Chris Soulsby
Müggelseedamm 310, 12587 Berlin
März 2025
Hyekyeng Jung; Dörthe Tetzlaff; Christian Birkel; Chris Soulsby
Recent Developments and Emerging Challenges in Tracer-Aided Modeling
WIREs Water. - 12(2025)2, Art. e70015
März 2025
Songjun Wu; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Keith Beven; Chris Soulsby
DREAM(LoAX): Simultaneous Calibration and Diagnosis for Tracer-Aided Ecohydrological Models Under the Equifinality Thesis
Water Resources Research. - 61(2025)3, Art. e2024WR038779
März 2025
Christian Birkel; Dörthe Tetzlaff; Ann-Marie Ring; Chris Soulsby
Does high resolution in situ xylem and atmospheric vapor isotope data help improve modeled estimates of ecohydrological partitioning?
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. - 365(2025), Art. 110467
Februar 2025
Jamie Lee Stevenson; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Christian Birkel; Chris Soulsby
Contrasts in Ecohydrological Partitioning of Heterogeneous Urban Green Spaces in Energy-Limited Versus Water-Limited Hydroclimates
Hydrological Processes. - 39(2024)2, Art. e70077
Januar 2025
Hanwu Zheng; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Christian Birkel; Jana Chmieleski; Jean-Christophe Comte; Jonas Freymueller; Tobias Goldhammer; Axel Schmidt; Ellen Wohl; Chris Soulsby
Hydrological connectivity and biogeochemical dynamics in the function and management of the lower Oder floodplain
Journal of Hydrology. - 653(2025), Art. 132708
Januar 2025
Songjun Wu; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Chris Soulsby
Revising Common Approaches for Calibration: Insights From a 1-D Tracer-Aided Hydrological Model With High-Dimensional Parameters and Objectives
Water Resources Research. - 61(2025)1, Art. e2024WR037656
Januar 2025
Christian Birkel; Jodie Miller; Andrew Watson; Duc Anh Trinh; Ana Maria Durán-Quesada; Ricardo Sánchez-Murillo; Chris Soulsby; Stefan Terzer-Wassmuth; Dörthe Tetzlaff; Stefan Uhlenbrook; Yuliya Vystavna; Kei Yoshimura
Demystifying the art of isotope-enabled hydrological and climate modelling
Science of The Total Environment. - 959(2025), Art. 178242
Januar 2025
Ricardo Sánchez-Murillo; Dimitris A. Herrera; Kegan K. Farrick; Germain Esquivel-Hernández; Rolando Sánchez-Gutiérrez; Javier Barberena-Moncada; Jorge Guatemala-Herrera; Yelba Flores-Meza; Roberto Cerón-Pineda; Laura Gil-Urrutia; Jorge Cardona-Hernández; Tania Peña-Paz; Junior O. Hernández-Ortiz; Wendy Harrison-Smith; Geoffrey Marshall; Aurel Persoiu; Juan Pérez-Quezadas; Miguel Mejía-González; Luis González-Hita; Marcia Barrera de Calderón; Alejandro García-Moya; Debora Hernández; Kristen Welsh; Rene M. Price; Diego A. Riveros-Iregui; Ny Riavo G. Voarintsoa; Joshua C. Bregy; Minerva Sánchez-Llull; Carlos Alonso-Hernández; Saúl Santos-García; Ana M. Durán-Quesada; Christian Birkel; Jan Boll; Kim M. Cobb; Adrián F. Obando-Amador; Ingrid M. Vargas-Azofeifa; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Chris Soulsby; Sylvia G. Dee
Stable isotope tempestology of tropical cyclones across the North Atlantic and Eastern Pacific Ocean basins
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. - XX(2024)XX, XX-XX
Januar 2025
Famin Wang; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Tobias Goldhammer; Jonas Freymueller; Chris Soulsby
November 2024
Maria Magdalena Warter; Dörthe Tetzlaff; Christian Marx; Chris Soulsby
Impact of drought hazards on flow regimes in anthropogenically impacted streams: an isotopic perspective on climate stress
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. - 24(2024)11, 3907–3924
September 2024
Doerthe Tetzlaff; Hjalmar Laudon; Shuxin Luo; Chris Soulsby
Ecohydrological resilience and the landscape water storage continuum in droughts
Nature Water. - 2(2024), 915-918
September 2024
Xiaoqiang Yang; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Junliang Jin; Qiongfang Li; Dietrich Borchardt; Chris Soulsby
Mai 2024
Gregorio Alejandro López Moreira Mazacotte; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Christian Marx; Maria Magdalena Warter; Songjun Wu; Aaron Andrew Smith; Chris Soulsby
Integrated monitoring and modeling to disentangle the complex spatio-temporal dynamics of urbanized streams under drought stress
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. - 196(2024), Art. 560
Mai 2024
Shuxin Luo; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Aaron Smith; Chris Soulsby
Long-term drought effects on landscape water storage and recovery under contrasting landuses
Journal of Hydrology. - 636(2024), Art. 131339
Mai 2024
C. Soulsby; A. Youngson; J. Webb
The ecohydrology of rewilding: A pressing need for evidence in the restoration of upland Atlantic salmon streams
Hydrological Processes. - 38(2024)5, Art. e15142
April 2024
Shuxin Luo; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Aaron Smith; Chris Soulsby
April 2024
C. Soulsby; I. A. Malcolm; D. Tetzlaff
Januar 2024
Maria Magdalena Warter; Dörthe Tetzlaff; Ann-Marie Ring; Jan Christopher; Hanna L. Kissener; Elisabeth Funke; Sarah Sparmann; Susan Mbedi; Chris Soulsby; Michael T. Monaghan
Environmental DNA, hydrochemistry and stable water isotopes as integrative tracers of urban ecohydrology
Water Research. - 250(2024), Art. 121065
Dezember 2023
Zhengtao Ying; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Jonas Freymueller; Jean-Christophe Comte; Tobias Goldhammer; Axel Schmidt; Chris Soulsby
Developing a conceptual model of groundwater – Surface water interactions in a drought sensitive lowland catchment using multi-proxy data
Journal of Hydrology. - 628(2024), Art. 130550
November 2023
Songjun Wu; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Xiaoqiang Yang; Aaron Smith; Chris Soulsby
Integrating Tracers and Soft Data Into Multi-Criteria Calibration: Implications From Distributed Modeling in a Riparian Wetland
Water Resources Research. - 59(2023)11, Art. e2023WR035509
September 2023
Ann-Marie Ring; Dörthe Tetzlaff; Maren Dubbert; David Dubbert; Chris Soulsby
High-resolution in situ stable isotope measurements reveal contrasting atmospheric vapour dynamics above different urban vegetation
Hydrological Processes. - 37(2023)9, Art. e14989
September 2023
Songjun Wu; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Hauke Daempfling; Chris Soulsby
Improved understanding of vegetation dynamics and wetland ecohydrology via monthly UAV-based classification
Hydrological Processes. - 37(2023)9, Art. e14988
September 2023
Jessica Landgraf; Dörthe Tetzlaff; Christian Birkel; Jamie Lee Stevenson; Chris Soulsby
Assessing land use effects on ecohydrological partitioning in the critical zone through isotope-aided modelling
