Location Berlin-Friedrichshagen
Müggelseedamm 301 and 310
12587 Berlin
Phone +49 (0)30 64181 500
Please note that the buildings Müggelseedamm 301 and 310 are located on different sides of the street.
Public transport: From the S-Bahn station Friedrichshagen (S3) IGB can be reached by foot (ca. 30 min) or by tram. The nearest tram stops are 'Altes Wasserwerk' (Tram 60) for Müggelseedamm 301 and 310 or 'Fürstenwalder Damm' (Tram 61) for Müggelseedamm 310. From there it is about 10 minutes walk to IGB. Both trams can also be used from S-Bahn station Adlershof (Tram 61, ca. 35 min) or S-Bahn station Schöneweide (Tram 60, ca. 35 min), for instance when travelling via Schönefeld Airport. In Berlin, short-term interruptions or diversions in public transport can occur. Please inform yourself shortly before arrival on www.bvg.de/en about your possible connection.
Car: There are no public parking spaces available on the IGB site. Please park your vehicle e.g. on Müggelseedamm or in the surrounding streets (for example Werlseestraße) at the edge of Friedrichshagen.
The entrance/access to the building at Müggelseedamm 301 is through gate 8.
Location Stechlin
Zur alten Fischerhütte 2
16775 Stechlin OT Neuglobsow
Phone +49 (0)33082 699 0
Public transport: The train station in Fürstenberg (Havel) can be reached by regional train RE 5 from Berlin (Deutsche Bahn). The train runs every hour and takes approximately one hour from the main station in Berlin. In Fürstenberg you can use Bus 839 to Neuglobsow. Please note that during school holidays and on weekends this bus must be ordered by telephone at least 90 min before departure (0049 3306-2307). The institute can then be reached by foot in approximately 20 min, following Stechlinseestraße and then Zur alten Fischerhütte towards the lake). Alternatively, please ask your contact person at IGB to arrange pick-up in Fürstenberg or at the bus stop in Neuglobsow.
Car: Despite entering the correct address, the navigation system does not always reliably lead to the Institute. Coming from the village of Neuglobsow, you have to drive one kilometre further (the lake shore on your right). If you are coming from Rheinsberg or Menz, you will reach your destination one kilometre earlier. Ideally, from Neuglobsow or the L15, follow the signs to the Institute.
Location Berlin-Adlershof
Justus-von-Liebig-Straße 7
12489 Berlin
Phone +49 (0)30 63924074
Public transport: The offices in Berlin-Adlershof can be reached via S-Bahn station Adlershof (S8, S9, S45, S46, S85) by foot (ca. 10 min) or by tram. The nearest tram station 'Walter-Nernst-Straße' is serviced by Tram 61 (also from Friedrichshagen, see above) and by Tram 63. In Berlin, short-term interruptions or diversions in public transport can occur. Please inform yourself shortly before arrival on www.bvg.de/en about your possible connection.
Location Berlin Center for Genomics in Biodiversity Research (BeGenDiv)
Königin-Luise-Straße 6-8
14195 Berlin
Phone +49 (0)30 838 59961
Public transport: The BeGenDiv is located in the Botanical Museum of the Freie Universität Berlin. It can be reached as follows: S-Bahn S1 or subway U9 to S+U-Bahn station Rathaus Steglitz, then by foot (ca. 20 min) or by bus X83 (direction Dahlem-Dorf) to bus stop 'Königin-Luise-Platz/Botanischer Garten'. Or subway U3 to U-Bahn station Dahlem-Dorf, then by foot (ca. 15 min) or by bus X83 (direction Nahmitzer Damm) to bus stop 'Königin-Luise-Platz/Botanischer Garten'. In Berlin, short-term interruptions or diversions in public transport can occur. Please inform yourself shortly before arrival on www.bvg.de/en about your possible connection.