Biogeochemical Processes in Sediments and Lake Management

Group profile

Sampling at Lake Iseo in Northern Italy for the multidisciplinary project ISEO: Together with three Italian partner institutions we are investigating the impact of changed mixing patterns in Lake Iseo on the internal phosphorus cycle. | Photo: Maximillian Lau / IGB
We investigate biogeochemical processes and their influence on the nutrient cycling in lakes and rivers. Of particular interest are the coupling of phosphorus with redox-driven reactions of sulfur, iron and carbon at the sediment-water interface. Accurate analyzes of phosphorus species and their diagenetic transformations are used to quantify the role of sediments for the whole phosphorus balance and to recommend management measures to mitigate eutrophication. The following topics are currently in the focus of our research:
- Impact of climate change on nutrient balance in lakes. For this purpose, long-term lake data are evaluated, effects of changed thermal stratification are analyzed with the help of case studies and field experiments (hypolimnetic enclosures), and mathematical models are used.
- Reconstruction of recent lake development using geochemical signals (proxies) in sediments. We select lakes whose recent development is well documented by long-term monitoring or historical records. The identification of suitable proxies allows a transfer to other timescales in the past and enables predictions of the climate change impact.
- Influence of disturbed landscapes on biogeochemical processes. Of particular interest are the spatial impact of material inputs from the lignite area of Lusatia (signatures) on neighbouring systems and the consequences of urbanisation for the nutrient cycling in surface waters.