Dörthe Tetzlaff
Müggelseedamm 310, 12587 Berlin
for Ecohydrology at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Geography Department
Employment History
April 2019-present Honorary Professor at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland
August 2017-present Head of the Department of Ecohydrology & Biogeochemistry at IGB and Full Professor of Ecohydrology at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
July 2010-March 2019 Full Professor in Hydrology and Landscape Ecology at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland
January 2009-June 2010 Reader (Associate Professor) at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland
January 2007-December 2008 Lecturer at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland
March 2004-December 2006 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland
June 2000-February 2004 Research Assistant at the University of Freiburg, Germany
August 1999-May 2000 Research Assistant at the University of Hannover, Germany
Education and Professional Development
2013 DSc (Doctor of Science) in Hydrology, University of Aberdeen, Scotland
(‘Tracing connections between landscapes and riverscapes: conceptualising the links between catchment hydrology and in-stream ecology’)
2004 PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) in Hydrology, University of Freiburg, Germany
(‘Ecologically meaningful hydrological assessment of flow dynamics in urban rivers’)
1999 MSc (Diploma) in Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology, University of Hannover, Germany
(‘Assessment of runoff generation and groundwater recharge beneath sugar cane in the Ripple Creek subcatchment, Queensland’, conducted at CSIRO Land & Water ‘Davies Lab’ Tonwsville, Queensland Australia)
1994 BSc in Geography, University of Potsdam, Germany
Current Teaching
Lecture "Measurements in Ecohydrology", MSc, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institute of Geography
Lecture "Water Security", MSc, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institute of Geography
Field Course "Field observations in Hydrology", MSc, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institute of Geography
Honors and Awards
- Polubarinova-Kochina Hydrologic Sciences Mid-Career Award of the American Geophysical Union AGU (2024)
- Water Resource Prize of the Rüdiger Kurt Bode Foundation (2024)
- Member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (2023)
- Fellow of The European Academy of Sciences (2022)
- Fellow of the Geological Society of America GSA (2020)
- Honorary Fellow of the Geological Society of America GSA (2019)
- Fellow of the American Geophysical Union AGU (since 2018)
- Fellow of Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE, since 2017)
- Member of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Young Academy of Scotland (2013-2017)
- Visiting Fellowship in Freshwater Science, Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology & Inland Fisheries, Berlin (2009)
- Young Person’s Fellowship, Environment Agency of England and Wales (2004)
- Young Scientist’s Award for Europeans, European Geosciences Union (2004)
- Young Scientist’s Award for Europeans, European Geophysical Society (2002 and 2003)
- Research Fellowship (1999) and Student Scholarship (1994-1998), „Friedrich-Ebert“ Trust
Services and Memberships
- International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS)
- American Geophysical Union (AGU)
- European Geosciences Union (EGU)
- German Hydrological Society (DHG)
- German Association for Stable Isotope Research
Editorial Boards
- Board of Reviewing Editors, Science; 2023-present
- Editor-in Chief, Hydrological Processes; 2015-present
- Editor, Hydrological Processes; 2012-2014
- Editorial Board Member, Ecohydrology; 2013 to 2021
- Editor-in Chief of Hydrology and Water Resources Section, Geography Compass; 2009 to 2011
Scientific advisory boards and committees
- TERENO Advisory Board; 2024 –
- Scientific Advisory Board Nationalpark Lower Oder Valley; 2023 –
- Advisory Board member journal Environmental Sciences: Advances Royal Society of Chemistry; 2021-
- Member of Earth Sciences and Chemistry Fellow Committee, Royal Society of Edinburgh; 2021-
- Member of AGU Hydrology Section's Ecohydrology Technical Committee AGU (American Geophysical Union); 2020 -
- Invited Member of AGU College of Fellows Committee on New Frontiers; since 2019
- Invited Member Advisory Board Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research IDAEA, Barcelona Spain; since 2019
- Member of AGU Hydrology Section's Hydrology Science Award Committee; 2018-2020
- Invited member of international search committee for new Editor-in-Chief for Water Resources Research; 2016
- Invited expert on EGU Young Scientists “Meet the Expert” event, EGU 2016
- Chair of AGU Hydrology Section's Early Career Award Committee; 2015-2016
- Chair of AGU Hydrology Section's Surface Water Technical Committee; 2013-2015
- Invited member of AGU Hydrology Section's Early Career Award Committee; 2013-2016
- Invited member of Scientific Advisory Committee PUB (Prediction in Ungauged Basins) Putting PUB into Practice; 2011.
- Invited member of Hydrology Section Surface Water Technical Committee AGU; 2010 to 2013.
- NERC Moderating Panel for Research Programme “Flooding from Intense Rainfall”; 2013.
- NERC PRC Freshwater Recruitment Panel; 2012.
- Invited member Tellers Committee AGU; 2010 to 2012.
- Elected Work-Package leader on international integration of the UK Environmental Virtual Observatory within NERC (Natural Environment Research Council), pilot project on “Virtual Observatories” (total £2M). 2010-2012.
- Elected European Co-Chair of the Gordon Research Conference on Catchment Science; 2009 to 2011.
- Member, Peer review panel NERC (Natural Environment Research Council); 2009 to 2018
- Invited Chair of international initiative on Prediction in Ungauged Basins (PUB) of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS); Theme 2 “Conceptualization of process heterogeneity”, a major initiative to improve prediction in data sparse regions - Invited 2007 to 2009 and re-invited 2009 to 2011.
- Invited member of steering committee for US consortium CUAHSI (Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science) Inter-site Comparison; 2009 to 2010.
- Member of Executive Committee EGU (European Geosciences Union) on Catchment Hydrology; 2007 to Present.
- Member of Executive Committee AGU (American Geophysical Union) on Surface Water; 2006 to Present.
