Prof. Bastiaan Ibelings

IGB International Fellow, University of Geneva, Switzerland
30. Jan.
30. Januar 2020 | 14:00 Uhr
Lecture hall, Müggelseedamm 310, 12587 Berlin

Prof. Bastiaan Ibelings

Alpine lakes on the move

In my presentation I will address change in phytoplankton of deep peri-alpine lakes, both at spatial and temporal scales. I am interested in the scope for niche differentiation in lakes, which works to enhance co-existence and biodiversity.  In this I will focus on cell size as the key functional trait of phytoplankton that determines the outcome of competition. The spatial gradient I will address is lake depth and I will discuss how this gradient is altered by the combined effects of climate warming and re-oligotrophication with surprising effects on biodiversity. I will also address the question how this affects the population size of the key toxic cyanobacterium in our lakes, Plankothrix rubescens. The temporal scales I will  refer to vary from decadal to hourly. I will highlight our efforts to study fine temporal and spatial scales with our new floating research station in Lake Geneva (Switzerland):


Homepage Bas Ibelings

Host: Rita Adrian

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