Alexander Sukhodolov
Research Group Leader
+49 (0)30 64181 675
+49 (0)30 64181 663
Müggelseedamm 310, 12587 Berlin
Research group
Environmental fluid mechanics with the focus on fluvial systems (river-flow and estuarine hydrodynamics, aerodynamics of river valleys). River turbulence (field and laboratory experiments). Theoretical, experimental, and numerical research on shallow flows (confluences, lateral shear layers, vegetated shear layers, wakes behind exposed bars and vegetated patches). Field experiments on transport processes (longitudinal dispersion, turbulent diffusion and effects of vegetation). Theoretical and experimental studies in ecohydraulics (phytoplankton, flow effects on fish and invertebrates). Research on morphodynamics processes (flow in meander bends, bed-forms dynamics, and sedimentation in recirculating flows).
- since 2000 Senior Research Scientist at the IGB
October 2023
Alexander N. Sukhodolov; Alessandro Manfrin; Stefano Larsen; Oleksandra O. Shumilova; Michael T. Monaghan; Klement Tockner
Interactions between diurnal winds and floodplain mosaics control the insect boundary layer in a river corridor
Aquatic Sciences. - 85(2023), Art. 109
July 2023
Oleksandra Shumilova; Klement Tockner; Alexander Sukhodolov; Valentyn Khilchevskyi; Luc De Meester; Sergiy Stepanenko; Ganna Trokhymenko; Juan Antonio Hernández-Agüero; Peter Gleick
Impact of the Russia–Ukraine armed conflict on water resources and water infrastructure
Nature Sustainability. - 6(2023), 578–586
July 2023
Oleksandra O. Shumilova; Alexander N. Sukhodolov
Flow dynamics in rivers with riffle-pool morphology: a dataset from case studies and field experiments
Scientific Data. - 10(2023) Art. 494
January 2023
A. N. Sukhodolov; O. O. Shumilova; G. S. Constantinescu; Q. W. Lewis; B. L. Rhoads
Mixing dynamics at river confluences governed by intermodal behaviour
Nature Geoscience. - 16(2023), S. 89–93
January 2023
Alexander N. Sukhodolov; Oleksandra O. Shumilova; Bruce L. Rhoads
Flowing Water, Turbulent and Laminar Flows
Encyclopedia of Inland Waters / Editors-in-Chief: Thomas Mehner, Klement Tockner. San Diego, California. 2nd ed., 2022. - Vol. 1, S. 65-72
March 2022
Alexander Sukhodolov; Tatiana Sukhodolova; Jochen Aberle
Modelling of flexible aquatic plants from silicone syntactic foams
Journal of Hydraulic Research. - 60(2022)1, 173-181
January 2022
Alexander N. Sukhodolov; Oleksandra O. Shumilova; Nataliya S. Loboda; Viktor M. Katolikov; Nikolas A. Arnaut; Vitali V. Bekh; Marin A. Usatii; Leonid A. Kudersky; Boris G. Skakalsky
The western steppe rivers: [Chapter 13]
Rivers of Europe/edited by Klement Tockner, et al., Elsevier, 2021. - S. 685-716
January 2022
Oleksandra O. Shumilova; Alexander N. Sukhodolov; George S. Constantinescu; Bruce J. MacVicar
Dynamics of shallow wakes on gravel-bed floodplains: dataset from field experiments
Earth system science data. - 13(2021)4, S. 1519–1529
January 2021
Quinn Lewis; Bruce Rhoads; Alexander Sukhodolov; George Constantinescu
Advective lateral transport of streamwise momentum governs mixing at small river confluences
Water Resources Research. - 56(2020)9, e2019WR026817
January 2021
Daniel Horna‐Munoz; George Constantinescu; Bruce Rhoads; Quinn Lewis; Alexander Sukhodolov
Density effects at a concordant bed natural river confluence
Water Resources Research. - 56(2020)4, e2019WR026217
March 2020
Bruce J. Macvicar; Alexander N. Sukhodolov
Sampling strategies to improve scaling parameter estimates in rivers
Journal of Hydraulic Research. - 57(2019)6, S. 798-807
April 2019
Alexander N. Sukhodolov; Tatiana A. Sukhodolova
Dynamics of flow at concordant gravel bed river confluences: effects of junction angle and momentum flux ratio
Journal of Geophysical Research : Earth Surface. - 124(2019)2, S. 588-615
January 2018
Alexander N. Sukhodolov; Julian Krick; Tatiana A. Sukhodolova; Zhengyang Cheng; Bruce L. Rhoads; George S. Constantinescu
Turbulent flow structure at a discordant river confluence: asymmetric jet dynamics with implications for channel morphology
Journal of Geophysical Research : Earth Surface. - 122(2017)6, S. 1278-1293
November 2017
Alexander N. Sukhodolov; Tatiana A. Sukhodolova; Julian Krick
Effects of vegetation on turbulent flow structure in groyne fields
Journal of Hydraulic Research. - 55(2017)1, S. 1-15
January 2017
T. A. Sukhodolova; A. N. Sukhodolov; J. Krick
Field measurements of flow hydrodynamics at a discordant confluence of a gravel-bed river
