
Current job offers at IGB
All job openings at IGB are publicly announced. The job advertisements contain all information on the desired qualifications of the successful applicant as well as a concise description of tasks, the duration of the offered position and the salary level. The selection of candidates follows a standardised and transparent procedure and is determined by a committee composed of scientists who understand the needs of the position, a member of the works council, the equal opportunities representative and, if applicable, the disability representative. We are looking forward to your application!

HR Excellence in Research Logo

Excellent working conditions at IGB

For its exemplary human resource management, the European Commission awarded IGB the title HR Excellence in Research. Learn more about working conditions and career development at IGB >

IHK-Logo Wir bilden aus

Apprenticeships at IGB

IGB has been awarded the IHK label for excellent training quality. Learn more about the apprenticeships at IGB >