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1251 - 1260 von 6789 Publikationen
Januar 2021

Modellansatz zur Bestimmung der Nährstoffbelastung und ihrer Reduktion in allen deutschen Flussgebieten

Benjamin Schmidt; Ute Kuhn; Dr. Michael Trepel; Peter Kreins; Maximilian Zinnbauer; Max Eysholdt; Bernhard Osterburg; Philipp Löw; Prof. Dr. Frank Wendland; Dr. Frank Herrmann; Dr. Ralf Kunkel; Dr. Björn Tetzlaff; Tim Wolters; Dr. Markus Venohr; PhD. Hanh Nguyen
Wasser und Abfall. - 22(2020)1-2, S. 33-38
Januar 2021

Determining litter mass loss by the plant tagging approach: [Chapter 7]

Kevin A. Kuehn and Mark O. Gessner
Methods to study litter decomposition : a practical guide/ Editors: Felix Bärlocher, Mark O. Gessner, Manuel A.S. Graça. - Berlin, 2020. - S. 53-59
Januar 2021

Acid butanol assay to determine bulk concentrations of condensed tannins: [Chapter 20]

Mark O. Gessner and Daniel Steiner
Methods to study litter decomposition : a practical guide/Editors: Felix Bärlocher, Mark O. Gessner, Manuel A.S. Graça. - Berlin, 2020. - S. 169-177
Januar 2021

Lignin and cellulose: [Chapter 21]

Mark O. Gessner
Methods to study litter decomposition : a practical guide/Editors: Felix Bärlocher, Mark O. Gessner, Manuel A.S. Graça. - Berlin, 2020. - S. 179-185
Januar 2021

Ergosterol as a measure of fungal biomass: [Chapter 27]

Mark O. Gessner
Methods to study litter decomposition : a practical guide/Editors: Felix Bärlocher, Mark O. Gessner, Manuel A.S. Graça. - Berlin, 2020. - S. 247-255
Januar 2021

Fungal growth rates and production: [Chapter 28]

K. Suberkropp; M. O. Gessner and K. A. Kuehn
Methods to study litter decomposition : a practical guide/Editors: Felix Bärlocher, Mark O. Gessner, Manuel A.S. Graça. - Berlin, 2020. - S. 257-264
Januar 2021

Bacterial abundance and biomass determination in plant litter by epifluorescence microscopy: [Chapter 29]

Nanna Buesing and Mark O. Gessner
Methods to study litter decomposition : a practical guide/Editors: Felix Bärlocher, Mark O. Gessner, Manuel A.S. Graça. - Berlin, 2020. - S. 265-273
Januar 2021

Growth and production of litter-associated bacteria: [Chapter 30]

Nanna Buesing; Mark O. Gessner and Kevin A. Kuehn
Methods to study litter decomposition : a practical guide/Editors: Felix Bärlocher, Mark O. Gessner, Manuel A.S. Graça. - Berlin, 2020. - S. 275-284
Januar 2021

OSCAR – Optimising the configuration of woody riparian buffer strips along riversto enhance biodiversity and ecosystem services: final project report ; reporting template

Author of this report: Dr. Jochem Kail; List of partners involved in the project: Prof. Dr. Daniel Hering; Dr. Jochem Kail; Dr. Markus Venohr; Dr. Jérémy Piffady; Prof. Dr. Ir Jan Vermaat
Januar 2021

Total lipids: [Chapter 16]

Mark O. Gessner and Paul T. M. Neumann
Methods to study litter decomposition : a practical guide/ Editors: Felix Bärlocher, Mark O. Gessner, Manuel A.S. Graça. - Berlin, 2020. - S. 139-145

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