
Between folders and fish: Trainee for office management at IGB

Who wouldn't wish for a varied working environment, no boredom in your daily routine and a lot of new knowledge? I experience all this during my training position at IGB.

That´s me at my desk in the office for human ressources at IGB. Photo: Nadja Neumann

My name is Yasmin. I´m 16 years old and I come from near Berlin. After long consideration I decided to begin an apprenticeship for office management. I started searching and found an open position at IGB. An appealing website, nice pictures and interesting reports attracted me. During my three years of training I´m working at IGB. Every two weeks I have additional courses at  the professional school. We are a research institution and one of eight members of the Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V.

My working life is very diversified. People of all ages and nationalities work together under one roof - the active scientific environment brings a variety into my workaday. The communication with international collegues helps me to improve my English skills. Beeing the only apprentice for office management at IGB means to get the full attention and assistance. So I´m not one among hundreds. The atmosphere at IGB is casual and informal, which makes communication much easier. During my training I get to know the different divisions like human ressources, purchaising and finances as well as the secretaries. My colleagues teach me the single work steps until I can do things completely by myself. That ia a great basis for my professional school and for my future work. So I´m pretty sure to pass my exams with good results. Whoever would be interested in doing an apprenticeship at IGB, I can highly recommend it!

Apropos > apprenticeship: IGB also trains chemical and biology laboratory assistants as well as IT specialists.


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