Luis Alberto Macías-Pérez
Müggelseedamm 301, 12587 Berlin
Research Interests
I am an environmental microbiologist. My research focuses on the characterization of microbiomes in natural and anthropogenic environments using a combination of microbiology, molecular biology, bioinformatics, and chemical techniques. I am particularly interested in investigating the diversity, function, and interactions of microbial communities, their role in the biogeochemical cycles, and their adaptation to different anthropogenic contaminants.
At the IGB, I study the effects of organic pollutants on the biodiversity in Berlin's urban ponds, with special emphasis on microbial community dynamics and evolution.
Microbial ecology:
- DNA and RNA extraction and purification; PCR and qPCR amplification
- Metagenomics and Metatranscriptomics
- Microscopy (optical and confocal)
- Isolation and characterization of environmental microorganisms
Analytical methods:
- Multivariate statistics for ecological studies; Microbial co-occurrence networks; Genomic and metagenomics analysis (assembly, binning, annotation, phylogenetics)
- ICP-AES and ICP-MS; Elemental CHN analysis; Mineralogical analyses by XRD.
Additional experience:
- Microbial electrochemistry (Microbial Fuel Cells and Microbial Electrolysis Cells)
2018 - 2022 PhD in Environmental Sciences - Aix-Marseille Université, France
Thesis subject: Critical raw elecments bio-recovery from highly alkaline bauxite residues. Thesis supervisor: Mélanie Auffan and Wafa Achouak
2017 - 2018 MSc in Biomolecules and Cell Dynamics - Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain
Thesis subject: Identification of co-varying microbial functions in a time-series of Arctic Ocean samples. Thesis supervisor: Fernando Puente-Sánchez
2013 - 2017 BSc in Biotechnology - Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
Thesis subject: Role of cell-surface hydrophobicity in the uptake and degradation of hydrocarbons by different microorganisms. Thesis supervisor: Pawel Kaszycki (University of Agriculture in Krakow, Poland)