Sabine Hilt
Müggelseedamm 301, 12587 Berlin
Allelopathie, Aquatische Makrophyten, Primärproduzenten, Periphyton
2006 Habilitation und venia legendi in Ökologie, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
1996 Promotion in Ökologie, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
1992 Diplom in Biologie, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
seit 2007 Arbeitsgruppenleiterin am IGB Berlin
2008-2009 Sabbatical, Wageningen University (Niederlande)
2004/05 Forschungsaufenthalte am Limnologischen Institut, Universität Konstanz
1999-2006 Drittmittelprojekte am IGB Berlin
1998 Forschungsaufenthalt am NIWA Hamilton (Neuseeland)
1996-1998 postdoc, IHE-Delft (Niederlande)
1992-1995 Doktorandin, Institut für Ökologie, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
März 2025
Peiyu Zhang; Huan Zhang; Shaopeng Wang; Guy Woodward; Eoin J. O'Gorman; Michelle C. Jackson; Lars-Anders Hansson; Sabine Hilt; Thijs Frenken; Huan Wang; Libin Zhou; Tao Wang; Min Zhang; Jun Xu
Multiple Stressors Simplify Freshwater Food Webs
Global Change Biology. - 31(2025)3, Art. e70114
Januar 2025
Alena S. Gsell; Sven Teurlincx; Marta M. Alirangues Nuñez; Sabine Hilt
Epiphyton phenology determines the persistence of submerged macrophytes: Exemplified in temperate shallow lakes
Limnology and Oceanography. - XX(2025)XX, XX-XX
Januar 2025
Lei Li; Sabine Hilt; Mingming Ding
Contrasting Effects of Increasing Invasive Crayfish Densities on Competing Submerged Macrophytes in Shallow Lakes
Freshwater Biology. - 70(2025)1, Art. e14383
Januar 2025
Sándor Szabó; Noémi Fedor; Gergő Koleszár; Mihály Braun; János Korponai; Aleksandra Kočić; Sabine Hilt; Viktor Oláh
Submerged Macrophytes Can Maintain Stable Dominance Over Free-Floating Competitors Through High pH
Freshwater Biology. - 70(2025)1, Art. e14363
Dezember 2024
Jan E. Vermaat ; Kirstine Thiemer ; Bart Immerzeel ; Susanne C. Schneider ; Keneilwe Sebola ; Julie Coetzee ; Antonella Petruzzella ; Samuel N. Motitsoe ; Mathieu Baldo ; Benjamin Misteli ; Gabrielle Thiébaut ; Sabine Hilt ; Jan Köhler ; Sarah Faye Harpenslager
Does Perceived Nuisance Abundance of Water Plants Match with Willingness-to-Pay for Removal? Contrasts Among Different User Categories
Environmental Management. - XX(2024)XX, XX-XX
Dezember 2024
Isabella A. Oleksy ; Christopher T. Solomon ; Stuart E. Jones ; Carly Olson ; Brittni L. Bertolet ; Rita Adrian ; Sheel Bansa ; Jill S. Baron ; Soren Brothers ; Sudeep Chandra ; Hsiu‐Mei Chou ; William Colom‐Montero ; Joshua Culpepper ; Elvira de Eyto ; Matthew J. Farragher ; Sabine Hilt ; Kristen T. Holeck ; Garabet Kazanjian ; Marcus Klaus ; Jennifer Klug ; Jan Köhler ; Alo Laas ; Erik Lundin ; Alice H. Parkes ; Kevin C. Rose ; Lars G. Rustam ; James Rusak ; Facundo Scordo ; Michael J. Vanni ; Piet Verburg ; Gesa A. Weyhenmeyer
Controls on Lake Pelagic Primary Productivity: Formalizing the Nutrient‐Color Paradigm
Journal of Geophysical Research : Biogeosciences. - 129(2024)12, Art. e2024JG008140
November 2024
Thomas Gonsiorczyk; Michael Hupfer; Sabine Hilt; Mark O. Gessner
Rapid Eutrophication of a Clearwater Lake: Trends and Potential Causes Inferred From Phosphorus Mass Balance Analyses
Global Change Biology. - 30(2024)11, e17575
Juli 2024
Gesa A. Weyhenmeyer; Azubuike V. Chukwuka; Orlane Anneville; Justin Brookes; Carolinne R. Carvalho; James B. Cotner; Hans‐Peter Grossart; David P. Hamilton; Paul C. Hanson; Josef Hejzlar; Sabine Hilt; Matthew R. Hipsey; Bas W. Ibelings; Stéphan Jacquet; Külli Kangur; Theis Kragh; Bernhard Lehner; Fabio Lepori; Ben Lukubye; Rafael Marce; Yvonne McElarney; Ma. Cristina Paule‐Mercado; Rebecca North; Keilor Rojas‐Jimenez; James A. Rusak; Sapna Sharma; Facundo Scordo; Lisette N. de Senerpont Domis; Jonas Stage Sø; Susanna (Susie) A. Wood; Marguerite A. Xenopoulos; Yongqiang Zhou
Global Lake Health in the Anthropocene: Societal Implications and Treatment Strategies
Earth's Future. - 12(2024)4, e2023EF004387
Juli 2024
Susanne C. Schneider; Julie A. Coetzee; Elena Fukasawa Galvanese; Sarah Faye Harpenslager; Sabine Hilt; Bart Immerzeel; Jan Köhler; Benjamin Misteli; Samuel N. Motitsoe; Andre A. Padial; Antonella Petruzzella; Anne Schechner; Gabrielle Thiébaut; Kirstine Thiemer; Jan E. Vermaat
Causes of macrophyte mass development and management recommendations
Science of the Total Environment. - 931(2024), Art. 172960
Juli 2024
Morgan Botrel; Roxane Maranger; Marta Maria Alirangues Nuñez; Garabet Kazanjian; Sarian Kosten; Mandy Velthuis; Sabine Hilt
Changing phenology of benthic primary producers in inland waters: Current knowledge and future directions
Limnology and Oceanography Letters. - 9(2024)4, 340-353
Juli 2024
James A. Orr; Samuel J. Macaulay; Adriana Mordente; Benjamin Burgess; Dania Albini; Julia G. Hunn; Katherin Restrepo- Sulez; Ramesh Wilson; Anne Schechner; Aoife M. Robertson; Bethany Lee; Blake R. Stuparyk; Delezia Singh; Isobel O'Loughlin; Jeremy J. Piggott; Jiangqiu Zhu; Khuong V. Dinh; Louise C. Archer; Marcin Penk; Minh Thi Thuy Vu; Noël P. D. Juvigny-Khenafou; Peiyu Zhang; Philip Sanders; Ralf B. Schäfer; Rolf D. Vinebrooke; Sabine Hilt; Thomas Reed; Michelle C. Jackson
Januar 2024
