Dr. Eren Turak

New Southwales Office of Environment & Heritage, Australia
24. Apr
24 April 2017 | 2.00 pm
Lecture hall, Müggelseedamm 310, 12587 Berlin

Dr. Eren Turak

Global biodiversity targets, protected areas and ecosystem based management: what place for freshwaters?

The Freshwater Biodiversity Observation Network (FWBON) was formed to help tracking change in global freshwater biodiversity. The current agenda of FWBON is centred around the (EBV) concept with two important underpinnings: 1) a definition of biodiversity inclusive of community composition and ecosystem function and structure; and 2) the use of ecological theory to prioritise measurements of biodiversity.  Recently priorities for EBV measurements in freshwater were   proposed for   2020 and 2030.  These could provide a focus for FWBON but how such measurements can help freshwater biodiversity conservation remains unclear. Lessons from recovery programs for endangered freshwater species, protected area management effectiveness frameworks, and tools for ecosystem based management in marine ecosystems, may all have something to offer toward better connecting freshwater biodiversity  observations with conservation success.


Host: Jörg Freyhof

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