Prof Lars-Anders Hansson

MSD310, Hörsaal & online | 13:30-15:00
25. Mai
25. Mai 2023 | 13:30 Uhr

Prof Lars-Anders Hansson

Tracking at the nano-scale: from Daphnia to novel environmental threats

Tracking at the nano-scale: from Daphnia to novel environmental threats

Abstract: Although research is generally driven by hypothesis testing, technical advancements may sometimes open new avenues for research and allow for addressing issues that were not previously possible to investigate. One such new avenue is the revolution within nanotechnology providing possibilities to individually track small aquatic animals, such as zooplankton, in the same way as we have previously tracked birds, mammals and fish. I will show results from our studies on zooplankton performed in our NanoBiologyLab, where we have been able to answer questions like: Can those tiny animals make decisions? Will they trade-off safety for food? Does vertical migration have fitness costs? However, large technical leaps often also have a backside and in the case of nano-sized particles, both those custom produced for e.g. cosmetics and paint and those broken down from everyday products, may strongly affect natural aquatic ecosystems and thereby introduce novel environmental threats for society to handle. I will show examples on both fate and effects of plastic nanoparticles as they enter (semi)natural aquatic ecosystems and also demonstrate how nanoplastics are transported up the food chain from phytoplankton to fish. My main aim is to demonstrate how novel techniques can both open new avenues and possibilities, but potentially also introduce novel environmental threats.

Homepage Prof Lars-Anders Hansson

IGB Colloquia open up!

IGB strives to facilitate and accelerate the exchange of knowledge and ideas within and also outside of IGB. One element contributing to inter- and transdisciplinary exchange, and more (scientific) cooperation and innovation, is to open up IGB Colloquia to an interested external audience from science (other research institutes, universities, laboratories) as well as practice (i.e. conservationists, freshwater/land-use managers, authorities, associations). If you would like to join this IGB Colloquium as a guest, we ask you to register until the morning of the colloquium 10 o'clock the latest. After we have checked your registration, you will receive the participation link.

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