River flow 2016 : proceedings of the international conference on fluvial hydraulics (River flow 2016), St. Louis, USA, 11-14 July 2016 / eds.: George Constantinescu ... - London : Taylor & Francis, 2016. - S. 1696-1701
January 2017
A. N. Sukhodolov; T. A. Sukhodolova
Field experiments on flow hydrodynamics at river confluences
River flow 2016 : proceedings of the international conference on fluvial hydraulics (River flow 2016), St. Louis, USA, 11-14 July 2016 / eds.: George Constantinescu ... - London : Taylor & Francis, 2016. - S. 1702-1708
January 2017
A. Weber; J. Zhang; A. Nardin; A. Sukhodolov; C. Wolter
Modelling the influence of aquatic vegetation on the hydrodynamics of an alternative bank protection measure in a navigable waterway
River Research and Applications. - 32(2016)10, S. 2071-2080
January 2016
Alexander N. Sukhodolov; Martin Blettler; Jingxin Zhang; Tatiana Sukhodolova; Gunnar Nützmann
A study of flow dynamics and implications for benthic fauna in a meander bend of a lowland river
Journal of Hydraulic Research. - 53(2015)4, S. 488-504
May 2015
Alexander Sukhodolov
Field-based research in fluvial hydraulics
Journal of Hydraulic Research. - 53(2015)1, S. 1-19
October 2016
George Constantinescu; Shinjiro Miyawaki; Bruce Rhoads; Alexander Sukhodolov
Influence of planform geometry and momentum ratio on thermal mixing at a stream confluence with a concordant bed
Environmental Fluid Mechanics. - 16(2016)4, S. 845-873
January 2015
Andrea Marion; Vladimir Nikora; Sara Puijalon; Tjeerd Bouma; Katinka Koll; Francesco Ballio; Simon Tait; Mattia Zaramella; Alexander Sukhodolov; Matthew O'Hare; Geraldene Wharton; Jochen Aberle; Matteo Tregnaghi; Peter Davies; Heidi Nepf; Gary Parker; Bernhard Statzner
Aquatic interfaces
Journal of Hydraulic Research. - 49(2011)3, S. 285-292
January 2015
J. Krick; A. Sukhodolov
Turbulent flow over fast moving dunes
River flow 2014 : international conference on fluvial hydraulics / ed.: Anton J. Schleiss ... - Leiden : CRC Press, 2014. - S. 321-326
January 2015
A. N. Sukhodolov; T. A. Sukhodolova
Field experiments in vegetated groyne fields
River flow 2014 : international conference on fluvial hydraulics / ed.: Anton J. Schleiss ... - Leiden : CRC Press, 2014. - S. 476-481
January 2015
Alexander Sukhodolov
Hydrodynamics of groyne fields in a straight river reach
Journal of Hydraulic Research. - 52(2014)1, S. 105-120
January 2015
George Constantinescu; Shinjiro Miyawaki; Bruce Rhoads; Alexander Sukhodolov
Numerical evaluation of the effects of planform geometry and inflow conditions on flow, turbulence structure, and bed shear velocity at a stream confluence with a concordant bed
Journal of Geophysical Research : Earth Surfaces. - 119(2014)10, S. 2079-2097
September 2014
Jing-xin Zhang; Alexander N. Sukhodolov; Hua Liu
Non-hydrostatic versus hydrostatic modelings of free surface flows
Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B. - 26(2014)4, S. 512-522
March 2014
Alexander Sukhodolov; Tatiana A. Sukhodolova
Shallow wake behind exposed wood-induced bar in a gravel-bed river
Environmental Fluid Mechanics. - 14(2014)5, S. 1071-1083
July 2013
George Constantinescu; Shinjiro Miyawaki; Bruce Rhoads; Alexander Sukhodolov
Numerical analysis of the effect of momentum ratio on the dynamics and sediment-entrainment capacity of coherent flow structures at a stream confluence
Journal of Geophysical Research : Earth Surfaces. - 117(2012)F04028
March 2013
T. A. Sukhodolova; A. N. Sukhodolov
Dynamics of turbulent flow along and behind vegetation patches
River flow 2012 : international conference on fluvial hydraulics / ed.: Murillo Muñoz, Rafael. - London, 2012. - S. 279-285
March 2013
A. N. Sukhodolov; V. I. Nikora
Bursting and flow kinematics in natural streams
River flow 2012 : international conference on fluvial hydraulics / ed.: Murillo Muñoz, Rafael. - London, 2012. - S. 113-120
February 2013
Alexander N. Sukhodolov
Structure of turbulent flow in a meander bend of a lowland river
Water Resources Research. - 48(2012)1, W01516
February 2013
Alexander N. Sukhodolov; Tatiana A. Sukhodolova
Vegetated mixing layer around a finite-size patch of submerged plants
Water Resources Research. - 48(2012)12, W12506
December 2012
Tatiana A. Sukhodolova; Alexander N. Sukhodolov
Vegetated mixing layer around a finite-size patch of submerged plants
Water Resources Research. - 48(2012), W10533
October 2012
I. Schnauder; A. N. Sukhodolov
Flow in a tightly curving meander bend
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. - 37(2012)11, S. 1142-1157
March 2012