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. - 48(2023)15, 3199-3219
August 2023
Christian Marx; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Reinhard Hinkelmann; Christopher Soulsby
Effects of 66 years of water management and hydroclimatic change on the urban hydrology and water quality of the Panke catchment, Berlin, Germany
Science of the Total Environment. - 900(2023), Art. 165764
Juni 2023
Ji Liu; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Tobias Goldhammer; Songjun Wu; Chris Soulsby
Quantifying changes and trends of NO3 concentrations and concentration-discharge relationships in a complex, heavily managed, drought-sensitive river system
Journal of Hydrology. - 622(2023)Part A, Art. 129750
März 2023
Jamie Lee Stevenson; Christian Birkel; Jean-Christophe Comte; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Christian Marx; Aaron Neill; Marco Maneta; Jan Boll; Chris Soulsby
Quantifying heterogeneity in ecohydrological partitioning in urban green spaces through the integration of empirical and modelling approaches
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. - 195(2023), Art. 468
Februar 2023
Xiaoqiang Yang; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Christin Müller; Kay Knöller; Dietrich Borchardt; Chris Soulsby
Upscaling Tracer-Aided Ecohydrological Modeling to Larger Catchments: implications for Process Representation and Heterogeneity in Landscape Organization
Water Resources Research. - 59(2023)3, Art. e2022WR033033
Februar 2023
Aaron Smith; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Christian Marx; Chris Soulsby
Enhancing urban runoff modelling using water stable isotopes and ages in complex catchments
Hydrological Processes. - 37(2023)2, Art. e14814
Februar 2023
Stenka Vulova; Alby Duarte Rocha; Fred Meier; Hamideh Nouri; Christian Schulz; Chris Soulsby; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Birgit Kleinschmit
City-wide, high-resolution mapping of evapotranspiration to guide climate-resilient planning
Remote Sensing of Environment. - 287(2023), 113487
Dezember 2022
Jessica Landgraf; Dörthe Tetzlaff; Songjun Wu; Jonas Freymüller; Chris Soulsby
Using stable water isotopes to understand ecohydrological partitioning under contrasting land uses in a drought-sensitive rural, lowland catchment
Hydrological Processes. - 36(2022)12, Art. e14779
November 2022
Doris Duethmann; Aaron Smith; Chris Soulsby; Lukas Kleine; Wolfgang Wagner; Sebastian Hahn; Dörthe Tetzlaff
Evaluating satellite-derived soil moisture data for improving the internal consistency of process-based ecohydrological modelling
Journal of Hydrology. - 614(2022)Part A, Art. 128462
August 2022
Lena-Marie Kuhlemann; Dörthe Tetzlaff; Christian Marx; Chris Soulsby
The imprint of hydroclimate, urbanization and catchment connectivity on the stable isotope dynamics of a large river in Berlin, Germany
Journal of Hydrology. - 613, Part A(2022), Art. 128335
Juli 2022
Songjun Wu; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Xiaoqiang Yang; Chris Soulsby
Identifying dominant processes in time and space: time-varying spatial sensitivity analysis for a grid-based nitrate model
Water Resources Research. - 58(2022)8, Art. e2021WR031149
Juli 2022
Songjun Wu; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Tobias Goldhammer; Jonas Freymueller; Chris Soulsby
Tracer-aided identification of hydrological and biogeochemical controls on in-stream water quality in a riparian wetland
Water Research. - 222(2022), Art. 118860
Juni 2022
Christian Marx; Dörthe Tetzlaff; Reinhard Hinkelmann; Chris Soulsby
Seasonal variations in soil–plant interactions in contrasting urban green spaces: insights from water stable isotopes
Journal of Hydrology. - 612, Part A(2022), Art. 127998
Mai 2022
Jamie Lee Stevenson; Josie Geris; Christian Birkel; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Chris Soulsby
Assessing land use influences on isotopic variability and stream water ages in urbanising rural catchments
Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies. - (2022)
April 2022
Jessica Landgraf; Dörthe Tetzlaff; Maren Dubbert; David Dubbert; Aaron Smith; Chris Soulsby
Xylem water in riparian Willow trees (Salix alba) reveals shallow sources of root water uptake by in-situ monitoring of stable water isotopes
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. - 26(2022)9, 2073–2092
März 2022
Mikael Gillefalk; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Christian Marx; Aaron Smith; Fred Meier; Reinhard Hinkelmann; Chris Soulsby
Estimates of water partitioning in complex urban landscapes with isotope-aided ecohydrological modelling
Hydrological Processes. - 36(2022)3, Art. e14532
Februar 2022
Xiaoqiang Yang; Michael Rode; Seifeddine Jomaa; Ines Merbach; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Chris Soulsby; Dietrich Borchardt
Functional multi-scale integration of agricultural nitrogen-budgets into catchment water quality modeling
Geophysical Research Letters. - 49(2022)4, Art. e2021GL096833
Februar 2022
Songjun Wu; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Xiaoqiang Yang; Chris Soulsby
Disentangling the influence of landscape characteristics, hydroclimatic variability and land management on surface water NO3-N dynamics: spatially distributed modeling over 30 yr in a lowland mixed land use catchment
Water Resources Research. - 58(2022)2, Art. e2021WR030566
Dezember 2021
Lena-Marie Kuhlemann; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Chris Soulsby
Dezember 2021
Songjun Wu; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Tobias Goldhammer; Chris Soulsby
Hydroclimatic variability and riparian wetland restoration control the hydrology and nutrient fluxes in a lowland agricultural catchment
Journal of Hydrology. - 603(2021)Part B, Art. 126904
Oktober 2021
Christian Marx; Dörthe Tetzlaff; Reinhard Hinkelmann; Chris Soulsby
Isotope hydrology and water sources in a heavily urbanized stream
Hydrological Processes. - 35(2021)10, Art. e14377
August 2021
Lukas Kleine; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Aaron Smith; Maren Dubbert; Chris Soulsby
Modelling ecohydrological feedbacks in forest and grassland plots under a prolonged drought anomaly in Central Europe 2018–2020
Hydrological Processes. - 35(2021)8, Art. e14325
Juli 2021
Mikael Gillefalk; Dörthe Tetzlaff; Reinhard Hinkelmann; Lena-Marie Kuhlemann; Aaron Smith; Fred Meier; Marco P. Maneta; Chris Soulsby
Quantifying the effects of urban green space on water partitioning and ages using an isotope-based ecohydrological model
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. - 25(2021)6, 3635–3652
Mai 2021
