
Matthew James Hansen


Müggelseedamm 310, 12587 Berlin


- Animal behaviour

- Social behaviour

- Group movement

- Foraging

- Predator-Prey interactions


Current position 2024-2027:  DFG funded Individual Research Grant hosted by IGB Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries 

- "Multi-predator Aggregations in the Open Ocean" Interdisciplinary project exploring the nature of interactions between different predators as they hunt schools of prey fish. 

2021-2024:  DFG funded Individual Research Grant hosted by IGB Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries 

- "Group hunting behaviour in striped marlin, Kajikia audax" Predominately field-based and multi-disciplinary research project exploring the mechanisms and functions of striped marlin hunting behaviour.

2018-2020: Humboldt Research Fellowship with Prof Jens Krause at the IGB Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries 

- “The Evolution of Collective Cognition”Comparative behavioural and physiological assays of Poecilia reticulata populations under different levels of predation pressure.

2016-2018: Post-doctoral Research Associate in the Fangue Laboratory, UC Davis

- Behavioural Guidance of Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha): Experimental evaluation of the use of a light emitting diode device to reduce entrainment rates of smolts migrating past water diversion infrastructure.

- Experiments investigating the links between physiology and behaviour in native Californian fishes

2012-2015: PhD in the Animal Behaviour Laboratory, University of Sydney, Australia. Supervised my Prof Ashley Ward and Prof Stephen Simpson.

- "Movement Decisions and Foraging Behaviour in Shoals of Fish"




January 2024
Korbinian Pacher; Michael Breuker; Matthew J. Hansen; Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers; Jan Häge; Felicie Dhellemmes; Paolo Domenici; John F. Steffensen; Stefan Krause; Thomas Hildebrandt; Guido Fritsch; Pascal Bach; Philippe S. Sabarros; Paul Zaslansky; Kristin Mahlow; Johannes Müller; Rogelio González Armas; Hector Villalobos Ortiz; Felipe Galván-Magaña; Jens Krause




January 2020
M. J. Hansen; S. Krause; M. Breuker; R. H. J. M. Kurvers; F. Dhellemmes; P. E. Viblanc; J. Müller; C. Mahlow; K. Boswell; S. Marras; P. Domenici; A. D. M. Wilson; J. E. Herbert-Read; J. F. Steffensen; G. Fritsch; T. B. Hildebrandt; P. Zaslansky; P. Bach; P. S. Sabarros; J. Krause

Linking hunting weaponry to attack strategies in sailfish and striped marlin

Proceedings of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 287(2020)1918, art. 20192228