Investigating the impact of mixing patterns in North Italian Lake Iseo.

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Sampling on Lake Iseo. | Photo: Maximilian Lau / IGB

Many alpine lakes regularily feature deep water bodies that are not entirely mixed in overturn events. The incomplete circulation may impair lake water quality. In a joint and multidisciplionary project with three Italian partner institutions, IGB researchers are investigating the impact of mixing patterns in North Italian Lake Iseo. In the long-term, the projects aims for specific managment recommendations that may help to improve the lakes trophic state in a changing climate. The project is funded by the CARIPLO foundation ( and runs over three successive years. Researchers of IGBs Department Chemical Analytics and Biogeochemistry launched a first sampling campaign of lake Iseo - 250 m deep with a surface area of 65 km² in early April of 2016.

Further informations on project website

Project team at IGB

Michael Hupfer

Research Group Leader
Research group
Biogeochemical Processes in Sediments and Lake Management

Sylvia Jordan

Technik und Labor
Research group
Biogeochemische Prozesse in Sedimenten und Seenrestaurierung

Thomas Rossoll

Technik und Labor
Research group
Nährstoffkreisläufe und chemische Analytik

Tobias Goldhammer

Research group
Nährstoffkreisläufe und chemische Analytik

Christiane Herzog

Technik und Labor
Research group
Biogeochemische Prozesse in Sedimenten und Seenrestaurierung
Supported by

CARIPLO-Foundation (