A fast-response automated gas equilibrator (FaRAGE) for continuous in situ measurement of CH4 and CO2 dissolved in water
To better understand the production and loss processes of methane and carbon dioxide in water bodies, their concentrations need to be measured with high spatial and temporal resolution. For continuous in situ measurement of CH4 and CO2 dissolved in water, researchers from IGB developed a Fast-Response Automated Gas Equilibrator (FaRAGE).

Integrating perspectives to understand lake ice dynamics in a changing world
Extending ice records and standardising sampling protocols are among the recommendations that shall help researchers to better predict how changing ice cover will affect aquatic ecosystems.
iEcology: harnessing large online resources to generate ecological insights
Using data from the online world to gain new insights for environmental research. The researchers describe the possibilities, challenges and potential future fields of application of iEcology.
The sterlet sturgeon genome sequence and the mechanisms of segmental rediploidization
Researchers have succeeded in sequencing the sturgeon genome, delivering a missing piece of the puzzle essential to understanding the ancestry of vertebrates. The genetic material of the sterlet has undergone very little change over the past 300 million years or more.
Global CO2 emissions from dry inland waters share common drivers across ecosystems
Generally, calculations that scale up carbon dioxide emissions from land and water surface areas do not take into account that inland waters dry out intermittently. This means that the actual emissions from inland waters have been significantly underestimated.
The fate of polar trace organic compounds in the hyporheic zone
The authors measured microbial metabolism based on reactive fluorescent tracers and its influence on contaminant transformation in a natural streambed. The fluorescent tracers informs on exposure times in specific milieus, and the study validates lab results on the microbially mediated transformation of gabapentin into its main transformation product under natural conditions.