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1 - 10 of 136 items
  • Department:(Dept. 1) Ecohydrology and Biogeochemistry
March 2025
Ecological Indicators. - 172(2025), Art. 113331

Diversification of macrophytes within aquatic nature-based solutions (NBS) developing under urban environmental conditions across European cities

Krzysztof Szoszkiewicz; Krzysztof Achtenberg; Robrecht Debbaut; Vladimíra Dekan Carreira; Daniel Gebler; Szymon Jusik; Tomasz Kałuża; Krister Karttunen; Niko Lehti; Silvia Martin Muñoz; Mariusz Sojka; Ana Júlia Pereira; Pedro Pinho; Jonas Schoelynck; Jan Staes; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Maria Magdalena Warter; Kati Vierikko
March 2025
Water Resources Research. - 61(2025)3, Art. e2024WR038779

DREAM(LoAX): Simultaneous Calibration and Diagnosis for Tracer-Aided Ecohydrological Models Under the Equifinality Thesis

Songjun Wu; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Keith Beven; Chris Soulsby

The authors developed a new algorithm DREAM(LoAX) as an effective conditioning tool to consider epistemic uncertainty in process-based models. It provides real-time diagnostic information of model failures for identification of uncertainty in data or flaws in model structure, and hence is a learning tool for limitations in current monitoring networks and development of future models.

February 2025
Hydrological Processes. - 39(2025)2, Art. e70084

Electrical Conductivity as a Tracer for Seasonal Reverse Flow and Transport of Trace Organic Contaminants in River Spree

Christoph J. Reith; Jörg Lewandowski; Anke Putschew; Tobias Goldhammer; Josefine Filter; Stephanie Spahr

The authors studied if the electrical conductivity can serve as a hydrological tracer to capture the intensity and duration of seasonal reverse flow phases in a specific section of River Spree. Moreover, they studied the effect of upstream transport on chemical water quality, i.e. on trace organic contaminant during these reverse flow phases. 

February 2025
Environmental Science & Technology. - XX(2025)X, XX-XX

Role of Suspended Particulate Matter for the Transport and Risks of Organic Micropollutant Mixtures in Rivers: A Comparison between Baseflow and High Discharge Conditions

Lili Niu; Andrea Gärtner; Maria König; Martin Krauß; Stephanie Spahr; Beate I. Escher

The partition dynamics of organic micropollutants between water and suspended particulate matter in riverine ecosystems differs between dry and wet weather. Chemical concentrations and mixture effects in extracts from rivers are dominated by suspended particulate matter during rain, but the dissolved phase dominates during dry weather.