Not everyone likes chemistry, Elisabeth Schütte does. That is why she trained as a chemical laboratory technician at IGB. | Photo: Volkmar Otto
At IGB, we offer four different apprenticeships for dual training:
- Biology laboratory technician
- Chemical laboratory technician
- IT specialist
- Office manager
Benefits of your training at IGB
Whether cultivating cells, taking and analysing water samples, providing users with PCs and software, procuring office supplies or accounting for business trips - the training opportunities at IGB are as multifaceted as the institute's scientific spectrum. Office clerks, IT specialists for systems integration, chemistry and biology laboratory technicians start their careers here. With practical training content, individual support and an international learning environment, IGB prepares its apprentices for their future professional challenges - for work in research institutions and universities as well as in industry and commerce.
- 30 days' vacation for a five-day week
- Five days additional vacation for exam preparation
- Special annual payment in November
- Learning materials allowance
- Company pension scheme and capital-forming benefits
- Attractive training salary
- Opportunity to spend time abroad if you perform well and are interested
- Travel allowance for the use of public transportation
- Tandem programs with other research institutes and the Joint Administration of the Forschungsverbund
Our apprenticeships in detail
Biology laboratory technician
- Duration of training: 3.5 years, can be shortened if you perform well
- Qualification: Intermediate school leaving certificate or Abitur
- What we are looking for: enjoy biology, chemistry and math, independence, ability to work in a team, knowledge of English
- Training content: Analytics, working with experimental animals, biochemistry, biotechnology, microbiology, molecular biology, parasitology, cell culture technology, quality management
Chemical laboratory technician
- Duration of training: 3.5 years, can be shortened if you perform well
- Qualification: Intermediate school leaving certificate or Abitur
- What we are looking for: Scientific understanding, ability to work in a team, reliability, knowledge of English
- Training content: Chemistry, physics, mathematics, synthesis, analytics, spectroscopy, photometry
IT specialist
- Duration of training: 3 years, can be shortened if you perform well
- Qualification: Intermediate school leaving certificate or Abitur
- What we are looking for: Interest in technology and logic, perseverance, independence, knowledge of English
- Training content: Installation and configuration of connected IT systems, project planning, procurement, advising and training users, data protection, system maintenance
Office manager
- Duration of training: 3 years, can be shortened if you perform well
- Qualification: Intermediate school leaving certificate or Abitur
- What we are looking for: Ability to work in a team, quick comprehension, communication skills, good knowledge of English
- Training content: Work organisation, bookkeeping, commercial arithmetic, customer relations, information processing, marketing, personnel management, tax and social security law, procurement of materials and equipment

Excellent training quality
In 2023, IGB was awarded the IHK label for Excellent Training Quality once again. In addition to the criteria in the two categories Mandatory and Excellence, we have also fulfilled the “on top criteria”. For example, it is not only a matter of course that our trainees receive an appropriate training compensation and that we provide them with all necessary work equipment free of charge, but also that our trainees are offered individual examination preparation. In an interview with the trainees and colleagues who are responsible for the training at IGB an IHK training consultant reviewed whether our ideas of good training also meet the needs of our trainees. Result: trainees and trainers confirm the special quality and the compliance with the criteria.
For the latest calls for applications, please consult our Job portal. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact our Personnel Administration.