Liang He; Guanghao Wang; Sabine Hilt; Zixuan Ning; Huan Zhang; Gang Ge
Effects of herbivorous fish on shallow lake ecosystems increase at moderate nutrient conditions
Journal of Environmental Management. - 351(2024), Art. 119991
Januar 2024
Verantwortliche Autor*innen: Hans-Peter Grossart; Sabine Hilt; Luc De Meester; Thomas Mehner; Michael Monaghan; Camille Musseau; Stephanie Spahr; Matthias Stöck; Sabine Wollrab
Dezember 2023
Jan E. Vermaat; Kirstine Thiemer; Bart Immerzeel; Susanne C. Schneider; Keneilwe Sebola; Julie Coetzee; Antonella Petruzzella; Samuel N. Motitsoe; Mathieu Baldo; Benjamin Misteli; Gabrielle Thiébaut; Sabine Hilt; Jan Köhler; Sarah F. Harpenslager
Mass development of aquatic plants: Effects of contrasting management scenarios on a suite of ecosystem services
Journal of Applied Ecology. - 61(2024)1, 76-89
Oktober 2023
Verantwortliche Autor*innen: Hans-Peter Grossart; Sabine Hilt; Luc De Meester; Thomas Mehner; Michael Monaghan; Camille Musseau; Stephanie Spahr; Matthias Stöck; Sabine Wollrab
September 2023
Bastian H. Polst; Joey Allen; Franz Hölker; Sabine Hilt; Herwig Stibor; Elisabeth M. Gross; Mechthild Schmitt-Jansen
Exposure pathways matter: aquatic phototrophic communities respond differently to agricultural run-off exposed via sediment or water
Journal of Applied Ecology. - 60(2023)9, S. 1868-1880
Juli 2023
Autor*innen: Sami Domisch, Jörn Geßner, Sabine Hilt, Sonja Jähnig, Sibylle Schroer, Matthias Stöck, Markus Venohr, Christian Wolter; Redaktion: Johannes Graupner
IGB-Feedback zur Fortschreibung der NBS2030: Biodiversität und Ökosysteme der Binnengewässer stärker berücksichtigen
Juni 2023
Gregorio A. López Moreira Mazacotte; Bastian H. Polst; Elisabeth M. Gross; Mechthild Schmitt-Jansen; Franz Hölker; Sabine Hilt
Mai 2023
Benjamin Misteli; Alexandrine Pannard; Eirin Aasland; Sarah Faye Harpenslager; Samuel Motitsoe; Kirstine Thiemer; Stéphanie Llopis; Julie Coetzee; Sabine Hilt; Jan Köhler; Susanne C. Schneider; Christophe Piscart; Gabrielle Thiébaut
Short-term effects of macrophyte removal on aquatic biodiversity in rivers and lakes
Journal of Environmental Management. - 325(2023), Art. 116442
Mai 2023
Kirstine Thiemer; Bart Immerzeel; Susanne Schneider; Keneilwe Sebola; Julie Coetzee; Mathieu Baldo; Gabrielle Thiebaut; Sabine Hilt; Jan Köhler; Sarah Faye Harpenslager; Jan E. Vermaat
Drivers of Perceived Nuisance Growth by Aquatic Plants
Environmental Management. - 71(2023), S. 1024–1036
April 2023
Jonas Mauch; Anna Lena Kronsbein; Anke Putschew; Jörg Lewandowski; Sabine Hilt
Periphyton in urban freshwater facilitates transformation of trace organic compounds: a case study on iodinated contrast media
Frontiers in Environmental Science. - 11(2023), Art. 1142591
November 2022
Marta Maria Alirangues Nuñez ; Andreas Hussner ; Rüdiger Mauersberger ; Uwe Brämick ; Daniel Hühn ; Liang He ; Sabine Hilt
Dezember 2022
Ralf C.H. Aben; Mandy Velthuis; Garabet Kazanjian; Thijs Frenken; Edwin T.H.M. Peeters; Dedmer B. Van de Waal; Sabine Hilt; Lisette N. de Senerpont Domis; Leon P.M. Lamers; Sarian Kosten
Temperature response of aquatic greenhouse gas emissions differs between dominant plant types
Water Research. - 226(2022), Art. 119251
Dezember 2022
Thomas Mehner; Katrin Attermeyer; Mario Brauns; Soren Brothers; Sabine Hilt; Kristin Scharnweber; Renee Mina van Dorst; Michael J. Vanni; Ursula Gaedke
Trophic Transfer Efficiency in Lakes
Ecosystems. - 25(2022), 1628–1652
Dezember 2022
Authors: Tobias Goldhammer, Sabine Hilt, Michael Hupfer, Jan Köhler, Jörg Lewandowski, Stephanie Spahr, Markus Venohr. Editorial team: Johannes Graupner
Nutrients – Action plan for better management: IGB Feedback [25 August 2022]
November 2022
Sándor Szabó ... Sabine Hilt
Disentangling the mechanisms sustaining a stable state of submerged macrophyte dominance against free-floating competitors
Frontiers in plant science. - 13(2022), Art. 963579
Oktober 2022
Peiyu Zhang ... Sabine Hilt ...
Heat waves rather than continuous warming exacerbate impacts of nutrient loading and herbicides on aquatic ecosystems
Environment international. - 168(2022), Art. 107478
September 2022
S.F. Harpenslager; K. Thiemer; C. Levertz; B. Misteli; K.M. Sebola; S.C. Schneider; S. Hilt; J. Köhler
Short-term effects of macrophyte removal on emission of CO2 and CH4 in shallow lakes
Aquatic Botany. - 182(2022), Art. 103555
August 2022
Sabine Hilt; Hans-Peter Grossart; Daniel F. McGinnis; Frank Keppler
Potential role of submerged macrophytes for oxic methane production in aquatic ecosystems
Limnology and Oceanography. - 67(2022)S2, S76-S88
August 2022
Alena S. Gsell; Justyna Wolinska; Katrin Preuß; Sven Teurlincx; Deniz Özkundakci; Sabine Hilt; Ellen van Donk; Bas W. Ibelings; Rita Adrian
Juli 2022
Maycee Page; Tobias Goldhammer; Sabine Hilt; Scott Tolentino; Soren Brothers
Juli 2022
Herausgeber: Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei (IGB) im Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V.. Autor*innen: Sabine Hilt und Jan Köhler. Redaktion: Johannes Graupner und Angelina Tittmann
[IGB Fact Sheet] Massenentwicklungen von Wasserpflanzen: natürliches Phänomen oder ernstes Problem?