George Constantinescu; Shinjiro Miyawaki; Bruce Rhoads; Alexander Sukhodolov; Gokhan Kirkil
Structure of turbulent flow at a river confluence with momentum and velocity ratios close to 1
Water resources research. - 47(2011) W05507
February 2011
M. Blettler; A. Sukhodolov; K. Tockner
Hydraulic conditions over bed forms control the benthic fauna distribution in a lowland river (Spree River, Germany)
River flow 2010 / eds.: Andreas Dittrich ... - Karlsruhe, 2010. - S. 1463-1467
February 2011
A. Sukhodolov; E. Kaschtschejewa
Turbulent flow in a meander bend of a lowland river
River flow 2010 / eds.: Andreas Dittrich ... Karlsruhe. - 2010, S. 309-316
February 2011
Shinjiro Miyawaki; George Constantinescu; Bruce Rhoads; Alexander Sukhodolov
Changes in three-dimensional flow structure at a river confluence with changes in momentum ratio
River flow 2010 / eds.: Andreas Dittrich ... Karlsruhe. - 2010, S. 225-232
February 2011
Alexander N. Sukhodolov; Tatiana A. Sukhodolova
Case study: effect of submerged aquatic plants on turbulence structure in a lowland river
Journal of hydraulic engineering. -136(2010)7, S. 434-446
February 2011
Alexander N. Sukhodolov; Wim S. J. Uijttewaal
Assessment of a river reach for environmental fluid dynamics studies
Journal of hydraulic engineering. -136(2010)11, S. 880-888
January 2011
Alexander N. Sukhodolov; Ingo Schnauder; Wim S. J. Uijttewaal
Dynamics of shallow lateral shear layers
Water resources research. - 46(2010), W11519
March 2010
Andreas Kleeberg; Jan Köhler; Tatiana Sukhodolova; Alexander Sukhodolov
Effects of aquatic macrophytes on organic matter deposition, resuspension and phosphorus entrainment in a lowland river
Freshwater biology. - 55(2010)2, S. 326-345
March 2010
A. N. Sukhodolov; N. S. Loboda; V. M. Katolikov; N. A. Arnaut; V. V. Bekh; M. A. Usatii; L. A. Kudersky; B. G. Skakalsky
Western steppic rivers
Rivers of Europe / ed. by Klement Tockner ... - Amsterdam, 2009. - Chapter 13, S. 497-523
March 2010
A. N. Sukhodolov; H.-P. Kozerski; B. L. Rhoads
Currents in rivers
Encyclopedia of inland waters / ed. by Gene E. Likens. - Oxford, 2009. - Volume ?, S. 522-529
February 2010
Alexander Sukhodolov; Walter Bertoldi; Christian Wolter; Nicola Suria; Marco Tubino
Implications of channel processes for juvenile fish habitats in Alpine rivers
Aquatic sciences. - 71(2009)3, S. 338-349
February 2010
George Constantinescu; Alexander Sukhodolov; Andrew McCoy
Mass exchange in a shallow channel flow with a series of groynes
Environmental fluid mechanics. - 9(2009)6, S. 587-615
April 2012
Bruce L. Rhoads; Alexander N. Sukhodolov
Lateral momentum flux and the spatial evolution of flow within a confluence mixing interface
Water resources research. - 44(2008), W08440
April 2011
G. Constantinescu; A. Sukhodolov; A. McCoy
Role of coherent structures in the exchange processes between a channel and a series of shallow embayments
River flow 2008 : international conference on fluvial hydraulics / eds.: M. S. Altinakar ... - 2008, S. 857-864
March 2011
A. Sukhodolov; I. Schnauder; C. Anlanger; H. P. Rauch; W. S. J. Uijttewaal
Field experiments on flow hydrodynamics and exchange processes in groyne fields
River flow 2008 : international conference on fluvial hydraulics / eds.: M. S. Altinakar ... - 2008, S. 865-874
March 2011
Andreas Kleeberg; Alexander Sukhodolov; Tatiana Sukhodolova; Jan Köhler
Einfluss aquatischer Makrophyten auf die Akkumulation und Resuspension von Stoffen in einem Flachlandfluss
Erweiterte Zusammenfassungen der Jahrestagung 2007 der DGL. - Werder, 2008. - S. 209-213
March 2009
F. Gabel; X.-F. Garcia; M. Brauns; A. Sukhodolov; M. Leszinski; M. T. Pusch
Resistance to ship-induced waves of benthic invertebrates in various littoral habitats
Freshwater biology. - 53(2008), S. 1567-1578
January 2009
Christian Wolter; Alexander Sukhodolov
Random displacement versus habitat choice of fish larvae in rivers
River research and applications. - 24(2008), S. 661-672
May 2008
Sabine Hilt; Ilka Schönfelder; Ania Rudnicka; Randi Carls; Nikolai Nikolaevich; Alexander Sukhodolov; Christof Engelhardt
Reconstruction of pristine morphology, flow, nutrient conditions and submerged vegetation of lowland river Spree (Germany) from palaeomeanders
River research and applications. - 24(2008)3, S. 310-329
October 2011
Alexander N. Sukhodolov; Juan J. Fedele; Bruce L. Rhoads
Structure of flow over alluvial bedforms
Earth surface processes and landforms. - 31(2006)10, S. 1292-1310
December 2011
Alexander Sukhodolov
Comment on drag and reconfiguration of macrophytes
