Stella A. Berger
Zur alten Fischerhütte 2, OT Neuglobsow, 16775 Stechlin
Population dynamics of plankton, food web interactions, lakes and coastal oceans, multiple stressors, climate change, mixotrophy, winter limnology, biodiversity, ecological stoichiometry, network of international mesocosm facilities (AQUACOSM, AQUACOSM-plus), Transnational Access coordination, scientific coordination of CTP* LakeLab (*Competence and Technology Platform), Image-based plankton analyses (FlowCam, Amnis Image Stream, IFCB).
- 2016 - present: Research Group Leader "Phytoplankton Ecology" & Scientific Coordinator CTP LakeLab, Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB), Stechlin, Germany
- 2014 - 2015 LakeLab Manager, Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB), Stechlin, Germany
- 2011 - 2014 Research Professional IV, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, Savannah, USA
- 2010 - 2012 Research Scientist, University of Bergen, Norway
- 2005 - 2010 Postdoc, Aquatic Ecology Group, Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU), Munich, Germany
- 2001 Visiting PhD Student, Max-Plank Institute of Limnology, Plön, Germany
- 2000 - 2005 PhD Student, Aquatic Ecology Group, LMU, Munich, Germany
- 1991 - 1999 Diploma Student (B.C., M.Sc. equiv.) in Biology, LMU, Munich, Germany
- 1988 - 1991 Apprenticeship as Professional Photographer with certificate, Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany
Further Publications
2014 and earlier
Calbet A, AF Sazhin, JC Nejstgaard, SA Berger, ZS Tait, L Olmos, D Sousoni, S Isari, RA Martinez, J-M Bouquet, EM Thompson, U Båmstedt, HH Jakobsen (2014). Future climate scenarios for a coastal productive planktonic food web resulting in microplankton phenology changes and decreased trophic transfer efficiency. PLoS ONE 9(4): e94388. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0094388.
Winder M, SA Berger, A Lewandowska, N Aberle, K Lengfellner, U Sommer, S Diehl (2012). Spring phenological responses of marine and freshwater plankton to changing temperature and light conditions. Marine Biology 159: 2491-2501.
Sebastian P, H Stibor, SA Berger, S Diehl (2012) Effects of water temperature and mixed layer depth on zooplankton body size. Marine Biology 159: 2431-2440.
Calbet A, RA Martínez, S Isari, S Zervoudaki, JC Nejstgaard, P Pitta, AF Sazhin, D Sousoni, A Gomes, SA Berger, TM Tsagaraki, R Ptacnik (2012). Effects of light availability on mixotrophy and microzooplankton grazing in an oligotrophic plankton food web: Evidences from a mesocosm study in Eastern Mediterranean waters. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 424-425: 66-77.
Berger SA, S Diehl, H Stibor, G Trommer, M Ruhenstroth (2010). Water temperature and stratification depth independently shift cardinal events during plankton spring succession. Global Change Biology 16:1954-1965.
Berger SA, S Diehl, H Stibor, G Trommer, M Ruhenstroth, A Wild, A Weigert, CG Jäger, M Striebel (2007). Water temperature and mixing depth affect timing and magnitude of events during spring succession of the plankton. Oecologia 150: 643-654.
Berger SA, S Diehl, TJ Kunz, D Albrecht, AM Oucible, S Ritzer (2006). Light supply, plankton biomass, and seston stoichiometry in a gradient of lake mixing depths. Limnology and Oceanography 51:1898-1905
Diehl S, SA Berger, R Wöhrl (2005). Flexible nutrient stoichiometry mediates environmental influences on phytoplankton and its abiotic resources. Ecology 86:2931-2945
Ptacnik R, S Diehl, SA Berger (2003). Performance of sinking and nonsinking phytoplankton taxa in a gradient of mixing depths. Limnology and Oceanography 48:1903-1912
Diehl S, SA Berger, R Ptacnik, A Wild (2002) Phytoplankton, light and nutrients in a gradient of mixing depths: field experiments. Ecology 83: 399-411