Juli 2022
Mariana Meerhoff; Joachim Audet; Thomas A. Davidson; Luc De Meester; Sabine Hilt; Sarian Kosten; Zhengwen Liu; Néstor Mazzeo; Hans Paerl; Marten Scheffer; Erik Jeppesen
Juni 2022
Bastian H. Polst; Sabine Hilt; Herwig Stibor; Franz Hölker; Joey Allen; Vinita Vijayaraj; Nora Kipferler; Joséphine Leflaive; Elisabeth M. Gross; Mechthild Schmitt-Jansen
Warming lowers critical thresholds for multiple stressor–induced shifts between aquatic primary producers
Science of the Total Environment. - 838, Part. 4(2022), Art. 156511
Juni 2022
Jonathan M. Jeschke; Sabine Hilt; Andreas Hussner; Simon Mösch; Agata Mrugała; Camille L. Musseau; Florian Ruland; Alban Sagouis; David L. Strayer
Biological invasions: case studies
Encyclopedia of Inland Waters / Editors-in-Chief: Thomas Mehner, Klement Tockner. San Diego, California. 2nd ed., 2022. - Vol. 4, S. 382-398
Mai 2022
Vinita Vijayaraj; Martin Laviale; Joey Allen; Nellya Amoussou; Sabine Hilt; Franz Hölker; Nora Kipferler; Joséphine Leflaive; Gregorio A. López Moreira M; Bastian H. Polst; Mechthild Schmitt-Jansen; Herwig Stibor; Elisabeth M. Gross
Multiple-stressor exposure of aquatic food webs: nitrate and warming modulate the effect of pesticides
Water Research. - 216(2022), Art. 118325
März 2022
Kate L. Laskowski; Marta M. Alirangues Nuñez; Sabine Hilt; Mark O. Gessner; Thomas Mehner
Predator group composition indirectly influences food web dynamics through predator growth rates
The American Naturalist. - 199(2022)3, 330-344
Februar 2022
Vinita Vijayaraj; Nora Kipferler; Herwig Stibor; Joey Allen; Franz Hölker; Martin Laviale; Joséphine Leflaive; Gregorio Alejandro López Moreira Mazacotte; Bastian Herbert Polst; Mechthild Schmitt-Jansen; Sabine Hilt; Elisabeth Maria Gross
Februar 2022
Peiyu Zhang; Huan Zhang; Huan Wang; Sabine Hilt; Chao Li; Chen Yu; Min Zhang; Jun Xu
Warming alters juvenile carp effects on macrophytes resulting in a shift to turbid conditions in freshwater mesocosms
Journal of Applied Ecology. - 59(2022)1, 165-175
Februar 2022
Sabine Hilt; Jan E. Vermaat; Klausvan de Weyer
Encyclopedia of Inland Waters / Editors-in-Chief: Thomas Mehner, Klement Tockner. San Diego, California. 2nd ed., 2022. - Vol. 2, S. 14-25
September 2021
Yvonne Vadeboncoeur; Marianne V. Moore; Simon D. Stewart; Sudeep Chandra; Karen S. Atkins; Jill S. Baron; Keith Bouma-Gregson; Soren Brothers; Steven N. Francoeur; Laurel Genzoli; Scott N. Higgins; Sabine Hilt; Leon R. Katona; David Kelly; Isabella A. Oleksy; Ted Ozersky; Mary E. Power; Derek Roberts; Adrianne P. Smits; Oleg Timoshkin; Flavia Tromboni; M. Jake Vander Zanden; Ekaterina A. Volkova; Sean Waters; Susanna A. Wood; Masumi Yamamuro
Blue waters, green bottoms: Benthic filamentous algal blooms are a growing threat to clear lakes worldwide
BioScience. - 71(2021)10, 1011–1027
Mai 2021
Garabet Kazanjian; Soren Brothers; Jan Köhler; Sabine Hilt
Incomplete recovery of a shallow lake from a natural browning event
Freshwater Biology. - 66(2021)6, 1089-1100
Mai 2021
Joey Allen; Elisabeth M. Gross; Camille Courcoul; Stéphanie Bouletreau; Arthur Compin; Arnaud Elger; Jessica Ferriol; Sabine Hilt; Vincent E. J. Jassey; Martin Laviale; Bastian H. Polst; Mechthild Schmitt-Jansen; Herwig Stibor; Vinita Vijayaraj; Joséphine Leflaive
April 2021
Jenny C. Vivas Muñoz; Christian K. Feld; Sabine Hilt; Alessandro Manfrin; Milen Nachev; Daniel Köster; Maik A. Jochmann; Torsten C. Schmidt; Bernd Sures; Andrea Ziková; Klaus Knopf
Eye fluke infection changes diet composition in juvenile European perch (Perca fluviatilis)
Scientific Reports. - 11(2021), Art. 3440
März 2021
Stella Berger, Mark Gessner, Tobias Goldhammer, Thomas Gonsiorczyk, Hans-Peter Grossart, Sabine Hilt, Michael Hupfer, Andreas Hussner, Jörg Lewandowski, Thomas Mehner, Jens Nejstgaard, Sabine Wollrab
Februar 2021
Annette B. G. Janssen; Sabine Hilt; Sarian Kosten; Jeroen J. M. de Klein; Hans W. Paerl; Dedmer B. Van de Waal
Shifting states, shifting services: linking regime shifts to changes in ecosystem services of shallow lakes
Freshwater Biology. - 66(2021)1, 1-12
Februar 2021
Ying Liu; Liang He; Sabine Hilt; Rui Wang; Huan Zhang; Gang Ge
Shallow lakes at risk: nutrient enrichment enhances top‐down control of macrophytes by invasive herbivorous snails
Freshwater Biology. - 66(2021)3, 436-446
August 2020
Thijs Frenken; Corina P. D. Brussaard; Mandy Velthuis; Ralf Aben; Garabet Kazanjian; Sabine Hilt; Sarian Kosten; Edwin T. H. M. Peeters; Lisette N. de Senerpont Domis; Susanne Stephan; Ellen van Donk; Dedmer B. van de Waal
Warming advances virus population dynamics in a temperate freshwater plankton community
Limnology and Oceanography Letters. - 5(2020)4, S. 295-304
Februar 2020
Ying Pei; Runbing Xu; Sabine Hilt; Xuexiu Chang
Effects of cyanobacterial secondary metabolites on phytoplankton community succession
Co-evolution of secondary metabolites /Jean-Michel Mérillon ; Kishan Gopal Ramawat (eds.). - Cham : Springer, 2020. - S. 323-344
Januar 2020
Deborah Hofstra; Jonas Schoelynck; Jason Ferrell; Julie Coetzee; Mary de Winton; Tobias O. Bickel; Paul Champion; John Madsen; Elisabeth S. Bakker; Sabine Hilt; Fleur Matheson; Mike Netherland; Elisabeth M. Gross
On the move: new insights on the ecology and management of native and alien macrophytes
Aquatic Botany. - 162(2020)103190
Januar 2020
Julia Kleinteich; Sabine Hilt; Andreas Hoppe; Christiane Zarfl
Structural changes of the microplankton community following a pulse of inorganic nitrogen in a eutrophic river
Limnology and Oceanography. - 65(2020)S 1, S264-S276
Januar 2020
Jörg Freyhof; Mark Gessner; Hans-Peter Grossart; Sabine Hilt; Sonja Jähnig; Jan Köhler; Thomas Mehner; Martin Pusch; Markus Venohr; Christian Wolter
November 2019
Mandy Velthuis; Sarian Kosten; Sabine Hilt; Piet Verdonschot; Lisbeth Bakker
Kunnen wateren met veel ondergedoken waterplanten CO2 uit de atmosfeer vastleggen?
H2O Water Matters. - (2019)September 2019, S. 3-6
Oktober 2019
Jörg Freyhof; Mark Gessner; Hans-Peter Grossart; Sabine Hilt; Sonja Jähnig; Jan Köhler; Thomas Mehner; Martin Pusch; Markus Venohr; Christian Wolter
Juli 2019
Benjamin Wegner; Anna Lena Kronsbein; Mikael Gillefalk; Klaus van de Weyer; Jan Köhler; Elisabeth Funke; Michael T. Monaghan; Sabine Hilt
Mutual facilitation among invading Nuttall's waterweed and Quagga mussels
Frontiers in Plant Science. - 10(2019)art. 789
Juli 2019
Mikael Gillefalk; Christiane Herzog; Sabine Hilt
Juni 2019
Zachary E. Kayler; Katrin Premke; Arthur Gessler; Mark O. Gessner; Christian Griebler; Sabine Hilt; Leif Klemedtsson; Yakov Kuzyakov; Markus Reichstein; Jan Siemens; Kai-Uwe Totsche; Lars Tranvik; Annekatrin Wagner; Markus Weitere; Hans-Peter Grossart
Integrating aquatic and terrestrial perspectives to improve insights into organic matter cycling at the landscape scale
Frontiers in Earth Science. - 7(2019)art. 127
Juni 2019
Anna-Marie Klamt; Sabine Hilt; Matthias Moros; Helge W. Arz; Michael Hupfer
Mai 2019
Cecile Perillon; Sabine Hilt
Groundwater discharge gives periphyton a competitive advantage over macrophytes
Aquatic Botany. - 154(2019), S. 72-80
April 2019
Liang He; Elisabeth S. Bakker; Marta M. Alirangues Nunez; Sabine Hilt
Combined effects of shading and clipping on the invasive alien macrophyte Elodea nuttallii
Aquatic Botany. - 154(2019), S. 24-27
April 2019
Mikael Gillefalk; Wolf M. Mooij; Sven Teurlincx; Annette B. G. Janssen; Jan H. Janse; Manqi Chang; Jan Köhler; Sabine Hilt
März 2019
Thomas Mehner; Tobias Rapp; Christopher T. Monk; Mara E. Beck; Ashley Trudeau; Mikko Kiljunen; Sabine Hilt; Robert Arlinghaus
März 2019
Liang He; Tianshun Zhu; Yao Wu; Wei Li; Huan Zhang; Xiaolin Zhang; Te Cao; Leyi Ni; Sabine Hilt
Januar 2019
Sabine Hilt; Klaus van de Weyer
Biologische Bewertung des Großen Müggelsees (Berlin) auf Basis der Makrophyten gemäß EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie
Berlin : IGB, 35 S.