Lukas Kleine; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Aaron Smith; Tobias Goldhammer; Chris Soulsby
Using isotopes to understand landscape‐scale connectivity in a groundwater‐dominated, lowland catchment under drought conditions
Hydrological Processes. - 35(2021)5, Art. e14197
Mai 2021
Aaron Smith; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Lukas Kleine; Marco Maneta; Chris Soulsby
Quantifying the effects of land use and model scale on water partitioning and water ages using tracer-aided ecohydrological models
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. - 25(2021)4, 2239–2259
März 2021
Xiaoqiang Yang; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Chris Soulsby; Aaron Smith; Dietrich Borchardt
Catchment functioning under prolonged drought stress: Tracer‐aided ecohydrological modeling in an intensively managed agricultural catchment
Water Resources Research. - 57(2021)3, e2020WR029094
Februar 2021
Doerthe Tetzlaff; James Buttle; Sean K. Carey; Matthew J. Kohn; Hjalmar Laudon; James P. McNamara; Aaron Smith; Matthias Sprenger; Chris Soulsby
Stable isotopes of water reveal differences in plant – soil water relationships across northern environments
Hydrological Processes. - 35(2021)1, Art. e14023
Februar 2021
Lena-Marie Kuhlemann; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Aaron Smith; Birgit Kleinschmit; Chris Soulsby
Using soil water isotopes to infer the influence of contrasting urban green space on ecohydrological partitioning
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. - 25(2021)2, 927–943
Oktober 2020
Ross S. Glover; Chris Soulsby; Robert J. Fryer; Christian Birkel; Iain A. Malcolm
August 2020
Lena-Marie Kuhlemann; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Chris Soulsby
Urban water systems under climate stress: an isotopic perspective from Berlin, Germany
Hydrological Processes. - 34(2020)18, S. 3758-3776
August 2020
Lukas Kleine; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Aaron Smith; Hailong Wang; Chris Soulsby
Using water stable isotopes to understand evaporation, moisture stress, and re-wetting in catchment forest and grassland soils of the summer drought of 2018
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. - 24(2020)7, S. 3737-3752
August 2020
Aaron Smith; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Lukas Kleine; Marco P. Maneta; Chris Soulsby
Isotope-aided modelling of ecohydrologic fluxes and water ages under mixed land use in Central Europe: the 2018 drought and its recovery
Hydrological Processes. - 34(2020)16, S. 3406-3425
August 2020
Aaron A. Smith; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Chris Soulsby
August 2020
S. Kuppel; D. Tetzlaff; M. P. Maneta; C. Soulsby
Critical zone storage controls on the water ages of ecohydrological outputs
Geophysical Research Letters. - 47(2020)16, e2020GL088897
August 2020
Christian Birkel; Alicia Correa-Barahona; Marco Martinez-Martinez; Sebastian Granados-Bolaños; Nelson Venegas-Cordero; Kenneth Gutiérrez-García; Sara Blanco-Ramírez; Rafael Quesada-Mora; Vanessa Solano-Rivera; Jasson Mussio-Mora; Andres Chavarría-Palma; Katherine Vargas-Arias; Georgianne W. Moore; Ana Maria Durán-Quesada; Javier Vasquez-Morera; Chris Soulsby; Dörthe Tetzlaff; Edgar Espinoza-Cisneros; Ricardo Sánchez-Murillo
Headwaters drive streamflow and lowland tracer export in a large-scale humid tropical catchment
Hydrological Processes. - 34(2020)18, S. 3824-3841
August 2020
Aaron J. Neill; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Norval J. C. Strachan; Rupert L. Hough; Lisa M. Avery; Sylvain Kuppel; Marco P. Maneta; Chris Soulsby
August 2020
Aaron J. Neill; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Norval J. C. Strachan; Rupert L. Hough; Lisa M. Avery; Marco P. Maneta; Chris Soulsby
An agent-based model that simulates the spatio-temporal dynamics of sources and transfer mechanisms contributing faecal indicator organisms to streams: Part 2: Application to a small agricultural catchment
Journal of Environmental Management. - 270(2020), 110905
August 2020
T. Piovano; D. Tetzlaff; M. Maneta; J. M. Buttle; S. K. Carey; H. Laudon; J. McNamara; C. Soulsby
Contrasting storage-flux-age interactions revealed by catchment intercomparison using a tracer-aided runoff model
Journal of Hydrology. - 590(2020), 125226
Mai 2020
Hailong Wang; Huade Guan; Na Liu; Chris Soulsby; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Xinping Zhang
Improving the Jarvis-type model with modified temperature and radiation functions for sap flow simulations
Journal of Hydrology. - 587(2020), 124981
April 2020
James Knighton; Sylvain Kuppel; Aaron Smith; Chris Soulsby; Matthias Sprenger; Doerthe Tetzlaff
Januar 2020
Willem B. Buddendorf; Faye L. Jackson; Iain A. Malcolm; Karen J. Millidine; Josie Geris; Mark E. Wilkinson; Chris Soulsby
Integration of juvenile habitat quality and river connectivity models to understand and prioritise the management of barriers for Atlantic salmon populations across spatial scales
Science of the Total Environment. - 655(2019), S. 557-566
Januar 2020
Luca Fabris; Willem B. Buddendorf; Chris Soulsby
Assessing the seasonal effect of flow regimes on availability of Atlantic salmon fry habitat in an upland Scottish stream
Science of the Total Environment. - 696(2019)133857
Januar 2020
Chris Soulsby; J. C. Comte; J. Geris; C. N. Gibbins; D. Tetzlaff
Hydrology at Aberdeen - thinking about water locally and globally
Scottish Geographical Journal. - 135(2019)3-4, S. 267-286
Oktober 2019
Hailong Wang; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Chris Soulsby
September 2019
Ricardo Sánchez-Murillo; Ana M. Durán-Quesada; Germain Esquivel-Hernández; Daniela Rojas-Cantillano; Christian Birkel; Kristen Welsh; Minerva Sánchez-Llull; Carlos M. Alonso-Hernández; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Chris Soulsby; Jan Boll; Naoyuki Kurita; Kim M. Cobb
Deciphering key processes controlling rainfall isotopic variability during extreme tropical cyclones
Nature Communications. - 10(2019)art. 4321
August 2019
Aaron Smith; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Hjalmar Laudon; Marco Maneta; Chris Soulsby
Assessing the influence of soil freeze-thaw cycles on catchment water storage-flux-age interactions using a tracer-aided ecohydrological model
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. - 23(2019)8, S. 3319-3334
Juli 2019
Audrey Douinot; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Marco Maneta; Sylvain Kuppel; Hubert Schulte-Bisping; Chris Soulsby
Ecohydrological modelling with EcH2O-iso to quantify forest and grassland effects on water partitioning and flux ages
Hydrological Processes. - 33(2019)16, S. 2174-2191
