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6911 - 6920 von 6923 Einträge
August 1995
Advances in comparative analysis of adverse effects in aquatic ecosystems with emphasis on studies with humic substances and on progress in mathematical analysis techniques
Joachim Klein; Rainer Brüggemann; Kristina Voigt; Christian E. W. Steinberg
Water research. - 29(1995). - S. 2261-2268
April 1995
Entwicklung einer einfachen Methodik zur Darstellung der Makrophagenzentren aus Leber, Niere und Milz von Knochenfischen
Ralf Krüger; Terutoyo Yoshida; Thomas Meinelt; Michael Pietrock
Zeitschrift für Fischkunde. - 3(1995)1, S. 59-75
April 1995
Residues of total mercury in fish from two small lakes in the Biosphere Reserve of Schorfheide-Chorin in Brandenburg, East Germany
Theobald Mattheis; Michael Pietrock; Ralf Krüger
Environmental toxicology and water quality. - 9(1994)4, S. 299-302
Januar 1994
Dynamics of phytoplankton in the lowland River Spree (Germany)
Jan Köhler
Verhandlungen / Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie. - 25(1994), S. 1590-1594
Januar 1994
Influences of the lowland river Spree on phytoplankton dynamics in the flow-through Lake Müggelsee (Germany)
Jan Köhler; Brigitte Nixdorf
Hydrobiologia. - 275/276(1994)1, S. 187-195
September 1993
Primary cultured hepatocytes of the bony fish, Oreochromis mossambicus, the tilapia
A. C. Schmid; M. Reinecke; W. Kloas
Journal of endocrinology. - 166(2000), S. 265-273
Januar 1993
Growth, production and losses of phytoplankton in the lowland River Spree: I. Population dynamics
Jan Köhler
Journal of Plankton Research. - 15(1993)3, S. 335-349
Juni 1992
Diurnal patterns of mixing depth and its influence on primary production in a shallow lake
Brigitte Nixdorf; Wolf-Gunther Pagenkopf; Horst Behrendt
Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie. - 77(1992)3, S. 349-360
April 1992
Suspended sediment transport and retardation in fluvial systems
Dieter Prochnow; Heinz Bungartz; Christof Engelhardt
Sediment management: 5th International Symposium on River Sedimentation, Karlsruhe. 1992. S. 267-275
Januar 1992
Influence of turbulent mixing on growth and primary production of Microcystis aeruginosa in the hypertrophic Bautzen Reservoir
Jan Köhler
Archiv für Hydrobiologie. - 123(1992)4, S. 413-429