Januar 2019
Mandy Velthuis; Sarian Kosten; Ralf Aben; Garabet Kazanjian; Sabine Hilt; Edwin T. H. M. Peeters; Ellen van Donk; Elisabeth S. Bakker
Januar 2019
Ying Pei; Lei Liu; Sabine Hilt; Runbing Xu; Bolin Wang; Chengbin Li
Januar 2019
Jenny Carolina Vivas Munoz; Sabine Hilt; Petr Horak; Klaus Knopf
Impact of trematode infections on periphyton grazing rates of freshwater snails
Parasitology Research. -117(2018)11, S. 3547-3555
September 2018
Mikael Gillefalk; Gudrun Massmann; Gunnar Nützmann; Sabine Hilt
Juli 2018
Garabet Kazanjian; Mandy Velthuis; Ralf Aben; Susanne Stephan; Edwin T. H. M. Peeters; Thijs Frenken; Jelle Touwen; Fei Xue; Sarian Kosten; Dedmer B. van de Waal; Lisette N. de Senerpont Domis; Ellen van Donk; Sabine Hilt
Juni 2018
Thomas Mehner; Betty Lischke; Kristin Scharnweber; Katrin Attermeyer; Soren Brothers; Ursula Gaedke; Sabine Hilt; Sandra Brucet
März 2018
Sabine Hilt; Marta M. Alirangues Nunez; Elisabeth S. Bakker; Irmgard Blindow; Thomas A. Davidson; Mikael Gillefalk; Lars-Anders Hansson; Jan H. Janse; Annette B. G. Janssen; Erik Jeppesen; Timm Kabus; Andrea Kelly; Jan Köhler; Torben L. Lauridsen; Wolf M. Mooij; Ruurd Noordhuis; Geoff Phillips; Jacqueline Rücker; Hans-Heinrich Schuster; Martin Sondergaard; Sven Teurlincx; Klaus van de Weyer; Ellen van Donk; Arno Waterstraat; Nigel Willby; Carl D. Sayer
Februar 2018
Cecile Perillon; Klaus van de Weyer; Jens Päzolt; Peter Kasprzak; Sabine Hilt
Dezember 2017
Garabet Kazanjian; Sabine Flury; Katrin Attermeyer; Thomas Kalettka; Andreas Kleeberg; Katrin Premke; Jan Köhler; Sabine Hilt
Januar 2018
Sabine Hilt; Marta Alirangues. Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei im Auftrag des Fördervereins Feldberg-Uckermärkische Seenlandschaft e.V.
Aufnahme der Biomasse des Periphytons und Steuerung der Periphyton-Biomasse durch Fische in Seen mit unterschiedlicher Entwicklung der Characeen-Gesellschaften
19 S.
Januar 2018
Sabine Hilt; Klaus van de Weyer. Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei im Auftrag der Senatsverwaltung für Umwelt, Verkehr und Klimaschutz
Biologische Bewertung des Großen Müggelsees (Berlin) auf Basis der Makrophyten gemäß EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie
32 S.
November 2017
Ralf C. H. Aben; Nathan Barros; Ellen van Donk; Thijs Frenken; Sabine Hilt; Garabet Kazanjian; Leon P. M. Lamers; Edwin T. H. M. Peeters; Jan G. M. Roelofs; Lisette N. Senerpont Domis; Susanne Stephan; Mandy Velthuis; Dedmer B. Van de Waal; Martin Wik; Brett F. Thornton; Jeremy Wilkinson; Tonya DelSontro; Sarian Kosten
Cross continental increase in methane ebullition under climate change
Nature Communications. - 8(2017)art. 1682
November 2017
Bernhard Aichner; Sabine Hilt; Cecile Perillon; Mikael Gillefalk; Dirk Sachse
Biosynthetic hydrogen isotopic fractionation factors during lipid synthesis in submerged aquatic macrophytes: effect of groundwater discharge and salinity
Organic Geochemistry. - 113(2017), S. 10-16
Oktober 2017
Sabine Hilt; Soren Brothers; Erik Jeppesen; Annelies J. Veraart; Sarian Kosten
Translating regime shifts in shallow lakes into changes in ecosystem functions and services
BioScience. - 67(2017)10, S. 928-936
September 2017
Betty Lischke; Thomas Mehner; Sabine Hilt; Katrin Attermeyer; Mario Brauns; Soren Brothers; Hans-Peter Grossart; Jan Köhler; Kristin Scharnweber; Ursula Gaedke
Benthic carbon is inefficiently transferred in the food webs of two eutrophic shallow lakes
Freshwater Biology. - 62(2017)10, S. 1693-1706
September 2017
David L. Strayer; Carla M. D'Antonio; Franz Essl; Mike S. Fowler; Juergen Geist; Sabine Hilt; Ivan Jaric; Klaus Jöhnk; Clive G. Jones; Xavier Lambin; Alexander W. Latzka; Jan Pergl; Petr Pysek; Peter Robertson; Menja von Schmalensee; Robert A. Stefansson; Justin Wright; Jonathan M. Jeschke
Boom-bust dynamics in biological invasions: towards an improved application of the concept
Ecology Letters. - 20(2017)10, S. 1337-1350
September 2017
Cecile Perillon; Franziska Pöschke; Jörg Lewandowski; Michael Hupfer; Sabine Hilt
Stimulation of epiphyton growth by lacustrine groundwater discharge to an oligo-mesotrophic hard-water lake
Freshwater Science. - 36(2017)3, S. 555-570
August 2017
Christian Wurzbacher; Katrin Attermeyer; Marie Therese Kettner; Clara Flintrop; Norman Warthmann; Sabine Hilt; Hans-Peter Grossart; Michael T. Monaghan
DNA metabarcoding of unfractionated water samples relates phyto-, zoo- and bacterioplankton dynamics and reveals a single-taxon bacterial bloom
Environmental Microbiology Reports. - 9(2017)4, S. 383-388
Juli 2017
Wei Li; Nigel Willby; Sabine Hilt
Juni 2017
Soren Brothers; Garabet Kazanjian; Jan Köhler; Ulrike Scharfenberger; Sabine Hilt
Convective mixing and high littoral production established systematic errors in the diel oxygen curves of a shallow, eutrophic lake
Limnology and Oceanography : Methods. - 15(2017)5, S. 429-435
März 2017
Susanne C. Schneider; Sabine Hilt; Jan E. Vermaat; Martyn Kelly
Januar 2017
Mandy Velthuis; Lisette N. de Senerpont Domis; Thijs Frenken; Susanne Stephan; Garabet Kazanjian; Ralf Aben; Sabine Hilt; Sarian Kosten;Ellen van Donk; Dedmer B. van de Waal
Warming advances top-down control and reduces producer biomass in a freshwater plankton community
Ecosphere. - 8(2017)1, art. e01651
Dezember 2016
Longchang Wang; Jinmei Zi; Runbing Xu; Sabine Hilt; Xiuli Hou; Xuexiu Chang
Dezember 2016
Elisabeth S. Bakker; Kevin A. Wood; Jordi F. Pages; G. F. (Ciska) Veen; Marjolijn J. A. Christiansen; Luis Santamaria; Bart A. Nolet; Sabine Hilt
Herbivory on freshwater and marine macrophytes: a review and perspective
Aquatic Botany. - 135(2016), S. 18-36
Oktober 2016
Bert Hidding; Elisabeth S. Bakker; Michiel J. M. Hootsmans; Sabine Hilt
Synergy between shading and herbivory triggers macrophyte loss and regime shifts in aquatic systems