Juni 2019
Thea I. Piovano; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Sean K. Carey; Nadine J. Shatilla; Aaron Smith; Chris Soulsby
Spatially distributed tracer-aided runoff modelling and dynamics of storage and water ages in a permafrost-influenced catchment
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. - 23(2019)6, S. 2507-2523
Februar 2019
Hongkai Gao; Christian Birkel; Markus Hrachowitz; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Chris Soulsby; Hubert H. G. Savenije
A simple topography-driven and calibration-free runoff generation module
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. - 23(2019)2, S. 787-809
Februar 2019
B. Scheliga; D. Tetzlaff; G. Nuetzmann; C. Soulsby
Assessing runoff generation in riparian wetlands: monitoring groundwater-surface water dynamics at the micro-catchment scale
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. - 191(2019)art. 116
Januar 2019
Aaron J. Neill; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Norval J. C. Strachan; Chris Soulsby
Dezember 2018
Hailong Wang; Doerthe Tetzlaff; James Buttle; Sean K. Carey; Hjalmar Laudon; James P. McNamara; Christopher Spence; Chris Soulsby
Climate-phenology-hydrology interactions in northern high latitudes: assessing the value of remote sensing data in catchment ecohydrological studies
Science of the Total Environment. - 656(2019), S. 19-28
Januar 2019
Jonathan J. Dick; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Chris Soulsby
Role of riparian wetlands and hydrological connectivity in the dynamics of stream thermal regimes
Hydrology Research. - 49(2018)3, S. 634-647
Januar 2019
Christian Birkel; Rachel Helliwell; Barry Thornton; Sheila Gibbs; Pat Cooper; Chris Soulsby; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Luigi Spezia; Germain Esquivel-Hernandez; Ricardo Sanchez-Murillo; Andrew J. Midwood
Characterization of surface water isotope spatial patterns of Scotland
Journal of Geochemical Exploration. - 194(2018), S. 71-80
Januar 2019
P. Ala-Aho; C. Soulsby; O. S. Pokrovsky; S. N. Kirpotin; J. Karlsson; S. Serikova; S. N. Vorobyev; R. M. Manasypov; S. Loiko; D. Tetzlaff
Januar 2019
P. Ala-Aho; C. Soulsby; O. S. Pokrovsky; S. N. Kirpotin; J. Karlsson; S. Serikova; R. Manasypov; A. Lim; I. Krickov; L. G. Kolesnichenko; H. Laudon; D. Tetzlaff
Permafrost and lakes control river isotope composition across a boreal Arctic transect in the Western Siberian lowlands
Environmental Research Letters. - 13(2018)3, art. 034028
Januar 2019
Matthias Sprenger; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Jim Buttle; Hjalmar Laudon; Hannes Leistert; Carl P. J. Mitchell; Jenna Snelgrove; Markus Weiler; Chris Soulsby
Measuring and modeling stable isotopes of mobile and bulk soil water
Vadose Zone Jornal. - 17(2018)170149
November 2018
S. Serikova; O. S. Pokrovsky; P. Ala-Aho; V. Kazantsev; S. N. Kirpotin; S. G. Kopysov; I. V. Krickov; H. Laudon; R. M. Manasypov; L. S. Shirokova; C. Soulsby; D. Tetzlaff; K. Karlsson
High riverine CO2 emissions at the permafrost boundary of Western Siberia
Nature Geoscience. - 11(2018)11, S. 825-829
Oktober 2018
Thea I. Piovano; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Pertti Ala-aho; Jim Buttle; Carl P. J. Mitchell; Chris Soulsby
Testing a spatially distributed tracer-aided runoff model in a snow-influenced catchment: effects of multicriteria calibration on streamwater ages
Hydrological Processes. - 32(2018)20, S. 3089-3107
Oktober 2018
Joni Dehaspe; Christian Birkel; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Ricardo Sanchez-Murillo; Ana Maria Duran-Quesada; Chris Soulsby
Spatially distributed tracer-aided modelling to explore water and isotope transport, storage and mixing in a pristine, humid tropical catchment
Hydrological Processes. - 32(2018)21, S. 3206-3224
Oktober 2018
Marco P. Maneta; Chris Soulsby; Sylvain Kuppel; Doerthe Tetzlaff
Conceptualizing catchment storage dynamics and nonlinearities
Hydrological Processes. - 32(2018)21, S. 3299-3303
September 2018
A. A. Smith; D. Tetzlaff; C. Soulsby
On the use of StorAge selection functions to assess time-variant travel times in lakes
Water Resources Research. - 54(2018)7, S. 5163-5185
September 2018
B. Scheliga; D. Tetzlaff; G. Nuetzmann; C. Soulsby
Groundwater dynamics at the hillslope-riparian interface in a year with extreme winter rainfall
Journal of Hydrology. - 564(2018), S. 509-528
September 2018
C. Tunaley; D. Tetzlaff; H. Wang; C. Soulsby
September 2018
Doerthe Tetzlaff; Thea Piovano ; Pertti Ala-Aho ; Aaron Smith ; Sean K. Carey ; Philip Marsh ; Philip A. Wookey ; Lorna E. Street ; Chris Soulsby
Using stable isotopes to estimate travel times in a data-sparse Arctic catchment: challenges and possible solutions
Hydrological Processes. - 32(2018)12, S. 1936-1952
September 2018
Matthias Sprenger; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Jim Buttle; Sean K. Carey; James P. McNamara; Hjalmar Laudon; Nadine J. Shatilla; Chris Soulsby
Storage, mixing, and fluxes of water in the critical zone across northern environments inferred by stable isotopes of soil water
Hydrological Processes. - 32(2018)12, S. 1720-1737
August 2018
Sylvain Kuppel; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Marco P. Maneta; Chris Soulsby
EcH2O-iso 1.0: water isotopes and age tracking in a process-based, distributed ecohydrological model
Geoscientific Model Development. - 11(2018), S. 3045-3069
Juli 2018
Matthias Sprenger; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Jim Buttle; Hjalmar Laudon; Chris Soulsby
Water ages in the critical zone of long-term experimental sites in northern latitudes
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. - 22(2018)7, S. 3965-3981
April 2018
Jonathan Dick; Doerthe Tetzlaff; John Bradford; Chris Soulsby
Using repeat electrical resistivity surveys to assess heterogeneity in soil moisture dynamics under contrasting vegetation types
Journal of Hydrology. - 559(2018), S. 684-697
April 2018
Luca Fabris; Iain Archibald Malcolm; Willem Bastiaan Buddendorf; Chris Soulsby
Integrating process-based flow and temperature models to assess riparian forests and temperature amelioraton in salmon streams
Hydrological Processes. - 32(2018)6, S. 776-791
Februar 2018
Hailong Wang; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Chris Soulsby
Modelling the effects of land cover and climate change on soil water partitioning in a boreal headwater catchment
Journal of Hydrology. - 558(2018), S. 520-531
Januar 2018
Sylvain Kuppel; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Marco P. Maneta; Chris Soulsby
What can we learn from multi-data calibration of a process-based ecohydrological model?
