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341 - 350 of 368 publications
December 2020
Biogeochemistry. - 151(2020)2/3. 313–334

Geochemical focusing and sequestration of manganese during eutrophication of Lake Stechlin (NE Germany)

Grzegorz Scholtysik; Olaf Dellwig; Patricia Roeser; Helge Wolfgang Arz; Peter Casper; Christiane Herzog , Tobias Goldhammer; Michael Hupfer

Eutrophication of Lake Stechlin leads to changes in the sediment by an intensification of internal matter cycles. The reductive dissolution of Mn in shallow areas and the precipitation result in the fixation of Mn as rhodochrosite in the sediment below 56 m depth. Geochemical Mn focusing indicates oxygen-free conditions in deep water and can be used to reconstruct former environmental conditions.

December 2020
Water Research. - 189(2021), Art. 116609

Transformation of redox-sensitive to redox-stable iron-bound phosphorus in anoxic lake sediments under laboratory conditions

Lena Heinrich; Matthias Rothe; Burga Braun; Michael Hupfer

Under oxic conditions, iron hydroxide bound phosphorus is formed at the sediment-water interface, which is not stable in the long term. Laboratory tests show that under anoxic conditions (also under seasonal anoxia) this P form is converted to insoluble vivianite. The addition of Fe as a management measure can promote the formation of vivianite and thus the permanent storage of P in the sediment.

December 2020
BioScience. - 70(2020)9, S. 772-793

The complexity of urban eco-evolutionary dynamics

Marina Alberti; Eric P. Palkovacs; Simone Des Roches; Luc De Meester; Kristien I. Brans; Lynn Govaert; Nancy B. Grimm; Nyeema C. Harris; Andrew P. Hendry; Christopher J. Schell; Marta Szulkin , Jason Munshi-South; Mark C. Urban; Brian C. Verrelli

Urbanization is a complex process that impacts both the ecology and evolution of species. The researchers identified five key urban drivers of this change and highlight the direct consequences of urbanization-driven eco-evolutionary change for nature’s contributions to people. They subsequently explored five emerging complexities that need to be tackled in future research.

December 2020
Frontiers in Microbiology. - 11(2020)March

Diet and Genotype of an Aquatic Invertebrate Affect the Composition of Free-Living Microbial Communities

Emilie Macke; Martijn Callens; Francois Massol; Isabel Vanoverberghe; Luc De Meester and Ellen Decaestecker

Associations with microbial communities are crucial for most plants and animals. The authors show that in Daphnia, host genotype does not only influence gut microbiome composition, but also the structure of free-living microbial communities, i.e. the bacterioplankton. This interaction is expected to lead to feedback loops where evolutionary changes in the host might impact bacterioplankton.

November 2020
Limnology and Oceanography. - 65(2020)10, S. 2529-2540

Food nutrient availability affects epibiont prevalence and richness in natural Daphnia populations

Lien Reyserhove; Lore Bulteel; Jing Liu; Caroline Souffreau; Kristien I. Brans; Jessie M.T. Engelen; Luc De Meester; Frederik Hendrickx; Koenraad Muylaert; Steven A. J. Declerck; Ellen Decaestecker

A field survey along a food quantity and quality gradient revealed that both host population density as well as prevalence and diversity of epibionts (i.e. organisms living on a host) in the water flea Daphnia pulex are significantly affected by phytoplankton N:P ratio. A laboratory experiment using Daphnia magna confirmed that P‐limitation affects infestation by epibionts.

November 2020
Science. - 370(2020)6515, S. 411-413

Set ambitious goals for biodiversity and sustainability

Sandra Díaz; Noelia Zafra-Calvo; Andy Purvis; Peter H. Verburg; David Obura; Paul Leadley; Rebecca Chaplin-Kramer; Luc De Meester; Ehsan Dulloo; Berta Martín-López; M. Rebecca Shaw; Piero Visconti; Wendy Broadgate; Michael W. Bruford; Neil D. Burgess; Jeannine Cavender-Bares; Fabrice DeClerck; José María Fernández-Palacios; Lucas A. Garibaldi; Samantha L. L. Hill; Forest Isbell; Colin K. Khoury; Cornelia B. Krug; Jianguo Liu; Martine Maron; Philip J. K. McGowan; Henrique M. Pereira; Victoria Reyes-García; Juan Rocha; Carlo Rondinini; Lynne Shannon; Yunne-Jai Shin; Paul V. R. Snelgrove; Eva M. Spehn; Bernardo Strassburg; Suneetha M. Subramanian; Joshua J. Tewksbury; James E. M. Watson; Amy E. Zanne

