Phytoplankton Ecology

Group profile

Plankton Ecology groups (Phyto- and Zooplankton) with guests from the University of Malaga on the LakeLab
My research group focuses on empirical and experimental studies to understand the effects of individual and multiple environmental factors on plankton dynamics (with a focus on phytoplankton) and their trophic interactions in complex natural aquatic communities. In the context of climatic changes and increasing anthropogenic stress, we study the effects of browning and eutrophication of lakes, artificial light at night, changes in winter ice cover and connectivity on pelagic food webs in lakes, and interactions such as chytrid-phytoplankton interactions, mixotrophy (i.e., bacterivory of mixotrophic flagellates and ciliates), and micro- mesozooplankton grazing. The IGB LakeLab serves as a research platform for large-scale experiments to investigate the effect of multiple and individual environmental factors on aquatic food webs and to understand mechanisms, as well as a test platform for calibration of instruments and alignment of in-situ sensors and remote sensing devices. My laboratory is equipped with semi-automated plankton analysis instruments (FlowCam, ImageStream) and AI-based fully automated plankton analysis software is under further development.

Probennahmeteam beim Winterexperiment (Foto: M Bauchrowitz)

Winterexperiment zur Manipulation der Eisbedeckung (Foto: SA Berger)
Seelabor mit künstlicher Beleuchtung im Mondschein (Photo: A. Jechow)

Nächtliche Probennahme für Planktonanalysen (Foto: SA Berger)

Bildbasierte Phytoplanktonanalyse mittels FlowCam

Huminstoffeintrag im Seelabor zur Veränderung der Wasserfarbe (Foto: JC Nejstgaard)
Forschergruppe auf dem Seelabor während des MARS Experiments (Foto: M Kupetz)

Fernerkungungskampagne auf dem Süßen See (Foto: SA Berger)

Messungen zur Fernerkundungskampagne auf dem Süßen See in Sachsen-Anhalt (Foto: M Lentz)

Blaualgenblüte (Aphanizomenon flos-aque) in einer Talsperre (Foto: SA Berger)