediments on the background of seiche-driven oxygen fluctuations
Limnology and Oceanography : Fluids and Environments. - 4(2014), S. 17-33
März 2014
Kam W. Tang; Michail I. Gladyshev; Olgo P. Dubovskaya; Georgiy Kirillin; Hans-Peter Grossart
Zooplankton carcasses and non-predatory mortality in freshwater and inland sea environments
Journal of Plankton Research. - 36(2014)3, S. 597-612
März 2014
William Rizk; Georgiy Kirillin; Matti Leppäranta
Basin-scale circulation and heat fluxes in ice-covered lakes
Limnology and Oceanography. - 59(2014)2, S. 445-464
Dezember 2013
Jörg Lewandowski; Karin Meinikmann; Thomas Ruhtz; Franziska Pöschke; Georgiy Kirillin
Localization of lacustrine groundwater discharge (LGD) by airborne measurement of thermal infrared radiation
Remote Sensing of Environment. - 138(2013), S. 119-125
Oktober 2013
Juliane Bernhardt; Georgiy Kirillin
Seasonal pattern of rotation-affected internal seiches in a small temperate lake
Limnology and Oceanography. - 58(2013)4, S. 1344-1360
Oktober 2013
Stefan Bertilsson; Amy Burgin; Cayelan C. Carey; Samuel B. Fey; Hans-Peter Grossart; Lorena M. Grubisic; Ian D. Jones; Georgiy Kirillin; Jay T. Lennon; Ashley Shade; Robyn L. Smyth
The under-ice microbiome of seasonally frozen lakes
Limnology and Oceanography. - 58(2013)6, S. 1998-2012
Oktober 2013
Georgiy Kirillin; Tom Shatwell; Peter Kasprzak
Consequences of thermal pollution from a nuclear plant on lake temperature and mixing regime
Journal of Hydrology. - 496(2013), S. 47-56
März 2013
G. Kirillin; W. Phillip; C. Engelhardt; G. Nützmann
Net groundwater inflow in an enclosed lake
Hydrological Processes. - 27(2013)3, S. 347-359
März 2013
William Rizk; Georgiy Kirillin; Matti Leppäranta
Field investigation of the geostrophic motions in the ice-covered Lake Pääjärvi
Proceedings of the 21st IAHR International Symposium on Ice : Ice research for a sustainable environment. - Dalian, China, 2012. - 11 S.
März 2013
Georgiy Kirillin; William Rizk; Matti Leppäranta
Convectice mixing by solar radiation under lake ice
Proceedings of the 21st IAHR International Symposium on Ice : Ice research for a sustainable environment. - Dalian, China, 2012. - 11 S.
Dezember 2012
Sylvia Jordan; Friedemann Gohr; Helmut Rönicke; Georgiy Kirillin; Michael Hupfer
Langzeittrends physikalischer und chemischer Parameter des Arendsees (Sachsen-Anhalt)
Erweiterte Zusammenfassungen der Jahrestagung 2011 der DGL. - Hardegsen, 2012. - S. 282-286
Dezember 2012
Georgiy Kirillin; Matti Leppäranta; Arkady Terzhevik; Nikolai Granin; Juliane Bernhardt; Christof Engelhardt; Tatyana Efremova; Sergey Golosov; Nikolai Palshin; Pavel Sherstyankin; Galina Zdorovennova; Roman Zdorovennov
Physics of seasonally ice-covered lakes
Aquatic Sciences. - 74(2012)4, S. 659-682
September 2012
Susan Busch; Georgiy Kirillin; Thomas Mehner
Plasticity in habitat use determines metabolic response of fish to global warming in stratified lakes
Oecologia. - 170(2012)1, S. 275-287
August 2012
Sebastian Schimmelpfennig; Georgiy Kirillin; Christof Engelhardt; Gunnar Nützmann; Uwe Dünnbier
Seeking a compromise between pharmaceutical pollution and phosphorus load
Water Research. - 46(2012)13, S. 4153-4163
August 2012
Sebastian Schimmelpfennig; Georgiy Kirillin; Christof Engelhardt; Gunnar Nützmann
Effects of wind-driven circulation on river intrusion in Lake Tegel
Environmental Fluid Mechanics. - 12(2012)4, S. 321-339
August 2012
Peter Kasprzak; Tom Shatwell; Georgiy Kirillin
Warmwasser aus einem Kernkraftwerk und Klimawandel haben unterschiedlichen Einfluss auf Wassertemperaturen und thermische Schichtung des Stechlinsees
Erweiterte Zusammenfassungen der Jahrestagung 2011 der DGL. - Hardegsen, 2012. - S. 287-291
Juni 2012
Georgiy Kirillin; Hans-Peter Grossart; Kam W. Tang
Modeling sinking rate of zooplankton carcasses
Limnology and Oceanography. - 57(2012)3, S. 881-894
April 2012
Sergey Golosov; Arkady Terzhevik; Ilia Zverev; Georgiy Kirillin; Cristof Engelhardt
Climate change impact on thermal and oxygen regime of shallow lakes
Tellus A, Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography. - 64(2012)17264
März 2012
Juliane Bernhardt; Christof Engelhardt; Georgiy Kirillin; Jörg Matschullat
Lake ice phenology in Berlin-Brandenburg from 1947-2007
Climatic Change. - 112(2012)3-4, S. 791-817
Januar 2012
G. Kirillin; J. Hochschild; D. Mironov; A. Terzhevik; S. Golosov; G. Nützmann
Flake-Global: online lake model with worldwide coverage
Environmental modelling & software. - 26(2011)5, S. 683-684
Januar 2012
Georgiy Kirillin; Arkady Terzhevik
Thermal instability in freshwater lakes under ice
Cold regions science and technology. - 65(2011)2, S. 184-190
Februar 2011
G. Kirillin; W. Philipp; G. Nützmann; C. Engelhardt
The net water budget of a lake without surface in- and outflow
14th Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters. - 2010, S. 116-124
Februar 2011
G. Kirillin; C. Engelhardt; S. Golosov; M. Leppäranta; N. Palshin; A. Terzhevik; G. Zdorovennova; R. Zdorovennov
Internal seiching in ice-covered lakes
14th Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters. - 2010, S. 42-50
Februar 2011
J. Bernhardt; K. Frindte; S. Jordan; M. Hupfer; H.-P. Grossart; C. Engelhardt; G. Kirillin
Seiche-induced heat and mass exchange between the sediments and the near-bottom waters
14th Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters. - 2010, S. 83-85
Januar 2011
Sergey Golosov; Georgiy Kirillin
A parameterized model of heat storage by lake sediments
Environmental modelling & software. - 25(2010)6, S. 793-801
Januar 2011
Georgiy Kirillin
Modeling the impact of global warming on water temperature and seasonal mixing regimes in small temperate lakes
Boreal environment research. - 15(2010)2, S. 279-293
März 2010
Georgiy Kirillin; Christof Engelhardt; Sergey Golosov
Basin-scale internal waves in the bottom boundary layer of an ice-covered lake
Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters, Palermo. - 10 S.
