
Maria Magdalena Warter

+49 (0)30 64181 531
Raum 403

Müggelseedamm 310, 12587 Berlin



Isotopenapplikation in der Hydrologie (Wasseralter, Verweilzeiten, Fließwege uvm.)

Ökohydrologische Modelle & Ökohydrologie in ariden und urbanen Gebieten

Wasser und Ressourcen Management (incl. Grundwasser und Oberflächenwasser, Trinkwasser, Landwirtschaftliche Nutzungen)

Gewässerökologie und Biodiversität (Wasserbedarf von Vegetation, Trockenstress, Terrestrische und Aquatische Biodiversität)

Natur-basierte Lösungen im urbanen Raum (Kühlung, Überschwemmungen, Biodiversität) 


environmental DNA (eDNA) in urbanen Gewässern

Messung Stabile Wasser Isotope in Oberflächengewässern, Regen & Grundwasser

Analyse von Wasserqualität und Chemie

Daten Assimilation und Analyse (Klima, Grundwasser, Abfluss uvm.)

Vegetation und Wasserbilanz Modellierung (Bodenfeuchte, Dryland Water Partitioning (DRYP), Phenologie Modelle) 



2009-2015: BSc in Kulturtechnik und Wasserwirtschaft (Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien)

2015-2017: MSc in Internationalem Land and Gewässer Management (Wageningen Universität, Niederlande)

  • Major: Landwirtschaftliches Wasser und Ressourcen Management
    • Thesis: Influence of water stress on the water use efficiency and biological nitrogen fixaation of soybean by means of stable isotopes (in cooperation with Joint IAEA/FAO Programme) 
  • Minor: Catchment Hydrology
    • Thesis: Influence of moss, litter and soil on forest evaporation by means of stable water isotopes (in cooperation with TU Delft) 

2018-2022: PhD in Erd - und Umweltwissenschaften (Cardiff University, UK)

Dissertation: Detection of forest water stress und future climate change in drought-prone ecosystems of the Southwestern United States

Funded by the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) 



  • American Geophysical Union (AGU) 
  • European Geosciences Union (EGU)
  • Deutsche Hydrologische Gesellschaft (DHG)
  • International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS)





EGU General Assembly, Vienna 2017 (Poster)

Warter, M.M., Kuppen E., Peeters, M., Blok, K., Dilly L. (2017). Estimating soil erosion on hiking trails in the Serra Mariola Natural Park in Southern Spain

Warter. M.M., Jimenez-Rodriguez, C., Coenders-Gerrits, M., Teuling, A.J.R (2017). Ground cover influence on evaporation and stable water isotopes in soil water

AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco 2019 (Oral Presentation)

Warter, M.M., Singer, M.B., Sabathier, R., Stella, J.C, Cuthbert, M.O, Roberts, D., Caylor, K. (2020). Onset and propagation of the 2012-2016 drought in Southern California

AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans  2021 (Oral Presentation) 

Warter, M.M., Singer, M.B., Sabathier, R., Stella, J.C., Roberts, D., Caylor, K. (2021). Hydroclimatic controls on phenology of functional plant types in drylands of the Southwest US. 

EGU General Assembly, Vienna 2023 (Oral Presentation) 

Warter, M.M., Tetzlaff, D., Ring, A-M., Christopher, J., Funke, E., Kissener, H.L., Soulsby, C., Monaghan M.T. (2023). Spatio-temporal variations in environmental DNA within heavily urbanized streams in Berlin, Germany. 

Tag der Hydrologie, Bochum (2023) (Poster Presentation)

Warter, M.M., Tetzlaff, D., Ring, A-M., Christopher, J., Funke, E., Kissener, H.L., Sparmman, S., Soulsby, C., Monaghan M.T. (2023). Räumliche und zeitliche Dynamiken von eDNA geben Auskunft über Ökohydrologie urbaner Fließgewässer in Berlin 

International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology at the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (2023) (Poster Presentation) 

Warter, M.M., Monaghan M.T., Soulsby, C., Ring, A-M., and Tetzlaff, D. (2023). Spatio-temporal variations in water stable isotopes reveal how hydrological connectivity affects the ecology of urban water bodies 

Weitere Publikationen

Warter, M.M., Singer, M.B., Cuthbert, M.O., Roberts D., Caylor, K.K., Sabathier, R., Stella, J.C.(2023). Modeling seasonal vegetation phenology from hydroclimatic drivers for contrasting plant functional groups within drylands of the Southwestern USA. Environmental Research: Ecology, 2 025001. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/2752-664X/acb9a0/meta  

Warter, M.M., Singer, M.B., Cuthbert, M.O., Roberts D., Caylor, K.K., Sabathier, R., Stella, J.C. (2021). Drought onset and propagation into soil moisture and grassland vegetation responses during the 2012-2019 major drought in Southern California. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 25,3713-3729https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-25-3713-2021  

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