
Inspire4Nature is a unique international research training programme on biodiversity conservation. Over a period of 4 years (2018-2022), we will train 15 Early-Stage Researchers to the PhD level, each one working on an individual research project at the interface between science and policy in the field of the conservation of biodiversity at the international scale. Students will furthermore benefit from an exciting network-wide training programme, including workshops, courses, and joint projects. This will give them hands-on experience in major conservation tools as well as a suite of transferable skills, including in communicating scientific results and conservation challenges to a broad audience.

An Innovative Training Network (ITN-ETN), Inspire4 Nature is funded by the European Union under the Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions. It brings together a consortium of research centres, universities and international conservation organisations with a vast experience in the science and the practice of biodiversity conservation. The project is coordinated by the CNRS (the French National Center for Scientific Research). The consortium further includes six other Beneficiary organisations (Sapienza Univ., Univ. Copenhagen, UCL, FVB-IGB, HCMR, ISPA) and six Partners (IUCN, BirdLife International, WCMC, ZSL, NKUA, ISA), represent 8 countries in total (France, United Kingdom, Italy, Denmark, Greece, Portugal, Germany, Switzerland).

Supported by

European Commission (Horizon 2020)