Workshop: From Forage to Filet

Resource-saving aquaculture as a strategy against the overfishing of the oceans?
14. Jan
14 January 2017 | 10.00 am
Müggelseedamm 310, 12587 Berlin
public event

Workshop: From Forage to Filet

Das Gewinner-Team um Hendrik Monsees (li.). | Foto: Johannes Graupner

Hendrik Monsees (left) and his team. | Photo: Johannes Graupner

Is sustainable aquaculture a strategy against the overfishing of the oceans? What is the role of science? And how can the opportunities and problems of fish farming be successfully communicated to society? These and other questions on sustainable aquaculture are discussed in the Citizens Workshop "From Forage to Filet" on January 14th 2017.

The citizen's workshop was awarded as one of 15 projects in the university competition for the science year 2016 *2017 - Seas and Oceans. In the university competition "Show your research!" students, graduates and young scientists from all disciplines were invited to develop projects on the subject of the science year. The aim of the competition is to promote the dialogue between young researchers at German universities and the broad public.

The event is intended for pupils (from the 11th grade), students and citizens who are interested in aquaculture and would like to gain a deeper insight into the subject matter.

Registration for the workshop is open until December 30th 2016. The workshop is however in German language.

For further information please contact Hendrik Monsees.

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