Freshwater biology. - 50(2005)1, S. 194-195
May 2013
N. Nikolaevich; A. Sukhodolov; C. Engelhardt
Assaying historical maps and relict channel forms for the analysis of channel processes (on example of the Spree River in Germany)
River flow 2004 : proceedings of the Second International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics / ed. by Massimo Greco ... - 2004, S. 181-189
August 2012
T. Sukhodolova; A. Sukhodolov; C. Engelhardt
A study of turbulent flow structure in a partly vegetated river reach
River flow 2004 : proceedings of the Second International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics / ed. by Massimo Greco ... - 2004, S. 469-478
August 2012
A. Sukhodolov; J. Fedele; B. L. Rhoads
Turbulent flow over mobile and molded bedforms
River flow 2004 : proceedings of the Second International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics / ed. by Massimo Greco ... - 2004, S. 317-325
April 2012
Bruce L. Rhoads; Alexander N. Sukhodolov
Spatial and temporal structure of shear layer turbulence at a stream confluence
Water resources research. - 40(2004), W06304
May 2011
C. Engelhardt; A. Sukhodolov; C. Wolter
Estimating effect of navigation on fish habitats in inland waterways
River flow 2004 : proceedings of the Second International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics / ed. by Massimo Greco ... - 2004, S. 1365-1370
May 2011
Alexander Sukhodolov; Christof Engelhardt; Angela Krüger; Heinz Bungartz
Case study: turbulent flow and sediment distributions in an groyne field
Journal of hydraulic engineering. -130(2004)1, S. 1-9
April 2011
Christian Wolter; Robert Arlinghaus; Alexander Sukhodolov; Christof Engelhardt
A model of navigation-induced currents in inland waterways and implications for juvenile fish displacement
Environmental management. - 34(2004)5, S. 656-668
June 2008
Christof Engelhardt; Angela Krüger; Alexander Sukhodolov; Andreas Nicklisch
A study of phytoplankton spatial distributions, flow structure and characteristics of mixing in a river reach with groynes
Journal of plankton research. - 26(2004)11, S. 1351-1366
April 2011
Helmut Fischer; Alexander Sukhodolov; Sabine Wilczek; Christof Engelhardt
Effects of flow dynamics and sediment movement on microbial activity in a lowland river
River research and applications. - 19(2003)5-6, S. 473-482
April 2011
Alexander Sukhodolov; Heinz Bungartz; Christof Engelhardt
October 2013
Matthias Brunke; Alexander Sukhodolov; Christof Engelhardt
Sunk und Wellenschlag durch Schiffe in Wasserstraßen
Tagungsbericht 2001 der DGL. - Tutzing, 2002. - S. 412-416
June 2011
Christof Engelhardt; Matthias Brunke; Robert Arlinghaus; Alexander Sukhodolov
Der Einfluss des Schiffsverkehrs auf die hydraulischen Verhältnisse in ufernahen Habitaten von Wasserstraßen
Die Elbe - neue Horizonte des Flussgebietsmanagements / Walter Geller ... (Hrsg.). - Stuttgart, 2002. - S. 301-302
April 2011
Alexander Sukhodolov; Wim S. J. Uijttewaal; Christof Engelhardt
On the correspondence between morphological and hydrodynamical patterns of groyne fields
Earth surface processes and landforms. - 27(2002)3, S. 289-305
April 2003
R. Arlinghaus; C. Engelhardt; A. Sukhodolov; C. Wolter
Fish recruitment in a canal with intensive navigation
Journal of fish biology. - 61(2002)6, S. 1386-1402
August 2002
M. Brunke; A. Sukhodolov; H. Fischer; S. Wilczek; C. Engelhardt; M. Pusch
Benthic and hyporheic habitats of a large lowland river (Elbe, Germany)
Verhandlungen / Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie. - 28(2002), S. 153-156
May 2011
C. Engelhardt; O. Kurbanmuradov; K. Sabelfeld; A. Sukhodolov
Numerical study of the statistical characteristics of the mixing processes in rivers
Preprint / Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik. - (2001)705, S. 1-15
April 2011
C. Engelhardt; M. Brunke; A. Sukhodolov
Effect of navigation on bed shear stresses, sediment entrainment, and aquatic organisms in groyne fields
3rd International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics / ed. by Don Boyer. - Tempe, AZ, 2001. - S. 34-39
April 2011
A. Sukhodolov; Ch. Engelhardt
Velocity patterns in groyne fields
3rd International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics / ed. by Don Boyer. - Tempe, AZ, 2001. - S. 46-50
November 2001
Alexander N. Sukhodolov; Bruce L. Rhoads
Field investigation of three-dimensional flow structure at stream confluences
Water resources research. - 37(2001)9, S. 2411-2424
November 2001
Bruce L. Rhoads; Alexander N. Sukhodolov