Environmental Modelling & Software. - 101(2018), S. 301-316
Dezember 2017
Hailong Wang; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Chris Soulsby
Testing the maximum entropy production approach for estimating evapotranspiration from closed canopy shrubland in a low-energy humid environment
Hydrological Processes. - 31(2017)25, S. 4613-4621
Dezember 2017
Chris Soulsby; Hannah Braun; Matthias Sprenger; Markus Weiler; Doerthe Tetzlaff
Influence of forest and shrub canopies on precipitation partitioning and isotopic signatures
Hydrological Processes. - 31(2017)24, S. 4282-4296
März 2025
Hyekyeng Jung; Dörthe Tetzlaff; Christian Birkel; Chris Soulsby
Recent Developments and Emerging Challenges in Tracer-Aided Modeling
WIREs Water. - 12(2025)2, Art. e70015
März 2025
Songjun Wu; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Keith Beven; Chris Soulsby
DREAM(LoAX): Simultaneous Calibration and Diagnosis for Tracer-Aided Ecohydrological Models Under the Equifinality Thesis
Water Resources Research. - 61(2025)3, Art. e2024WR038779
März 2025
Christian Birkel; Dörthe Tetzlaff; Ann-Marie Ring; Chris Soulsby
Does high resolution in situ xylem and atmospheric vapor isotope data help improve modeled estimates of ecohydrological partitioning?
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. - 365(2025), Art. 110467
Februar 2025
Jamie Lee Stevenson; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Christian Birkel; Chris Soulsby
Contrasts in Ecohydrological Partitioning of Heterogeneous Urban Green Spaces in Energy-Limited Versus Water-Limited Hydroclimates
Hydrological Processes. - 39(2024)2, Art. e70077
Januar 2025
Hanwu Zheng; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Christian Birkel; Jana Chmieleski; Jean-Christophe Comte; Jonas Freymueller; Tobias Goldhammer; Axel Schmidt; Ellen Wohl; Chris Soulsby
Hydrological connectivity and biogeochemical dynamics in the function and management of the lower Oder floodplain
Journal of Hydrology. - 653(2025), Art. 132708
Januar 2025
Songjun Wu; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Chris Soulsby
Revising Common Approaches for Calibration: Insights From a 1-D Tracer-Aided Hydrological Model With High-Dimensional Parameters and Objectives
Water Resources Research. - 61(2025)1, Art. e2024WR037656
Januar 2025
Christian Birkel; Jodie Miller; Andrew Watson; Duc Anh Trinh; Ana Maria Durán-Quesada; Ricardo Sánchez-Murillo; Chris Soulsby; Stefan Terzer-Wassmuth; Dörthe Tetzlaff; Stefan Uhlenbrook; Yuliya Vystavna; Kei Yoshimura
Demystifying the art of isotope-enabled hydrological and climate modelling
Science of The Total Environment. - 959(2025), Art. 178242
Januar 2025
Ricardo Sánchez-Murillo; Dimitris A. Herrera; Kegan K. Farrick; Germain Esquivel-Hernández; Rolando Sánchez-Gutiérrez; Javier Barberena-Moncada; Jorge Guatemala-Herrera; Yelba Flores-Meza; Roberto Cerón-Pineda; Laura Gil-Urrutia; Jorge Cardona-Hernández; Tania Peña-Paz; Junior O. Hernández-Ortiz; Wendy Harrison-Smith; Geoffrey Marshall; Aurel Persoiu; Juan Pérez-Quezadas; Miguel Mejía-González; Luis González-Hita; Marcia Barrera de Calderón; Alejandro García-Moya; Debora Hernández; Kristen Welsh; Rene M. Price; Diego A. Riveros-Iregui; Ny Riavo G. Voarintsoa; Joshua C. Bregy; Minerva Sánchez-Llull; Carlos Alonso-Hernández; Saúl Santos-García; Ana M. Durán-Quesada; Christian Birkel; Jan Boll; Kim M. Cobb; Adrián F. Obando-Amador; Ingrid M. Vargas-Azofeifa; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Chris Soulsby; Sylvia G. Dee
Stable isotope tempestology of tropical cyclones across the North Atlantic and Eastern Pacific Ocean basins
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. - XX(2024)XX, XX-XX
Januar 2025
Famin Wang; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Tobias Goldhammer; Jonas Freymueller; Chris Soulsby
November 2024
Maria Magdalena Warter; Dörthe Tetzlaff; Christian Marx; Chris Soulsby
Impact of drought hazards on flow regimes in anthropogenically impacted streams: an isotopic perspective on climate stress
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. - 24(2024)11, 3907–3924
September 2024
Doerthe Tetzlaff; Hjalmar Laudon; Shuxin Luo; Chris Soulsby
Ecohydrological resilience and the landscape water storage continuum in droughts
Nature Water. - 2(2024), 915-918
September 2024
Xiaoqiang Yang; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Junliang Jin; Qiongfang Li; Dietrich Borchardt; Chris Soulsby
Mai 2024
Gregorio Alejandro López Moreira Mazacotte; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Christian Marx; Maria Magdalena Warter; Songjun Wu; Aaron Andrew Smith; Chris Soulsby
Integrated monitoring and modeling to disentangle the complex spatio-temporal dynamics of urbanized streams under drought stress
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. - 196(2024), Art. 560
Mai 2024
Shuxin Luo; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Aaron Smith; Chris Soulsby
Long-term drought effects on landscape water storage and recovery under contrasting landuses
Journal of Hydrology. - 636(2024), Art. 131339
Mai 2024
C. Soulsby; A. Youngson; J. Webb
The ecohydrology of rewilding: A pressing need for evidence in the restoration of upland Atlantic salmon streams
Hydrological Processes. - 38(2024)5, Art. e15142
April 2024
Shuxin Luo; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Aaron Smith; Chris Soulsby
April 2024
C. Soulsby; I. A. Malcolm; D. Tetzlaff
Januar 2024
Maria Magdalena Warter; Dörthe Tetzlaff; Ann-Marie Ring; Jan Christopher; Hanna L. Kissener; Elisabeth Funke; Sarah Sparmann; Susan Mbedi; Chris Soulsby; Michael T. Monaghan
Environmental DNA, hydrochemistry and stable water isotopes as integrative tracers of urban ecohydrology
Water Research. - 250(2024), Art. 121065
Dezember 2023
Zhengtao Ying; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Jonas Freymueller; Jean-Christophe Comte; Tobias Goldhammer; Axel Schmidt; Chris Soulsby
Developing a conceptual model of groundwater – Surface water interactions in a drought sensitive lowland catchment using multi-proxy data
Journal of Hydrology. - 628(2024), Art. 130550
November 2023
Songjun Wu; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Xiaoqiang Yang; Aaron Smith; Chris Soulsby
Integrating Tracers and Soft Data Into Multi-Criteria Calibration: Implications From Distributed Modeling in a Riparian Wetland
Water Resources Research. - 59(2023)11, Art. e2023WR035509
September 2023
Ann-Marie Ring; Dörthe Tetzlaff; Maren Dubbert; David Dubbert; Chris Soulsby
High-resolution in situ stable isotope measurements reveal contrasting atmospheric vapour dynamics above different urban vegetation
Hydrological Processes. - 37(2023)9, Art. e14989
September 2023
Songjun Wu; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Hauke Daempfling; Chris Soulsby
Improved understanding of vegetation dynamics and wetland ecohydrology via monthly UAV-based classification
