Angelina Tittmann

Elisabeth Schütte receives BMBF training grant

Not everyone likes chemistry, she does: Elisabeth Schütte. That's why she trained as a chemical laboratory assistant at IGB, where she now works in the Department of Chemical Analytics and Biogeochemistry.

Elisabeth Schütte during photometric phosphorus determination | Photo: Volkmar Otto

Recently, the technical employee obtained a BMBF training grant to start her career. It supports young skilled workers who have completed their apprenticeship particularly successfully in their professional or interdisciplinary further qualification. With her scholarship, Elisabeth Schütte would like to undertake language trips, but also attend courses in quality management, occupational safety and chemical science. The scholarship runs for three years from the beginning of the year. We congratulate her on this success!

By the way, her apprenticeship was varied: The teaching laboratory at Freie Universität Berlin provided her with an introduction to theoretical and practical chemistry. The young chemical laboratory assistant then came to IGB to learn the latest analytical methods, e.g. metal analysis at ICP-OES, quantitative determination of anions at the ion chromatograph, determination of antibiotics at LC-MS (QTOF). In our laboratories, for example, we investigate sediments, microorganisms and pollutants from rivers and lakes. Taking samples, preparing them and analysing them is, of course, part of this.

Apropos > apprenticeship: In addition to chemical laboratory assistants, we also train biology laboratory assistants, IT specialists and office managers at IGB.

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