short news

Dead wood – living diversity

The field team of the IGB project "Baggersee" inspects the dead wood in the shore area of lakes. | Photo: Stephane Mutel / IGB

Jump into cold water: Our French intern Charlotte Robichon demonstrates her full commitment to science. Together with the field team of the IGB project Baggersee she is currently doing research on various quarry ponds in Lower Saxony. In addition to the mapping of water-related species, such as birds, dragonflies and amphibians, the scientists also investigate the amount of dead wood in the shore areas of the lakes.

Laboruntersuchung von NahrungspartikelprobenPhoto: IFishMan

The researchers try to find out whether the introduction of dead wood in shallow water zones can promote fish stocks and biodiversity in lakes used for fishing. The collected samples of food particles such as plankton, small animals and aquatic plants are subsequently weighed and examined in the laboratory.