Sven Würtz

Research Group Leader
+49 (0)30 64181 614
+49 (0)30 64181 682

Müggelseedamm 301, 12587 Berlin

Research group


Reproductive biology

Stress physiology

Nutritional physiology


since 2011  Work Group Leader Reproductive Biology and Nutritional Physiology

2009–07/2011  Senior scientist, Head of Lab, Physiology and Endocrinology, Gesellschaft für Marine Aquakultur (GMA), Büsum, Deutschland

2008-2009  Auxillary researcher (tenure track), Laboratory of Environmental Toxicology (LeTOX), Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental (CIIMAR), Porto, Portugal

2005-2008  PostDoc, Coordinator (2007) BMBF-Project “Genetic population structure, breeding plan and artificial reproduction of the European sturgeon”

2003-2004  EU-CRAFTS project “Sturgeon sexing”, Leibniz-Institut of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Berlin

2005  PhD, Humboldt University Berlin: “The paracrine IGF-I system and its role in the regulation of gonad maturation in sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus



June 2024
Heiner Kuhl; Peter T. Euclide; Christophe Klopp; Cédric Cabau; Margot Zahm; Céline Lopez‑Roques; Carole Iampietro; Claire Kuchly; Cécile Donnadieu; Romain Feron; Hugues Parrinello; Charles Poncet; Lydia Jaffrelo; Carole Confolent; Ming Wen; Amaury Herpin; Elodie Jouanno; Anastasia Bestin; Pierrick Haffray; Romain Morvezen; Taina Rocha de Almeida; Thomas Lecocq; Bérénice Schaerlinger; Dominique Chardard; Daniel Żarski; Wesley A. Larson; John H. Postlethwait; Serik Timirkhanov; Werner Kloas; Sven Wuertz; Matthias Stöck; Yann Guiguenh


February 2024
Herausgeber: Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei (IGB) im Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V.. Autor*innen: Christian Wolter, Sven Würtz, Jan Köhler und Martin Pusch. Redaktion: Julia Walter und Angelina Tittmann

[Fact Sheet] Zentrale Zwischenergebnisse zum Zustand der Oder nach der Umweltkatastrophe



November 2021
Mateus C. Adolfi; Kang Du; Susanne Kneitz; Cédric Cabau; Margot Zahm; Christophe Klopp; Romain Feron; Rômulo V. Paixão; Eduardo S. Varela; Fernanda L. de Almeida; Marcos A. de Oliveira; Rafael H. Nóbrega; Céline Lopez-Roques; Carole Iampietro; Jérôme Lluch; Werner Kloas; Sven Wuertz; Fabian Schaefer; Matthias Stöck; Yann Guiguen; Manfred Schartl
July 2021
Heiner Kuhl; Yann Guiguen; Christin Höhne; Eva Kreuz; Kang Du; Christophe Klopp; Céline Lopez-Roques; Elena Santidrian Yebra-Pimentel; Mitica Ciorpac; Jörn Gessner; Daniela Holostenco; Wibke Kleiner; Klaus Kohlmann; Dunja K. Lamatsch; Dmitry Prokopov; Anastasia Bestin; Emmanuel Bonpunt; Bastien Debeuf; Pierrick Haffray; Romain Morvezen; Pierre Patrice; Radu Suciu; Ron Dirks; Sven Wuertz; Werner Kloas; Manfred Schartl; Matthias Stöck


June 2020
Kang Du; Matthias Stöck; Susanne Kneitz; Christophe Klopp; Joost M. Woltering; Mateus Contar Adolfi; Romain Feron; Dmitry Prokopov; Alexey Makunin; Ilya Kichigin; Cornelia Schmidt; Petra Fischer; Heiner Kuhl; Sven Wuertz; Jörn Gessner; Werner Kloas; Cédric Cabau; Carole Iampietro; Hugues Parrinello; Chad Tomlinson; Laurent Journot; John H. Postlethwait; Ingo Braasch; Vladimir Trifonov; Wesley C. Warren; Axel Meyer; Yann Guiguen; Manfred Schartl


January 2020
Sven Wuertz; Hilal Güralp; Martin Psenicka; Mikhail Chebanov

Sex determination in sturgeon

Sex control in aquaculture / ed. by Han-Ping Wang ... - Hoboken : Wiley, 2019. - Vol. 2, ch. 33, S. 645-668
April 2019
Kang Du; Sven Wuertz; Mateus Adolfi; Susanne Kneitz; Matthias Stöck; Marcos Oliveira; Rafael Nobrega; Jenny Ormanns; Werner Kloas; Romain Feron; Christophe Klopp; Hugues Parrinello; Laurent Journot; Shunping He; John Postlethwait; Axel Meyer; Yann Guiguen; Manfred Schartl


June 2018
Sergey V. Guselnikov; Konstantin O. Baranov; Alexander M. Najakshin; Ludmila V. Mechetina; Nikolai A. Chikaev; Alexey I. Makunin; Sergey V. Kulemzin; Daria A. Andreyushkova; Matthias Stöck; Sven Wuertz; Jörn Gessner; Wesley C. Warren; Manfred Schartl; Vladimir A. Trifonov; Alexander V. Taranin


January 2018
Markus Venohr; Jörg Lewandowski; Werner Kloas; Hans-Peter Grossart; Mark O. Gessner; Christian Wolter; Jörn Geßner; Sven Wuertz

Schutz und Nutzung von Binnengewässern in Deutschland - Status Quo, Konflikte und politische Handlungsoptionen

IGB Policy Brief zur Bundestagswahl 2017


October 2016
Michael Jeutner; Laura Klatt; Sven Wuertz

Is growth inhibition in Redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus regulated by chemical communication?

