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Nadja Neumann

Dörthe Tetzlaff elected to the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities

The Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW) has elected Professor Dörthe Tetzlaff and eight other scientists as full members of the Academy during its committee meeting for Leibniz Day 2023. Alongside Professor Jens Krause, she is the second member from IGB.

Dörthe Tetzlaff. | Foto: David Ausserhofer

The  members of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW) are chosen for their outstanding scientific achievements. Among its former members were Albert Einstein and Max Planck.

Dörthe Tetzlaff is one of top surface water hydrologists in the world. Her work on streamflow generation and water storage capacity of landscapes using stable isotopes, and on the importance of plants for the water cycle in catchments have become the benchmark through which other studies have been measured and implemented.   

The scientist is delighted with the recognition and her new role at the BBAW: "I am very proud to be part of the BBAW. Water is so important worldwide, but also locally for the city of Berlin and the state of Brandenburg, as we live in one of the driest regions of Germany. For me, membership also means a stronger networking within the Berlin-Brandenburg region, which is an important area of investigation and activity for my research, and I would like to use the platform and network of the BBAW to bring the topic of protection and use of our water resources much further to the fore."

The Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (formerly the Prussian Academy of Sciences and Humanities) serves to promote the sciences and humanities, performs tasks of advising society and politics, promotes dialogue between science and society and supports institutional cooperation between non-university research and universities in Berlin and Brandenburg.

Congratulations, Professor Tetzlaff!

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