Genetics and Evolution of Fish (and other Vertebrates)

Research group of Matthias Stöck
Tree frogs (Hyla arborea) possess microscolipically indistinguishable  sex chromosomes; we have molecular, sex-linked markers developed that serve evolutionary and ecotoxicologial research. | Foto: Matthias Stöck / IGB

Tree frogs (Hyla arborea) have microscopically indistinguishable sex chromosomes; we have developed sex-linked molecular markers that serve both evolutionary research and eco-toxicological applications. | Photo: Matthias Stöck / IGB

We are interested in evolution and evolutionary ecology and their applications using genetic and genomic approaches in animal systems, focusing mostly on amphibians and fish.

For more information:


Matthias Stöck

Research Group Leader
Research group
Genetics and Evolution of Fish (and other Vertebrates)

Heiner Kuhl

Scientific Staff
Research group
Molecular Fish Physiology
Genetics and Evolution of Fish (and other Vertebrates)

Christin Höhne

Guest Scientist
Research group
Molecular Fish Physiology
Genetics and Evolution of Fish (and other Vertebrates)

Christoph Winkler

Guest Scientist
Research group
Genetics and Evolution of Fish (and other Vertebrates)

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