- Member of Executive Committee EGU (European Geosciences Union) Estuaries, Wetlands and Eco-Hydrology; 2004 to Present.
- Co-ordinator of international initiative on catchment inter-comparison (involving 7 partners from 5 international institutions); 2007 to 2009.
- Invited panel member, IUGG Young Scientists Event, XXIV International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) General Assembly, Perugia, Italy; 2007.
Other functions
- Research proposal reviewer for several international funding councils (e.g. ERC, NERC, NSERC, NSF etc)
All journal articles are in Web of Science listed journals
Marked with * are research student (PhD) papers; ** postdoctoral fellows
Peer–reviewed journal papers
1. Tetzlaff D, Carey S, McNamara J, Laudon H, Soulsby C. (2017) The essential value of long-term experimental data for hydrology and water management. Water Resources Research, doi: 10.1002/2017WR020838.
2. Soulsby C, **Dick J, *Scheliga B, Tetzlaff D. (2017) Taming the Flood – how far can we go with trees? Hydrological Processes, 10.1002/hyp.11226.
3. **Ala-Aho P, Tetzlaff D, McNamara JP, Laudon, H, Kormos P, Soulsby, C. (2017) Modeling the isotopic evolution of snowpack and snowmelt: testing a spatially distributed parsimonious approach. Water Resources Research, DOI: 10.1002/2017WR020650.
4. **Sprenger M, Tetzlaff D, Soulsby C. (2017) Stable isotopes reveal evaporation dynamics at the soil-plant-atmosphere interface of the critical zone. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS), https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-21-1-2017.
5. *Fabris L, Malcolm IA, Buddendorf WB, Millidine KJ, Tetzlaff D, Soulsby C. (2017) Hydraulic modelling of the spatial and temporal variability in Atlantic salmon parr habitat availability in an upland stream. Science of the Total Environment, 601-602:1046-1059. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.05.112.
6. *Scheliga B, Tetzlaff D, Nuetzmann G, Soulsby C. (2017) Groundwater isoscapes in a montane headwater catchment show dominance of well-mixed storage. Hydrological Processes, DOI 10.1002/hyp.11271.
7. Laudon L, Spence C, Buttle J, Carey SK, McDonnell J, McNamara JP, Soulsby C, Tetzlaff D. (2017) Preserve High Northern Latitude Catchment Research. Nature Geoscience, 10, 324–325. DOI:doi:10.1038/ngeo2947.
8. **Ala-Aho P, Soulsby, C, **Wang H, Tetzlaff D. (2017) Integrated surface-subsurface model to investigate the role of groundwater in headwater catchment runoff generation: a minimalist approach to parameterisation. Journal of Hydrology, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.02.023.
9. *Tunaley, Tetzlaff D, Soulsby, C. (2017) Scaling effects of riparian peatlands on stable isotopes in runoff and DOC mobilization. Journal of Hydrology, 549, 220-235.
10. Geris J, Tetzlaff D, McDonnell J, Soulsby C. (2017) Spatial and temporal patterns of soil water storage and vegetation water use in humid northern catchments. Science of the Total Environment, 595:486-493. · DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.03.275.
11. Benettin P, Soulsby C, Birkel C, Tetzlaff D, Botter G, Rinaldo A. (2017) Using SAS functions and high resolution isotope data to unravel travel time distributions in headwater catchments. Water Resources Research, doi: 10.1002/2016WR020117.
12. **Wang H, Tetzlaff D, **Dick J, Soulsby C. (2017) Assessing the environmental controls on Scots pine transpiration and the implications for water partitioning in a boreal headwater catchment. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2017.04.002.
13. **Sprenger, M, Tetzlaff D, Soulsby C (2017) No influence of CO2 on stable isotope analysis of soil waters with OA-ICOS. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, DOI: 10.1002/rcm.7815.
14. **Sprenger, M, Tetzlaff D, *Tunaley C, **Dick J, Soulsby C (2017). Evaporation fractionation in a peatland drainage network affects stream water isotope composition. Water Resources Research, doi: 10.1002/2016WR019258.
15. *Peralta-Tapia A, Soulsby C, Tetzlaff D, Sponseller RA, Bishop K, Laudon H. (2017) Hydroclimatic influences on non-stationary transit time distributions in a boreal headwater catchment. Journal of Hydrology, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.01.079.
16. Correa A, Windhorst D, Tetzlaff D, Crespo P, Célleri R, Feyen J, Breuer L. (2017) Temporal dynamics in dominant runoff sources and flow paths in the Andean Páramo. Water Resources Research, DOI: 10.1002/2016WR020187 .
17. Lazzaro G, Soulsby C, Tetzlaff D, Botter G. (2017) A probabilistic approach to quantifying hydrologic thresholds regulating migration of adult Atlantic salmon into spawning streams. Water Resources Research, DOI: 10.1002/2016WR019244.
18. **van Huijgevoort MHJ, Tetzlaff D, Sutanudjaja EH, Soulsby C. (2016) Visualisation of spatial patterns of connectivity and runoff ages derived from a tracer-aided model. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10961.
19. *Tunaley, Tetzlaff D, Soulsby, C. (2016) Linking high-frequency DOC dynamics to time variant flow paths, connectivity and water ages. Water Resources Research, DOI: 10.1002/2015WR018419.
20. Soulsby C, Birkel C, Tetzlaff D. (2016) Modelling connectivity between landscapes and riverscapes: a conceptual framework for long-term ecohydrological assessment. Hydrological Processes. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10862.
21. *Dick J, Tetzlaff D, Birkel C, Malcolm IA, Soulsby C. (2016) Continuous dissolved oxygen measurements and modelling metabolism in peatland streams. PLOS ONE. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0161363.
