Filter for Search for news Programme area Programme areaBiodiversity in a Changing WorldEcosystem Services for a Sustainable FutureDimensions of Complexity of Aquatic SystemsPredictive Ecology in the Anthropocene Topic TopicAdaptation and evolutionFreshwater ecosystemsBiodiversityEnvironmental changeMultiple stressors and pollutantsWater and matter cyclesUse and managementAquaculture and aquaponicsAnglingBehavioural ecology and swarm intelligence Format Formatpress releaseinsightshort newsfocus Apply 81 - 90 of 96 itemsTopic:Multiple stressors and pollutants 19 June 2018 press release Light pollution a reason for insect decline!? Climate change, pesticides and land use changes alone cannot fully explain the decline in insect populations in Germany. Artificial lighting at night could be another reason for declining insect populations. 31 May 2018 short news New Leopoldina discussion paper on pesticides Pesticides can cause big problems in ecosystems. That is the result of a new discussion paper of German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, in which effects of pesticides and options for action are explained based on recent scientific results. 5 February 2018 press release An underestimated threat: land-based pollution with microplastics Researchers warn: the impact of microplastics in soils, sediments and the freshwaters could have a long-term negative effect on terrestrial ecosystems throughout the world. 23 November 2017 short news LED lamps save energy and money, but increase light pollution A look from space has confirmed the suspected rebound effect: both the intensity of artificial lighting and the illuminated areas are increasing worldwide – instead of decreasing. 22 November 2017 press release Climate change enhances methane emissions from freshwaters A temperature rise of only 1°C would lead to six to 20 percent higher emissions of methane bubbles – which in turn would result in an additional increase in temperature. 27 September 2017 short news Take off: Remote Sensing of Inland Waters An inter-institute measuring campaign for the remote sensing of various inland waters in Saxony-Anhalt shall provide new information about this type of data collection. 31 August 2017 short news Environmental pollution: Diverse fungus communities on microplastics A team of IGB scientists has identified microplastics as habitat for numerous microorganisms, including more than 80 different fungi species. 28 July 2017 press release Night sky often brighter than expected Earlier studies focused mainly on the night sky directly over our heads. Using a simple measurement method, researchers can now demonstrate the distribution of light pollution over the entire sky. 3 May 2017 insight Under cover of darkness How does light pollution affect the immune system of fish? Franziska Kupprat investigates this question in her PhD thesis at the IGB. 18 April 2017 insight The Best of the Best in 2016 An IGB review article was selected as one of the four best ones published in the reknown journal Environmental Science and Technology (ES&T) in 2016. Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹‹ … Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Current page 9 Page 10 Next page ›› Last page Last »
19 June 2018 press release Light pollution a reason for insect decline!? Climate change, pesticides and land use changes alone cannot fully explain the decline in insect populations in Germany. Artificial lighting at night could be another reason for declining insect populations.
31 May 2018 short news New Leopoldina discussion paper on pesticides Pesticides can cause big problems in ecosystems. That is the result of a new discussion paper of German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, in which effects of pesticides and options for action are explained based on recent scientific results.
5 February 2018 press release An underestimated threat: land-based pollution with microplastics Researchers warn: the impact of microplastics in soils, sediments and the freshwaters could have a long-term negative effect on terrestrial ecosystems throughout the world.
23 November 2017 short news LED lamps save energy and money, but increase light pollution A look from space has confirmed the suspected rebound effect: both the intensity of artificial lighting and the illuminated areas are increasing worldwide – instead of decreasing.
22 November 2017 press release Climate change enhances methane emissions from freshwaters A temperature rise of only 1°C would lead to six to 20 percent higher emissions of methane bubbles – which in turn would result in an additional increase in temperature.
27 September 2017 short news Take off: Remote Sensing of Inland Waters An inter-institute measuring campaign for the remote sensing of various inland waters in Saxony-Anhalt shall provide new information about this type of data collection.
31 August 2017 short news Environmental pollution: Diverse fungus communities on microplastics A team of IGB scientists has identified microplastics as habitat for numerous microorganisms, including more than 80 different fungi species.
28 July 2017 press release Night sky often brighter than expected Earlier studies focused mainly on the night sky directly over our heads. Using a simple measurement method, researchers can now demonstrate the distribution of light pollution over the entire sky.
3 May 2017 insight Under cover of darkness How does light pollution affect the immune system of fish? Franziska Kupprat investigates this question in her PhD thesis at the IGB.
18 April 2017 insight The Best of the Best in 2016 An IGB review article was selected as one of the four best ones published in the reknown journal Environmental Science and Technology (ES&T) in 2016.