Giulia Ghedini

online | 10-11 Uhr
11. März
11. März 2021 | 10:00 Uhr
How does competition alter the energy use of organisms and what are the consequences for community functioning?

Giulia Ghedini

How does competition alter the energy use of organisms and what are the consequences for community functioning?

How much energy an organism consumes can be used to make inferences across biological scales and could be a valuable tool to predict the productivity of populations and communities. But, given the rarity of experimental tests, it remains unclear whether the energy use of individual organisms measured in isolation is sufficient to predict functioning at larger scales. In other words, is the energy use of a whole community simply the sum of its parts or the more complex product of species interactions? I will present work that explores how competition alters the energy use of organisms in populations and communities. I will then discuss how competition modifies energy fluxes in communities, altering their productivity and efficiency.

Giulia Ghedini from Monash University, School of Biological Sciences

IGB Colloquia open up!

IGB strives to facilitate and accelerate the exchange of knowledge and ideas within and also outside of IGB. One element contributing to inter- and transdisciplinary exchange, and more (scientific) cooperation and innovation, is to open up IGB Colloquia to an interested external audience from science (other research institutes, universities, laboratories) as well as practice (i.e. conservationists, freshwater/land-use managers, authorities, associations). If you would like to join this IGB Colloquium as a guest, we ask you to register until the morning of the colloquium 10 o'clock the latest. After we have checked your registration, you will receive the participation link.


Host Thomas Mehner, Organisation Constanze Wiechert

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