Field investigation of three-dimensional flow structure at stream confluences
Water resources research. - 37(2001)9, S. 2393-2410
May 1999
Alexander Sukhodolov; Michael Thiele; Heinz Bungart; Christof Engelhardt
Turbulence structure in an ice-covered, sand-bed river
Water resource research. - 35(1999)3, S. 889-894
March 2014
Alexander Sukhodolov; Michael Thiele; Heinz Bungartz
Turbulence structure in a river reach with sand bed
Water resource research. - 34(1998)5, S. 1317-1334
October 2023
Alexander N. Sukhodolov; Alessandro Manfrin; Stefano Larsen; Oleksandra O. Shumilova; Michael T. Monaghan; Klement Tockner
Interactions between diurnal winds and floodplain mosaics control the insect boundary layer in a river corridor
Aquatic Sciences. - 85(2023), Art. 109
July 2023
Oleksandra Shumilova; Klement Tockner; Alexander Sukhodolov; Valentyn Khilchevskyi; Luc De Meester; Sergiy Stepanenko; Ganna Trokhymenko; Juan Antonio Hernández-Agüero; Peter Gleick
Impact of the Russia–Ukraine armed conflict on water resources and water infrastructure
Nature Sustainability. - 6(2023), 578–586
July 2023
Oleksandra O. Shumilova; Alexander N. Sukhodolov
Flow dynamics in rivers with riffle-pool morphology: a dataset from case studies and field experiments
Scientific Data. - 10(2023) Art. 494
January 2023
A. N. Sukhodolov; O. O. Shumilova; G. S. Constantinescu; Q. W. Lewis; B. L. Rhoads
Mixing dynamics at river confluences governed by intermodal behaviour
Nature Geoscience. - 16(2023), S. 89–93
January 2023
Alexander N. Sukhodolov; Oleksandra O. Shumilova; Bruce L. Rhoads
Flowing Water, Turbulent and Laminar Flows
Encyclopedia of Inland Waters / Editors-in-Chief: Thomas Mehner, Klement Tockner. San Diego, California. 2nd ed., 2022. - Vol. 1, S. 65-72
March 2022
Alexander Sukhodolov; Tatiana Sukhodolova; Jochen Aberle
Modelling of flexible aquatic plants from silicone syntactic foams
Journal of Hydraulic Research. - 60(2022)1, 173-181
January 2022
Alexander N. Sukhodolov; Oleksandra O. Shumilova; Nataliya S. Loboda; Viktor M. Katolikov; Nikolas A. Arnaut; Vitali V. Bekh; Marin A. Usatii; Leonid A. Kudersky; Boris G. Skakalsky
The western steppe rivers: [Chapter 13]
Rivers of Europe/edited by Klement Tockner, et al., Elsevier, 2021. - S. 685-716
January 2022
Oleksandra O. Shumilova; Alexander N. Sukhodolov; George S. Constantinescu; Bruce J. MacVicar
Dynamics of shallow wakes on gravel-bed floodplains: dataset from field experiments
Earth system science data. - 13(2021)4, S. 1519–1529
January 2021
Quinn Lewis; Bruce Rhoads; Alexander Sukhodolov; George Constantinescu
Advective lateral transport of streamwise momentum governs mixing at small river confluences
Water Resources Research. - 56(2020)9, e2019WR026817
January 2021
Daniel Horna‐Munoz; George Constantinescu; Bruce Rhoads; Quinn Lewis; Alexander Sukhodolov
Density effects at a concordant bed natural river confluence
Water Resources Research. - 56(2020)4, e2019WR026217
March 2020
Bruce J. Macvicar; Alexander N. Sukhodolov
Sampling strategies to improve scaling parameter estimates in rivers
Journal of Hydraulic Research. - 57(2019)6, S. 798-807
April 2019
Alexander N. Sukhodolov; Tatiana A. Sukhodolova
Dynamics of flow at concordant gravel bed river confluences: effects of junction angle and momentum flux ratio
Journal of Geophysical Research : Earth Surface. - 124(2019)2, S. 588-615
January 2018
Alexander N. Sukhodolov; Julian Krick; Tatiana A. Sukhodolova; Zhengyang Cheng; Bruce L. Rhoads; George S. Constantinescu
Turbulent flow structure at a discordant river confluence: asymmetric jet dynamics with implications for channel morphology
Journal of Geophysical Research : Earth Surface. - 122(2017)6, S. 1278-1293
November 2017
Alexander N. Sukhodolov; Tatiana A. Sukhodolova; Julian Krick
Effects of vegetation on turbulent flow structure in groyne fields
Journal of Hydraulic Research. - 55(2017)1, S. 1-15
January 2017
T. A. Sukhodolova; A. N. Sukhodolov; J. Krick
Field measurements of flow hydrodynamics at a discordant confluence of a gravel-bed river
River flow 2016 : proceedings of the international conference on fluvial hydraulics (River flow 2016), St. Louis, USA, 11-14 July 2016 / eds.: George Constantinescu ... - London : Taylor & Francis, 2016. - S. 1696-1701
January 2017
A. N. Sukhodolov; T. A. Sukhodolova
Field experiments on flow hydrodynamics at river confluences
River flow 2016 : proceedings of the international conference on fluvial hydraulics (River flow 2016), St. Louis, USA, 11-14 July 2016 / eds.: George Constantinescu ... - London : Taylor & Francis, 2016. - S. 1702-1708
