Prof. Dr.

Rita Adrian

+49 (0)30 64181 941

Müggelseedamm 310, 12587 Berlin


Meine Interessen sind in der Systemforschung von Seen angesiedelt. Dabei interessieren mich zeitliche Skalen, auf denen Prozesse auf unterschiedlichen Sytemebenen (Thermik, Nährstoff- und Planktondynamik, Biodiversität, Metabolismus) ablaufen - und wie diese durch globale Umweltveränderungen modifiziert werden.
Meine Studien basieren auf statistischer Modellierung von Langzeitdaten vom Müggelsee in Berlin und Seen weltweit. Ich verbinde Langzeitforschung und ökolgischeTheorie um wesentliche Mechanismen der extern und intern getriebenen Ökosystemfunktionen zu verstehen. Unsere Studien leisten einen Beitrag zur Klimafolgenforschung von Seeökosystemen.



für Limnologie an der Freien Universität Berlin, Fachbereich für Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie, Institut für Biologie


Address: Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Müggelseedamm 301; 12587 Berlin, email: Phone: ++49 – (0) 30 641 81 680


  • University:  Diploma in Biology, Free University Berlin(1976 – 1984)
  • Dissertation: Free University Berlin, Institute of Zoology (1985 - 1988)
  • Thesis: Omnivory in cyclopoid copepods: The role of algal versus invertebrate prey for Cyclops kolensis und C. vicinus (Crustacea, Copepoda).
  • Habilitation: Free University Berlin, 2000: Thesis: Functioning of Plankton Communities: The Role of trophic interactions and climatic variables.


  • 1981 - 1984: Tutor at the Department of Biology, Free University Berlin
  • 1985 - 1986: NaföG; Scholarship for a pre- doctoral trainee of the Berlin Government              
  • 1986 - 1990: Staff Scientist at the Institute of Zoology, Free University Berlin                
  • 1990 - 1992: Post- Doctoral position at the Center for Limnology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
  • 1993 - 2011: Staff Scientist at the Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries
  • 2011- 2012: Acting head of Department: Shallow Lakes and Lowland Rivers; IGB-Berlin
  • 2012-ongoing: Head of Department of Ecosystem Research, IGB-Berlin; Professor, Free University Berlin
  • 2015: Sabbatical at UC Davis; California, USA

Membership in Professional Societies

  • International Society of Limnology – Societas Internationalis Limnologiae (SIL)
  • American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO)
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL)



Dezember 2024
Isabella A. Oleksy ; Christopher T. Solomon ; Stuart E. Jones ; Carly Olson ; Brittni L. Bertolet ; Rita Adrian ; Sheel Bansa ; Jill S. Baron ; Soren Brothers ; Sudeep Chandra ; Hsiu‐Mei Chou ; William Colom‐Montero ; Joshua Culpepper ; Elvira de Eyto ; Matthew J. Farragher ; Sabine Hilt ; Kristen T. Holeck ; Garabet Kazanjian ; Marcus Klaus ; Jennifer Klug ; Jan Köhler ; Alo Laas ; Erik Lundin ; Alice H. Parkes ; Kevin C. Rose ; Lars G. Rustam ; James Rusak ; Facundo Scordo ; Michael J. Vanni ; Piet Verburg ; Gesa A. Weyhenmeyer

Controls on Lake Pelagic Primary Productivity: Formalizing the Nutrient‐Color Paradigm

Journal of Geophysical Research : Biogeosciences. - 129(2024)12, Art. e2024JG008140
November 2024
Yu Cao; Ulrike Scharfenberger; Tom Shatwell; Rita Adrian; Helen Agasild; David G. Angeler; Meryem Beklioğlu; Ayşe ldil Çakıroğlu; Josef Hejzlar; Eva Papastergiadou; Michal Šorf; Kostas Stefanidis; Martin Søndergaard; Priit Zingel; Erik Jeppesen



