Mind The Lab

Mind the Lab is a breakthrough science communication approach which aims to literally bring science to the general public. A cooperation between scientific institutions in Berlin and the greek science communication organization SciCo during the Berlin Science Week 2018.

8. Nov
8 November 2018 | 2.00 pm
U-Bahnhof Alexanderplatz, Übergang zur U2
public event

Mind The Lab

Mind The Lab: November 8, 2018, 2- 8 p.m.
Berlin Underground Stations: Alexanderplatz, Friedrichstraße, Stadtmitte, Möckernbrücke, Rathaus Steglitz
IGB is presenting at: Alexanderplatz

Science and Technology travel by metro - the first Mind the Lab event took place in the Athens metro, Greece in February 2017. 2018 will be the first Mind the Lab event in Berlin.In the rush hour on November 8, passionate scientists, inventors, teachers and students from  research and educational institutions present science  at 5 metro stations in Berlin. IGB is presenting its research on freshwater biodiversity at the station Alexanderplatz:

What does the beaver do in Berlin?  Wildlife in the River Spree, Lake Müggelsee & Co.

Over 6% of Berlin’s surface is covered with water. We Berliners love our “urban blue”, and several animal species are native to these waters. Take a look below the surface with us, and be amazed by the life concealed in the freshwaters of a large city.


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