November 2009
M. D. MacKay; P. J. Neale; C. D. Arp; L. N. De Senerpont Domis; X. Fang; G. Gal; K. D. Jöhnk; G. Kirillin; J. D. Lenters; E. Litchman; S. MacIntyre; P. Marsh; J. Melack; W. M. Mooij; F. Peeters; A. Quesada; S. G. Schladow; M. Schmid; C. Spence; S. L. Stokes
Modeling lakes and reservoirs in the climate system
Limnology and oceanography. - 54(2009)6,2, S. 2315-2329
September 2009
Georgiy Kirillin; Christof Engelhardt; Sergey Golosov
Transient convection in upper lake sediments produced by internal seiching
Geophysical research letters. - 36(2009), L18601
September 2009
A. Terzhevik; S. Golosov; N. Palshin; A. Mitrokhov; R. Zdorovennov; G. Zdorovennova; G. Kirillin; E. Shipunova; I. Zverev
Some features of the thermal and dissolved oxygen structure in boreal, shallow ice-covered Lake Vendyurskoe, Russia
Aquatic ecology. - 43(2009), S. 617-627
September 2009
Georgiy Kirillin; Christof Engelhardt; Sergey Golosov; Thomas Hintze
Basin-scale internal waves in the bottom boundary layer of ice-covered Lake Müggelsee, Germany
Aquatic ecology. - 43(2009), S. 641-651
April 2011
G. Kirillin; S. Golosov; D. Mironov; C. Engelhardt
Climate warming and shallow lakes
Proceedings of the Workshop Perspectives of Lake Modelling Towards Predicting Reaction to Trophic Change / eds.: Inke Schauser ; Torsten Strube. - Berlin, 2008. - (Schriftenreihe Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin ; 9), S. 77-81
Januar 2009
Georgiy Kirillin; Christof Engelhardt; Sergey Golosov
A mesoscale vortex in a small stratified lake
Environmental fluid mechanics. - 8(2008)4, S. 349-366
April 2008
S. Golosov; O. A. Maher; E. Schipunova; A. Terzhevik; G. Zdorovennova; G. Kirillin
Physical background of the development of oxygen depletion in ice-covered lakes
Oecologia. - 151(2007)2, S. 331-340
Oktober 2007
Georgiy Kirillin; Sergey Golosov; Peter Casper; Christof Engelhardt
Charakterisierung interner Wellen und mesoskaliger Wirbel im Srechlin
Tagungsbericht 2006 (Dresden) / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie. - Werder, 2007. - S. 400-404
April 2011
G. Kirillin; C. Engelhardt; S. Golosov
Observation of a cyclonic gyre produced by internal surge in a small deep lake
Berichte des IGB. - 23(2006), S. 55-64
April 2011
C. Engelhardt; S. Golosov; P. Casper; M. Hupfer; G. Kirillin
Seiche-induced convection in upper sediments
10th Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters / Francisco José Rueda Valdivia (ed.). - Granada, 2006. - S. 59-68
April 2011
G. Kirillin; C. Engelhardt; S. Golosov
Observation of a cyclonic gyre produced by internal surge in a small deep lake
9th Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters / Andrew M. Folkard and I. Jones (eds.). - Lancaster, 2005. - S. 61-68
Mai 2011
G. Kirillin; C. Engelhardt; N. Nikolaevich
Density-driven near-shore currents in small strongly stratified Lake Stechlin
Physical processes in natural waters : proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters / ed. by Lars Bengtsson and Osama Ali Maher. - Lund, 2004. - S. 13-17
August 2003
Georgiy Kirillin
Modelling of the shallow lake response to climate variability
Physical processes in natural waters : proceedings of the 7th workshop, 2-5 July 2003 Petrozavodsk, Russia / ed. by Arkady Terzhevik. - Petrozavodsk, 2003. - S. 144-148
August 2003
Georgiy Kirillin; Arkady Terzhevik
Radiative damping of convection near the maximum density temperature
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters, 2-5 July 2003, Petrozavodsk, Russia / ed. by Arkady Terzhevik. - Petrozavodsk, 2003. - S. 117-122
Juni 2002
Dmitrii Mironov; Arkady Terzhevik; Georgy Kirillin; Tobias Jonas; Joakim Malm; David Farmer
Radiatively driven convection in ice-covered lakes
Journal of geophysical research. - 107(2002)C4, S. 7-1-7-16