Lakes in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Sustainable Remediation and Restauration

Studies on the ecological long-term development of selected lakes of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Sustainability of remediation and restoration measures.

Feldberger Haussee, during a period of intensive calcite precipitation. In spring 2011, the earlier highly polluted lake was treated with a chemical precipitant (poly-aluminium chloride) in order to remove excess phosphorus from the water and to immobilize it in the sediment. The water quality has meanwhile significantly improved and is now in the range typical for mesotrophic lakes.

Concerning lake protection and water quality management, a close and successful co-operation between the Bundesland Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and the IGB exists since the 1990s. The aim primarily was to study problems of lake remediation and restoration as exemplified by relevant lake ecosystems. By integrating the scientific expertise of the IGB, the respective programs acquired a better scientific footing which was one of the prerequisites for sustainable success. An example is the treatment of Lake Schmaler Luzin by artificially induced calcite precipitation. Other examples are the lakes Tiefwarensee and Feldberger Hausee. Sustainability is of significant importance for public awareness and acceptance when it comes to this of this kind of interference with natural habitats. Reciprocally, field experiments may help to improve strategies for careful use and management of lake ecosystems. As a side effect, the studies provided parts of those data necessary for mandatory reports concerning the EU-WFD.

Short Profile


(Dept. 1) Ecohydrology and Biogeochemistry
(Dept. 3) Plankton and Microbial Ecology
Research Domain
Dimensions of Complexity of Aquatic Systems
project leader
Funded by

Ministerium f. Landwirtschaft und Umwelt (MLU-MV) d. Bundeslandes Mecklenburg-Vorpommern


- MLU-MV, Abt. 4, Wasser, Boden u. Immissionsschutz; Ref. 420 Gewässerkunde u. Seenprogramm

- Dr. Gerlinde Wauer, Landesamt f. Gesundheit und Soziales, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Fachbereich Wasserhygiene II (17235 Neustrelitz, Schlossstraße 8)

Contact person
March 2016

Assessing resilience in long-term ecological data sets

F. Müller; M. Bergmann; R. Dannowski; J. W. Dippner; A. Gnauck; P. Haase; Marc C. Jochimsen; P. Kasprzak; I. Kröncke; R. Kümmerlin; M. Küster; G. Lischeid; H. Meesenburg; C. Merz; G. Millat; J. Müller; J. Padisak; C. G. Schimming; H. Schubert; M. Schult; G. Selmeczy; T. Shatwell; S. Stoll; M. Schwabe; T. Soltwedel; S. Straile; M. Theuerkauf
Ecological Indicators. - 65(2016), S. 10-43
September 2015

Restaurierung des Tiefwarensees Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) durch eine kombinierte Zugabe von Aluminat und Calciumhydroxid in das Tiefenwasser

Thomas Gonsiorczyk; Peter Kasprzak; Gerlinde Wauer; Peter Casper
Handbuch angewandte Limnologie / Hupfer ; Calmano ; Klapper ; Wilken. - Weinheim : Wiley, 2015. - 31. Erg.-Lfg. 1/15. - Kapitel VI-10.2. - S. 1-9
October 2015

Auswirkungen künstlicher und natürlicher Nährstoff- und Kalzitfällungen auf die Sedimentbeschaffenheit

Thomas Gonsiorczyk; Peter Casper; Perter Kasprzak
Erweiterte Zusammenfassungen der Jahrestagung 2013 der DGL. - Hardegsen, 2014. - S. 167-171
December 2013

Gewässerinterne Ökotechnologien zur Verminderung der Trophie von Seen und Talsperren

Jörg Lewandowski; Eberhard Hoehn; Peter Kasprzak; Andreas Kleeberg; Hannes Kurzreuther; Niklas Lücke; Jürgen Mathes; Sebastian Meis; Helmut Rönicke; Stefan Sandrock; Gerlinde Wauer; Matthias Rothe; Michael Hupfer
KW Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft. - 6(2013)12, S. 718-728
December 2013

Prozessverständnis als Grundlage für die Gewässerbewirtschaftung

Brigitte Nixdorf; Jacqueline Rücker; Andrew M. Dolman; Claudia Wiedner; Sabine Hilt; Peter Kasprzak; Antje Köhler; Klaus van de Weyer; Stephan Sandrock; Eva-Maria Scharf; Hartmut Willmitzer
KW Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft. - 6(2013)12, S. 693-701

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