January 2017
A. Weber; J. Zhang; A. Nardin; A. Sukhodolov; C. Wolter
Modelling the influence of aquatic vegetation on the hydrodynamics of an alternative bank protection measure in a navigable waterway
River Research and Applications. - 32(2016)10, S. 2071-2080
January 2016
Alexander N. Sukhodolov; Martin Blettler; Jingxin Zhang; Tatiana Sukhodolova; Gunnar Nützmann
A study of flow dynamics and implications for benthic fauna in a meander bend of a lowland river
Journal of Hydraulic Research. - 53(2015)4, S. 488-504
May 2015
Alexander Sukhodolov
Field-based research in fluvial hydraulics
Journal of Hydraulic Research. - 53(2015)1, S. 1-19
October 2016
George Constantinescu; Shinjiro Miyawaki; Bruce Rhoads; Alexander Sukhodolov
Influence of planform geometry and momentum ratio on thermal mixing at a stream confluence with a concordant bed
Environmental Fluid Mechanics. - 16(2016)4, S. 845-873
January 2015
Andrea Marion; Vladimir Nikora; Sara Puijalon; Tjeerd Bouma; Katinka Koll; Francesco Ballio; Simon Tait; Mattia Zaramella; Alexander Sukhodolov; Matthew O'Hare; Geraldene Wharton; Jochen Aberle; Matteo Tregnaghi; Peter Davies; Heidi Nepf; Gary Parker; Bernhard Statzner
Aquatic interfaces
Journal of Hydraulic Research. - 49(2011)3, S. 285-292
January 2015
J. Krick; A. Sukhodolov
Turbulent flow over fast moving dunes
River flow 2014 : international conference on fluvial hydraulics / ed.: Anton J. Schleiss ... - Leiden : CRC Press, 2014. - S. 321-326
January 2015
A. N. Sukhodolov; T. A. Sukhodolova
Field experiments in vegetated groyne fields
River flow 2014 : international conference on fluvial hydraulics / ed.: Anton J. Schleiss ... - Leiden : CRC Press, 2014. - S. 476-481
January 2015
Alexander Sukhodolov
Hydrodynamics of groyne fields in a straight river reach
Journal of Hydraulic Research. - 52(2014)1, S. 105-120
January 2015
George Constantinescu; Shinjiro Miyawaki; Bruce Rhoads; Alexander Sukhodolov
Numerical evaluation of the effects of planform geometry and inflow conditions on flow, turbulence structure, and bed shear velocity at a stream confluence with a concordant bed
Journal of Geophysical Research : Earth Surfaces. - 119(2014)10, S. 2079-2097
September 2014
Jing-xin Zhang; Alexander N. Sukhodolov; Hua Liu
Non-hydrostatic versus hydrostatic modelings of free surface flows
Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B. - 26(2014)4, S. 512-522
March 2014
Alexander Sukhodolov; Tatiana A. Sukhodolova
Shallow wake behind exposed wood-induced bar in a gravel-bed river
Environmental Fluid Mechanics. - 14(2014)5, S. 1071-1083
July 2013
George Constantinescu; Shinjiro Miyawaki; Bruce Rhoads; Alexander Sukhodolov
Numerical analysis of the effect of momentum ratio on the dynamics and sediment-entrainment capacity of coherent flow structures at a stream confluence
Journal of Geophysical Research : Earth Surfaces. - 117(2012)F04028
March 2013
T. A. Sukhodolova; A. N. Sukhodolov
Dynamics of turbulent flow along and behind vegetation patches
River flow 2012 : international conference on fluvial hydraulics / ed.: Murillo Muñoz, Rafael. - London, 2012. - S. 279-285
March 2013
A. N. Sukhodolov; V. I. Nikora
Bursting and flow kinematics in natural streams
River flow 2012 : international conference on fluvial hydraulics / ed.: Murillo Muñoz, Rafael. - London, 2012. - S. 113-120
February 2013
Alexander N. Sukhodolov
Structure of turbulent flow in a meander bend of a lowland river
Water Resources Research. - 48(2012)1, W01516
February 2013
Alexander N. Sukhodolov; Tatiana A. Sukhodolova
Vegetated mixing layer around a finite-size patch of submerged plants
Water Resources Research. - 48(2012)12, W12506
December 2012
Tatiana A. Sukhodolova; Alexander N. Sukhodolov
Vegetated mixing layer around a finite-size patch of submerged plants
Water Resources Research. - 48(2012), W10533
October 2012
I. Schnauder; A. N. Sukhodolov
Flow in a tightly curving meander bend
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. - 37(2012)11, S. 1142-1157
March 2012
George Constantinescu; Shinjiro Miyawaki; Bruce Rhoads; Alexander Sukhodolov; Gokhan Kirkil
Structure of turbulent flow at a river confluence with momentum and velocity ratios close to 1
Water resources research. - 47(2011) W05507
February 2011
M. Blettler; A. Sukhodolov; K. Tockner
Hydraulic conditions over bed forms control the benthic fauna distribution in a lowland river (Spree River, Germany)
River flow 2010 / eds.: Andreas Dittrich ... - Karlsruhe, 2010. - S. 1463-1467
February 2011