22. **van Huijgevoort MHJ, Tetzlaff D, Sutanudjaja EH, Soulsby C. (2016) Using high resolution tracer data to constrain water storage, flux and age estimates in a spatially distributed rainfall-runoff model. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10902.
23. Soulsby C, Bradford J, *Blumstock M., **Dick J., Geris J, **Lessels J, McNamara JP, Tetzlaff D (2016) Using electrical resistivity surveys to test tracer-based storage estimates in headwater catchments. Hydrological Processes, 10.1002/hyp.10889.
24. Dean JF, Billett MF, Baxter R, Dinsmore KJ, Lessels JS, Street L, Subke JA, Tetzlaff D, Washbourne I, Wookey PA. (2016) Biogeochemistry of “pristine” freshwater stream and lake systems in the western Canadian Arctic. Biogeochemistry, DOI 10.1007/s10533-016-0252-2.
25. *Blumstock M, Tetzlaff D, Dick JJ, Nuetzmann G, Soulsby, C. (2016) Spatial organisation of groundwater dynamics and streamflow response from different hydropedological units in a montane catchment. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10848.
26. **Lessels JS, Tetzlaff D, Birkel C, Dick J, Soulsby C. (2016) Water sources and mixing in riparian wetlands revealed by tracers and geospatial analysis. Water Resources Research. Doi: 10.1002/2015WR017519.
27. Soulsby C, Birkel C, Tetzlaff D. (2016) Characterising the age distribution of catchment evaporative losses. Hydrological Processes. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10751.
28. Birkel C, Geris J, Molina MJ, Mendez C, Arce R, **Dick J, Tetzlaff D, Soulsby C (2016) Hydroclimatic controls on non-stationary stream water ages in humid tropical catchments. Journal of Hydrology, Volume 542, 231–240
29. Street LE, Dean JF, Billett MF, Baxter R, Cooper M, Dinsmore KJ, Lessels JS, Subke JA, Tetzlaff D, Wookey PA (2016). Hillslope redox dynamics and soil methane concentrations in an Arctic headwater catchment. J. Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences, 121:2776-2792.
30. Tetzlaff D, Buttle J, Carey SK, **Huijgevoort van M, Laudon H, McNamara J, Mitchell CPJ, Spence C, **Gabor RS, Soulsby C. (2015) . A preliminary assessment of water partitioning and ecohydrological coupling in northern headwaters using stable isotopes and conceptual runoff models. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10515. 29, 5153–5173.
31. Tetzlaff D, Buttle J, Carey SK, McGuire K, Laudon H, Soulsby C. (2015).Tracer-based assessment of flow paths, storage and runoff generation in northern catchments: a review. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10412. 29, 3475–3490.
32. Soulsby C, Birkel C, **Geris J, *Dick J, *Tunaley C, Tetzlaff D. (2015) Stream water age distributions controlled by storage dynamics and non-linear hydrologic connectivity: modelling with high resolution isotope data. Water Resources Research. Doi: 10.1002/2015WR017888.
33. **Geris J, Tetzlaff D, McDonnell JJ, Anderson JA, Paton GI, Soulsby C. (2015) Ecohydrological separation in wet, low energy northern environments? A preliminary assessment using different soil water extraction techniques. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10603. 29, 5139-5152.
34. **Lessels JS, Tetzlaff D, Carey SK, Smith P, Soulsby C. (2015) A coupled hydrology-biogeochemistry model to simulate dissolved organic carbon exports from a permafrost influenced catchment. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10566. 29, 5383–5396.
35. *Blumstock M, Tetzlaff D, Malcom IA, Nuetzmann G, Soulsby (2015). Baseflow dynamics: multi-tracer surveys to assess groundwater contributions to montane streams under low flows. Journal of Hydrology, 527, 1021–1033.
36. *Dick J, Tetzlaff D., Birkel C, Soulsby C. (2015) Landscape influence on small-scale water temperature variations in a moorland catchment. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10423.
37. Soulsby C, **Birkel C, Geris J, Tetzlaff D. (2015) Spatial aggregation of time variant stream water ages in urbanizing catchments. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10500.
38. **Geris J, Tetzlaff D, Soulsby C. (2015) Resistance and Resilience to Droughts: Hydropedological Controls on Catchment Storage and Runoff Response. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10480.
39. **Birkel C, Soulsby C. Tetzlaff D. (2015) Conceptual modelling to assess how the interplay of hydrological connectivity, catchment storage and tracer dynamics controls non-stationary water age estimates. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10414.
40. *Dick J, Tetzlaff D., **Birkel C, Soulsby C. (2015) Modelling landscape controls on Dissolved Organic Carbon sources and fluxes to streams. Biogeochemistry, DOI 10.1007/s10533-014-0046-3. 122, 361-374.
41. **Geris J, Tetzlaff D, Seibert J, Vis M, Soulsby C. (2015) Conceptual modelling to assess hydrological impacts and evaluate environmental flow scenarios in montane river systems regulated for hydropower. Rivers Research Applications. DOIs: 10.1002/rra.2813
42. **Geris J, Tetzlaff D, McDonnell JJ, Soulsby C. (2015) The relative role of soil vs tree cover on water storage and transmission in northern headwater catchments. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10289.
43. *Peralta-Tapia A, Sponseller RA, Tetzlaff D, Soulsby C, Laudon H. (2015) Connecting precipitation inputs and soil flow pathways to stream water in contrasting boreal catchments. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10300.
44. Soulsby C, **Birkel C, **Geris J, Tetzlaff D. (2015) The isotope hydrology of a large river system regulated for hydropower. Rivers Research Applications. DOI: 10.1002/rra.2740.
45. *Peralta-Tapia A, Sponseller RA, Ågren A., Tetzlaff D, Soulsby C, Laudon H. (2015) Scale-dependent groundwater contributions influence patterns of winter baseflow stream chemistry in boreal catchments. JGR Biogeosciences, doi: 10.1002/2014JG002878.
