Photo: Andy Küchenmeister/IGB
Open to fresh impetus
In addition to thinking and working across disciplines, we are appreciative of researchers who add to our experience with new methods and research approaches. For this reason, we always announce our scientific tenure-track positions without stating any restrictions concerning topics. The excellence behind the idea is the main thing, because at IGB we want to enable and promote research that goes beyond existing paths.
Dedicated and family-friendly
We consider it important to promote cooperation among our members of staff. In 2015, IGB was awarded the HR Excellence in Research logo by the European Commission in recognition of its exemplary HR policy and consistent optimisation of working conditions. Our employee representatives’ dedication makes a major contribution to the working culture at IGB. Our doctoral candidates and postdocs elect their own representatives and organise informal meetings and advanced training programmes. Our flexitime system enables our staff members, particularly mothers and fathers, to work flexible hours. We conduct employee surveys at regular intervals to ensure that IGB continues to be a place where people enjoy working and conducting research.
A partnership of equals
We foster flat hierarchies and active participation. Important decisions at the institute are taken by mixed committees on the basis of transparent rules. Regular meetings are held in the research departments and research groups to enable thoughts and ideas to be exchanged.
Strong support to young researchers
IGB has a structured doctoral programme supervised by a coordinator who organises advanced training courses for young researchers at IGB and offers individual advice and support, such as on statistics and experimental design. The Rules for Doctoral Research at IGB regulate the supervision and organisation of doctoral studies. Support is also provided to young researchers with regard to applications for awards and the preparation of research proposals. Training and networking activities for postdoctoral researchers are initiated by the IGB PostDoc Society and supported financially and organisationally by the directorate. Students are welcome to write a Bachelor or Master’s thesis at IGB. We also offer apprenticeships and work placements, as well as the chance to spend a voluntary ecological year with us.
Occasionally leaving one’s usual environment enables researchers to reflect on their own work and to develop it further. In order to nurture a change in perspective, we encourage our employees to take sabbaticals. By the same token, we also invite external researchers to our institute: our IGB fellowship programme offers them the opportunity to apply for a research stay at IGB. Researchers from other institutions lecture at the IGB Colloquium each week – the perfect opportunity to establish more contacts. IGB also organises workshops and conferences, promoting networking among colleagues.
Beautiful location
Our sites are located directly on lake Müggelsee in Berlin and Lake Stechlin in Neuglobsow. External researchers may be able to rent temporary guest apartments close to the institute.
Part of a community with integrity
As an institute of the Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. and a member of the Leibniz Association we are committed to the guiding principles for scientific integrity by the Leibniz Association. They are complemented by our institute specific rules for good scientific practice and policies for environmental field data and Open Access.