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2021 - 2030 von 6800 Publikationen
Januar 2019

The role of models

Hua Xie; Marisa Matranha; Javier Mateo-Sagasta
More people, more food, worse water? : a global review of water pollution from agriculture / ed. by Javier Mateo-Sagasta ... - Rome : FAO, 2018. - ch. 9, S. 139-156
Januar 2019

From molecular hypotheses to valid species: description of three endemic species of Baetis (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from the Canary Islands

Jean-Luc Gattolliat; Sereina Rutschmann; Michael T. Monaghan; Michel Sartori
Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny. - 76(2018)3, S. 509-528
Januar 2019

Planktonic prokaryote and protist communities in a submarine canyon system in the Ligurian Sea (NW Mediterranean)

Celussi Mauro; Quero Grazia Marina; Zoccarato Luca; Franzo Annalisa; Corinaldesi Cinzia; Rastelli Eugenio; Lo Martire Marco; Galand Pierre E.; Ghiglione Jean-Francois; Chiggiato Jacopo; Coluccelli Alessandro; Russo Aniello; Pallavicini Alberto; Fonda Umani Serena; Del Negro Paola; Luna Gian Marco
Progress in Oceanography. - 168(2018), S. 210-221
Januar 2019

Pan-European action plan for sturgeons: multi species action plan for the Russian sturgeo complex (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii, A. persicus-colchicus), Adriatic sturgeon (Acipenser naccarii), Ship sturgeon (Acipenser nudiventris), ...

Thomas Friedrich; Jörn Gessner; Ralf Reinartz; Beate Striebel-Greiter
Strasbourg, 85 S.

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