46. **Ali G, Tetzlaff D, McDonnell JJ, Soulsby C, Carey S, Laudon H, McGuire K, Buttle J, Seibert J, Shanley J. (2015) An Examination of Storage Threshold Hydrologic Response across Northern Catchments. Hydrological Processes, doi: 10.1002/hyp.10527.
47. **Birkel C, Soulsby S, Irvine DJ, Malcolm IA, Lautz LK, Tetzlaff D. (2015) Heat-based hyporheic flux calculations in heterogeneous salmon spawning gravels. Aquatic Sciences, DOI 10.1007/s00027-015-0417-4.
48. Poulsen JB, Sebok E, Duque C, Tetzlaff D, Engesgaard PK. (2015) Detecting groundwater discharge dynamics from point to catchment scale in a lowland stream: combining hydraulic and tracer methods. HESS, 19, 4, p. 1871-1886.
49. Tetzlaff D, **Birkel C, *Dick J, **Geris J, Soulsby C. (2014) Storage dynamics in hydropedological units control hillslope connectivity, runoff generation and the evolution of catchment transit time distributions. Water Resources Research. DOI: 10.1002/2013WR014147.
50. **Birkel C, Soulsby C, Tetzlaff D. (2014) Developing a consistent process-based conceptualization of catchment functioning using measurements of internal state variables. Water Resources Research 50, 3481-3501.
51. **Birkel C, Soulsby C, Tetzlaff D. (2014) Integrating parsimonious models of hydrological connectivity and soil biogeochemistry to simulate stream DOC dynamics. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences 119, doi:10.1002/2013JG002551.
52. Soulsby C, **Birkel C, Tetzlaff D. (2014) Assessing urbanization impacts on catchment transit times. Geophysical Research Letters. 41, doi:10.1002/2013GL058716.
53. **Birkel C, Soulsby C, **Ali G, Tetzlaff D. (2014) Assessing the impacts of hydropower regulation on flow regimes in a large Atlantic Salmon river system. Rivers Research Applications. DOI: 10.1002/rra.2656.
54. *McGrane SJ, Tetzlaff D, Soulsby C. (2014). Application of a linear regression model to assess the influence of urbanised areas and grazing pastures on the microbiological quality of rural stream Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 186, 7141-7155.
55. *McGrane SJ, Tetzlaff D, Essery R, Soulsby C. (2014) Do catchment characteristics explain differences in coherence and trends in hydroclimatic behaviour in an upland region? Hydrology Research. doi:10.2166/nh.2014.147.
56. *Capell R, Tetzlaff D, Essery R, Soulsby C. (2014) Projecting climate change impacts on stream flow regimes with tracer-aided runoff models - preliminary assessment of heterogeneity at the mesoscale. Hydrological Processes. 28, 3, 545–558.
57. **Ali G, Tetzlaff D, **Kruitbos LM, Soulsby C, Carey S, McDonnell J, Buttle J, Laudon H, Seibert J, McGuire K, Shanley J. (2014) Analysis of hydrological seasonality and functionality across northern catchments using monthly precipitation-runoff polygon metrics. Hydrological Science Journal, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2013.822639.
58. **Ali G, **Birkel C, Tetzlaff D, Soulsby C, McDonnell JJ, Tarolli P. (2014) A comparison of wetness indices for the prediction of connected saturated areas under contrasted conditions. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. DOI: 10.1002/esp.3506.
59. *McGrane SJ, Tetzlaff D, Soulsby C. (2014) Influence of lowland aquifers and anthropogenic impacts on the isotope hydrology of contrasting mesoscale catchments. Hydrological Processes. 28, 3, 793–808.
60. Malcolm IA, Gibbins C, Fryer RJ, Keay J, Tetzlaff D, Soulsby C (2014) The influence of forestry on acidification and recovery: insights from long-term hydrochemical and invertebrate data. Ecological Indicators, 37,317-329.
61. Tetzlaff D, Carey S, Soulsby C. (2013) Catchments in the future North: interdisciplinary science for sustainable management in the 21st Century. Hydrological Processes. 27, 635-639.
62. Tetzlaff D, Soulsby C, Buttle J, *Capell R, Carey SK, Kruitbos L, Laudon H, McDonnell J, McGuire K, Seibert S, Shanley J. (2013) Catchments on the Cusp? Structural and functional change in northern ecohydrological systems. Hydrological Processes. 27, 766-774. (this article was one of the top 10 cited articles from all Issues of Hydrological Processes published during the period 2013 to 2014 based on data from Thomson ISI Web of Science®)
63. Carey SK, Tetzlaff D, Buttle J, Laudon H, McDonnell J, McGuire K, Seibert J, Soulsby C, Shanley J. (2013) Use of colormaps and wavelet coherence to discern short and longer-term climate influences on streamflow variability in northern catchments. Water Resources Research. doi: 10.1002/wrcr.20469.
64. **Birkel C, Soulsby C, Malcolm I, Tetzlaff D. (2013) Modelling the dynamics of metabolism in montane streams reveals the importance of riparian vegetation. Water Resources Research. Vol 49, DOI: 10.1002/wrcr.20409.
65. *Capell R, Tetzlaff D, Soulsby C. (2013) Will catchment characteristics moderate the projected effects of climate change on flow regimes in the Scottish Highlands? Hydrological Processes 27, 687-699.
66. Laudon H, Tetzlaff D, Soulsby C, Carey S, Seibert J, Buttle J, Shanley J, McDonnell J, McGuire K. (2013) Change in winter climate will affect dissolved organic carbon and water fluxes in mid-to-high latitude catchments. Hydrological Processes 27, 700-709.
