Senior fellows

We invite excellent established scientists to apply for a research visit at IGB. We offer stays for 3 to 12 months to enable senior scientists to contemplate and pursue new inspiring research ideas in collaboration with scientific staff at IGB. At the time of application, successful candidates can be based at institutions in any country worldwide except Germany. Scientists residing in Germany are not eligible to apply, independent of their nationality.

Would you like to intensify your research in freshwater science or inland fisheries? Are you keen on putting your new ideas into research action? Do you consider working abroad and engaging with an interdisciplinary team of scientists dedicated to advance freshwater ecology, inland fisheries or related areas? Or, are you looking for unique research facilities that can help address emerging questions for the benefit of freshwaters?

We cordially invite you to apply for a research visit at IGB. Berlin, the vibrant capital of Germany, is an attractive science location, where you will find stimulating working conditions, excellent infrastructure and open-minded colleagues with a wide range of backgrounds in ecology, evolutionary biology, microbiology, Ecohydrology, chemistry, behavioural ecology, genomics, inland fisheries and aquaculture. Alternatively, we offer opportunities at IGB’s location on Lake Stechlin one hour north of Berlin where the LakeLab, a unique field experimental facility, is located. The working language at IGB is English.

About the senior fellow programme

We offer support for senior guests for 3 to 12 months. We view these research stays as excellent opportunities to develop or implement original research ideas in collaboration with IGB scientists. IGB provides excellent laboratory and field facilities for interdisciplinary research, large-scale experimental facilities as well as long-term research programmes.

Criteria and first contact

Successful applicants are well-established scientists leading a research group at their home institution in one of the research areas pursued at IGB. Before submitting an application, please contact your potential host and develop a concept for your stay that ensures good integration into research activities within the host group and other scientists at IGB. The following links to IGB’s five departments may help to identify suitable hosts to pursue your ideas:

  1. Ecohydrology and Biogeochemistry
  2. Community and Ecosystem Ecology
  3. Plankton and Microbial Ecology
  4. Fish Biology, Fisheries and Aquaculture
  5. Evolutionary and Integrative Ecology

Checklist for required documents

  • Your CV, including a complete list of publications
  • A motivation letter indicating your research interests and experience (max. 1 page)
  • Your ideas about the envisioned accomplishments during your stay, outlining your aims and proposed activities (max. 1 page)
  • A letter of support by your host(s)

Application and selection process

Submission of the application is only possible though the chosen IGB host and can be done continuously. The selection of candidates for the programme is competitive. The following evaluation criteria apply:

  • Scientific record and rationale behind the proposed activities
  • Prospects on added value for the group and IGB as a whole

A selection committee at IGB will recommend the most promising applications to the executive board of the institute. IGB is committed to increasing the proportion of women in science and particularly encourages female scientists to apply. Disabled persons with equal qualifications will be favoured.

Financial support

Support can take several forms, depending on the specific situation of the guest and the applicable legal requirements in Germany. There are two, mutually exclusive options:

A) Commonly, the programme will cover costs for travel and accommodation during the stay up to a certain limit. This is the case for senior guests who continue to receive a salary from any other institution during their stay at IGB.

B) Alternatively, and only in case the senior guests are employed at another institution abroad but do not receive a salary during the time of their stay at IGB, a stipend of up to € 2,600 per months can be granted. This stipend covers all living expenses during the guest stay at IGB (incl. accommodation). In exceptional cases, an allowance for travel costs can be considered. 

Additional support for consumables necessary for the research activities at IGB can be requested in agreement with the host and the head of the institute. 

Health insurance, which is mandatory in Germany, is not covered, nor are contributions to a pension scheme. A valid health insurance is the responsibility of the guest. Details can be discussed with the personnel department.