The deep biodiversity crisis calls for effective targets for its preservation. The authors argue for a “safety net” made up of multiple interlinked and ambitious goals to tackle nature’s alarming decline. No single target captures the broad range of biodiversity components that are dependent on each other. The study outlines the scientific basis for redesigning the new set of biodiversity goals.

November 2020
Global Change Biology. - 26(2020)3, S. 1196-1211

Urbanization drives cross-taxon declines in abundance and diversity at multiple spatial scales

Elena Piano; Caroline Souffreau; Thomas Merckx; Lisa F. Baardsen; Thierry Backeljau; Dries Bonte; Kristien I. Brans; Marie Cours; Maxime Dahirel; Nicolas Debortoli; Ellen Decaestecker; Katrien De Wolf; Jessie M. T. Engelen; Diego Fontaneto; Andros T. Gianuca; Lynn Govaert; Fabio T. T. Hanashiro; Janet Higuti; Luc Lens; Koen Martens; Hans Matheve; Erik Matthysen; Eveline Pinseel; Rose Sablon; Isa Schön; Robby Stoks; Karine Van Doninck; Hans Van Dyck; Pieter Vanormelingen; Jeroen Van Wichelen; Wim Vyverman; Luc De Meester; Frederik Hendrickx

This comprehensive study analyses the relationship between urbanization and biodiversity across multiple aquatic and terrestrial animal groups and at multiple spatial scales. The study reveals an overall strong negative impact of urbanization on both abundance and species richness within habitat patches. The study highlights the importance of considering multiple spatial scales and taxa.

November 2020
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. - 116(2019)31, S. 15336-15337

Evolutionary origins for ecological patterns in space

Mark C. Urban; Sharon Y. Strauss; Fanie Pelletier; Eric P. Palkovacs; Mathew A. Leibold; Andrew P. Hendry; Luc De Meester; Stephanie M. Carlson; Amy L. Angert and Sean T. Giery

Does evolution influence ecological patterns in space? The authors synthesized 500 studies to develop a predictive framework for whether and when evolution amplifies, dampens, or creates ecological patterns. They show that local adaptation can alter spatial variation in population, community and ecosystem features. Dampening of ecological differences is the most prominent effect of evolution.  

November 2020
Microbial Ecology. - 80(2020)1, S. 243–247

Long-Read Amplicon Sequencing of Nitric Oxide Dismutase (nod) Genes Reveal Diverse Oxygenic Denitrifiers in Agricultural Soils and Lake Sediments

Baoli Zhu; Zhe Wang; Dheeraj Kanaparthi; Susanne Kublik; Tida Ge; Peter Casper; Michael Schloter & Tillmann Lueders

This study indicates that nod-gene-targeted long-read sequencing can be a powerful tool for studying the ecology of oxygenic denitrifiers, and the results also suggest that oxygenic these novel microbes are prevalent and abundant in different terrestrial samples, where they could play an important, but yet overlooked role in nitrogen transformations.

November 2020
Environmental modelling & software. - 133(2020)November, 104852

Performance of one-dimensional hydrodynamic lake models during short-term extreme weather events

J.P. Mesman; A.I. Ayala; R. Adrian; E. De Eytoe; M.A. Frassl; S.Goyette; J.Kasparian; M. Perroud; J.A.A. Stelzer; D.C. Pierson; B.W. Ibelings

Three 1D lake models reproduced the overall impacts of storms and heatwaves well. The timing of effects was simulated accurately. Uncertainty in simulations increased during extremes compared to reference periods. Increased uncertainty should be kept in mind when applying models to extreme events.