Organic Contaminants
Stormwater retention pond to capture and treat highway runoff. Photo: Stephanie Spahr
Water scarcity and water quality impairments are major global 21st century challenges that are heightened by population growth, climate change, groundwater depletion, and continuous introduction of anthropogenic chemicals into the aquatic environment. Our research focuses on trace organic contaminants such as pesticides, pharmaceuticals, personal care products, and industrial chemicals that enter the aquatic environment through insufficiently treated wastewater or untreated agricultural and urban runoff. Many trace organic contaminants raise particular concern as they can cause adverse effects on ecological and human health even at trace concentrations.
Our main research areas are:
- Transformation mechanisms of organic contaminants in natural and engineered aquatic systems
- Water treatment with adsorbents and chemical oxidants
- Storm-driven mobilisation and toxicity of organic contaminant mixtures
- Urban blue-green infrastructure for stormwater purification and contaminant removal

Organic Contaminants group in June 2024. Photo: Spahr / IGB

Congratulations to Dr. Zhuang for the successful defense of her dissertation!
Sampling at the Teltowkanal in Berlin. Photo: Spahr / IGB
Organic contaminant analytics with liquid chromatography mass spectrometry. Photo: Spahr / IGB
Sampling of tunnel wash water at a highway for organic contaminant analytics. Photo: Hüttinger / IGB
Katharina Rall