Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Grossart (left) and Dr. Danny Ionescu are proud to present their award given by the Journal Environmental Science and Technolgy. | Foto: IGB
Happy faces in the Department of Experimental Limnology: The review article “Methane Production in Oxic Lake Waters Potentially Increases Aquatic Methane Flux to Air” was selected as one of the four best ones published in the reknown journal Environmental Science and Technology (ES&T) in 2016.
The article by the two IGB authors Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Grossart and Dr. Danny Ionescu together with international colleagues is partly based on previous and ongoing studies of the team in the frame of the DFG project "Aquameth". While previously assumed that methane is produced only under unoxic conditions, the scientists have now shown that methane production in oxic water is significantly higher than previously thought.