67. Hrachowitz M, Savenije HHG, Blöschl G, McDonnell JJ, Sivapalan M, Pomeroy J, Arheimer B, Blume T, Clark M, Ehret U, Fenicia F, Freer J, Gelfan A, Gupta H, Hughes D, Hut R, Montanari A, Pande S, Tetzlaff D, Troch P, Uhlenbrook S, Wagener T, Winsemius H, Woods R. Cudennec C. (2013) A decade of Predictions in Ungauged Basins (PUB) - a review. Hydrological Science Journal. vol 58, no. 6, pp. 1198-1255.
68. **Kruitbos LM, Tetzlaff D, Soulsby C, Buttle J, Carey S, Laudon H, McDonnell J, McGuire K, Seibert, J, Cunjak R, Shanley J. (2013) Hydroclimatic and hydrochemical controls on Plecoptera (stonefly) diversity and distribution in northern freshwater ecosystems. Hydrobiologia, 702, no. 1, pp. 297.
69. Bracken LJ, Wainwright J, **Ali GA, Tetzlaff D, Smith MW, Reaney SM, Roy AG. (2013) Concepts of hydrological connectivity: research approaches, pathways and future agendas. Earth Science Reviews. 119, 17-34.
70. Goode JR, Buffington JM, Isaak DJ, Tonina D, Thurow RF, Wenger S, Nagel D, Luce C, Tetzlaff D, Soulsby C. (2013) Potential effects of climate change on streambed scour and risks to salmonid survival in snow-dominated mountain basins. Hydrological Processes 27, 750-765.
71. Hrachowitz M, Savenije HHG, Bogaard TA, Tetzlaff D,Soulsby C. (2013) What can flux tracking teach us about water age distributions and their temporal dynamics. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17, 533-564.
72. *Imholt C, Soulsby C, Malcolm IA, **Hrachowitz M, Gibbins CN, Langan S, Tetzlaff D. (2013) Influence of scale on thermal characteristics in a large montane river basin. Rivers Research and Application. , vol 29, no. 4, pp. 403-419.
73. Tetzlaff D, *Capell R, Soulsby C. (2012). Land use and hydroclimatic influences on Faecal Indictor Organisms in two large Scottish catchments: towards land use-based models as screening tools. Science of the Total Environment, vol 434, pp. 110-122.
74. *Capell R, Tetzlaff D, Soulsby C. (2012) Can time domain and source area tracers reduce uncertainty in rainfall-runoff models in larger heterogeneous catchments? Water Resources Research. vol 48, W09544. doi:10.1029/2011WR011543
75. **Birkel C, Soulsby C, Tetzlaff D. (2012) Modelling the impacts of land cover change on streamflow dynamics of a tropical rainforest headwater catchment. Hydrological Science Journal, 57 (8), 1–19.
76. Laudon H, Buttle J, Carey SK, McDonnell J, McGuire K, Seibert J, Shanley J, Soulsby C, Tetzlaff D. (2012) Cross-regional prediction of long-term trajectory of stream water DOC response to climate change. Geophysical Research Letters. VOL. 39, L18404, doi: 10.029/2012GL053033.
77. McMillan H, Tetzlaff D, Clark M, Soulsby C. (2012) Do time-variable tracers aid the evaluation of hydrological model structure? A multi-model approach. Water Resources Research. 48, W05501, doi:10.1029/2011WR011688
78. *Capell R, Tetzlaff D, Hartley A, Soulsby C. (2012) Linking metrics of hydrological function and transit times to landscape controls in a heterogeneous mesoscale catchment. Hydrological Processes. 26, 3, 405–420.
79. *Birkel C, Soulsby C, Tetzlaff D, Dunn SM, Spezia L. (2012) High-frequency storm event isotope sampling reveals time-variant transit time distributions and influence of diurnal cycles. Hydrological Processes. vol 26, no. 2, pp. 308-316.
80. **Birkel C, Paroli R, Spezia L, Dunn SM, Tetzlaff D, Soulsby C (2012) A new approach to simulating stream isotope dynamics using markov switching autoregressive models. Advances in Water Resources, vol 46, pp. 20-30.
81. **Ali G, Tetzlaff D, Soulsby C, McDonnell JJ, *Capell R. (2012) AA comparison of similarity indices for catchment classification using a cross-regional datasetAli, G., Tetzlaff, D., Soulsby, C., McDonnell, J. J., Capell, R. & Tetzlaff, D. May-2012 In : Advances in Water Resources. 40, p. 11-22. 12 p. Research output: Contribution to journal › Article comparison of similarity indices for catchment classification using a cross-regional dataset. Advances in Water Resources. 40, 11-22.
82. **Ali G, Tetzlaff D, Soulsby C, McDonnell JJ. (2012) Topographic, pedologic and climatic interactions influencing streamflow generation at multiple catchment scales. Hydrological Processes. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.8416.
83. Malcolm IA,Gibbins CN, Moir H, Soulsby C,Tetzlaff D. (2012) The influence of hydrology and hydraulics on salmonids between spawning and emergence: implications for the management of flows in regulated rivers. Fisheries Management and Ecology. vol 19, no. 6, pp. 464-474.
84. Tetzlaff D, McNamara JP, Carey SK. (2011) Measurements and modelling of storage dynamics across scales. Hydrological Processes. 25, 3831-3835.
85. Soulsby C, *Piegat KG, Seibert J, Tetzlaff D.(2011) Catchment-scale estimates of flow path partitioning and water storage based on transit time and runoff modelling. Hydrological Processes, 25, 3960-3976.
86. Tetzlaff D, Soulsby C, **Hrachowitz M, *Speed M. (2011) Relative influence of upland and lowland headwaters on the isotope hydrology and transit times of larger catchments. Journal of Hydrology. 400, 3-4, 438-447.