Oikos. - 125(2016)10, S. 1489-1495
Oktober 2016
Elisabeth S. Bakker; Sabine Hilt
Impact of water-level fluctuations on cyanobacterial blooms
Aquatic Ecology. - 50(2016)3,S. 485-498
September 2016
Rita Adrian; Dag Olav Hessen; Thorsten Blenckner; Helmot Hillebrand; Sabine Hilt; Erik Jeppesen; David M. Livingstone; Dennis Trolle
Environmental impacts - lake ecosystems
North Sea region climate change assessment /M. Quante ; F. Colijn (eds.). - Cham: Springer International Publ., 2016. - ch. 10, S. 315-340
September 2016
Katrin Premke; Katrin Attermeyer; Jürgen Augustin; Alvaro Cabezas; Peter Casper; Detlef Deumlich; Jörg Gelbrecht; Horst H. Gerke; Arthur Gessler; Hans-Peter Grossart; Sabine Hilt; Michael Hupfer; Thomas Kalettka; Zachary Kayler; Gunnar Lischeid; Michael Sommer; Dominik Zak
August 2016
Cécile Perillon; Sabine Hilt
Groundwater influence differentially affects periphyton and macrophyte production in lakes
Hydrobiologia. - 778(2016), S. 91-103
Juni 2016
Jari Syväranta; Kristin Scharnweber; Mario Brauns; Sabine Hilt; Thomas Mehner
Februar 2016
Algirdas Svanys; Falk Eigemann; Hans-Peter Grossart; Sabine Hilt
Microcystins do not necessarily lower the sensitivity of Microcystis aeruginosa to tannic acid
FEMS Microbiology Letters. - 363(2016)2 fnv227
Februar 2016
Betty Lischke; Guntram Weithoff; Stephen A. Wickham; Katrin Attermeyer; Hans-Peter Grossart; Kristin Scharnweber; Sabine Hilt; Ursula Gaedke
Large biomass of small feeders
Journal of Plankton Research. - 38(2016)1, S. 2-15
Februar 2016
Runbing Xu; Sabine Hilt; Ying Pei; Lijuan Yin; Xiaolong Wang; Xuexiu Chang
Growth phase-dependent allelopathic effects of cyanobacterial exudates on Potamogeton crispus L. seedlings
Hydrobiologia. - 767(2016)1, S. 137-149
Dezember 2015
Falk Eigemann; Ute Mischke; Michael Hupfer; Jochen Schaumburg; Sabine Hilt
Biological indicators track differential responses of pelagic and littoral areas to nutrient load reductions in German lakes
Ecological Indicators. - 61(2016)Pt. 2, S. 905-910
November 2015
T. Mehner; K. Attermeyer; M. Brauns; S. Brothers; J. Diekmann; U. Gaedke; H.-P. Grossart; J. Köhler; B. Lischke; N. Meyer; K. Scharnweber; J. Syväranta; M. J. Vanni; S. Hilt
Januar 2016
Sabine Hilt
Regime shifts between macrophytes and phytoplankton
Limnetica. - 34(2015)2, S. 467-480
September 2015
Aldoushy Mahdy; Sabine Hilt; Nur Filiz; Meryem Beklioglu; Josef Hejzlar; Deniz Özkundakci; Eva Papastergiadou; Ulrike Scharfenberger; Michael Sorf; Kostas Stefanidis; Lea Tuvikene; Priit Zingel; Martin Sondergaard; Erik Jeppesen; Rita Adrian
Effects of water temperature on summer periphyton biomass in shallow lakes
Aquatic Sciences. - 77(2015)3, S. 499-510
August 2015
Runbing Xu; Feng Wu; Sabine Hilt; Cheng Wu; Xiaolong Wang; Xuexiu Chang
Recovery limitation of endangered Ottelia acuminata by allelopathic interaction with cyanobacteria
Aquatic Ecology. - 49(2015)3, S. 333-342
April 2015
Sabine Hilt; Thomas Wanke; Kristin Scharnweber; Mario Brauns; Jari Syväranta; Soren Brothers; Ursula Gaedke; Jan Köhler; Betty Lischke; Thomas Mehner
Contrasting response of two shallow eutrophic cold temperate lakes to a partial winterkill of fish
Hydrobiologia. - 749(2015), S. 31-42
März 2015
Katrin Attermeyer; Jörg Tittel; Martin Allgaier; Katharina Frindte; Christian Wurzbacher; Sabine Hilt; Norbert Kamjunke; Hans-Peter Grossart
Effects of light and autochthonous carbon additions on microbial turnover of allochthonous organic carbon and community composition
Microbial Ecology. - 69(2015)2, S. 361-371
Dezember 2014
Aldoushy Mahdy; Ulrike Scharfenberger; Rita Adrian; Sabine Hilt
Experimental comparison of periphyton removal by chironomid larvae and Daphnia magna
Inland Waters. - 5(2015)1, S. 81-88
Oktober 2015
Falk Eigemann; Hans-Peter Grossart; Xuexiu Chang; Sabine Hilt
Interactions affect phytoplankton sensitivity towards allelochemicals
Erweiterte Zusammenfassungen der Jahrestagung 2013 der DGL. - Hardegsen, 2014. - S. 7-11
Dezember 2014
Rene Sachse; Thomas Petzoldt; Maria Blumstock; Santiago Moreira; Marlene Pätzig; Jacqueline Rücker; Jan H. Janse; Wolf M. Mooij; Sabine Hilt
Extending one-dimensional models for deep lakes to simulate the impact of submerged macrophytes on water quality
Environmental Modelling & Software. - 61(2014), S. 410-423
Dezember 2014
Andreas Hussner; Herman van Dam; Jan E. Vermaat; Sabine Hilt
Comparison of native and neophytic aquatic macrophyte developments in a geothermally warmed river and thermally normal channels
Fundamental and Applied Limnology. - 185(2014)2, S. 155-166
September 2014
Andreas Hussner; Stefan Nehring; Sabine Hilt
From first reports to successful control
Hydrobiologia. - 737(2014)1, S. 321-331
September 2014
Algirdas Švanys; Ričardas Paškauskas; Sabine Hilt
Effects of the allelopathically macrophyte Myriophyllum spicatum on a natural phytoplankton community
Hydrobiologia. - 737(2014)1, S. 57-66
September 2014
Irmgard Blindow; Anders Hargeby; Sabine Hilt
Facilitation of clear-water conditions in shallow lakes by macrophytes
Hydrobiologia. - 737(2014)1, S. 99-110
Juli 2014
S. Brothers; J. Köhler; K. Attermeyer; H. P. Grossart; T. Mehner; N. Meyer; K. Scharnweber; S. Hilt
A feedback loop links brownification and anoxia in a temperate, shallow lake
Limnology and Oceanography. - 59(2014)4, S. 1388-1398
Juni 2014
K. Scharnweber; J. Syväranta; S. Hilt; M. Brauns; M. J. Vanni; S. Brothers; J. Köhler; J. Knežević-Jarić; T. Mehner
März 2014
Betty Lischke; Sabine Hilt; Jan H. Janse; Jan J. Kuiper; Thomas Mehner; Wolf M. Mooij; Ursula Gaedke
Januar 2014
Katrin Attermeyer; Katrin Premke; Thomas Hornick; Sabine Hilt; Hans-Peter Grossart
Dezember 2013
Soren M. Brothers; Sabine Hilt; Katrin Attermeyer; Hans Peter Grossart; Sarian Kosten; Betty Lischke; Thomas Mehner; Nils Meyer; Kristin Scharnweber; Jan Köhler
