Lake Müggelsee

The Große Müggelsee is located in southeast Berlin, and belongs to the urban district of Köpenick. It is Berlin’s largest lake, with a water surface of 7.3 square kilometres. The maximum depth of the lake is officially 8 metres, but this depth is only reached in a few places. The Spree River flows through the lake, the catchment area of which covers an area of around 7,000 square kilometres up to this point. At our research and monitoring station ‘Georg Mothes’, located some 300 metres from the north shore of the lake, we take meteorological and hydrological values on an hourly basis.

Measured Data

Meteorological data
Last measurement:
Air temperature - °C
Wind speed - m/s
Gusts - m/s
Wind direction - °
Global radiation - W/m²
Humidity - %
Air pressure - hPa
Precipitation - mm
Water data
Last measurement:
Water temperature - °C
Oxygen saturation - %
Oxygen concentration - mg/l
pH value -
Conductivity - µS/cm
Chlorophyll a - µg/l
Secchi depth - m
Use of the data requires the explicit prior consent by IGB. The commercial use of the data is not permitted, and is liable to prosecution. IGB cannot accept any liability for the correctness and completeness of the data. No liability shall be assumed for damages caused by the use of the data.

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