Hydrological Processes. - 37(2023)9, Art. e14988
September 2023
Jessica Landgraf; Dörthe Tetzlaff; Christian Birkel; Jamie Lee Stevenson; Chris Soulsby
Assessing land use effects on ecohydrological partitioning in the critical zone through isotope-aided modelling
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. - 48(2023)15, 3199-3219
August 2023
Christian Marx; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Reinhard Hinkelmann; Christopher Soulsby
Effects of 66 years of water management and hydroclimatic change on the urban hydrology and water quality of the Panke catchment, Berlin, Germany
Science of the Total Environment. - 900(2023), Art. 165764
Juni 2023
Ji Liu; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Tobias Goldhammer; Songjun Wu; Chris Soulsby
Quantifying changes and trends of NO3 concentrations and concentration-discharge relationships in a complex, heavily managed, drought-sensitive river system
Journal of Hydrology. - 622(2023)Part A, Art. 129750
März 2023
Jamie Lee Stevenson; Christian Birkel; Jean-Christophe Comte; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Christian Marx; Aaron Neill; Marco Maneta; Jan Boll; Chris Soulsby
Quantifying heterogeneity in ecohydrological partitioning in urban green spaces through the integration of empirical and modelling approaches
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. - 195(2023), Art. 468
Februar 2023
Xiaoqiang Yang; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Christin Müller; Kay Knöller; Dietrich Borchardt; Chris Soulsby
Upscaling Tracer-Aided Ecohydrological Modeling to Larger Catchments: implications for Process Representation and Heterogeneity in Landscape Organization
Water Resources Research. - 59(2023)3, Art. e2022WR033033
Februar 2023
Aaron Smith; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Christian Marx; Chris Soulsby
Enhancing urban runoff modelling using water stable isotopes and ages in complex catchments
Hydrological Processes. - 37(2023)2, Art. e14814
Februar 2023
Stenka Vulova; Alby Duarte Rocha; Fred Meier; Hamideh Nouri; Christian Schulz; Chris Soulsby; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Birgit Kleinschmit
City-wide, high-resolution mapping of evapotranspiration to guide climate-resilient planning
Remote Sensing of Environment. - 287(2023), 113487
Dezember 2022
Jessica Landgraf; Dörthe Tetzlaff; Songjun Wu; Jonas Freymüller; Chris Soulsby
Using stable water isotopes to understand ecohydrological partitioning under contrasting land uses in a drought-sensitive rural, lowland catchment
Hydrological Processes. - 36(2022)12, Art. e14779
November 2022
Doris Duethmann; Aaron Smith; Chris Soulsby; Lukas Kleine; Wolfgang Wagner; Sebastian Hahn; Dörthe Tetzlaff
Evaluating satellite-derived soil moisture data for improving the internal consistency of process-based ecohydrological modelling
Journal of Hydrology. - 614(2022)Part A, Art. 128462
August 2022
Lena-Marie Kuhlemann; Dörthe Tetzlaff; Christian Marx; Chris Soulsby
The imprint of hydroclimate, urbanization and catchment connectivity on the stable isotope dynamics of a large river in Berlin, Germany
Journal of Hydrology. - 613, Part A(2022), Art. 128335
Juli 2022
Songjun Wu; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Xiaoqiang Yang; Chris Soulsby
Identifying dominant processes in time and space: time-varying spatial sensitivity analysis for a grid-based nitrate model
Water Resources Research. - 58(2022)8, Art. e2021WR031149
Juli 2022
Songjun Wu; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Tobias Goldhammer; Jonas Freymueller; Chris Soulsby
Tracer-aided identification of hydrological and biogeochemical controls on in-stream water quality in a riparian wetland
Water Research. - 222(2022), Art. 118860
Juni 2022
Christian Marx; Dörthe Tetzlaff; Reinhard Hinkelmann; Chris Soulsby
Seasonal variations in soil–plant interactions in contrasting urban green spaces: insights from water stable isotopes
Journal of Hydrology. - 612, Part A(2022), Art. 127998
Mai 2022
Jamie Lee Stevenson; Josie Geris; Christian Birkel; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Chris Soulsby
Assessing land use influences on isotopic variability and stream water ages in urbanising rural catchments
Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies. - (2022)
April 2022
Jessica Landgraf; Dörthe Tetzlaff; Maren Dubbert; David Dubbert; Aaron Smith; Chris Soulsby
Xylem water in riparian Willow trees (Salix alba) reveals shallow sources of root water uptake by in-situ monitoring of stable water isotopes
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. - 26(2022)9, 2073–2092
März 2022
Mikael Gillefalk; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Christian Marx; Aaron Smith; Fred Meier; Reinhard Hinkelmann; Chris Soulsby
Estimates of water partitioning in complex urban landscapes with isotope-aided ecohydrological modelling
Hydrological Processes. - 36(2022)3, Art. e14532
Februar 2022
Xiaoqiang Yang; Michael Rode; Seifeddine Jomaa; Ines Merbach; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Chris Soulsby; Dietrich Borchardt
Functional multi-scale integration of agricultural nitrogen-budgets into catchment water quality modeling
Geophysical Research Letters. - 49(2022)4, Art. e2021GL096833
Februar 2022
Songjun Wu; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Xiaoqiang Yang; Chris Soulsby
Disentangling the influence of landscape characteristics, hydroclimatic variability and land management on surface water NO3-N dynamics: spatially distributed modeling over 30 yr in a lowland mixed land use catchment
Water Resources Research. - 58(2022)2, Art. e2021WR030566
Dezember 2021
Lena-Marie Kuhlemann; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Chris Soulsby
Dezember 2021
Songjun Wu; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Tobias Goldhammer; Chris Soulsby
Hydroclimatic variability and riparian wetland restoration control the hydrology and nutrient fluxes in a lowland agricultural catchment
Journal of Hydrology. - 603(2021)Part B, Art. 126904
Oktober 2021
Christian Marx; Dörthe Tetzlaff; Reinhard Hinkelmann; Chris Soulsby
Isotope hydrology and water sources in a heavily urbanized stream
Hydrological Processes. - 35(2021)10, Art. e14377
August 2021
Lukas Kleine; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Aaron Smith; Maren Dubbert; Chris Soulsby
Modelling ecohydrological feedbacks in forest and grassland plots under a prolonged drought anomaly in Central Europe 2018–2020
Hydrological Processes. - 35(2021)8, Art. e14325
Juli 2021
Mikael Gillefalk; Dörthe Tetzlaff; Reinhard Hinkelmann; Lena-Marie Kuhlemann; Aaron Smith; Fred Meier; Marco P. Maneta; Chris Soulsby
Quantifying the effects of urban green space on water partitioning and ages using an isotope-based ecohydrological model
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. - 25(2021)6, 3635–3652
Mai 2021
Lukas Kleine; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Aaron Smith; Tobias Goldhammer; Chris Soulsby
Using isotopes to understand landscape‐scale connectivity in a groundwater‐dominated, lowland catchment under drought conditions
Hydrological Processes. - 35(2021)5, Art. e14197
Mai 2021
Aaron Smith; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Lukas Kleine; Marco Maneta; Chris Soulsby
Quantifying the effects of land use and model scale on water partitioning and water ages using tracer-aided ecohydrological models
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. - 25(2021)4, 2239–2259
März 2021
Xiaoqiang Yang; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Chris Soulsby; Aaron Smith; Dietrich Borchardt
Catchment functioning under prolonged drought stress: Tracer‐aided ecohydrological modeling in an intensively managed agricultural catchment
Water Resources Research. - 57(2021)3, e2020WR029094
Februar 2021
Doerthe Tetzlaff; James Buttle; Sean K. Carey; Matthew J. Kohn; Hjalmar Laudon; James P. McNamara; Aaron Smith; Matthias Sprenger; Chris Soulsby
Stable isotopes of water reveal differences in plant – soil water relationships across northern environments
Hydrological Processes. - 35(2021)1, Art. e14023
Februar 2021
Lena-Marie Kuhlemann; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Aaron Smith; Birgit Kleinschmit; Chris Soulsby
Using soil water isotopes to infer the influence of contrasting urban green space on ecohydrological partitioning
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. - 25(2021)2, 927–943
Oktober 2020
Ross S. Glover; Chris Soulsby; Robert J. Fryer; Christian Birkel; Iain A. Malcolm
August 2020
Lena-Marie Kuhlemann; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Chris Soulsby
Urban water systems under climate stress: an isotopic perspective from Berlin, Germany
Hydrological Processes. - 34(2020)18, S. 3758-3776
August 2020
Lukas Kleine; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Aaron Smith; Hailong Wang; Chris Soulsby
Using water stable isotopes to understand evaporation, moisture stress, and re-wetting in catchment forest and grassland soils of the summer drought of 2018
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. - 24(2020)7, S. 3737-3752
August 2020
Aaron Smith; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Lukas Kleine; Marco P. Maneta; Chris Soulsby
Isotope-aided modelling of ecohydrologic fluxes and water ages under mixed land use in Central Europe: the 2018 drought and its recovery
Hydrological Processes. - 34(2020)16, S. 3406-3425
August 2020
Aaron A. Smith; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Chris Soulsby
August 2020
S. Kuppel; D. Tetzlaff; M. P. Maneta; C. Soulsby
Critical zone storage controls on the water ages of ecohydrological outputs
Geophysical Research Letters. - 47(2020)16, e2020GL088897
August 2020
Christian Birkel; Alicia Correa-Barahona; Marco Martinez-Martinez; Sebastian Granados-Bolaños; Nelson Venegas-Cordero; Kenneth Gutiérrez-García; Sara Blanco-Ramírez; Rafael Quesada-Mora; Vanessa Solano-Rivera; Jasson Mussio-Mora; Andres Chavarría-Palma; Katherine Vargas-Arias; Georgianne W. Moore; Ana Maria Durán-Quesada; Javier Vasquez-Morera; Chris Soulsby; Dörthe Tetzlaff; Edgar Espinoza-Cisneros; Ricardo Sánchez-Murillo
Headwaters drive streamflow and lowland tracer export in a large-scale humid tropical catchment
Hydrological Processes. - 34(2020)18, S. 3824-3841
August 2020
Aaron J. Neill; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Norval J. C. Strachan; Rupert L. Hough; Lisa M. Avery; Sylvain Kuppel; Marco P. Maneta; Chris Soulsby
August 2020
Aaron J. Neill; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Norval J. C. Strachan; Rupert L. Hough; Lisa M. Avery; Marco P. Maneta; Chris Soulsby
An agent-based model that simulates the spatio-temporal dynamics of sources and transfer mechanisms contributing faecal indicator organisms to streams: Part 2: Application to a small agricultural catchment
Journal of Environmental Management. - 270(2020), 110905
August 2020
T. Piovano; D. Tetzlaff; M. Maneta; J. M. Buttle; S. K. Carey; H. Laudon; J. McNamara; C. Soulsby
Contrasting storage-flux-age interactions revealed by catchment intercomparison using a tracer-aided runoff model
Journal of Hydrology. - 590(2020), 125226
Mai 2020
Hailong Wang; Huade Guan; Na Liu; Chris Soulsby; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Xinping Zhang
Improving the Jarvis-type model with modified temperature and radiation functions for sap flow simulations
Journal of Hydrology. - 587(2020), 124981
April 2020
James Knighton; Sylvain Kuppel; Aaron Smith; Chris Soulsby; Matthias Sprenger; Doerthe Tetzlaff
Januar 2020
Willem B. Buddendorf; Faye L. Jackson; Iain A. Malcolm; Karen J. Millidine; Josie Geris; Mark E. Wilkinson; Chris Soulsby
Integration of juvenile habitat quality and river connectivity models to understand and prioritise the management of barriers for Atlantic salmon populations across spatial scales
Science of the Total Environment. - 655(2019), S. 557-566
Januar 2020
Luca Fabris; Willem B. Buddendorf; Chris Soulsby
Assessing the seasonal effect of flow regimes on availability of Atlantic salmon fry habitat in an upland Scottish stream
Science of the Total Environment. - 696(2019)133857
Januar 2020
Chris Soulsby; J. C. Comte; J. Geris; C. N. Gibbins; D. Tetzlaff
Hydrology at Aberdeen - thinking about water locally and globally
Scottish Geographical Journal. - 135(2019)3-4, S. 267-286
Oktober 2019
Hailong Wang; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Chris Soulsby
September 2019
Ricardo Sánchez-Murillo; Ana M. Durán-Quesada; Germain Esquivel-Hernández; Daniela Rojas-Cantillano; Christian Birkel; Kristen Welsh; Minerva Sánchez-Llull; Carlos M. Alonso-Hernández; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Chris Soulsby; Jan Boll; Naoyuki Kurita; Kim M. Cobb
Deciphering key processes controlling rainfall isotopic variability during extreme tropical cyclones
Nature Communications. - 10(2019)art. 4321
August 2019
Aaron Smith; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Hjalmar Laudon; Marco Maneta; Chris Soulsby
Assessing the influence of soil freeze-thaw cycles on catchment water storage-flux-age interactions using a tracer-aided ecohydrological model
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. - 23(2019)8, S. 3319-3334
Juli 2019
Audrey Douinot; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Marco Maneta; Sylvain Kuppel; Hubert Schulte-Bisping; Chris Soulsby
Ecohydrological modelling with EcH2O-iso to quantify forest and grassland effects on water partitioning and flux ages
Hydrological Processes. - 33(2019)16, S. 2174-2191
Juni 2019
Thea I. Piovano; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Sean K. Carey; Nadine J. Shatilla; Aaron Smith; Chris Soulsby
Spatially distributed tracer-aided runoff modelling and dynamics of storage and water ages in a permafrost-influenced catchment