Dezember 2013
Brigitte Nixdorf; Jacqueline Rücker; Andrew M. Dolman; Claudia Wiedner; Sabine Hilt; Peter Kasprzak; Antje Köhler; Klaus van de Weyer; Stephan Sandrock; Eva-Maria Scharf; Hartmut Willmitzer
Prozessverständnis als Grundlage für die Gewässerbewirtschaftung
KW Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft. - 6(2013)12, S. 693-701
Dezember 2013
Falk Eigemann; Pieter Vanormelingen; Sabine Hilt
Oktober 2013
Soren M. Brothers; Sabine Hilt; Stephanie Meyer; Jan Köhler
Plant community structure determines primary productivity in shallow, eutrophic lakes
Freshwater Biology. - 58(2013)11, S. 2264-2276
Oktober 2013
Sabine Hilt; Jan Köhler; Rita Adrian; Michael T. Monaghan; Carl D. Sayer
Clear, crashing, turbid and back - long-term changes in macrophyte assemblages in a shallow lake
Freshwater Biology. - 58(2013)10, S. 2027-2036
August 2013
Guilai Zheng; Runbing Xu; Xuexiu Chang; Sabine Hilt; Cheng Wu
Cyanobacteria can allelopathically inhibit submerged macrophytes
Aquatic Botany. - 109(2013), S. 1-7
April 2013
Falk Eigemann; Sabine Hilt; Ivette Salka; Hans-Peter Grossart
Bacterial community composition associated with freshwater algae
FEMS Microbiology Ecology. - 83(2013)3, S. 650-663
März 2013
Falk Eigemann; Sabine Hilt; Mechthild Schmitt-Jansen
Flow cytometry as a diagnostic tool for the effects of polyphenolic allelochemicals on phytoplankton
Aquatic Botany. - 104(2013), S. 5-14
Oktober 2012
Xuexiu Chang; Falk Eigemann; Sabine Hilt
Do macrophytes support harmful cyanobacteria?
Harmful Algae. - 19(2012), S. 76-84
Mai 2012
Nadine Bauer; Elke Zwirnmann; Hans-Peter Grossart; Sabine Hilt
Transformation and allelopathy of natural dissolved organic carbon and tannic acid are affected by solar radiation and bacteria
Journal of Phycology. - 48(2012)2, S. 355-364
März 2012
Sabine Hilt; Jan Köhler; Hans-Peter Kozerski; Egbert H. van Nes; Marten Scheffer
Abrupt regime shifts in space and time along rivers and connected lake systems
Oikos. - 120(2011)5, S. 766-775
Januar 2011
Sabine Hilt; Klaus van de Weyer; Antje Köhler; Ingrid Chorus
Submerged macrophyte responses to reduced phosphorus concentrations in two peri-urban lakes
Restoration ecology. - 18(2010)S 2, S. 452-461
November 2010
A. Hussner; K. van de Weyer; E. M. Gross; S. Hilt
Comments on increasing number and abundance of non-indigenous aquatic macrophyte species in Germany
Weed research. - 50(2010)6, S. 519-526
Oktober 2010
Sabine Hilt; Ingo Henschke; Jacqueline Rücker; Brigitte Nixdorf
Can submerged macrophytes influence turbidity and trophic state in deep lakes?
Journal of environmental quality. - 39(2010)2, S. 725-733
Oktober 2010
Andreas Hussner; Klaus van de Weyer; Elisabeth Gross; Sabine Hilt
Eine Übersicht über die aquatischen Neophyten in Deutschland - Etablierung, Auswirkungen und Managementperspektiven
Handbuch Angewandte Limnologie
Oktober 2010
Nadine Bauer; Hans-Peter Grossart; Sabine Hilt
Effects of bacterial communities on the sensitivity of the phytoplankton Stephanodiscus minutulus and Desmodesmus armatus to tannic acid
Aquatic microbial ecology. - 59(2010)3, S. 295-306
Oktober 2010
Ruth Müller; Rüdiger Berghahn; Sabine Hilt
Herbicide effects of metazachlor on duckweed (Lemna minor and Spirodela polyrhiza) in test systems with different trophic status and complexity
Journal of environmental science and health. - B 45(2010)2, S. 95-101
Oktober 2010
Andreas Hussner; Sabine Hilt
Führen ansteigende Wassertemperaturen zu einer Ausbreitung neophytischer auf Kosten einheimischer Arten?
Erweiterte Zusammenfassungen der Jahrestagung 2009 der DGL. - Hardegsen, 2010. - S. 296-300
Oktober 2010
Sabine Hilt; Paola Lombardo
Effects of macrophytes on phytoplankton
Verhandlungen / Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie. - 30(2010)9, S. 1317-1320
Februar 2010
Jan Köhler; Justyna Hachol; Sabine Hilt
Regulation of submersed macrophyte biomass in a temperate lowland river
Aquatic botany. - 92(2010)2, S. 129-136
März 2010
Anne Timler; Sabine Hilt; Jan Köhler
Fische steuern Makrophytenabundanz?
Erweiterte Zusammenfassungen der Jahrestagung 2008 der DGL. - Hardegsen, 2009. - S. 45-49
Februar 2010
N. Bauer; U. Blaschke; E. Beutler; E. M. Gross; K. Jenett-Siems; K. Siems; S. Hilt
Oktober 2010
Sabine Hilt; Elisabeth M. Gross
Can allelopathically active submerged macrophytes stabilise clear-water states in shallow lakes?
Basic and applied ecology. - 9(2008)4, S. 422-432
Oktober 2010
Sabine Hilt
Empfindlich einflussreich
Naturmagazin Berlin, Brandenburg. - 22(2008)2, S. 16-17
Oktober 2010
Ulrike Blaschke; Nadine Bauer; Sabine Hilt
Wer ist der Sensibelste?
Erweiterte Zusammenfassungen der Jahrestagung 2007 der DGL. - Werder, 2008. - S. 17-21
März 2009
Nadine Bauer; Hans-Peter Grossart; Sabine Hilt
Do bacteria influence the sensitivity of phytoplankton to allelochemicals from submerged macrophytes?
Verhandlungen / Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie. - 30(2008)2, S. 307-311
August 2008
M. Hupfer; S. Hilt
Lake restoration
Encyclopedia of ecology / Sven Erik Jørgensen (ed.-in-chief). - Oxford : Elsevier, 2008. - Vol. 3. - S. 2080-2093
Mai 2008
Stefanie Grohse; Torsten Strube; Sabine Hilt; Rainer Brüggemann
Ein Makrophytenmodell für den Müggelsee (Berlin)
Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung. - 52(2008)1, S. 2-8
Mai 2008
Sabine Hilt; Ilka Schönfelder; Ania Rudnicka; Randi Carls; Nikolai Nikolaevich; Alexander Sukhodolov; Christof Engelhardt
Reconstruction of pristine morphology, flow, nutrient conditions and submerged vegetation of lowland river Spree (Germany) from palaeomeanders
River research and applications. - 24(2008)3, S. 310-329
Oktober 2010
Sabine Hilt; Elisabeth M. Gross
Allelopathie stabilisiert Klarwasserstadien?