A. Sukhodolov; E. Kaschtschejewa
Turbulent flow in a meander bend of a lowland river
River flow 2010 / eds.: Andreas Dittrich ... Karlsruhe. - 2010, S. 309-316
February 2011
Shinjiro Miyawaki; George Constantinescu; Bruce Rhoads; Alexander Sukhodolov
Changes in three-dimensional flow structure at a river confluence with changes in momentum ratio
River flow 2010 / eds.: Andreas Dittrich ... Karlsruhe. - 2010, S. 225-232
February 2011
Alexander N. Sukhodolov; Tatiana A. Sukhodolova
Case study: effect of submerged aquatic plants on turbulence structure in a lowland river
Journal of hydraulic engineering. -136(2010)7, S. 434-446
February 2011
Alexander N. Sukhodolov; Wim S. J. Uijttewaal
Assessment of a river reach for environmental fluid dynamics studies
Journal of hydraulic engineering. -136(2010)11, S. 880-888
January 2011
Alexander N. Sukhodolov; Ingo Schnauder; Wim S. J. Uijttewaal
Dynamics of shallow lateral shear layers
Water resources research. - 46(2010), W11519
March 2010
Andreas Kleeberg; Jan Köhler; Tatiana Sukhodolova; Alexander Sukhodolov
Effects of aquatic macrophytes on organic matter deposition, resuspension and phosphorus entrainment in a lowland river
Freshwater biology. - 55(2010)2, S. 326-345
March 2010
A. N. Sukhodolov; N. S. Loboda; V. M. Katolikov; N. A. Arnaut; V. V. Bekh; M. A. Usatii; L. A. Kudersky; B. G. Skakalsky
Western steppic rivers
Rivers of Europe / ed. by Klement Tockner ... - Amsterdam, 2009. - Chapter 13, S. 497-523
March 2010
A. N. Sukhodolov; H.-P. Kozerski; B. L. Rhoads
Currents in rivers
Encyclopedia of inland waters / ed. by Gene E. Likens. - Oxford, 2009. - Volume ?, S. 522-529
February 2010
Alexander Sukhodolov; Walter Bertoldi; Christian Wolter; Nicola Suria; Marco Tubino
Implications of channel processes for juvenile fish habitats in Alpine rivers
Aquatic sciences. - 71(2009)3, S. 338-349
February 2010
George Constantinescu; Alexander Sukhodolov; Andrew McCoy
Mass exchange in a shallow channel flow with a series of groynes
Environmental fluid mechanics. - 9(2009)6, S. 587-615
April 2012
Bruce L. Rhoads; Alexander N. Sukhodolov
Lateral momentum flux and the spatial evolution of flow within a confluence mixing interface
Water resources research. - 44(2008), W08440
April 2011
G. Constantinescu; A. Sukhodolov; A. McCoy
Role of coherent structures in the exchange processes between a channel and a series of shallow embayments
River flow 2008 : international conference on fluvial hydraulics / eds.: M. S. Altinakar ... - 2008, S. 857-864
March 2011
A. Sukhodolov; I. Schnauder; C. Anlanger; H. P. Rauch; W. S. J. Uijttewaal
Field experiments on flow hydrodynamics and exchange processes in groyne fields
River flow 2008 : international conference on fluvial hydraulics / eds.: M. S. Altinakar ... - 2008, S. 865-874
March 2011
Andreas Kleeberg; Alexander Sukhodolov; Tatiana Sukhodolova; Jan Köhler
Einfluss aquatischer Makrophyten auf die Akkumulation und Resuspension von Stoffen in einem Flachlandfluss
Erweiterte Zusammenfassungen der Jahrestagung 2007 der DGL. - Werder, 2008. - S. 209-213
March 2009
F. Gabel; X.-F. Garcia; M. Brauns; A. Sukhodolov; M. Leszinski; M. T. Pusch
Resistance to ship-induced waves of benthic invertebrates in various littoral habitats
Freshwater biology. - 53(2008), S. 1567-1578
January 2009
Christian Wolter; Alexander Sukhodolov
Random displacement versus habitat choice of fish larvae in rivers
River research and applications. - 24(2008), S. 661-672
May 2008
Sabine Hilt; Ilka Schönfelder; Ania Rudnicka; Randi Carls; Nikolai Nikolaevich; Alexander Sukhodolov; Christof Engelhardt
Reconstruction of pristine morphology, flow, nutrient conditions and submerged vegetation of lowland river Spree (Germany) from palaeomeanders
River research and applications. - 24(2008)3, S. 310-329
October 2011
Alexander N. Sukhodolov; Juan J. Fedele; Bruce L. Rhoads
Structure of flow over alluvial bedforms
Earth surface processes and landforms. - 31(2006)10, S. 1292-1310
December 2011
Alexander Sukhodolov
Comment on drag and reconfiguration of macrophytes
Freshwater biology. - 50(2005)1, S. 194-195
May 2013
N. Nikolaevich; A. Sukhodolov; C. Engelhardt
Assaying historical maps and relict channel forms for the analysis of channel processes (on example of the Spree River in Germany)
River flow 2004 : proceedings of the Second International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics / ed. by Massimo Greco ... - 2004, S. 181-189
August 2012
T. Sukhodolova; A. Sukhodolov; C. Engelhardt