Dezember 2022
Chun-Wei Chang; Takeshi Miki; Hao Ye; Sami Souissi; Rita Adrian; Orlane Anneville; Helen Agasild; Syuhei Ban 12; Yaron Be’eri-Shlevin; Yin-Ru Chiang; Heidrun Feuchtmayr; Gideon Gal; Satoshi Ichise; Maiko Kagami; Michio Kumagai; Xin Liu; Shin-Ichiro S. Matsuzaki; Marina M. Manca; Peeter Nõges; Roberta Piscia; Michela Rogora; Fuh-Kwo Shiah; Stephen J. Thackeray; Claire E. Widdicombe; Jiunn-Tzong Wu; Tamar Zohary 13; Chih-hao Hsieh
September 2022
Malgorzata Golub; Wim Thiery; Rafael Marcé; Don Pierson; Inne Vanderkelen; Daniel Mercado-Bettin; R. Iestyn Woolway; Luke Grant; Eleanor Jennings; Benjamin M. Kraemer; Jacob Schewe; Fang Zhao; Katja Frieler; Matthias Mengel; Vasiliy Y. Bogomolov; Damien Bouffard ... Georgiy Kirillin ... Tom Shatwell ... Rita Adrian ... Sabine Wollrab ...
Februar 2022
Alain Maasri; Sonja C. Jähnig; Mihai C. Adamescu; Rita Adrian; Claudio Baigun; Donald J. Baird; Angelica Batista-Morales; Núria Bonada; Lee E. Brown; Qinghua Cai; Joao V. Campos-Silva; Viola Clausnitzer; Topiltzin Contreras-MacBeath; Steven J. Cooke; Thibault Datry; Gonzalo Delacámara; Luc De Meester; Klaus-Douwe B. Dijkstra; Van Tu Do; Sami Domisch; David Dudgeon; Tibor Erös; Hendrik Freitag; Joerg Freyhof; Jana Friedrich; Martin Friedrichs-Manthey; Juergen Geist; Mark O. Gessner; Peter Goethals; Matthew Gollock; Christopher Gordon; Hans-Peter Grossart; Georges Gulemvuga; Pablo E. Gutiérrez-Fonseca; Peter Haase; Daniel Hering; Hans Jürgen Hahn; Charles P. Hawkins; Fengzhi He; Jani Heino; Virgilio Hermoso; Zeb Hogan; Franz Hölker; Jonathan M. Jeschke; Meilan Jiang; Richard K. Johnson; Gregor Kalinkat; Bakhtiyor K. Karimov; Aventino Kasangaki; Ismael A. Kimirei; Bert Kohlmann; Mathias Kuemmerlen; Jan J. Kuiper; Benjamin Kupilas; Simone D. Langhans; Richard Lansdown; Florian Leese; Francis S. Magbanua; Shin-ichiro S. Matsuzaki; Michael T. Monaghan; Levan Mumladze; Javier Muzon; Pierre A. Mvogo Ndongo; Jens C. Nejstgaard; Oxana Nikitina; Clifford Ochs; Oghenekaro Nelson Odume; Jeffrey J. Opperman; Harmony Patricio; Steffen U. Pauls; Rajeev Raghavan; Alonso Ramírez; Bindiya Rashni; Vere Ross-Gillespie; Michael J. Samways; Ralf B. Schäfer; Astrid Schmidt-Kloiber; Ole Seehausen; Deep Narayan Shah; Subodh Sharma; Janne Soininen; Nike Sommerwerk; Jason D. Stockwell; Frank Suhling; Ram Devi Tachamo Shah; Rebecca E. Tharme; James H. Thorp; David Tickner; Klement Tockner; Jonathan D. Tonkin; Mireia Valle; Jean Vitule; Martin Volk; Ding Wang; Christian Wolter; Susanne Worischka


September 2021
Allison R. Hrycik; Peter D. F. Isles; Rita Adrian; Matthew Albright,; Linda C. Bacon; Stella A. Berger; Ruchi Bhattacharya; Hans-Peter Grossart; Josef Hejzlar; Amy Lee Hetherington; Lesley B. Knoll; Alo Laas; Cory P. McDonald; Kellie Merrell; Jens C. Nejstgaard; Kirsten Nelson; Peeter Nõges; Andrew M. Paterson; Rachel M. Pilla; Dale M. Robertson; Lars G. Rudstam; James A. Rusak; Steven Sadro; Eugene A. Silow; Jason D. Stockwell; Huaxia Yao; Kiyoko Yokota; Donald C. Pierson
Juli 2021
Beitrag von Rita Adrian; Redaktion: Michael Bender, Udo Gattenlöhner, Marlene Ivonne Bär Lamas

Seen im Klimawandel - Der Müggelsee: Zusammenfassungen der Veranstaltung "Onlineseminar Gewässer, Seen und Feuchtgebiete im Klimastress" vom 22. März 2021

Juli 2021
Benjamin M. Kraemer; Rachel M. Pilla; R. Iestyn Woolway; Orlane Anneville; Syuhei Ban; William Colom-Montero; Shawn P. Devlin; Martin T. Dokulil; Evelyn E. Gaiser; K. David Hambright; Dag O. Hessen; Scott N. Higgins; Klaus D. Jöhnk; Wendel Keller; Lesley B. Knoll; Peter R. Leavitt; Fabio Lepori; Martin S. Luger; Stephen C. Maberly; Dörthe C. Müller-Navarra; Andrew M. Paterson; Donald C. Pierson; David C. Richardson; Michela Rogora; James A. Rusak; Steven Sadro; Nico Salmaso; Martin Schmid; Eugene A. Silow; Ruben Sommaruga; Julio A. A. Stelzer; Dietmar Straile; Wim Thiery; Maxim A. Timofeyev; Piet Verburg; Gesa A. Weyhenmeyer; Rita Adrian
Juni 2021
Jonathan P. Doubek, Orlane Anneville, Gaël Dur, Aleksandra M. Lewandowska, Vijay P. Patil, James A. Rusak, Nico Salmaso, Christian Torsten Seltmann, Dietmar Straile, Pablo Urrutia-Cordero, Patrick Venail, Rita Adrian, María B. Alfonso, Curtis L. DeGasperi, Elvira de Eyto, Heidrun Feuchtmayr, Evelyn E. Gaiser, Scott F. Girdner, Jennifer L. Graham, Hans-Peter Grossart, Josef Hejzlar, Stéphan Jacquet, Georgiy Kirillin, María E. Llames, Shin-Ichiro S. Matsuzaki, Emily R. Nodine, Maria Cintia Piccolo, Don C. Pierson, Alon Rimmer, Lars G. Rudstam, Steven Sadro, Hilary M. Swain, Stephen J. Thackeray, Wim Thiery, Piet Verburg, Tamar Zohary, Jason D. Stockwell


Dezember 2020
Rachel M. Pilla; Craig E. Williamson; Boris V. Adamovich; Rita Adrian; Orlane Anneville; Sudeep Chandra; William Colom‑Montero; Shawn P. Devlin; Margaret A. Dix; Martin T. Dokulil; Evelyn E. Gaiser; Scott F. Girdner; K. David Hambright; David P. Hamilton; Karl Havens; Dag O. Hessen; Scott N. Higgins; Timo H. Huttula; Hannu Huuskonen; Peter D. F. Isles; Klaus D. Joehnk; Ian D. Jones; Wendel Bill Keller; Lesley B. Knoll; Johanna Korhonen; Benjamin M. Kraemer; Peter R. Leavitt; Fabio Lepori; Martin S. Luger; Stephen C. Maberly; John M. Melack; Stephanie J. Melles; Dörthe C. Müller‑Navarra; Don C. Pierson; Helen V. Pislegina; Pierre‑Denis Plisnier; David C. Richardson; Alon Rimmer; Michela Rogora; James A. Rusak; Steven Sadro; Nico Salmaso; Jasmine E. Saros; Émilie Saulnier‑Talbot; Daniel E. Schindler; Martin Schmid; Svetlana V. Shimaraeva; Eugene A. Silow; Lewis M. Sitoki; Ruben Sommaruga; Dietmar Straile; Kristin E. Strock; Wim Thiery; Maxim A. Timofeyev; Piet Verburg; Rolf D. Vinebrooke; Gesa A. Weyhenmeyer; Egor Zadereev
November 2020
Rita Adrian; Benjamin M. Kraemer

Binnengewässer - Schlaglicht auf Seen und Flüsse

Spektrum der Wissenschaft - (2020)9, S. 23-25
August 2020
Francesca Pilotto; Ingolf Kühn; Rita Adrian; Renate Alber; Audrey Alignier; Christopher Andrews; Jaana Bäck; Luc Barbaro; Deborah Beaumont; Natalie Beenaerts; Sue Benham; David S. Boukal; Vincent Bretagnolle; Elisa Camatti; Roberto Canullo; Patricia G. Cardoso; Bruno J. Ens; Gert Everaert; Vesela Evtimova; Heidrun Feuchtmayr; Ricardo García-González; Daniel Gómez García; Ulf Grandin ... Samuel Vorhauser; Peter Haase
April 2020
Jason D. Stockwell; Jonathan P. Doubek; Rita Adrian; Orlane Anneville; Cayelan C. Carey; Laurence Carvalho; Lisette N. de Senerpont Domis; Gaël Dur; Marieke A. Frassl; Hans-Peter Grossart; Bas W. Ibelings; Marc J. Lajeunesse; Aleksandra M. Lewandowska; María E. Llames; Shin-Ichiro S. Matsuzaki; Emily R. Nodine; Peeter Nõges; Vijay P. Patil; Francesco Pomati; Karsten Rinke; Lars G. Rudstam; James A. Rusak; Nico Salmaso; Christian T. Seltmann; Dietmar Straile ...


Januar 2020
Sonja C. Jähnig - lead author; Rita Adrian; Hans-Peter Grossart; Jörg Freyhof; Matthias Stöck; Franz Hölker; Jonathan Jeschke; Robert Arlinghaus; Mark Gessner; Martin Pusch; Daniel Hering ...; Peter Haase; Hans Jürgen Hahn ...; Dietrich Borchardt ...; Frank Suhling; Dietmar Staile ...; Thomas Berendonk ...; Jürgen Geist; Ursula Gaedke; Guntram Weithoff; Jörg Dutz ...; Judith Piontek; Marlene Pätzig; Steffen Pauls; Nike Sommerwerk

Living waters: a research agenda for the biodiversity of inland and coastal waters

13 S.
November 2019
Sonja C. Jähnig - Federführung; Rita Adrian; Hans-Peter Grossart; Jörg Freyhof; Matthias Stöck; Franz Hölker; Jonathan Jeschke; Robert Arlinghaus; Mark Gessner; Martin Pusch; Daniel Hering ...; Peter Haase; Hans Jürgen Hahn ...; Dietrich Borchardt ...; Frank Suhling; Dietmar Staile ...; Thomas Berendonk ...; Jürgen Geist; Ursula Gaedke; Guntram Weithoff; Jörg Dutz ...; Judith Piontek; Marlene Pätzig; Steffen Pauls; Nike Sommerwerk
April 2019
David L. Strayer; Boris V. Adamovich; Rita Adrian; David C. Aldridge; Csilla Balogh; Lyubov E. Burlakova; Hannah B. Fried-Petersen; László G.-Tóth; Amy L. Hetherington; Thomas S. Jones; Alexander Y. Karatayev; Jacqueline B. Madill; Oleg A. Makarevich; J. Ellen Marsden; André L. Martel; Dan Minchin; Thomas F. Nalepa; Ruurd Noordhuis; Timothy J. Robinson; Lars G. Rudstam; Astrid N. Schwalb; David R. Smith; Alan D. Steinman; Jonathan M. Jeschke
März 2019
Ulrike Scharfenberger; Erik Jeppesen; Meryem Beklioglu; Martin Sondergaard; David G. Angeler; Ayse Idil Cakiroglu; Stina Drakare; Josef Hejzlar; Aldoushy Mahdy; Eva Papastergiadou; Michal Sorf; Konstantinos Stefanidis; Arvo Tuvikene; Priit Zingel; Rita Adrian


November 2018
J. A. Rusak; A. J. Tanentzap; J. L. Klug; K. C. Rose; S. P. Hendricks; E. Jennings; A. Laas; D. Pierson; E. Ryder; R. L. Smyth; D. S. White; L. A. Winslow; R. Adrian; L. Arvola; E. de Eyto; H. Feuchtmayr; M. Honti; V. Istvanovics; I. D. Jones; C. G. McBride; S. R. Schmidt; D. Seekell; P. A. Staehr; G. Zhu
Oktober 2018
Alena S. Gsell; Deniz Özkundakci; Marie-Pier Hebert; Rita Adrian

Quantifying interaction networks and stability properties of plankton food webs using multivariate first order autoregressive modelling

Novel methods and results of landscape research in Europe, Central Asia and Siberia : monograph in 5 volumes. Vol. III: Landscape monitoring and modelling = Novye metody i rezul'taty issledovanij landsaftov v Evrope, Central'noj Azii i Sibiri / glavn. red.: Viktor G. Sycev i Lotar Mjuller. - Moskva, 2018. - T. III, ch. III/64, S. 306--310
Februar 2018
Louise C. Bruce; Marieke A. Frassl; George B. Arhonditsis; Gideon Gal; David P. Hamilton; Paul C. Hanson; Amy L. Hetherington; John M. Melack; Jordan S. Read; Karsten Rinke; Anna Rigosi; Dennis Trolle; Luke Winslow; Rita Adrian; Ana I. Ayala; Serghei A. Bocaniov; Bertram Boehrer; Casper Boon; Justin D. Brookes; Thomas Bueche; Brendan D. Busch; Diego Copetti; Alicia Cortes ... Tom Shatwell ... Matthew R. Hipsey


November 2017
Bryan M. Spears; Martyn N. Futter; Erik Jeppesen; Brian J. Huser; Steven Ives; Thomas A. Davidson; Rita Adrian; David G. Angeler; Sarah J. Burthe; Laurence Carvalho; Francis Daunt; Alena S. Gsell; Dag O. Hessen; Annette B. G. Janssen; Eleanor B. Mackay; Linda May; Heather Moorhouse; Saara Olsen; Martin Sondergaard; Helen Woods; Stephen J. Thackeray
September 2017
Diana E. Bowler; Christian Hof; Peter Haase; Ingrid Kröncke; Oliver Schweiger; Rita Adrian; Leon Baert; Hans-Günther Bauer; Theo Blick; Rob W. Brooker; Wouter Dekoninck; Sami Domisch; Reiner Eckmann; Frederik Hendrickx; Thomas Hickler; Stefan Klotz; Alexandra Kraberg; Ingolf Kühn; Silvia Matesanz; Angelika Meschede; Hermann Neumann; Robert O'Hara; David J. Russell; Anne F. Sell ... Katrin Böhning-Gaese
Juni 2017
Ülkü Nihan Tavsanoglu; Michal Sorf; Konstantinos Stefanidis; Sandra Brucet; Semra Türkan; Helen Agasild; Didier L. Baho; Ulrike Scharfenberger; Josef Hejzlar; Eva Papastergiadou; Rita Adrian; David G. Angeler; Priit Zingel; Ayse Idil Cakiroglu; Arda Özen; Stina Drakare; Martin Sondergaard; Erik Jeppesen; Meryem Beklioglu
Januar 2017
Stephanie E. Hampton; Aaron W. E. Galloway; Stephen M. Powers; Ted Ozersky; Kara H. Woo; Ryan D. Batt; Stephanie G. Labou; Catherine M. O'reilly; Sapna Sharma; Noah R. Lottig; Emily H. Stanley; Rebecca L. North; Jason D. Stockwell; Rita Adrian; Gesa A. Weyhenmeyer; Lauri Arvola; Helen M. Baulch; Isabella Bertani; Larry L. Bowman; Cayelan C. Carey; Jordi Catalan; William Colom-Montero ... Hans-Peter Grossart ... Erika J. Whiteford; Marguerite A. Xenopoulos

Ecology under lake ice

Ecology letters. - 20(2017)1, S. 98-111


September 2016
Rita Adrian; Dag Olav Hessen; Thorsten Blenckner; Helmot Hillebrand; Sabine Hilt; Erik Jeppesen; David M. Livingstone; Dennis Trolle

Environmental impacts - lake ecosystems

North Sea region climate change assessment /M. Quante ; F. Colijn (eds.). - Cham: Springer International Publ., 2016. - ch. 10, S. 315-340
Mai 2016
Bryan M. Spears; Laurence Carvalho; Martyn N. Futter; Linda May; Stephen J. Thackeray; Rita Adrian; David G. Angeler; Sarah J. Burthe; Tom A. Davidson; Francis Daunt; Alena S. Gsell; Dag O. Hessen; Heather Moorhouse; Brian Huser; Stephen C. Ives; Annette B. G. Janssen; Eleanor B. Mackay; Martin Sondergaard; Erik Jeppesen

Ecological instability in lakes

Environmental Science and Technology. - 50(2016)7, S. 3285-3286
Dezember 2015
Philip C. Reid; Renata E. Hari; Gregory Beaugrand; David M.Livingstone; Christoph Marty; Dietmar Straile; Jonathan Barichivich; Eric Goberville; Rita Adrian; Yasuyuki Aono; Ross Brown; James Foster; Pavel Groisman; Pierre Helaouet; Huang-Hsiung Hsu; Richard Kirby; Jeff Knight; Alexandra Kraberg; Jianping Li; Tzu-Ting Lo; Ranga B. Myneni; Ryan P. North; J. Alan Pounds; Tim Sparks; Rene Stübi; Yongjun Tian; Karen H. Wiltshire; Dong Xiao; Zaichun Zhu

Global impacts of the 1980s regime shift

Global Change Biology. - 22(2016)2, S. 682-703


Januar 2016
Catherine M. O'Reilly; Sapna Sharma; Derek K. Gray; Stephanie E. Hampton; Jordan S. Read; Rex J. Rowley; Philipp Schneider; John D. Lenters; Peter B. McIntyre; Benjamin M. Kraemer; Gesa A. Weyhenmeyer; Dietmar Straile; Bo Dong; Rita Adrian; Mathew G. Allan; Orlane Anneville; Lauri Arvola; Jay Austin; John L. Bayley, Silke R. Schmidt ... Klaus D. Joehnk; Kulli Kangur; Peter Kasprzak; Michio Kumagai ... Craig E. Williamson; Guoqing Zhang
Mai 2015
Sapna Sharma; Derek K. Gray; Jordan S. Read; Catherine M. O'Reilly; Philipp Schneider; Anam Qudrat; Corinna Gries; Samantha Stefanoff; Stephanie E. Hampton; Simon Hook; John D. Lenters; David M. Livingstone; Peter B. McIntyre; Rita Adrian; Mathew G. Allan; Orlane Anneville; Lauri Arvola; Jay Austin; John Bailey; Jill S. Baron; Justin Brookes; Yuwei Chen; Robert Daly; Martin Dokulil; Bo Dong, Silke R. Schmidt ... Peter Kasprzak; Olivier Köster ... Kara H. Woo


Oktober 2014
Josef Settele; Robert Scholes; Richard A. Betts; Stuart Bunn; Paul Leadley; Daniel Nepstad; Jonathan T. Overpeck; Miguel Angel Taboada; Rita Adrian; Craig Allen; William Anderegg; Celine Bellard; Paulo Brando; Louise P. Chini; Franck Courchamp; Wendy Foden; Dieter Gerten; Scott Goetz; Nicola Golding; Patrick Gonzalez; Ed Hawkins; Thomas Hickler; George Hurtt; Charles Koven ... Klement Tockner ...

Terrestrial and inland water systems

Climate change 2014 : impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability ; Part A: Global and sectoral aspects. Contribution of working group II ... - Cambridge Univ. Pr. - S. 271-359
Juli 2014
David A. Vasseur; Jeremy W. Fox; Andrew Gonzalez; Rita Adrian; Beatrix E. Beisner; Matthew R. Helmus : Catherine Johnson; Pavel Kratina; Colin Kremer; Claire de Mazancourt; Elizabeth Miller; William A. Nelson; Michael Paterson; James A. Rusak; Jonathan B. Shurin; Christopher F. Steiner

Synchronous dynamics of zooplankton competitors prevail in temperate lake ecosystems

Proceedings of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 281(2014)1788, art. 20140633
Juni 2014
Frank Landkildehus; Martin Søndergaard; Meryem Beklioglu; Rita Adrian; David G. Angeler; Josef Hejzlar; Eva Papastergiadou; Priit Zingel; Ayşe Idil Çakiroǧlu; Ulrike Scharfenberger; Stina Drakare; Tiina Nõges; Michal Šorf; Konstantinos Stefanidis; Ü. Nihan Tavşanoǧlu; Cristina Trigal; Aldoushy Mahdy; Christina Papadaki; Lea Tuvikene; Søren E. Larsen; Martin Kernan; Erik Jeppesen

Climate change effects on shallow lakes

Estonian Journal of Ecology. - 63(2014)2, S. 71-89


November 2013
Christopher T. Solomon; Denise A. Bruesewitz; David C. Richardson; Kevin C. Rose; Matthew C. van de Bogert; Paul C. Hanson; Timothy K. Kratz; Bret Larget; Rita Adrian; Brenda Leroux Babin; Chih-Yu Chiu; David P. Hamilton; Evelyn E. Gaiser; Susan Hendricks; Vera Istvánovics; Alo Laas; David M. O'Donnell; Michael L. Pace; Elizabeth Ryder; Peter A. Staehr; Thomas Torgersen; Michael J. Vanni; Kathleen C. Weathers; Guangwei Zhu

Ecosystem respiration

Limnology and Oceanography. - 58(2013)3, S. 849-866





November 2009
Carola Wagner; Rita Adrian

Cyanobacteria dominance

Limnology and oceanography. - 54(2009)6,2, S. 2460-2468
November 2009
Rita Adrian; Catherine M. O'Reilly; Horacio Zagarese; Stephen B. Baines; Dag O. Hessen; Wendel Keller; David M. Livingstone; Ruben Sommaruga; Dietmar Straile; Ellen van Donk; Gesa A. Weyhenmeyer; Monika Winder

Lakes as sentinels of climate change

Limnology and oceanography. - 54(2009)6,2, S. 2283-2297
Juli 2009
David M. Livingstone and Rita Adrian

Modeling the duration of intermittent ice cover on a lake for climate-change studies

Limnology and oceanography. - 54(2009)5, S. 1709 - 1722


März 2008
Veronika Huber; Rita Adrian; Dieter Gerten

Phytoplankton response to climate warming modified by trophic state

Limnology and oceanography. - 53(2008)1, S. 1-13


Oktober 2007
Gesa A. Weyhenmeyer; Erik Jeppesen; Rita Adrian; Lauri Arvola; Thorsten Blenckner; Thomas Jankowski; Eleanor Jennings; Peeter Nõges; Tiina Nõges; Dietmar Straile

Nitrate-depleted conditions on the increase in shallow northern European lakes

Limnology and oceanography. - 52(2007)4, S. 1346-1353
Oktober 2007
Iola G. Boëchat; Guntram Weithoff; Angela Krüger; Björn Gücker; Rita Adrian

A biochemical explanation for the success of mixotrophy in the flagellate Ochromonas sp.

Limnology and oceanography. - 52(2007)4, S. 1624-1632





März 2012
Gesa A. Weyhenmeyer; Rita Adrian; Ursula Gaedke; David M. Livingstone; Stephen C. Maberly

Response of phytoplankton in European lakes to a change in the North Atlantic oscillation

Verhandlungen / Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie. - 28(2003)3, S. 1436-1439



Mai 2001
Dieter Gerten and Rita Adrian

Differences in the persistency of North Atlantic Oscillation signal among lakes

Limnology and oceanography. - 46(2001)2, S.448-455


März 2002
Rita Adrian; Thomas Hintze

Effects of winter air temperature on the ice phenology of the Müggelsee (Berlin, Germany)

Verhandlungen / Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie. - 27(2000), S. 2808-2811
August 2000
Dieter Gerten and Rita Adrian

Climate-driven changes in spring plankton dynamics and the sensitivity of shallow polymictic lakes to the North Atlantic oscillation

Limnology and oceanography. - 45(2000)5, S. 1058-1066


März 2014
J. Padisák; R. Adrian

Biovolumen und Biomasse

Biologische Gewässeruntersuchung / Wolf von Tümpling. - Jena, 1999. - (Methoden der biologischen Wasseruntersuchung ; 2). - Kapitel 5.1, S. 334-336


Oktober 1997
Rita Adrian; Rainer Deneke; Ute Mischke; Rita Stellmacher; Peter Lederer

A long-term study of the Heiligensee (1975-1992)

Archiv für Hydrobiologie. - 133(1995)3, S. 315-337



Juni 2008
Rita Adrian

The feeding behaviour of Cyclops kolensis and C. Vicinus (Crustacea, Copepoda)

Verhandlungen / Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie. - 24(1991), S. 2852-2863