Erweiterte Zusammenfassungen der Jahrestagung 2006 der DGL. - Werder, 2007. - S. 219-223
April 2008
Elisabeth M. Gross; Sabine Hilt; Paola Lombardo; Gabi Mulderij
April 2008
Elisabeth M. Gross; Sabine Hilt
Benthisch-pelagische Kopplung: Wechselwirkungen zwischen Periphyton, Phytoplankton und submersen Makrophyten in flachen eutrophen Seen
Erweiterte Zusammenfassungen der Jahrestagung 2006 der DGL. - Werder, 2007. - S. 208-212
September 2007
Uta Grünert; Sabine Hilt; Martin Pusch; Jörg Gelbrecht
Entwicklungspotenzial der Makrophytenvegetation in der Unteren Spree nach Renaturierungsmaßnahmen
Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege in Brandenburg. - 16(2007)2, S. 41-47
Oktober 2010
Harald Morscheid; Jens Mählmann; Sabine Hilt
Wiederbesiedelung von Flachseen mit submersen Makrophyten - Entwicklung einer Handlungsempfehlung
Tagungsbericht 2005 der DGL. - Werder, 2006. - S. 130-133
Juni 2008
Sabine Hilt; Mary G. N. Ghobrial; Elisabeth M. Gross
In situ allelopathic potential of Myriophyllum verticillatum (Haloragaceae) against selected phytoplankton species
Journal of phycology. - 42(2006)6, S. 1189-1198
Oktober 2006
Sabine Hilt; Elisabeth M. Gross; Michael Hupfer; Harald Morscheid; Jens Mählmann; Arnulf Melzer; Jens Poltz; Stefan Sandrock; Eva-Maria Scharf; Susanne Schneider; Klaus van de Weyer
Oktober 2006
Sabine Hilt
Allelopathic inhibition of epiphytes by submerged macrophytes
Aquatic botany. - 85(2006)3, S. 252-256
Oktober 2006
Sabine Hilt
Recovery of Potamogeton pectinatus L. stands in a shallow eutrophic lake under extreme grazing pressure
Hydrobiologia. - 570(2006), S. 95-99
Oktober 2010
Erik Jeppesen; Martin Søndergaard; Jens Peder Jensen; Karl E. Havens; Orlane Anneville; Laurence Carvalho; Michael F. Coveney; Rainer Deneke; Martin T. Dokulil; Bob Foy; Daniel Gerdeaux; Stephanie E. Hampton; Sabine Hilt; Külli Kangur; Jan Köhler; Eddy H. H. R. Lammens; Torben L. Lauridsen; Marina Manca; María R. Miracle; Brian Moss; Peeter Nõges; Gunnar Persson; Geoff Phillips; Rob Portielje; Susana Romo; Claire L. Schelske; Dietmar Straile; Istvan Tatrai; Eva Willén; Monika Winder
Lake responses to reduced nutrient loading - an analysis of contemporary long-term data from 35 case studies
Freshwater biology. - 50(2005)10, S. 1747-1771
August 2008
J. Köhler; S. Hilt; R. Adria; A. Nicklisch; H. P. Kozerski; N. Walz
Long-term response of a shallow, moderately flushed lake to reduced external phosphorus and nitrogen loading
Freshwater biology. - 50(2005)10, S. 1639-1650
Oktober 2010
Sabine Hilt; Michael Dilger
An- und Abwesenheit von Characeen in Brandenburger Flachseen während der letzten Jahrtausende - lässt sich ein anthropogener Einfluss nachweisen?
Rostocker meeresbiologische Beiträge. - 13(2004), S. 105-114
Mai 2004
Sabine Hilt
Kehren Unterwasser- und Schwimmblattpflanzen in unsere Gewässer zurück?
Verhandlungen des Botanischen Vereins von Berlin und Brandenburg. - 136(2003), S. 111-119
Multiple Stressors Simplify Freshwater Food Webs
Epiphyton phenology determines the persistence of submerged macrophytes: Exemplified in temperate shallow lakes
Contrasting Effects of Increasing Invasive Crayfish Densities on Competing Submerged Macrophytes in Shallow Lakes
Submerged Macrophytes Can Maintain Stable Dominance Over Free-Floating Competitors Through High pH
Does Perceived Nuisance Abundance of Water Plants Match with Willingness-to-Pay for Removal? Contrasts Among Different User Categories
Controls on Lake Pelagic Primary Productivity: Formalizing the Nutrient‐Color Paradigm
Rapid Eutrophication of a Clearwater Lake: Trends and Potential Causes Inferred From Phosphorus Mass Balance Analyses
Global Lake Health in the Anthropocene: Societal Implications and Treatment Strategies
Causes of macrophyte mass development and management recommendations
Changing phenology of benthic primary producers in inland waters: Current knowledge and future directions
Effects of herbivorous fish on shallow lake ecosystems increase at moderate nutrient conditions
Mass development of aquatic plants: Effects of contrasting management scenarios on a suite of ecosystem services
Exposure pathways matter: aquatic phototrophic communities respond differently to agricultural run-off exposed via sediment or water
IGB-Feedback zur Fortschreibung der NBS2030: Biodiversität und Ökosysteme der Binnengewässer stärker berücksichtigen
Short-term effects of macrophyte removal on aquatic biodiversity in rivers and lakes
Drivers of Perceived Nuisance Growth by Aquatic Plants
Periphyton in urban freshwater facilitates transformation of trace organic compounds: a case study on iodinated contrast media
Temperature response of aquatic greenhouse gas emissions differs between dominant plant types
Trophic Transfer Efficiency in Lakes
Nutrients – Action plan for better management: IGB Feedback [25 August 2022]
Disentangling the mechanisms sustaining a stable state of submerged macrophyte dominance against free-floating competitors
Heat waves rather than continuous warming exacerbate impacts of nutrient loading and herbicides on aquatic ecosystems
Short-term effects of macrophyte removal on emission of CO2 and CH4 in shallow lakes
Potential role of submerged macrophytes for oxic methane production in aquatic ecosystems
[IGB Fact Sheet] Massenentwicklungen von Wasserpflanzen: natürliches Phänomen oder ernstes Problem?
Warming lowers critical thresholds for multiple stressor–induced shifts between aquatic primary producers
Biological invasions: case studies
Multiple-stressor exposure of aquatic food webs: nitrate and warming modulate the effect of pesticides
Predator group composition indirectly influences food web dynamics through predator growth rates
Warming alters juvenile carp effects on macrophytes resulting in a shift to turbid conditions in freshwater mesocosms
Blue waters, green bottoms: Benthic filamentous algal blooms are a growing threat to clear lakes worldwide
Incomplete recovery of a shallow lake from a natural browning event
Eye fluke infection changes diet composition in juvenile European perch (Perca fluviatilis)
Shifting states, shifting services: linking regime shifts to changes in ecosystem services of shallow lakes
Shallow lakes at risk: nutrient enrichment enhances top‐down control of macrophytes by invasive herbivorous snails
Warming advances virus population dynamics in a temperate freshwater plankton community
Effects of cyanobacterial secondary metabolites on phytoplankton community succession
On the move: new insights on the ecology and management of native and alien macrophytes
Structural changes of the microplankton community following a pulse of inorganic nitrogen in a eutrophic river
Kunnen wateren met veel ondergedoken waterplanten CO2 uit de atmosfeer vastleggen?