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. - 23(2019)6, S. 2507-2523
Februar 2019
Hongkai Gao; Christian Birkel; Markus Hrachowitz; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Chris Soulsby; Hubert H. G. Savenije
A simple topography-driven and calibration-free runoff generation module
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. - 23(2019)2, S. 787-809
Februar 2019
B. Scheliga; D. Tetzlaff; G. Nuetzmann; C. Soulsby
Assessing runoff generation in riparian wetlands: monitoring groundwater-surface water dynamics at the micro-catchment scale
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. - 191(2019)art. 116
Januar 2019
Aaron J. Neill; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Norval J. C. Strachan; Chris Soulsby
Dezember 2018
Hailong Wang; Doerthe Tetzlaff; James Buttle; Sean K. Carey; Hjalmar Laudon; James P. McNamara; Christopher Spence; Chris Soulsby
Climate-phenology-hydrology interactions in northern high latitudes: assessing the value of remote sensing data in catchment ecohydrological studies
Science of the Total Environment. - 656(2019), S. 19-28
Januar 2019
Jonathan J. Dick; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Chris Soulsby
Role of riparian wetlands and hydrological connectivity in the dynamics of stream thermal regimes
Hydrology Research. - 49(2018)3, S. 634-647
Januar 2019
Christian Birkel; Rachel Helliwell; Barry Thornton; Sheila Gibbs; Pat Cooper; Chris Soulsby; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Luigi Spezia; Germain Esquivel-Hernandez; Ricardo Sanchez-Murillo; Andrew J. Midwood
Characterization of surface water isotope spatial patterns of Scotland
Journal of Geochemical Exploration. - 194(2018), S. 71-80
Januar 2019
P. Ala-Aho; C. Soulsby; O. S. Pokrovsky; S. N. Kirpotin; J. Karlsson; S. Serikova; S. N. Vorobyev; R. M. Manasypov; S. Loiko; D. Tetzlaff
Januar 2019
P. Ala-Aho; C. Soulsby; O. S. Pokrovsky; S. N. Kirpotin; J. Karlsson; S. Serikova; R. Manasypov; A. Lim; I. Krickov; L. G. Kolesnichenko; H. Laudon; D. Tetzlaff
Permafrost and lakes control river isotope composition across a boreal Arctic transect in the Western Siberian lowlands
Environmental Research Letters. - 13(2018)3, art. 034028
Januar 2019
Matthias Sprenger; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Jim Buttle; Hjalmar Laudon; Hannes Leistert; Carl P. J. Mitchell; Jenna Snelgrove; Markus Weiler; Chris Soulsby
Measuring and modeling stable isotopes of mobile and bulk soil water
Vadose Zone Jornal. - 17(2018)170149
November 2018
S. Serikova; O. S. Pokrovsky; P. Ala-Aho; V. Kazantsev; S. N. Kirpotin; S. G. Kopysov; I. V. Krickov; H. Laudon; R. M. Manasypov; L. S. Shirokova; C. Soulsby; D. Tetzlaff; K. Karlsson
High riverine CO2 emissions at the permafrost boundary of Western Siberia
Nature Geoscience. - 11(2018)11, S. 825-829
Oktober 2018
Thea I. Piovano; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Pertti Ala-aho; Jim Buttle; Carl P. J. Mitchell; Chris Soulsby
Testing a spatially distributed tracer-aided runoff model in a snow-influenced catchment: effects of multicriteria calibration on streamwater ages
Hydrological Processes. - 32(2018)20, S. 3089-3107
Oktober 2018
Joni Dehaspe; Christian Birkel; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Ricardo Sanchez-Murillo; Ana Maria Duran-Quesada; Chris Soulsby
Spatially distributed tracer-aided modelling to explore water and isotope transport, storage and mixing in a pristine, humid tropical catchment
Hydrological Processes. - 32(2018)21, S. 3206-3224
Oktober 2018
Marco P. Maneta; Chris Soulsby; Sylvain Kuppel; Doerthe Tetzlaff
Conceptualizing catchment storage dynamics and nonlinearities
Hydrological Processes. - 32(2018)21, S. 3299-3303
September 2018
A. A. Smith; D. Tetzlaff; C. Soulsby
On the use of StorAge selection functions to assess time-variant travel times in lakes
Water Resources Research. - 54(2018)7, S. 5163-5185
September 2018
B. Scheliga; D. Tetzlaff; G. Nuetzmann; C. Soulsby
Groundwater dynamics at the hillslope-riparian interface in a year with extreme winter rainfall
Journal of Hydrology. - 564(2018), S. 509-528
September 2018
C. Tunaley; D. Tetzlaff; H. Wang; C. Soulsby
September 2018
Doerthe Tetzlaff; Thea Piovano ; Pertti Ala-Aho ; Aaron Smith ; Sean K. Carey ; Philip Marsh ; Philip A. Wookey ; Lorna E. Street ; Chris Soulsby
Using stable isotopes to estimate travel times in a data-sparse Arctic catchment: challenges and possible solutions
Hydrological Processes. - 32(2018)12, S. 1936-1952
September 2018
Matthias Sprenger; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Jim Buttle; Sean K. Carey; James P. McNamara; Hjalmar Laudon; Nadine J. Shatilla; Chris Soulsby
Storage, mixing, and fluxes of water in the critical zone across northern environments inferred by stable isotopes of soil water
Hydrological Processes. - 32(2018)12, S. 1720-1737
August 2018
Sylvain Kuppel; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Marco P. Maneta; Chris Soulsby
EcH2O-iso 1.0: water isotopes and age tracking in a process-based, distributed ecohydrological model
Geoscientific Model Development. - 11(2018), S. 3045-3069
Juli 2018
Matthias Sprenger; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Jim Buttle; Hjalmar Laudon; Chris Soulsby
Water ages in the critical zone of long-term experimental sites in northern latitudes
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. - 22(2018)7, S. 3965-3981
April 2018
Jonathan Dick; Doerthe Tetzlaff; John Bradford; Chris Soulsby
Using repeat electrical resistivity surveys to assess heterogeneity in soil moisture dynamics under contrasting vegetation types
Journal of Hydrology. - 559(2018), S. 684-697
April 2018
Luca Fabris; Iain Archibald Malcolm; Willem Bastiaan Buddendorf; Chris Soulsby
Integrating process-based flow and temperature models to assess riparian forests and temperature amelioraton in salmon streams
Hydrological Processes. - 32(2018)6, S. 776-791
Februar 2018
Hailong Wang; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Chris Soulsby
Modelling the effects of land cover and climate change on soil water partitioning in a boreal headwater catchment
Journal of Hydrology. - 558(2018), S. 520-531
Januar 2018
Sylvain Kuppel; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Marco P. Maneta; Chris Soulsby
What can we learn from multi-data calibration of a process-based ecohydrological model?
Environmental Modelling & Software. - 101(2018), S. 301-316
Dezember 2017
Hailong Wang; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Chris Soulsby
Testing the maximum entropy production approach for estimating evapotranspiration from closed canopy shrubland in a low-energy humid environment
Hydrological Processes. - 31(2017)25, S. 4613-4621
Dezember 2017
Chris Soulsby; Hannah Braun; Matthias Sprenger; Markus Weiler; Doerthe Tetzlaff
Influence of forest and shrub canopies on precipitation partitioning and isotopic signatures
Hydrological Processes. - 31(2017)24, S. 4282-4296