87. McNamara JP, Tetzlaff D, Bishop K, Soulsby C, Seyfried M, Peters N, Hooper R. (2011) Storage as a metric of catchment comparison. Hydrological Processes, 25, 3364-3371. (this article was one of the top 10 cited articles in 2011 from all Issues of Hydrological Processes published during the period 2011 to 2012 based on data from Thomson ISI Web of Science®)
88. *Capell R, Tetzlaff D, Malcolm IA, Hartley A, Soulsby C. (2011) Using hydrochemical tracers to conceptualise hydrological function in a larger scale catchment draining contrasting geomorphic provinces. Journal of Hydrology. 408(1-2), 164-177.
89. **Birkel C, Soulsby C, Tetzlaff D. (2011) Modelling catchment-scale water storage dynamics: reconciling dynamic storage with tracer-inferred passive storage. Hydrological Processes. 25, 3924-3936.
90. *Birkel C, Tetzlaff D, Dunn SM, Soulsby C. (2011) Using time domain and geographic source tracers to conceptualise streamflow generation processes in lumped rainfall-runoff models. Water Resources Research. 47, W02515, doi: 10.1029/2010WR009547.
91. *Birkel C, Tetzlaff D, Dunn SM, Soulsby C. (2011) Using lumped conceptual rainfall-runoff models to simulate daily isotope variability at two spatial scales in a nested agricultural catchment. Advances in Water Resources. 34, 3, 383-394.
92. Brewer M, Tetzlaff D, Malcolm IA, Soulsby C. (2011) Source distribution modelling for end-member mixing in hydrology. Environmetrics, DOI: 10.1002/env.1110.
93. *Addy S, Soulsby C, Hartley AJ, Tetzlaff D. (2011) Characterisation of and controls on channel reach morphology in deglaciated montane catchments in the Cairngorms, Scotland. Geomorphology. 132, 176-186.
94. **Dawson JJ, Tetzlaff D, *Speed M, **Hrachowitz M, Soulsby C. (2011) Seasonal controls on DOC dynamics in nested upland catchments in NE Scotland. Hydrological Processes, 25: 1647–1658.
95. *Speed M, Tetzlaff D, **Hrachowitz M, Soulsby C. (2011) Evolution of the spatial and temporal characteristics of the isotope hydrology of a montane river basin. Hydrology Science Journal. 56(3), 1–17.
96. **Hrachowitz M, Soulsby C, Tetzlaff D, Malcolm IA. (2011) Sensitivity of mean transit time estimates to model conditioning and data availability. Hydrological Processes, 25, 980–990.
97. Tetzlaff D, Carey SK, Laudon H, McGuire K. (2010) Catchment processes and heterogeneity at multiple scales - Benchmarking Observations, Conceptualisation and Prediction. Hydrological Processes. 24, 2203–2208.
98. Tetzlaff D, Soulsby C, *Birkel C. (2010) Hydrological connectivity and microbiological fluxes between landscapes and riverscapes: the importance of seasonality. Hydrological Processes, 24, 1231–1235.
99. Tetzlaff D, Brewer M, Malcolm IA, Soulsby C. (2010) Storm flow and baseflow response to reduced acid deposition in two contrasting forest catchments: the potential of compositional analysis. Hydrological Processes, 24, 2300–2312.
100. Soulsby C, Tetzlaff D, **Hrachowitz M. (2010) Spatial distribution of transit times in montane catchments: conceptualisation tools for management. Hydrological Processes 24, 3283–3288.
101. Carey SK, Tetzlaff D, Seibert J, Soulsby C, Buttle J, Laudon H, McDonnell J, McGuire K, Caissie D, Shanley J, **Kennedy M, Devito K, Pomeroy JW. (2010) Inter-comparison of hydro-climatic regimes across northern catchments: synchronicity, resistance and resilience. Hydrological Processes, 24, 3591–3602.
102. Soulsby C, Tetzlaff D, **Hrachowitz M. (2010) Are transit times useful process-based tools for flow prediction and classification in ungauged basins in montane regions? Hydrological Processes, 24, 1685–1696.
103. Kirchner JW, Tetzlaff D, Soulsby C. (2010) Comparing chloride and water isotopes as hydrological tracers in two Scottish catchments. Hydrological Processes, 24, 1631–1645.
104. *Birkel C, Tetzlaff D, Dunn SM, Soulsby C. (2010) Towards simple dynamic process conceptualization in rainfall runoff models using multi-criteria calibration and tracers in temperate, upland catchments. Hydrological Processes, 24, 260-275.
105. *Speed M, Tetzlaff D, Soulsby C, **Hrachowitz M, Waldron S. (2010) Isotopic and geochemical tracers reveal similarities in transit times in contrasting mesoscale catchments. Hydrological Processes, 24, 1211–1224.
106. *Birkel, C, Dunn SM, Tetzlaff D, Soulsby, C (2010) Assessing the added value of high resolution isotope tracer data in rainfall-runoff modelling. Hydrological Processes. 24, 2335–2348.
107. **Hrachowitz M, Soulsby C, Tetzlaff D, Malcolm IA., Schoops, G. (2010) Physical interpretation of parameters in the gamma distribution: implications for time-variant transit time assessment in catchments. Water Resources Research, doi: 10.1029/2010WR009148.
108. **Hrachowitz M, Soulsby C, Tetzlaff D, *Speed M. (2010) Catchment transit times and landscape controls - does scale matter? Hydrological Processes, 24, 117–125.
109. McDonnell JJ, McGuire K, (in alphabetical order) Aggarwal P, Beven K, Biondi D, Destouni G, Dunn S, James A, Kirchner J, Kraft P, Lyon S, Malowszewski P, Newman L, Pfister L, Rinaldo A, Rodhe A, Sayama T, Seibert J, Soloman K, Soulsby C, Stewart M, Tetzlaff D, Tobin C, Troch P, Weiler M, Western A, Wormann A, Wrede S. (2010) How old is the water? Open questions in catchment transit time conceptualisation, modelling and analysis. Hydrological Processes. 24, 1745–1754.