Mutual facilitation among invading Nuttall's waterweed and Quagga mussels
Integrating aquatic and terrestrial perspectives to improve insights into organic matter cycling at the landscape scale
Groundwater discharge gives periphyton a competitive advantage over macrophytes
Combined effects of shading and clipping on the invasive alien macrophyte Elodea nuttallii
Biologische Bewertung des Großen Müggelsees (Berlin) auf Basis der Makrophyten gemäß EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie
Impact of trematode infections on periphyton grazing rates of freshwater snails
Aufnahme der Biomasse des Periphytons und Steuerung der Periphyton-Biomasse durch Fische in Seen mit unterschiedlicher Entwicklung der Characeen-Gesellschaften
Biologische Bewertung des Großen Müggelsees (Berlin) auf Basis der Makrophyten gemäß EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie
Cross continental increase in methane ebullition under climate change
Biosynthetic hydrogen isotopic fractionation factors during lipid synthesis in submerged aquatic macrophytes: effect of groundwater discharge and salinity
Translating regime shifts in shallow lakes into changes in ecosystem functions and services
Benthic carbon is inefficiently transferred in the food webs of two eutrophic shallow lakes
Boom-bust dynamics in biological invasions: towards an improved application of the concept
Stimulation of epiphyton growth by lacustrine groundwater discharge to an oligo-mesotrophic hard-water lake
DNA metabarcoding of unfractionated water samples relates phyto-, zoo- and bacterioplankton dynamics and reveals a single-taxon bacterial bloom
Convective mixing and high littoral production established systematic errors in the diel oxygen curves of a shallow, eutrophic lake
Warming advances top-down control and reduces producer biomass in a freshwater plankton community
Herbivory on freshwater and marine macrophytes: a review and perspective
Synergy between shading and herbivory triggers macrophyte loss and regime shifts in aquatic systems
Impact of water-level fluctuations on cyanobacterial blooms
Environmental impacts - lake ecosystems
Groundwater influence differentially affects periphyton and macrophyte production in lakes
Microcystins do not necessarily lower the sensitivity of Microcystis aeruginosa to tannic acid
Large biomass of small feeders
Growth phase-dependent allelopathic effects of cyanobacterial exudates on Potamogeton crispus L. seedlings
Biological indicators track differential responses of pelagic and littoral areas to nutrient load reductions in German lakes
Regime shifts between macrophytes and phytoplankton
Effects of water temperature on summer periphyton biomass in shallow lakes
Recovery limitation of endangered Ottelia acuminata by allelopathic interaction with cyanobacteria
Contrasting response of two shallow eutrophic cold temperate lakes to a partial winterkill of fish
Effects of light and autochthonous carbon additions on microbial turnover of allochthonous organic carbon and community composition
Experimental comparison of periphyton removal by chironomid larvae and Daphnia magna
Interactions affect phytoplankton sensitivity towards allelochemicals
Extending one-dimensional models for deep lakes to simulate the impact of submerged macrophytes on water quality
Comparison of native and neophytic aquatic macrophyte developments in a geothermally warmed river and thermally normal channels
From first reports to successful control
Effects of the allelopathically macrophyte Myriophyllum spicatum on a natural phytoplankton community
Facilitation of clear-water conditions in shallow lakes by macrophytes
A feedback loop links brownification and anoxia in a temperate, shallow lake
Prozessverständnis als Grundlage für die Gewässerbewirtschaftung
Plant community structure determines primary productivity in shallow, eutrophic lakes
Clear, crashing, turbid and back - long-term changes in macrophyte assemblages in a shallow lake
Cyanobacteria can allelopathically inhibit submerged macrophytes
Bacterial community composition associated with freshwater algae
Flow cytometry as a diagnostic tool for the effects of polyphenolic allelochemicals on phytoplankton
Do macrophytes support harmful cyanobacteria?
Transformation and allelopathy of natural dissolved organic carbon and tannic acid are affected by solar radiation and bacteria
Abrupt regime shifts in space and time along rivers and connected lake systems
Submerged macrophyte responses to reduced phosphorus concentrations in two peri-urban lakes
Comments on increasing number and abundance of non-indigenous aquatic macrophyte species in Germany
Can submerged macrophytes influence turbidity and trophic state in deep lakes?
Eine Übersicht über die aquatischen Neophyten in Deutschland - Etablierung, Auswirkungen und Managementperspektiven
Effects of bacterial communities on the sensitivity of the phytoplankton Stephanodiscus minutulus and Desmodesmus armatus to tannic acid
Herbicide effects of metazachlor on duckweed (Lemna minor and Spirodela polyrhiza) in test systems with different trophic status and complexity
Führen ansteigende Wassertemperaturen zu einer Ausbreitung neophytischer auf Kosten einheimischer Arten?
Effects of macrophytes on phytoplankton
Regulation of submersed macrophyte biomass in a temperate lowland river
Fische steuern Makrophytenabundanz?
Can allelopathically active submerged macrophytes stabilise clear-water states in shallow lakes?
Empfindlich einflussreich
Wer ist der Sensibelste?
Do bacteria influence the sensitivity of phytoplankton to allelochemicals from submerged macrophytes?
Lake restoration
Ein Makrophytenmodell für den Müggelsee (Berlin)
Reconstruction of pristine morphology, flow, nutrient conditions and submerged vegetation of lowland river Spree (Germany) from palaeomeanders
Allelopathie stabilisiert Klarwasserstadien?
Benthisch-pelagische Kopplung: Wechselwirkungen zwischen Periphyton, Phytoplankton und submersen Makrophyten in flachen eutrophen Seen
Entwicklungspotenzial der Makrophytenvegetation in der Unteren Spree nach Renaturierungsmaßnahmen
Wiederbesiedelung von Flachseen mit submersen Makrophyten - Entwicklung einer Handlungsempfehlung
In situ allelopathic potential of Myriophyllum verticillatum (Haloragaceae) against selected phytoplankton species
Allelopathic inhibition of epiphytes by submerged macrophytes
Recovery of Potamogeton pectinatus L. stands in a shallow eutrophic lake under extreme grazing pressure
Lake responses to reduced nutrient loading - an analysis of contemporary long-term data from 35 case studies
Long-term response of a shallow, moderately flushed lake to reduced external phosphorus and nitrogen loading
An- und Abwesenheit von Characeen in Brandenburger Flachseen während der letzten Jahrtausende - lässt sich ein anthropogener Einfluss nachweisen?
Kehren Unterwasser- und Schwimmblattpflanzen in unsere Gewässer zurück?
Uta Müller (postdoc in project CHARA lakes)
Nikola Stankovic (postdoc in project PLATON)
Marta Alirangues (PhD student in project Periphyton)
Anna Lena Kronsbein (PhD student in project UWI (2nd cohort))
Jonas Mauch (PhD student in project UWI (3rd cohort))
Yuliia Nakonechna (guest PhD student from Environmental University Odesa, Ukraine)
Constancia Levertz (technician in project CHARA lakes)
Raphael Neiling (student assistant)
Zeno Mayr (student assistant)
Anastasia Seelisch (Öki)
Spencer Koonin (intern)
Former members
Anne Schechner
Renske Vroom
Patrick Heidbüchel
Maider Erize Gardoki
Lisa Kühn
Andreas Hussner
Lisa Sanden
Jonas Peters
Simon Asmus
Valeria Reimann
Soren Brothers (now Allan and Helaine Shiff Curator of Climate Change at the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada)