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6951 - 6960 von 7065 Einträge
Juni 1997
Diffuse sources in river drainage areas - how to estimate?
by Horst Behrendt
Changing estuarine and coastal environments / Eds.: W. Salomons, ... - Geesthacht, 1995. - S. 35-44
Juni 1997
Diel vertical migration of Cryptomonas and Chromatium in the deep chlorophyll maximum of a eutrophic lake
Frank Gervais
Journal of plankton research. - 19(1997)5, S. 533-550
Juni 1997
Influence of small-scale turbulence and large-scale mixing on phytoplankton primary production
Frank Gervais; Dieter Opitz; Horst Behrendt
Hydrobiologia. - 342/343(1997), S. 95-105
Mai 1997
Gravity affected lateral dispersion and diffusion in a stationary horizontal porous medium shear flow
Michael Thiele
Transport in porous media. - 26(1997)2, S. 183-204
Mai 1997
Ankyra ancora, Chlamydomonas monadina, Chlamydomonas orbicularis, Hyaloraphidium contortum
Lothar Krienitz
Photomicrographs of the Freshwater Algae / ed. by Takaaki Yamagishi and Masaru Akiyama. - Tokyo : Uchida Rokakuho. - 19(1997),5 S.
Mai 1997
Erstfund von Diaphanosoma orghidani Negra 1982 (Crustacea: Sididae) für Deutschland und ihre Begleitarten
Winfried Weiler
Lauterbornia. - 32(1997), S. 73-77
Mai 1997
Erfassung sedimentgebundener Schadstoffe in einem abwasserbelasteten Flußstausee (Speichersee) mit einer Biotestbatterie
Thomas Henschel; Wolfgang Kalbfus; Walter Traunspurger; Wolfgang Ahlf; Christian Steinberg
Vom Wasser. - 88(1997), S. 295-307
April 1997
Cyclotella tripartita (Bacillariophyceae), a dominant species in the oligotrophic Lake Stechlin, Germany
Wolfram Scheffler; Judit Padisak
Nova Hedwigia. - 65(1997)1-4, S. 221-232
April 1997
Occurrence of PCDD/F in dated lake sediments of the black forest, Southwestern Germany
Ingrid Jüttner; Bernhard Henkelmann; Karl-Werner Schramm; Christian E. W. Steinberg; Raimund Winkler; Antonius Kettrup
Environmental science and technology. - 31(1997)3, S. 806-812
April 1997
Chemical and biochemical composition of caviar from different sturgeon species and origins
M. Wirth; F. Kirschbaum; J. Gessner; A. Krüger; N. Patriche; R. Billard
Nahrung. - 44(2000)4, S. 233-237