110. Dunn SM, *Birkel C, Tetzlaff D, Soulsby C. (2010) Transit time distributions of a conceptual model: their characteristics and sensitivities. Hydrological Processes, 24, 1719–1729.
111. Lyon SW, Laudon H, Seibert J, Moerth M, Tetzlaff D, Bishop K. (2010) Controls on snowmelt water mean transit times in northern boreal catchments. Hydrological Processes, 24, 1672–1684.
112. **Dawson JJ, Tetzlaff D, Carey A, Raab A, Soulsby C, Killham K, Meharg A. Characterising Pb mobilisation from upland soils to streams using 206Pb/207Pb isotopic ratios. (2010) Environmental Science & Technology, DOI: 10.1021/es902664d.
113. Godsey SE, (in alphabetical order) Aas W, Clair T, de Wit H, Fernandez I, Kahl S, Malcolm IA, Neal C, Neal M, Nelson S, Norton S, Palucis M, Skjelkvåle BL, Soulsby C, Tetzlaff D, Kirchner JW. (2010) Generality of Fractal 1/f Scaling in Catchment Tracer Time Series, and its Implications for Catchment Travel Time Distributions. Hydrological Processes, 24, 1660–1671
114. **Hrachowitz M, Soulsby C, *Imholt C, Malcolm IA, Tetzlaff D. (2010) Thermal regimes in a large upland salmon river: a simple model to identify the influence of landscape controls and climate change on maximum temperatures. Hydrological Processes, 24, 3374-3391.
115. Tetzlaff D, Seibert J, Soulsby C. (2009) Inter-catchment comparison to assess the influence of topography and soils on catchment transit times in a geomorphic province; the Cairngorm Mountains, Scotland. Hydrological Processes, 23, 1874–1886.
116. Tetzlaff D, Seibert J, McGuire KJ, Laudon H, Burns DA, Dunn SM, Soulsby C. (2009) How does landscape structure influence catchment transit times across different geomorphic provinces? Hydrological Processes 23, 945–953. (this article was one of the top 10 cited articles in 2011 from all Issues of Hydrological Processes published during the period January 2009 to December 2010 based on data from Thomson ISI Web of Science®)
117. Tetzlaff D, Uhlenbrook S, Eppert S, Soulsby C. (2009) Towards minimal calibration of process-based rainfall runoff models in mountainous watersheds – integrating tracer data into geomorphic instantaneous unit hydrographs. Int. Association Hydrological Sciences Publ. series Redbooks, 326, 49-55.
118. Soulsby C, Tetzlaff D, **Hrachowitz M. (2009) Tracers and transit times: windows for viewing catchment scale storage? Hydrological Processes 23, 3503–3507.
119. *Birkel C, Dunn SM, Tetzlaff D, Soulsby C. (2009) Assessing the added value of high-resolution isotope tracer data in rainfall-runoff modelling. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 6, 6207-6246.
120. Mackinnon D, Tetzlaff D. (2009) Conceptualising scale in regional studies and catchment science – towards an integrated characterisation of spatial units. Geography Compass 3/3, 976–996.
121. **Hrachowitz M, Soulsby C, Tetzlaff D, Dawson JJC, Malcolm IA. (2009) Regionalization of transit time estimates in montane catchments by integrating landscape controls. Water Resources Research, 45, doi: 10.1029/2008WR00749.
122. **Hrachowitz M, Soulsby C, Tetzlaff D, **Dawson JJC, Dunn SM, Malcolm IA. (2009) Using longer-term data sets to understand transit times in contrasting headwater catchments. Journal of Hydrology 367, 237-248.
123. Soulsby C, Malcolm IA, Tetzlaff D, Youngson AF. (2009) Seasonal and inter-annual variability in hyporheic water quality revealed by four years continuous monitoring in a salmon spawning stream. Rivers Research Application. 25: 1304–1319.
124. Malcolm IA, Soulsby C, Youngson AF, Tetzlaff D. (2009) Fine scale spatial and temporal variability of hyporheic hydrochemistry in salmon spawning gravels with contrasting groundwater-surface water interactions. Hydrogeology Journal 17, 161-174.
125. **Dawson JJC, Malcolm IA, Middlemas S, Tetzlaff D., Soulsby C 2009. Is the composition of dissolved organic carbon changing in upland acidic streams? Environmental Science & Technology, 43 (20), 7748–7753.
126. **Dawson JJC, Soulsby C, **Hrachowitz M, *Speed M, Tetzlaff D. (2009) Seasonality of epCO2 at different scales along an integrated river continuum within the Dee Basin, NE Scotland. Hydrological Processes 23, 2929–2942.
127. Tetzlaff D, Soulsby C. (2008). Sources of baseflow in large catchments – using tracers to develop a holistic understanding of runoff generation. Journal of Hydrology 359, 287-302.
128. Tetzlaff D, Uhlenbrook S, Eppert S, Soulsby C. (2008) Does the incorporation of process conceptualisation and tracer data improve the structure and performance of a simple rainfall-runoff model in a Scottish mesoscale catchment? Hydrological Processes 22, 2461-2474.
129. Tetzlaff D, McDonnell JJ, Uhlenbrook S, McGuire KJ, Bogaart PW, Naef F, Baird AJ, Dunn SM, Soulsby C. (2008) Conceptualising catchment processes: simply too complex? Hydrological Processes 22, 1727-1730.
130. Tetzlaff D, Gibbins CN, Bacon PJ, Youngson AF, Soulsby C. (2008) Influence of hydrological regimes on the pre-spawning entry of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) into an upland river. Rivers Research and Application 24, 528–542.
