IGB position regarding the Tesla building project in Grünheide

Currently, the Tesla building project "Gigafactory" in Grünheide and its potential impact on the environment is the subject of controversial discussions. The IGB has received several requests regarding the water situation. The IGB publishes its official position on this subject here.

Freshwaters and groundwater are not just valuable habitats, but also important resources. This repeatedly leads to conflicts of interest between their protection and use. According to the Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB), it is therefore all the more important to strike a careful balance between both aspects, and to take transparent decisions on the basis of technical expertise and reliable data from the fields of ecohydrology and freshwater ecology. Ecohydrological data should be used to carefully weigh decisions concerning drinking water and groundwater protection, as well as sensitive habitats. Environmental data and biodiversity data should be included in the risk assessment concerning protected areas and endangered species, and should be of appropriate quality.

Clearly defined testing procedures exist in Germany for building projects that may affect sensitive ecosystems and resources. It is also possible to resolve existing conflicts by resorting to the courts of law.

IGB is a public non-university research institute that focuses primarily on conducting fundamental research into freshwater ecosystems. Our research is often on questions that are of high societal relevance. If IGB has decision-relevant research data, IGB is prepared to make such data available to other stakeholders that want to contribute to environmental impact assessments and decision processes. However, drawing up targeted expert opinions, such as in the context of the environmental impact assessment of building projects, is not among the institute’s core tasks.

As a natural science research institute, IGB always attaches particular importance to the reliability and scientific robustness of the positions it takes. IGB does not therefore make any general statements on specific individual cases or conflict situations, unless the institute has its own data base that allows it to make concrete statements accordingly. Individual studies conducted by IGB in the catchment area of the river Löcknitz and the region do not enable direct statements to be made about the Tesla construction project.

However, generally it can be said that the entire region is an arid area with low precipitation. The form of the river Löcknitz, being a freely meandering lowland stream, is a rarity in the region. Especially the protected areas of the river are particularly rich in endangered species, offering diverse structures and habitats. Owing to the overall situation in the catchment area, not only with regard to groundwater, but also to protected areas, any envisaged water abstractions should therefore be very carefully assessed and weighed on the basis of transparent data.

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