A study of turbulent flow structure in a partly vegetated river reach
River flow 2004 : proceedings of the Second International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics / ed. by Massimo Greco ... - 2004, S. 469-478
August 2012
A. Sukhodolov; J. Fedele; B. L. Rhoads
Turbulent flow over mobile and molded bedforms
River flow 2004 : proceedings of the Second International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics / ed. by Massimo Greco ... - 2004, S. 317-325
April 2012
Bruce L. Rhoads; Alexander N. Sukhodolov
Spatial and temporal structure of shear layer turbulence at a stream confluence
Water resources research. - 40(2004), W06304
May 2011
C. Engelhardt; A. Sukhodolov; C. Wolter
Estimating effect of navigation on fish habitats in inland waterways
River flow 2004 : proceedings of the Second International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics / ed. by Massimo Greco ... - 2004, S. 1365-1370
May 2011
Alexander Sukhodolov; Christof Engelhardt; Angela Krüger; Heinz Bungartz
Case study: turbulent flow and sediment distributions in an groyne field
Journal of hydraulic engineering. -130(2004)1, S. 1-9
April 2011
Christian Wolter; Robert Arlinghaus; Alexander Sukhodolov; Christof Engelhardt
A model of navigation-induced currents in inland waterways and implications for juvenile fish displacement
Environmental management. - 34(2004)5, S. 656-668
June 2008
Christof Engelhardt; Angela Krüger; Alexander Sukhodolov; Andreas Nicklisch
A study of phytoplankton spatial distributions, flow structure and characteristics of mixing in a river reach with groynes
Journal of plankton research. - 26(2004)11, S. 1351-1366
April 2011
Helmut Fischer; Alexander Sukhodolov; Sabine Wilczek; Christof Engelhardt
Effects of flow dynamics and sediment movement on microbial activity in a lowland river
River research and applications. - 19(2003)5-6, S. 473-482
April 2011
Alexander Sukhodolov; Heinz Bungartz; Christof Engelhardt
October 2013
Matthias Brunke; Alexander Sukhodolov; Christof Engelhardt
Sunk und Wellenschlag durch Schiffe in Wasserstraßen
Tagungsbericht 2001 der DGL. - Tutzing, 2002. - S. 412-416
June 2011
Christof Engelhardt; Matthias Brunke; Robert Arlinghaus; Alexander Sukhodolov
Der Einfluss des Schiffsverkehrs auf die hydraulischen Verhältnisse in ufernahen Habitaten von Wasserstraßen
Die Elbe - neue Horizonte des Flussgebietsmanagements / Walter Geller ... (Hrsg.). - Stuttgart, 2002. - S. 301-302
April 2011
Alexander Sukhodolov; Wim S. J. Uijttewaal; Christof Engelhardt
On the correspondence between morphological and hydrodynamical patterns of groyne fields
Earth surface processes and landforms. - 27(2002)3, S. 289-305
April 2003
R. Arlinghaus; C. Engelhardt; A. Sukhodolov; C. Wolter
Fish recruitment in a canal with intensive navigation
Journal of fish biology. - 61(2002)6, S. 1386-1402
August 2002
M. Brunke; A. Sukhodolov; H. Fischer; S. Wilczek; C. Engelhardt; M. Pusch
Benthic and hyporheic habitats of a large lowland river (Elbe, Germany)
Verhandlungen / Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie. - 28(2002), S. 153-156
May 2011
C. Engelhardt; O. Kurbanmuradov; K. Sabelfeld; A. Sukhodolov
Numerical study of the statistical characteristics of the mixing processes in rivers
Preprint / Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik. - (2001)705, S. 1-15
April 2011
C. Engelhardt; M. Brunke; A. Sukhodolov
Effect of navigation on bed shear stresses, sediment entrainment, and aquatic organisms in groyne fields
3rd International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics / ed. by Don Boyer. - Tempe, AZ, 2001. - S. 34-39
April 2011
A. Sukhodolov; Ch. Engelhardt
Velocity patterns in groyne fields
3rd International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics / ed. by Don Boyer. - Tempe, AZ, 2001. - S. 46-50
November 2001
Alexander N. Sukhodolov; Bruce L. Rhoads
Field investigation of three-dimensional flow structure at stream confluences
Water resources research. - 37(2001)9, S. 2411-2424
November 2001
Bruce L. Rhoads; Alexander N. Sukhodolov
Field investigation of three-dimensional flow structure at stream confluences
Water resources research. - 37(2001)9, S. 2393-2410
May 1999
Alexander Sukhodolov; Michael Thiele; Heinz Bungart; Christof Engelhardt
Turbulence structure in an ice-covered, sand-bed river
Water resource research. - 35(1999)3, S. 889-894
March 2014
Alexander Sukhodolov; Michael Thiele; Heinz Bungartz
Turbulence structure in a river reach with sand bed
Water resource research. - 34(1998)5, S. 1317-1334