131. Soulsby C, Tetzlaff D. (2008) Towards simple approaches for mean residence time estimation in ungauged basins using tracers and soil distributions. Journal of Hydrology 363, 1-4, 60-74.
132. Soulsby C, Neal C, Laudon H, Burns DA, Merot P, Bonell M, Dunn SM, Tetzlaff D. (2008) Catchment data for process conceptualization: simply not enough? Hydrological Processes 22, 2057–2061.
133. Dawson JJ, Soulsby C, Tetzlaff D, Hrachowitz M, Dunn SM, Malcolm IA. (2008) Influence of hydrology and seasonality on DOC exports from three contrasting upland catchments. Biogeochemistry 90, 93-113.
134. Dunn SM, Bacon JR, Soulsby C, Tetzlaff D, Stutter M, Waldron S, Malcolm IA. (2008) Interpretation of homogeneity in d18O signatures of stream water in a nested sub-catchment system in north east Scotland. Hydrological Processes 22, 4767-4782.
135. Dunn SM, Freer J, Weiler M, Kirkby MJ, Seibert J, Quinn PF, Lischeid G, Tetzlaff D, Soulsby C. (2008) Conceptualization in catchment modelling: simply learning? Hydrological Processes 22, 2389–2393.
136. Malcolm IA, Soulsby C, Hannah DM, Bacon PJ, Youngson AF, Tetzlaff D. (2008) The influence of riparian woodland on stream temperatures: implications for the performance of juvenile salmonid. Hydrological Processes 22, 968–979.
137. Tetzlaff D, Malcolm IA, Soulsby C. (2007) Influence of forestry, environmental change and climatic variability on the hydrology, hydrochemistry and residence times of upland catchments. Journal of Hydrology 346, 93-111.
138. Tetzlaff D, Soulsby C, Bacon PJ, Youngson AF, Gibbins CN, Malcolm IA. (2007) Connectivity between landscapes and riverscapes – a unifying theme in integrating hydrology and ecology in catchment science? Hydrological Processes 21, 1385-1389.
139. Tetzlaff D, Soulsby C, Waldron S, Malcolm IA, Bacon PJ, Dunn SM, Lilly A. (2007) Conceptualisation of runoff processes using GIS and tracers in a nested mesoscale catchment. Hydrological Processes 21, 1289-1307.
140. Tetzlaff D, Waldron S, Brewer MJ, Soulsby C. (2007) Assessing nested hydrological and hydrochemical behaviour of a mesoscale catchment using continuous tracer data. Journal of Hydrology 336, 430-443.
141. Soulsby C, Tetzlaff D, van den Bedem N, Malcolm IA, Bacon PJ, Youngson AF. (2007) Inferring groundwater influences on streamwater in montane catchments from hydrochemical surveys of springs and streamwaters. Journal of Hydrology 333,199-213.
142. Soulsby C, Tetzlaff D, Dunn SM, Waldron S. (2006) Scaling up and out in runoff process understanding – insights from nested experimental catchment studies. Hydrological Processes 20, 2461-2465.
143. Soulsby C, Tetzlaff D, Rodgers P, Dunn SM, Waldron S. (2006) Runoff processes, stream water residence times and controlling landscape characteristics in a mesoscale catchment: an initial evaluation. Journal of Hydrology 325, 197-221.
144. Tetzlaff D, Uhlenbrook S. (2005) Significance of spatial variability in precipitation for process-oriented modelling: results from two nested catchments using radar and ground station data. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 9, 29-41.
145. ~Tetzlaff D, Uhlenbrook S, Grottker M, Leibundgut C. (2005) Hydrological assessment of flow dynamic changes by storm sewer overflows and combined sewer overflows on an event-scale in an urban river. Urban Water 2, 201-214.
146. Tetzlaff D, Grottker M, Leibundgut C. (2005) Hydrological criteria to assess changes of flow dynamic in urban impacted catchments. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 30, 426-431.
147. Tetzlaff D, Soulsby C, Youngson AF, Gibbins CN, Bacon PJ, Malcolm IA, Langan SJ. (2005) Variability in stream discharge and temperature: a preliminary assessment of the implications for juvenile and spawning Atlantic salmon. Hydrology and Earth Systems Science 9, 193-208.
148. Tetzlaff D, Soulsby C, Gibbins CN, Bacon PJ, Youngson AF. (2005) An approach to assessing hydrological influences on feeding opportunities of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): a case study of two contrasting years in a small, nursery stream. Hydrobiologia 549, 65 - 77.
149. Rodgers P, Soulsby C, Waldron S, Tetzlaff D. (2005) Using stable isotope tracers to assess hydrological flow paths, residence times and landscape influences in a nested mesoscale catchment. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 9, 139-155.
150. Soulsby C, Malcolm IA, Youngson AF, Tetzlaff D, Gibbins CN, Hannah DM. (2005) Groundwater – surface water interactions in upland Scottish rivers: hydrological, hydrochemical and ecological implications. Scottish Journal of Geology 41, 39-49.
151. Uhlenbrook S, Steinbrich A, Tetzlaff D, Leibundgut C. (2002) Regional Analysis of the Generation of Extreme Floods. 4th International Conference on FRIEND: Bridging the gap between research and practice. Int. Association Hydrological Sciences Publ. series Redbooks, 274, 243-250.
Edited Volumes
1. Tetzlaff D, Carey S, Soulsby C. (2013) Catchments in the future North: interdisciplinary science for sustainable management in the 21st Century. Hydrological Processes 27.
2. Tetzlaff D, McNamara JP, Carey S. (2011) Measurements and modeling of storage dynamics across scales. Hydrological Processes. 25, 25.
3. Tetzlaff D, Carey S, Laudon H, McGuire K. (2010) Catchment processes and heterogeneity at multiple scales. Hydrological Processes. 24.