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1131 - 1140 von 6789 Publikationen
Juni 2021

Four priority areas to advance invasion science in the face of rapid environmental change

Anthony Ricciardi; Josephine C. Iacarella; David C. Aldridge; Tim M. Blackburn; James T. Carlton; Jane A. Catford; Jaimie T. A. Dick; Philip E. Hulme; Jonathan M. Jeschke; Andrew M. Liebhold; Julie L. Lockwood; Hugh J. MacIsaac; Laura A. Meyerson; Petr Pyšek; David M. Richardson; Gregory M. Ruiz; Daniel Simberloff; Montserrat Vilà; David A. Wardle
Environmental Reviews. - 29(2021)2, 119-141
Juni 2021

The extent and variability of storm-induced temperature changes in lakes measured with long-term and high-frequency data

Jonathan P. Doubek, Orlane Anneville, Gaël Dur, Aleksandra M. Lewandowska, Vijay P. Patil, James A. Rusak, Nico Salmaso, Christian Torsten Seltmann, Dietmar Straile, Pablo Urrutia-Cordero, Patrick Venail, Rita Adrian, María B. Alfonso, Curtis L. DeGasperi, Elvira de Eyto, Heidrun Feuchtmayr, Evelyn E. Gaiser, Scott F. Girdner, Jennifer L. Graham, Hans-Peter Grossart, Josef Hejzlar, Stéphan Jacquet, Georgiy Kirillin, María E. Llames, Shin-Ichiro S. Matsuzaki, Emily R. Nodine, Maria Cintia Piccolo, Don C. Pierson, Alon Rimmer, Lars G. Rudstam, Steven Sadro, Hilary M. Swain, Stephen J. Thackeray, Wim Thiery, Piet Verburg, Tamar Zohary, Jason D. Stockwell
Limnology and Oceanography. - 66(2021)5, 1979-1992
Juni 2021

The role of behavioral ecotoxicology in environmental protection

Alex T. Ford; Marlene Ågerstrand; Bryan W. Brooks; Joel Allen; Michael G. Bertram; Tomas Brodin; ZhiChao Dang; Sabine Duquesne; René Sahm; Frauke Hoffmann; Henner Hollert; Stefanie Jacob; Nils Klüver; James M. Lazorchak; Mariana Ledesma; Steven D. Melvin; Silvia Mohr; Stephanie Padilla; Gregory G. Pyle; Stefan Scholz; Minna Saaristo; Els Smit; Jeffery A. Steevens; Sanne van den Berg; Werner Kloas; Bob B.M. Wong; Michael Ziegler; Gerd Maack
Environmental Science and Technology. - 55(2021), 5620-5628
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