The Israeli journal of aquaculture - Bamidgeh. - 68(2016)1279


January 2016
Y. Cruz Velasquez; C. Kijora; S. Wuertz; C. Schulz

Effect of fermented aquatic macrophytes supplementation on growth performance, feed efficiency and digestibility of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) juveniles fed low fishmeal diets

Livestock Research for Rural Development. - 27(2015)9, art. 177




January 2013
Fabian Schäfer; Werner Kloas; Sven Wuertz

Arapaima: candidate for intensive freshwater culture

Global Aquaculture Advocate. - 15(2012)6, S. 50-51
January 2013
Sven Wuertz; Björn Hermelink; Werner Kloas; Carsten Schulz

Pike perch in recirculation aquaculture: temperature controls gonad maturation, growth performance

Global Aquaculture Advocate. - 15(2012)4, S. 46-47


January 2012
I. Meric; S. Wuertz; W. Kloas; G. Wibbelt; C. Schulz

Cottonseed oilcake as a protein source in feeds for juvenile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)

The Israeli journal of aquaculture - Bamidgeh. - 63(2011)588



February 2010
Achim Trubiroha; Sabrina N. Frank; Sven Würtz; Bernd Sures; Werner Kloas

Endocrine disrupting effects in fish induced by prasites

Integrated environmental assessment and management. - 5(2009)2, S. 354-355


March 2011
Jörn Gessner; Gerd-Michael Arndt; Eckhard Anders; Sven Würtz; Ryszard Bartel; Boguslaw Zdanowski

The development of a broodstock and rearing of Acipenser oxyrhynchus between 1998 and 2007, as a prerequisite for stocking the tributaries of the Baltic Sea

Actual status and active protection of sturgeon fish populations endangered by extinction. - Olsztyn, 2008. - S. 19-30
October 2008
by Tatiana Semenkova; Liubov Bayunova; Sven Wuertz; Frank Kirschbaum; Irina Barannikova

Effect of C21 steroids on germinal vesicle break down in sturgeon follicles in vitro

Cybium. - 32(2008)2, Suppl., S. 268-269




January 2006
W. Kloas; C. Bögi; A. Gaete; O. Jagnytsch; A. Krüger; G. Levy; C. Lorenz; N. Neumann; R. Opitz; C. Pietsch; W. Schumacher; A. Tillack; A. Trubiroha; R. Urbatzka; C. van Ballegooy; C. Wiedemann; S. Würtz; I. Lutz

Testverfahren bei Amphibien zum Nachweis von endocrine disruptors (ED) mit Wirkungen auf die Reproduktion und das Schilddrüsensystem

3. Statusseminar Chemikalien in der Umwelt mit Wirkung auf das endokrine System / Umweltbundesamt. - Stuttgart, 2005. - S. 38-47


June 2004
Frank Kirschbaum; Arne Ludwig; Emanuel Hensel; Sven Würtz; Werner Kloas; Patrick Williot; Ralph Tiedemann; Gerd-Michael Arndt; Eckhard Anders; Henning v. Nordheim; Jörn Geßner

Status of the project on protection and restoration of Atlantic sturgeon in Germany

Species differentiation and population identification in the sturgeons Acipenser sturio L. and Acipenser oxyrhinchus. - (BfN-Skripten / Bundesamt für Naturschutz ; 101). - S. 36-53


November 2003
Werner Kloas; Gregor Levy; Robert Opitz; Christian Bögi; Sven Würtz; Jörg Oehlmann; Ulrike Schulte-Oehlmann; Christoph van Ballegoy; Ralph Urbatzka; Oana Jagnytsch; Ilka Lutz

Wirkungen endokrin wirksamer Substanzen auf aquatische Tiere

Spurenstoffe in Gewässern / Thomas Track ; Gerhard Kreysa (Hrsg.). - Weinheim : Wiley, 2003. - S. 185-196


November 2002
I. Lutz; S. Würtz; A. Schulz; G. Levy; C. Bögi; R. Opitz; W. Kloas

Establishment of estrogenreceptor-mRNA as estrogenic biomarker in the amphibian Rana temporaria

Proceedings of the 21st Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, Bonn (Germany), August 26-30, 2002. - Bologna : Monduzzi Ed., 2002. - S. 95-98
November 2002
S. Würtz; J. Gessner; F. Kirschbaum; W. Kloas

First identification of IGF-I mRNA in the genus Acipenser and its quantification in maturing gonads

Proceedings of the 21st Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, Bonn (Germany), August 26-30, 2002. - Bologna : Monduzzi Ed., 2002. - S. 253-257
November 2002
W. Kloas; C. Bögi; G. Levy; S. Würtz; I. Lutz

Sexual differentiation in amphibians

Proceedings of the 21st Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, Bonn (Germany), August 26-30, 2002. - Bologna : Monduzzi Ed., 2002. - S. 87-90