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A new look for the information portal

The "Encyclopaedia" on aquaculture was developed in 2014 by the Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) – and is now awaiting new, interested visitors with its revamped look. | Image: Aquakulturinfo/IGB

Aquaculture is the fastest growing area of food production in the world – one of the reasons why it is the subject of controversial debate in society and politics. What is often overlooked, however, is that there is no all-encompassing definition of the aquaculture. In fact, aquaculture encompasses very different forms of the controlled production of fish, crustaceans, mussels or algae., the information portal provided free of charge by IGB, has set itself the objective of providing objective and research-based information on aquaculture to the public. The portal has now been revamped, and is even more user-friendly.

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